A Favor
Diane goes to the good guys with a mission and in return she will do something for them.
It was a quiet afternoon, and the reformed good guys were in their new home enjoying their day off. Wolf and Snake were in the middle of a game of chess, the other three were watching a movie. It was one of the days they all had off at the same time.
''Hey Snake, pop me please.'' Shark demanded.
Snake without looking up. ''No.''
Wolf shook his head and stood up, not wanting another melt down with Shark to happen and got him a push pop. ''Heads up.''
He tossed it as Shark caught it. ''Thanks Wolf.''
''Anytime.'' He said getting back to the game.
After being locked up it felt good to be at home taking it easy.
''This is one of my favorite days with nothing to do.'' Snake said happily.
Suddenly they heard a knock at the door and Shark answered it. They looked up to see Diane in her suit and glasses.
''DIANE!'' Wolf exclaimed as he went over and picks her up spinning her around, as he kisses her. She kissed back giggling and turning red, the rest of the crew smirked watching them.
''What brings you out here? Other then to make out with Wolf.'' Snaked asked teasing them.
Diane smiles. ''Sadly, I'm only here for a few minutes I have to get back to the office... but I have a job for you well more like a favor I want you to do.'' She said.
''What can we do to help?'' Asked Wolf who had set her down but held her paws.
''My dad, uncle, and aunt showed up late last night to visit without telling me and I need you guys to just keep an eye on them.'' She said.
''So, babysitting a few foxes got it.'' Snake said looking at her.
''Why?'' Asked Webs
''They are con artist and thieves they will steal anything they can. And with me being governor could look bad. I just want you guys to keep an eye to make sure they don't steal stuff and to stop them if you can if not then tell me what they took so I can pay for it.'' She said.
''You can count on us Diane.'' Wolf said kissing her cheek.
''What do we get out of this?'' Asked Snake.
''SNAKE!'' The crew said.
''You're right I know this is a lot. I would hire a team but with all the questions and paperwork its a bit messy so I will get you guys what you want.'' She said.
''Nah, you don't have to Di the only thing I want in return is that romantic date you rain checked me on.'' He said giving her a half-lidded gaze.
''Alright, pick a time and place.'' She agreed.
''If you invite us over and make that wonderful meal you brag you can make it's all payment enough.'' Snake said.
''You got it.'' She smiled and looked at her watch.
''So how do we know where they are?'' Asked Shark.
''These.'' She handed trackers remotes to them.
''A tracker really? Isn't that a bit over the top?'' Asked Wolf.
''Yes, I placed it on their clothes that they are wearing, and this way you can find them and keep an eye on them.'' She said.
''You got it.'' Wolf smiled.
She smiled and ran a finger over his exposed chest fur showing. ''Thanks.'' She kisses him. ''You can report me to this evening when I'm off or I'll come here.'' She said leaving.
Wolf chuckled and sighed happily with a goofy look on his face. ''She is something.''
''I love how she has you under her control. Make sure she doesn't have a tracker on you.'' Snake teased.
''Please she trusts me.'' He felt his fur anyway. ''Besides she great and deserves it.''
They left as Webs looked up the place where they were.
''They are heading to the small outlets of shops.'' She said.
They put on their sunglasses and took off. They arrived just to see three foxes getting out and saw the guys going into the shop while the lady went to a clothing store.
''Ok, split up and walkie with these if you need help.'' Wolf said.
The crew nodded. Tarantula stayed in the car in case they came back, and she was hacking into the camera systems. Shark and Pirahna went after the aunt, while Wolf and Snake went after the other two.
Snake and Wolf saw the foxes go to a couple counters filled with jewelry.
''So that is soon to be father-in-law huh?'' Snake nudged Wolf.
Wolf turned red and shook his head. ''Me and Diane are young yet besides we have enough fun as it is.'' Wolf smirked thinking of his girlfriend.
They went in and split to keep an eye on them. The older fox went over to a counter filled with rings and he slid his hand though the back then he felt someone bumped into him and he jumped startled and saw it was a wolf.
Wolf looks at him. ''Oh, I'm terribly sorry.'' Wolf said.
''No problem, sir.'' The fox said turning his attention to Wolf.
''Getting something for the wife?'' Asked Wolf looking at the rings.
''No, for my daughter who lives here you might know her Diane Foxington the governor.'' He said proudly.
''Oh yes, I know her.'' Wolf said. 'More then you know.' He thought. ''And your her dad?''
''Art Foxington.'' Art said holding out his paw.
''Ahh Moe Wolf, but most just call me Wolf.'' He said shaking hands.
''Not often you see a wolf.'' Art said.
''True.'' Wolf said as he turned and walked away but kept an eye on Art.
The fox looked around and swiped a few rings and some pearls. Wolf followed him.
Snake was following the uncle who had finished talking to the sells clerk and saw him going for a couple of necklaces.
''HEY DIANE!'' Snake called getting the attention of a few faces.
The fox with the necklaces was shocked and turned quickly as Snake went over.
''Diane what are you-'' Snake stopped faking surprise to see a male. ''Sorry I thought you were someone else.''
The fox recovered and chuckled.'' Quite alright, no Diane is my niece I'm Mark Foxington.'' He said.
''Oh pleasure! Say which of these are you getting for her?'' Asked Snake.
''Not sure, they are expensive.'' He said hand behind his back.
Snake saw him snatch a couple of necklaces and nodded at Wolf.
Meanwhile Shark and Pirahna followed the female fox and watched her as she looked at clothes.
''Excuse me can I help you find something?'' The fox turned and jumped at the sight of a large shark dressed as a girl.
''Oh no, I was just looking thank you.'' She said.
''Well let me know if you need anything Ms.'' Shark tried.
''Beth Foxington.'' She said polietely.
''Any relation to Diane Foxington?'' Asked Shark playing.
''Yes, that is my niece.'' She said proudly.
''Ahh wonderful well let me know if you need anything.'' Shark said in a sweet high voice and left.
Mr. Pirahna was hiding under the clothes rack and watched. About 5 minutes later Beth went into the dressing room.
''Shark, Pirahna she went into the dressing room with a lot of clothes make sure she doesn't steal them.'' Webs said though the earpiece.
Shark and Pirahna nodded as they went over to the dressing room.
Meanwhile Snake was looking around and saw the two foxes stick stuff in their pockets. Wolf went over casually and pickpocketed both of them and then they were about to leave paying for a couple things while Snake and Wolf put the stuff away and followed them out as they went to get lunch.
''So, you boys did it.'' Webs smiled.
''Yeah, we did.'' Wolf sat back in his car.
Meanwhile Beth was trying on the clothes, and she wore a couple of them and placed the rest in her bag. She was about to put on another outfit as the door bursts open and Shark as himself came in and froze.
''Oh, sorry I'm looking for my wife I thought she was in here.'' He said.
She frowned. ''No, still you should have knocked.'' She scolded.
While they were talking Piranha snuck in and took all the clothes out of the bag and looked at the tag of the clothes she wore and once Beth left the store to meet up with her husband and brother Pirahna paid for the stuff she had on, and they got back to the car.
''Mission Accomplished.'' Wolf said as they watched the three.
Later they followed them to see them at Diane's condo and Wolf took the crew home and then drove back to the condo walking to the doorway and he went in and to Diane's condo room and knocked on the door. He saw Diane standing there in a t shirt that said Howl and shorty shorts.
''Ahwooo.'' He growled.
Diane giggles and pulls him in, and he saw it was empty.
''So where is the family?'' He asked.
''Outside swimming.'' She nodded to the pool in the back.
Wolf looked outside the balcony and saw them swimming then looked at Diane.
''Why aren't you out there?'' He grins.
''I just wanted to relax is all and just in case you dropped by.'' She giggles and presses her paws to his chest and leans in batting her eyelashes.
Wolf smirked and kissed her; his paws wrap around her waist as she wrapped her arms around his neck and stood on her tip toes as they both melted into the kiss tails wagging and both moaning. Wolf lost his balance as they fell on the couch, and he continued to make out with Diane. She giggles.
They froze and pulled away to see her dad and uncle standing there. They looked at each other and Diane got off.
''Um dad I'd like you to meet Moe Wolf my boyfriend and Wolf this is my dad Art and my uncle Mark.'' She said blushing.
''Well, well if it isn't the wolf I saw at the store. I didn't know you and my daughter were together.'' Art said glaring at the wolf.
''Yes, well I figured I'd let Diane here tell you when she was ready.'' Wolf said as he held her paw.
''I'll say.'' Her uncle grinned.
''Guy's what is going on?'' Asked Beth and stopped seeing a handsome wolf holding Diane's paw.
''Um Wolf meet my aunt Beth.'' She said.
Beth went over smiling and stood face to face with Wolf staring him down. ''So, this is the young man you told me about.''
''Yes.'' Diane said.
''He's handsome no wonder you picked him.'' She teased.
Wolf nodded. ''I just came to check on her is all and I'm gonna leave.'' Wolf said.
''I'll see you out.'' Diane said.
They went outside. ''Thanks again Wolf.''
''You're welcome.'' He said leaning his arm against the door as she was backed to the wall.
Diane rolled her eyes and kisses him, he kissed back smiling and they pulled away.
''So, let's plan for Friday or else I might just have to come over that night and give you something to howl about.'' He teased.
''Hmm maybe.'' She giggles as he got in his car and winked at her taking off.
She knew it. She was head over heels for him and he was the same for her.
Here we go!
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