Ask me to Dance
Wolf asks Diane to dance...
The bad guys arrived at the gala event and there were a lot of people cheering for them.
''This is weird they are cheering but not running away.'' Mr. Pirahna said.
''Guys, stay focused on the mission.'' Mr. Snake said.
They walked in and were mingling and getting ready to steal the golden dolphin.
Wolf kept his eye on his crew, but he was also searching for a particular vixen governor and saw her talking to a couple of people. She was stunning, in a blue strapless jumper dress with a necklace on, he smiled his tail wagging.
He was pacing and took a small piece of cheese on a toothpick and girls came over wanting to talk to him.
''It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Wolf.'' A girl said.
''The pleasure is all mine.'' Wolf said smiling at them and looked up to see Diane waving at him and he looked down and disappeared. This kind of hurt her but she shrugged it off. After chatting for a bit she decided to go find Wolf and she was looking and saw the others. She went to get something to drink when she felt a tap on her shoulder.
She turned and couldn't help but smile seeing Wolf as the music started playing while Mr. Piranha was singing.
''Mr. Wolf.'' She said flirtingly.
''Diane, what a surprise to see you.'' Wolf flirted back feeling his tail wag.
She smirked catching on. ''If I didn't know any better I'd think you were avoiding me.'' She said staring at him batting her eyelashes.
''Avoiding you? W-Why would I do that? I came over here to you.'' He said a bit nervous.
''Ok, but I have to say I'm a little disappointed.'' She played with his tie. ''I was hoping you were gonna ask me to dance.'' She said slyly walking away as her hips swayed along with her tail.
''Oh?'' Wolf said raising an eyebrow and he couldn't help but eye her backside. 'She wants to dance huh., ok I'll show her.' He thought.
He messed with his sleeves and danced a bit. Diane lifted her leg spinning and one of their paws touched as Wolf twirled a bit and they started doing their own free dance smiling at each other. The Wolf started shuffling forward holding Diane's paw over his shoulder as she followed his move and they jumped turning around holding paws tapping their feet as he spun her around and he places his paws on his pants moving forward while Diane put a paw on his chest keeping him at a distance while her other paw held the side of her dress.
Wolf gently grabbed her waist as they linked fingers and spun around. ''I see you lost the sheep clothing.'' She noted his suit.
He lifted her up and spun around as she lifted her head up. ''Yeah I thought it was time to get comfortable in my own clothes.'' He pulls her on the dance floor.
''I think I like the new you.'' She said running a finger over his chest as his paw was around her hip grinning as she moved to his other side.
''That makes two of us.'' He said pulling on his suit jacket as she casually places an arm on his shoulder then spun around.
Everyone was dancing as the bad guys were playing with the band and money was coming in fast but Wolf didn't care he was focused on the fox that had taken his heart.
The couple danced together and Diane playfully shakes her hips while Wolf was showing off his moves and she playfully uses the tip of her dress to lightly hit his nose and he pointed at her while shaking his hips and she laughed as they swayed their arms around as they showed off their moves, and this caught the attention of the crowd.
Diane goes low as Wolf held her hand spinning her in a circle and she came up as she twirled around. Her and Wolf spun around holding paws. Wolf was copying her moves and she slightly pretended to fall and Wolf copied as she giggles and he realized she wanted him to catch her and he grabbed her spinning her around. He loved holding her close and he let go as she pretended to dance and spun herself smirking at Wolf.
He couldn't take it and grabbed her spinning her again and dipping her low as her paw was over her head and he pulls her up lifting in the air as they spun around and he held her as she looked down at him as he held her tightly around the waist he would never get tired looking at her.
''So how does it feel to have everyone not fear you for a change?'' She asked staring at him feeling herself blush a bit as he set her down gently.
He smiled at her and looked at everyone who was cheering and dancing then back at her, they looked to see his tail wag. ''It feels good real good.'' He said sincerely.
She smiled at him and felt something in her hand. ''Diane.'' She looked to see her ring from the charity event.
''Diane this belongs to you.'' He said smiling.
She gasped and smiled looking happy and she felt bold as she kissed the side of his muzzle. Wolf's whole world stopped and he smiles as he pulled her with him and they faced the stage finger locked together and ran up as he pulls her on the stage and she grabbed him over her head spinning his and they twirled again and he dipped her so her back was on his knee as her hand was on his shoulder and holding his other paw staring at each other.
Wolf didn't care about his friends, the plan, or anybody watching them, he leans in pressing his lips to hers.
Diane was shocked and kissed back, both forgot about everyone until they pulled away and saw everyone cheering and his crew smiled at them.
He pulls her up and they blush as Marmalade came on and started talking, the lights dimmed a bit and Wolf moves next to Diane.
''That was a smooth and bold move Wolf.'' She teased whispering.
''Well, you started it so I was gonna finish it.'' He whispered back.
Diane was so happy she had this crazy idea. ''Say want to take me home after this?'' She asked.
He looked at her with a cocky grin. ''Hmm depends on what I get in return.'' He teased.
You'll just have to wait and see.'' She smiled as her tail grabbed his.
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