The bright yellow Camaro was just screaming to be driven.
“Ohhh you are pretty” Clicking the unlock button. Closing the door, the smell of him covered me. I almost cried…almost. Turning the car on, it roared to life. Making my stomach do butterflies.
“Ohh, oh I gotta get me one of these.” Leaving the apartments. It took a few minutes to get the feel for it. His car was way more touchy then my truck. So much so if you even tapped the gas you were launched forward. Making it to Sam’s was a lot more work then it should have been. Marlene came out and tilted her head when she saw me get out of the car.
“Why aren’t you driving your truck?” Walking to me with a hug.
“Cause I can drive this” Pointing at the bumble bee car. She laughed and we walked in side.
“Luna!” Sam jumped off the sofa and hugged me.
“Hi Sam”
“Are you okay?” Looking me over.
“Yea, I’m fine” Smiling.
“What did you want to work on for the wedding?”
“I’m not sure. Coffee or tea?”
“Coffee, please” Sitting at the round table with Sam.
“Can I at least help?” He asks looking defeated.
“Sure, what would you like to help with?”
“Nope” we both shook are heads.
“Then, invites”
“Taken care of” I smiled.
“Okay….cake?” He was loosing his edge.
“Well….” Marlene looked at me.
“Were not ready for that yet, but I don’t see the harm in it.”
“Great” Sam smiled finally being able to do something.
We talked about the wedding and plans for my house.
“What did you want to do with it?” Sam asked
“Not sure”
“What if I bought it” He smiled over his tea.
“You? Why” lowering my coffee.
“I could use it as a recovery for wolves.” I smiled.
“That sounds great, it could be a place for them to call home till they get a pack.” Sam nodded.
“That’s what I was thinking.”
“Good cause I don’t need anymore females in this house when were married” Marlene grinning over her coffee.
“Yes dear” Sam was so whipped.
“So you need us to help pack?” Marlene asked.
“Nope” The looked at each other.
“Are you sure?” Sam asked.
“Yea, Matias gave me some numbers of moving companies that he’s…already paid” Growling at the end. Sam laughed.
“Sound like something he’d do.”
“Yea, well I’m just gunna have them pack clothes, and a few personal items, my guns will come with me. What did you want to do with the furniture?”
“Leave it, I’ll handle that” Sam replied.
With that figured out we hung out and watched a movie. For the next few weeks I was running around town, making sure no one and I mean no one messed up Sam and Marlene’s wedding. Spring was coming fast, and I wanted her to get everything she wanted. Sam had found two more wolves that were in ruff shape and was caring for them. I found out later that the young male wolf I shaved was staying at my place, after everything had been moved out.
He was sweet and kind, I liked him as far as male wolfs goes. He told me he loved living in that house, that the land was a perfect size and he even got along with Mr. John. Which surprised me the most. I let him know if he needed anything to just call me, he was very happy to hear this and I got hugs all the time. Good thing Matias isn’t around, or his head would have been ripped off. Matias called at least ever day or every other day. He sounded more and more tired, by every call.
A new rouge pack was running his borders and destroying property. Not to mention my father was calling him for jobs as well. He had so much on his plate, I was surprised he even called me. It took a while, but I had finally gotten rid of the roses. When some would start to die, I would toss them. The smell in the house was starting to be pleasant and not over powering. I ended up eating two boxes of chocolate alone, and when I gained four pounds, I gave it all away. The only thing left was the seven stuffed animal taking up entire corner by them selves. I swear the monkey was there ring leader.
I woke up one night and screamed cause the damn thing had glowing eyes. With my truck keys in hand I dropped them all off at a kids hospital and took a sigh of relief when I got home. I did keep one. It was the smallest and I loved it the most. A small grey wolf with big blue eyes and a yellow bow tied around its neck, it guarded my bed when I made it.
Spring was now at my heels and I had completed getting the flowers ordered and the tables and chairs for the wedding. Marlene was a mess, one minute she was jumping up and down and the next she was crying. God I hope I never look like this.
My cell rang and I answered it.
“Luna!” Marlene was crying, ohh crap.
“Marlene what’s wrong?”
“The flowers, they said they don’t have enough” She cried harder. Damn it I told them to call me, not her.
“Okay, calm down I will take care of it.”
“O….Okay” She was sniffling and I could only image she looked red and puffy.
“Anything else?”
“Yea, I need to find my dress”
“Okay well I’ll come over and well start looking okay?”
“Okay” She started to sound better.
I hung up and called the florist.
“Hello thank you for calling Linda’s florist, how can I help you?”
“Yes hi, I ordered flowers for a wedding its under Marlene”
“Ohh yes, I’m sorry but were having a hard time getting the orange sweet peas, you wanted” How did I know it was gunna be the sweet peas.
“Okay, do you know any other florist in the area that, might have some to meet the order?”
“Umm, maybe”
“Could I have there numbers please?”
“Sure, one moment”
“Thank you” The call was put on hold and so corny ass music was playing.
“Okay, hear are the two I know about” She gave me the numbers and I thanked her before calling them. One answered.
“Hello thanks for calling red roses how can I help you?”
“Yes I was wondering if you had any orange sweet peas?”
“Umm, there really not in season, but I might be able to get some.”
“Okay, well I have an order with Linda’s florist, and they don’t have enough. Could you work with her to get me some more.”
“Sure I know Linda, I’ll see how many I can get and get back to you.”
“Okay thanks please only call this number” Giving him my cell.
“Yea, and she’s a mess”
“haha, Understood”
I sighed and got ready to pick Marlene up. She came out of the house looking like she had cried a while ago, but was better now. Getting into Matias’s car I drove to the best wedding gown store in the area.
“Okay, ready?”
“Yes” Smiling as we headed in. It was stunning white, off white and champagne gowns covered the huge floor.
“Holy shit, how am I ever going to find what I want” She started to panic.
“Relax Marlene, we will find it.” Never tell a bride it doesn’t matter….cause everything this matters. A guy man walked up with a huge smile.
“Ladies, what can I do for you?” Clapping his hands together,
“My friend is getting married.”
“Wonderful” In his very gay voice.
“We still haven’t found the one” Smiling cause with a gay man talking with a lisp and being over cheery its hard not to.
“I understand, lets get you in some.” Holding his hand out of Marlene who smiled and took it. We found out his name was Beninese, I wasn’t about to say all that so I settled for Bernie.
“Bernie, what about this?” Pointing to a few in the back.
“Ohh you got an eye girl, yes those just came in last week.” Taking a few off the rack.
“Luna?” Marlene called.
“Coming” Bernie winked at me.
“Yea Marlene?”
“Help” I opened the door and she was trying to zip herself up. I laughed and pulled the zipper up.
“Thanks” We stepped out and she stood on a large round platform so she could see the whole length of the dress.
“What do you think?” She frowned, never a good sign.
“It’s a little princess, don’t you think?”
“Yea” She was so right, it looked like something a queen should wear, and it didn’t look as stunning as it should on her. Maybe Barbie would work it, but not Marlene. It was over four hours when Bernie and I were sitting on the large white sofa waiting for her to come out. The dress its self was stunning, long train dragged behind her. Solid white with no straps, its tight fitting top had beautiful hand done bead work with scrolling. But it looked like it needed something.
“Well?” I asked her as she turned around in it.
“I really like it, but it’s a little….”
“Plain” I said, and she smiled at me.
“Hey, Bernie?”
“Can that dress be altered?”
“Of course, what did you have in mind?” I stood up and walked over to Marlene, tuning her so her back was facing him.
“This part here, where is fans into another piece can we dye it an orange color? And the top trim make a light orange as well?” He rubbed his chin and grinned.
“Absolutely, is that your color miss Marlene?”
“Yes” She was thrilled.
“Okay, lets put that dress to the side, and I can load it onto the computer to show you what the alteration will look like.” He said in a overly excited voice.
“Wonderful” I helped Marlene out and we hung the dress up. Bernie had everything loaded when we walked over dress in hand.
“Okay, so hear are the many different color oranges we can do.” Turning the screen and clicking a different orange. Marlene looked over whelmed.
“Lets take out the overly dark ones and lights.” I said hoping that would help.
“Sure” He clicked a few button and seven colors remained. Her face lightened.
“Click that one please” She pointed at a color.
“This one?” Clicking it.
“Ohh I love it, what do you think Luna?” Bernie turned the screen and I got a good look at the stunning orange that lined the back of the dress.
“Perfect, can you make it so they do the scrolling on the sides in white?”
“Oh please, of course I can” Grinning like a Cheshire cat. He clicked more buttons and grinned turning the screen, Marlene and I “awww” at the same time.
“So is this what you had in mind?” He asked
“I want it” She screamed jumping up and down.
“Well someone’s had to much champagne” Using his finger to make it look like he was drinking a bottle.
The dress was ordered and paid for, we didn’t want to leave that for a last minute thing. A few pieces of jewelry and head piece was added. Bernie showed her dressed for brides maids and she found on that was stunning. A strapless short sheath orange ombre chiffon beaded bust dress…and yes that is what the tag read. It faded into orange to white at the bottom. I had to say it was pretty sexy.
“Luna you’d look stunning in this” Holing it up to me.
“Marlene, this is your wedding, your suppose to be stunning, not me” She rolled her eyes.
“It doesn’t mean you can get Matias to drool a little” Flashing me a seductive smile. I could only laugh. She told Bernie that was the dress she wanted for her brides maids and to put four on hold. So that they could get there sizes, I did mine there cause she was all but dying to see me in it. Stepping out with a pair of silver rhinestone shoes, even Bernie’s mouth dropped.
“Ohh Luna” Marlene covered her mouth.
“Girl cleans up” He snapped his fingers
“Why do I feel odd?”
“Cause you don’t normally wear dresses” She snapped.
“Yea, this is why” Pointing at the two of them.
“Ohh stop it, were taking it, and the shoes.” She turned around looking at Bernie.
“Done, I wouldn’t of let you leave unless you had taken with you.” Rocking his hips as he went over to the desk to ring it up.
I see I have no say in this, shaking my head.
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