Birthday Plans
The gang plans for Wolf's birthday....
It was mid- morning, and Wolf was getting dressed and saw his beautiful wife Diane come out of the bathroom.
''Hey beautiful.'' He hugs her and kisses her lips over and over.
''Hey birthday boy~'' She smiles.
''Oh, right it's my birthday.'' He winks.
''Yes, it is, and I got a big surprise for you.'' She giggles.
''Oh, can I get it early?'' He asked teasingly.
''Nope, you have to wait until tonight and besides it will make you get home faster.'' She giggles as they make out.
They were pulled out of it while Wolf's phone went off and he saw it was Snake.
''Ahh old Snake.'' He replied.
Diane pulls away sighing quietly and rolls her eyes walking out of the room.
Hey buddy! I'm going to the cafe for brunch want to meet me there. Asked Snake.
Sure, I'll be there shortly. Wolf texted back and walked out of the room.
He went downstairs and felt someone run at him and he hugged his 5-year-old son Ethan.
''Happy Birthday dad!'' He shouts as he hugs Wolf.
''Well good morning son and thank you.'' Wolf smiles and kisses Ethan.
''So, what are we doing today daddy?'' Asked Ethan.
''Well, I'm going to meet uncle Snake here in a couple minutes and spend the day with him and come back this evening to spend it with my family.'' He winks as they rub noses.
''Besides we got some shopping to do after breakfast.'' Diane replied smiling at her boys.
''Ok see ya daddy.'' He got down and went to get breakfast.
Wolf pulls Diane close and kisses her deeply as he pulls away. ''See you tonight sexy~''
''Have a fun day, Wolf.'' Diane replied feeling sad he didn't want to spend it with his family but knew Snake and the others were his close family.
Wolf got in his car and drove to the diner. Once there he went to the booth and was surprised when the good guys popped up.
''HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!'' They shouted.
''Ahh thanks guys!'' He smiles as Shark hugs them all.
They sit down and order.
''So, how's Diane and Ethan?'' Asked Webs.
''They are good, doing some shopping.'' Wolf explained.
''Just like a woman to go shopping.'' Snake laughed.
The others laughed as well, and Wolf chuckled but didn't like the way Snake said it.
Soon their food came, and they started eating and talking.
''Guys this is so much fun!'' Wolf smiled.
''Thats good and this isn't the only thing.'' Shark smiles.
''Oh? There is more?'' He asked excitedly finishing off his steak.
''Yeah buddy. You really think eating out was the only surprise? No, we are going to spend the day together just like old times.'' Snake exclaimed with a grin.
''Only no stealing and all that bad stuff that could get us locked up.'' Webs replied.
She liked her job and wanted to keep it.
After they ate and paid for the food they left and got into Wolf's car as Pirahna drives. They drove around town most of the day with the music blaring and singing their hearts out. It was almost evening, and Shark drove them to the hide out they decided to make with stuff they bought and once there Wolf sat on the couch.
''Ahh our home makes me feel like old times.'' Wolf replied laying back.
''And now we got you gifts and cake!'' Shark smiles.
''Ahh guys!'' Wolf opened the gifts, and they all cheered and ate cake.
''Hey Wolf want to try out the new game you got?'' Asked Webs.
''Sure, I'm down.'' Wolf replied enjoying his time forgetting about the time as he was enjoying the day.
Webs put in the game as her and Wolf took turns playing the game with the others cheering him and Webs after some time of Wolf winning each of the good guys took turns it was heated between Wolf and Snake.
Wolf wasn't aware he left his phone in the car.
Meanwhile it was late evening and Diane and Ethan were at home waiting for Wolf and the vixen called Wolf, but it went to voicemail.
''Is daddy coming home?'' Asked Ethan.
''He will soon.'' Diane replied as she put the cover on the cake as her and Ethan watched some tv.
She was upset but didn't show it.
A couple hours later Shark yawned I'm going to get ready for bed. I still have to call Pheobe for our nightly call.''
''You call her every night?'' Wolf was shocked.
''Yep at 8 to 8:30.'' Shark replied.
Wolf froze and gulped. ''I have to go dang I have to go!'' He jumped over the couch grabbing his jacket and heading for the elevator.
Snake followed Wolf when they got to the top. ''Wolf come on Buddy stay for a bit longer.''
''I can't I told Diane and Ethan I would be back, they had something planned.'' Wolf replied.
''Come on Wolf call and tell her you're staying the night we are going to have a sleepover.'' Snake replied.
''Snake I can't I have to get home, and a sleepover was never part of the plan.'' Wolf replied.
''Come on when was the last time we all hung out like this?'' Asked Snake.
''A while ago but Snake I'm married with a kid I can't be out all hours like I use to. Besides isn't Fiona missing you?'' Asked Wolf.
''Oh, her and Esme are with her parents this weekend.'' Snake replied.
''Sorry Snake I have to go.'' Wolf got in his car and took off.
He stopped and bought a stuffed toy for Ethan and a necklace for Diane. He felt bad and sent a text to Diane.
''I'm on my way baby I'll be home shortly, I lost track of time.'' He texted.
Later Wolf arrived home and went inside when he heard it was quiet and he heard footsteps coming down and saw his son whose eyes lit up.
''Daddy!'' Ethan shouted and threw himself at Wolf.
''Hey buddy! Sorry I was out so late Uncle Snake made me lose track of time.'' Wolf replied.
He saw Diane coming down the stairs with a somber look.
''Can we have the cake now?'' Asked Ethan.
Diane shook her head.
''It's bedtime but tomorrow we can have cake for breakfast.'' Wolf reassured his son.
''Ok dad.'' Ethan smiled.
''I'll tuck you in.'' Wolf replied as they went past Diane, and he kissed her cheek while Ethan hugged Diane, and they went into the bedroom.
Wolf tucked Ethan in.
''I think mommy is sad with you.'' Ethan said.
''I know, and I feel bad, but I'll make it up to you guys.'' He said.
''Alright. Happy Birthday dad.'' Ethan smiles as he fell asleep.
Wolf went into the bedroom and saw Diane on the bed on her phone.
''Hey Diane look I know I'm late.'' He started.
''It's fine its your big day.'' She replied.
''Look Diane I didn't mean to stay out late. I was coming home but I guess I was having such a great time I forgot.'' He said going over and hugging her.
''I get it Wolf I do. But I always let you hang out with your buddies when you want to and tonight was supposed to be the family....'' She said.
''I'm sorry I will admit Snake wanted a sleepover and I said no, the only reason I didn't answer I forgot my phone in the car.'' He explained.
''You could have stayed the night.'' Diane replied.
''Yes, I could have but the only one I want a sleepover with is you babe.'' He hugs her and kisses her cheek.
She pulls away and stands up.
''I guess it's too late for the gift huh?'' He joked.
She looked at him with a slight smile. ''No, I still have it.''
She walked over to him and took his hand and placed it on her stomach as he looked at her and was shocked.
''Happy birthday papa wolf you're going to be a dad again.'' She giggles.
Wolf was overjoyed and didn't know what to say. ''W-What?! Y-You mean it?!''
''Yes, I was going to tell you and Ethan tonight but since it was late I'll tell him tomorrow.'' Diane replied.
Wolf felt so bad he messed up with that and he hugs her.
''Oh Diane, I'm so sorry I was late.''
''It's ok hon but you can see why I was trying not to worry.'' She replied
''I get it now baby.''
He hugs her and carries her to the bed.
Here we go....
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