Art Talk
Wolf and Diane talk about art and the bad guys, and Diane lets it slip she kind of admires Wolf and has a small crush on him... Takes place during the charity event.
Diane had just finished talking to the ambassador shaking his hand. ''Enjoy your evening Ambassador.''
''Interesting sculpture trashy, pointless, and pretentious.'' Wolf said in his disguise.
Diane smiled a bit and stood next to him. ''Mm you know they say that the art reveals more about the viewer then the artist.'' She replied a hand under her chin turning her head and smirking at Wolf.
''Is that so?'' He asked.
''Yes.. Mr.?'' She asked.
''Poddleton, Oliver Poodleton.'' Wolf said as he took her paw kissing it and swiped the ring that was on her finger.
''Oh ok.'' She raised an eyebrow.
''I say it's about time someone stood up to those diabolical no good self absorbed Bad Guys. It's going to be hard to catch them.'' Wolf said.
''I don't think it will.'' Diane said calmly and was curious of Oliver he reminded her of someone she admire.
''I have a feeling it will be harder the you think, they are one step away from cementing their legacy.'' He said.
''Haha, Mr. Poddleton you're funny.'' She said laughing and placing her paw on his shoulder which he oddly liked.
''I am?'' He asked.
''Yea, the only thing their cementing is life in prison, so obvious unsecure exits, unplanned strategy, crude disguises, and impulsive showboating, next thing you know they're gonna make it person and then you know there toast.'' She said motioning to slit her throat.
Wolf was turned on and annoyed by this. ''Well that's your opinion.''
''Yes, it is and I'm the governor.'' She raised an eyebrow.
'Boy she smart and beautiful.' He thought.
''Ask me about this sculpture if you think about it, its about perspective even trash can be turned into something beautiful.'' She grabbed his arm and turned him to face the wall and they saw a shadow of the sculpture turn to a swan.
''Well I'll be, I guess something aren't always as they appear.'' He said looking at her.
She smiles at him. ''That is true, like the bad guys as much as they annoy and get away I got to say I admire their leader Mr. Wolf.'' She said looking in the distant.
This caught Wolf's attention and a pink strapless dress showing off her curves and his ego soared a bit. ''Oh is it his charm? Or how he gets away?'' Asked Wolf.
''Yes, while being a selfish, cocky, showboat of a wolf but looking at him.. oh he's just so.. so..'' She tried to find the right word.
''A rouge wolf who makes his own choices and is good looking, takes risks.'' He guessed.
''Yeah that's it...'' She realized what she said. ''I'm sorry that was unprofessional and I shouldn't of said that, you have been nothing but a gentle dog and I insult you like that.'' She said.
''It's alright sounds like you're falling hard for him.'' He said taking her paw him and his pride enjoying this.
''Yeah, I do he is handsome but he's still a bad guy, it would never work unless he changed.'' She said sighing.
They continued looking at the art sculpture and she held his arm as they talked about art.
''Are you enjoying the gala?'' Diane asked.
''I'm enjoying it more now that I have a beautiful vixen on my arm any guy would be so lucky.'' He said.
She turned and smiled. ''Aww thank you. I find your company enjoyable.'' She blushes.
Wolf smiled and saw his tail wagging and nodded at her. ''Oh can I get a picture, I wouldn't want to miss a photo opt with the governor and a plie of trash?'' He asked.
''Oh, Mr. Poddleton you're too hard on yourself.'' She stood against him and he places his paw around her waist getting get her to quietly gasp.
He snapped the picture but some reason he liked being this close to her and she smelled amazing. ''So, you here by yourself or do you have a date?'' She asked curious.
''Oh? A date huh? Why have you plans for me?'' He asked flattered.
''I was just curious is all, don't want to keep you from your partner if you have one waiting.'' She said shrugging.
'Not yet, but you would be up for it I'd take you.' He thought.
''Nope, just me.'' He said his hands in his pocket.
''Well then, I have a speech to give but um maybe we can talk later.'' She suggested a bit mischievously.
''Oh, um I'm not staying too long.'' He said bowing.
She held out her paw. ''Pleasure meeting you Mr. Poddleton.''
''Oliver and pleasure is mine.'' He replied and took her hand kissing her knuckles.
She smiled and walked away. Wolf felt something in his paw and saw a note with a number on it, he looked up to see Diane wink as she swayed her hips.
He eyed her and felt his tail going crazy but it wasn't from a good feeling it was something more. 'One day maybe.'
Later after they got captured, Wolf was about to be put in the jail van he stopped.
''We were never given a chance to be anymore then criminals, but maybe if there was someone who could help us change us we might change and go good.'' He said looking at Diane who rolled his eyes.
''Diane allow me to take over and try to change them to being the good guys and if I do you can free them and forgive their misdeeds.'' Marmalade said.
Wolf looked at her and saw her turn a bit red. ''I also remembered you saying that trash can be turned into something beautiful.'' He winked copying her words giving her a cocky smile.
Diane breathed grateful that he didn't reveal her crush, she was red and had a hard time looking at Wolf, he used her own words against her. ''I'm giving you a chance use it wisely Mr. Poddleton.
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