Date Night
Wolf and Diane go on a first date. Takes place after they get out of jail.
It was a couple of days after Wolf and his crew got out of jail for good behavior, Diane came to pick them up in their new car she had gotten for them to look like the old one and they took off back to the hideout as they requested as it was their home.
Pirahna and the rest of the group were watching tv while Snake was looking for something to eat, since their fridge got restocked. He noticed Wolf kept looking at his phone and seemed a bit nervous.
''Hey, Wolf. What's wrong?'' Snake asked coming over.
Wolf looked at him and shrugged. ''I'm trying to find a way to ask Diane out.''
''Easy be yourself, I'm sure she'll say yes. I mean the way you two were dancing at the gala and the sickening way you guys were looking at each other and how you almost kissed when we turned ourselves in.'' Snake said teasingly eating some popcorn.
''I know, I mean I can charm any girl I want but Diane is different, and I don't want to look like a jerk or anything.'' Wolf said.
Snake smirked and they heard the elevator move and in came Diane wearing a white t shirt and black leggings, she smiled when she saw the crew and her smile widened when she saw Wolf.
''Hey guys, I hope I'm not interrupting anything.'' She said looking at them.
''No, in fact your timing is perfect, so I was thinking we could hang out this evening you busy?'' Snake asked Diane having respect for her.
''No.'' She raised her pierced eyebrow.
Wolf raised his as well wondering what Snake was getting at. He was good at pulling out wild cards.
''Wolf you are free tonight, right?'' Snake looked at him.
''Yes.'' He replied.
''Ok, well I have something to do so you two can go out and do something call it a date if you want.'' Snake grinned as the others giggled and grinned.
Wolf and Diane were shocked and looked at each other blushing.
''Now, you have a date night your welcome.'' Snake said going over to the rest of his family.
''Well, what do you say Diane, want to go out with me tonight?'' He asked taking her paw.
''Funny enough, I was coming to ask if you wanted to go out with me tonight.'' She giggled.
Wolf smirked. ''So, this is a yes, right?''
Diane turned red as she felt her tail wagging and walks over to him, leaning in. ''Giving that I came to ask you out I think you got your answer.'' She teased licking his nose and fiddling with his tie winking at him as she sways her hips.
Wolf just stared at her as she went over and bent over the top of the couch, Wolf noticed his tie was undone but her butt looked inviting. ''Hehe.''
Diane took her back to Wolf's room and came out a couple minutes later in a green strapless dress stunning Wolf and the others. ''In case you said yes.''
Wolf licked his lips and nodded as he went into his room and grabbed his blue suit jacket as they left. Wolf and Diane went to a restaurant that wasn't busy as they went in and were seated waiting fo their waiter.
''You still look very handsome Mr. Poddleton.'' She teased using his fake name.
''Hehe, thank you Madam Governor.'' He teased back.
Their waiter came and took their orders.
''I'll have a stake medium.'' Wolf said.
''I'll have the same and bring your best wine.'' She said.
The waiter nodded and went to get the food and drinks ready. ''So, how was work today?'' He asked.
''Eh the same, paperwork, meetings, all the stuff that makes the job boring.'' She said smiling.
''I imagine.'' He said taking hold of her paw.
''So, have you found a job yet?'' She asked curious.
''No, I haven't. Nobody wants to hire me. Makes sense giving that I stole from a lot of those places.'' He said sighing.
''Hmm well I got a couple jobs open if you want them.'' She said smirking and squeezed his paw.
It was wrong how he and the others were being treated. ''I can also get the crew jobs as well.'' She stated.
''Such as?'' He asked curiously.
''Well, I need a personal driver and a personal security guard.'' She said with her lashes batting a bit.
''Well, I'm flattered but what is in it for me?" He asked leaning back.
''You're an insanely talented driver and can get me to places on time, and your very good at spotting trouble plus it means you get to see more of me without stalking.'' She winks kissing his paw.
''Hm, I like that idea. I wouldn't mind driving you around.'' He flirted.
''It's yours if you want it, you don't have to give me an answer right away it's on the table.'' She smiled.
Wolf smiled as their wine and food came, they started eating.
''So, let me ask you this Diane, did I fool you with my disguise at the charity event?''
''At first yes, but I felt something was off and then when I saw my ring was gone, I had an idea it was you, but it wasn't mine, so I didn't come after you.'' She smirked.
''It was my best disguise yet.'' He said proudly.
''Sure.'' She giggled.
Wolf just stared at her with a dreamily look as she looked at him. ''Something wrong?'' She asked.
''No, just admiring how beautiful you are.'' He said his eyes half lidded.
Diane laughed as they ate, Wolf went for the salt but saw it was gone and looked around the table.
''You need something Wolf?'' Asked Diane the side of her mouth in a half smile.
''I thought there was a thing of salt on the table.'' He said looking around.
''Oh? This?'' She held it up grinning as he looked surprised.
''What the? Where was that?'' He asked shocked.
''Wouldn't you like to know.'' She winked and passed it to him as he grabbed her paw.
''Yes, actually I would like to know more about you and what you do.'' He said lowly kissing her palm.
Diane giggles and wiggles her paw trying to get it free. ''Wolf s-stop that tickles.''
He gave her that smirk and she gulped feeling flustered. Only Wolf could make her feel this way and she decided to have fun. Her foot came out of her shoe and ran one of her toes up his leg, he straightened up and had a nasty smirk on his face and continued eating as one paw went under the table and grabbed her foot rubbing his dull nail on the sole of her foot, she let out a yelp and bit her lip.
''You ok Ms. Foxington?'' He asked faking concern
''I'm fine thank you.'' She said through gritted teeth trying not to laugh.
After a few minutes Wolf let her foot go and she finished her food, when they were done, they paid and left. It was still early as they got into his car and he pulled up to a small bar.
''Oh? Drink huh? I thought we had plenty of that at the restaurant.'' She teased excited.
''We are here for another reason.'' He said going over and opening the door for her and held out his arm as she took it.
Once inside they saw it was a night club and she looked at Wolf who pulled her to the dance floor. ''Let's dance.'' He smirked.
Diane grins and dances with Wolf as he spun her around in his arms and she spun him back as they were showing off their moves. Both enjoying themselves dancing together and trying to outdo each other. Wolf stared at her and her outfit as she shakes her hips and dances around him and butt bumps his side as he grins as he went over and grabbed her waist dipping her and twirling her around and held her up and they stared at each other.
''I'm not putting you down until I get a kiss.'' He said in a low voice.
She giggles and leans in as they shared a kiss, that stopped time itself everyone around them vanished as it was just them and they continued kissing, he lowers her down and wraps his paws around her waist as she grabs the sides of his collar. They pulled away to breath as they smiled at each other.
An hour later he took her back home and saw her car was in the driveway.
''How did you get to our place?'' He asked.
''My car took me, and I figured they could come and get me if I wanted.'' She smiles.
He then got out and opened her door letting her out and she stood up as they held paws looking at each other. ''You want to come in?'' She asked.
''If you want me to.'' He said winking.
She giggles and pulls him in for a kiss as he kisses her pinning her to his car door as their tongues met and she pulls away. ''Let's go handsome.''
He follows her inside.
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