Diane vs Snake
Diane confronts Snake about Wolf's birthday...
The next morning Diane woke up and saw Wolf still sleeping and she leans over and kisses his cheek. She was annoyed with Snake for knowingly keeping Wolf late and she wanted to have a talk and clear the air with Snake, so she took Wolf's phone and sent Snake a text.
'Hey buddy want to grab breakfast in a couple hours at our cafe?'
Diane waited and saw Snake messaged back.
'Sure, Wolf sees you then.'
Diane smirks and places Wolf's phone back and she saw Wolf stir and wake up as she smiles at him.
''Morning sexy.'' He smiles as he pulls her in for a kiss and gently climbs over her.
''Morning handsome, sleep well?'' She asked teasingly.
''You know I had this crazy dream last night that my beautiful wife told me I was going to be a daddy again.'' He replied.
''Well, you're in luck I am pregnant, and you are going to be a dad again.'' She winks.
He hugs her and kisses her as she kisses back, they stayed like that making out and then they heard the door open, and he pulls off of her and they saw Ethan came in and jumped on the bed landing on Wolf.
''Morning daddy! Can we have cake now?'' He asked.
''Sure, buddy let me get dressed go, watch cartoons for a bit.'' Wolf smiles.
Ethan hugs both of them and took off.
They got up.
''So, want to spend the morning together?'' Asked Wolf as he put on a t-shirt.
''I would love to but I'm meeting Snake to confront him for keeping you.'' She answered.
''Diane honey I take full responsibility for that. I should have been more aware of the time.'' He replied.
''No, Snake knew what he was doing, me and him talked this over and I even called him the night before confirming the plans and he said yes, so I am going to talk to him.'' She replied getting dressed.
''Don't start a fight the last thing you need is to hurt yourself or the baby.'' Wolf replied worried.
''I won't.'' Diane said.
''Want me to go with you or go for you?'' He offered.
''No, you stay here with Ethan I know he really wanted to spend time with you yesterday, I'm not going to be gone all day.'' She kisses Wolf on the cheek as they walked to the living room.
Ethan looked up and smiled. ''Can we have cake now?''
''Yes, we can let's go!'' Wolf chuckled as him and Ethan ran into the kitchen as Diane followed and got the plates down and forks and cut the cake giving them each a piece and getting one for herself.
They enjoyed breakfast and after eating Diane got up and kissed Ethan's cheek as Wolf stood up and kissed her on the lips dipping her slightly.
Diane giggles. ''See you boys later and stay out of trouble.''
Diane got in her car and took off as she drove sighing, she wasn't looking forward to this conversation.
She pulled up to the cafe and walked in and saw where Snake was and went over.
''Hello Snake.''
Snake looked surprised and frowns a bit.
''Hey Diane, decided to tag along with Wolf?'' Asked the reptile.
''No, actually it's only you and me. I used his phone to message you.'' Diane replied sitting across from Snake.
''I should have figured. So, I have an idea why your here but let's hear it.'' Snake answered.
''It's funny see I had this idea the plan we had would work but yet Wolf shows up late saying you decided to keep him later.'' Diane answered.
''Look, he came home so you got to spend time with him. And I never said when he was free.'' Snake snapped with a grin.
''I had the whole evening planned with food, presents, and cake plus Ethan really wanted to spend time with his dad, but he couldn't because you wouldn't let him join you guys.'' Diane snapped.
''Look, I wanted Wolf to have a birthday like we use to with the original crew. And you get to have Wolf everyday all the time which leaves little for the rest of us so what if you don't get to spend 1 day with him.'' Snake pointed out.
''I'm part of the crew, and besides I never tell him no when he wants to hang out with you guys but last night was special because it was his birthday, and I wanted me and Ethan to celebrate it with him.'' Diane snapped.
''You were only a part of the crew because you got Wolf to sleep with you and wanted to be part of the crew, why else would he have you a part of the crew.'' Snapped Snake.
Diane was shocked and hurt by this. ''That isn't true! In fact, it was Wolf who asked me out me out first and the whole having sex he started it and I never stand in the way of you two hanging out.'' She shouted.
''Still, he does what you say, if you ask him nicely, so you shouldn't be so selfish you know there are times I wish Wolf never laid eyes on you!'' Snake retorted.
Diane felt ready to cry and stood up annoyed and looked at him saying with a cold tone. ''I sometimes wish Wolf would have left you at the mercy of Marmalade.''
She placed the money down on the table and left as the cafe had been watching them as she left.
Diane was in her car, and she took off angry and hurt. She got home and saw Ethan and Wolf watching tv.
''Mommy you're home!'' Ethan squealed as he hugs her, and she hugged back kissing his cheek.
''Yes, I am now excuse me.'' She set him down going upstairs.
Wolf noticed she looked stressed and sad. ''I'll be back buddy.''
Diane went to hers and Wolf's room and shut the door as she leaned against the wall and started crying hard.... What Snake said had really got to her and she felt maybe it was true.
Wolf walked in and went over and got on his knees. ''Diane, darling, are you ok?''
''Oh Wolf, I messed up... I was only going to confront and tell Snake what I felt, and he said something mean and hurtful and I responded back but I know he's partly right.'' She started as she was crying as she stood up.
''What was said?'' He asked worried.
''Snake said I wasn't part of the team and the only reason I was, is because you were sleeping with me and that I keep you all to myself.... then he threw it at me that he wished you never laid eyes on me. I responded by saying that I wish you would have left him at the mercy of Marmalade.'' She told him.
Wolf was shocked and couldn't believe the two closest people to him had fought over him and couldn't believe Snake would say something like that. ''Diane.''
''Look I'm done spending time with especially Snake so... yeah.'' She cried.
Ethan came in. ''Mommy our favorite tv show is on come watch. Are you ok?'' He asked.
She smiles. ''Yes, I am let's go watch it.'' As they went downstairs.
Wolf was going to talk to Snake about this and he left to confront his friend.
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