Before I thought it was over I got the hardest push and a hard bite to the crook of my neck, as he growled out in pleasure. His release finally came, and his body shook. My body hurt with the pleasure of him, and I was breathing heavy sweat dripped down his body as he pulled his mouth away from my neck, to look at me. His face looked annoyed and he glared down at me, like I was a bad pup.
“Be careful, love. Its dangerous ordering me around” Flashing his eyes at me as a warning. My wolf must of demanded we be on top. My head moved to one of his arms and rubbed affectionately against him. Doing this a few seconds before opening my eyes to look at his. He was still towering over me, like my master. I know my mate, he wouldn’t hurt me. But there are something’s you need to be careful about doing to an Alpha, even as there mate. Pushing my face closer to his, I used my noise to rub his cheek, it’s a sign of affection and it’s a great calmer.
He purred quietly, which meant it was working. Wiggling under him more and purring he calmed. He smirked.
“Your such a bad girl” Moving off of me, and pulling me to him.
“I’m sorry” Curling around his chest.
“Don’t ever apologize. You are my Mate and my Luna. I will give you whatever you want.” kissing my forehead and moving my hair out of the way.
“I didn’t mean to…”
“I know. That’s why your still alive” Chucking, but I knew he was serious. Demanding an Alpha take a roll other then leader is very dangerous, and if we weren’t as close as we were he could of hurt me.
~Matias’s POV~
Having her last night was sexually satisfying and I’d be damn if I wouldn’t get more in the morning. When she wanted breakfast, I used that as my opening. She must of thought I was kidding, that is till her legs were spread apart and I was eating her out. She had no choice now, I was in full mode to mate her. Asking her is she wanted me, wasn’t her choice. Her answer was correct, which pleased me even more.
She looked worried when I told her what the radio was for. I couldn’t help it, I wanted more of her. She tastes like wild honey and I didn’t want to stop. Teasing her was only half as fun as watching her face. Those eyes show her every emotion, pleasure, lust, happiness. Her moans drive me further to making her make more. The first time I pulled out just to eat her, sent her body into a full on shock. I almost laughed seeing her face turn that bright shade of red. I did this I don’t know how many times, but she finally couldn’t take it anymore. I can’t say that I blame her, I would of snapped a long time ago. Her wolf flashed it bright eyes, warning me.
I waited just to see what she’d do. I was surprised and pleasured with soft lips and tongue wrapping around my dick. I almost grabbed the sheets and groaned, but I’m an Alpha I will never go that far. She looked sexy crawling over my body, looked almost like a wild car ready to kill. When she slipped me back into her, I got a little annoyed. There was no way I was going to be on the bottom, Alpha’s never take bottom. But her quickness to grab me and hold me down was followed by a warning I had never heard from her. Those eyes were dangerous, staring at me with such intent on getting her way. I agreed with conditions that she did it my way. She complied for a while, but after she released and I sunk my teeth in her neck. She was all out of energy, I could feel her legs tightening, she couldn’t do anymore.
Flipping her over was easy, and her tiny frame lay under me. My wolf was still pissed off she was on top for so long, but I reminded him it was are mate, and if it made her happy then we would let her, and only her do that. I think I might have been a little ruff with her towards the end, but she never complained. When I finished I was still ticked, and glared at her. She was cautions and quiet. But her rubbing against my arm, seemed to calm me if only a little. Luna’s smart she knows what could of happened. Her sweet smell filled my noise when she lightly rubbed her noise against my cheek, purring to calm my nerves.
My mate how perfect she really is. She knows how to melt my heart, and get me to wrap around her beautiful fingers. She complied more when she lowered herself more under me. Her clear sign of submission and giving me full power. I had to smirk, she really was a wolf talker. Flipping her on my chest, she curled around me. Her wonderful smell further calming me.
~Luna’s POV~
“Yes love”
“Can I eat now?”
His hearty laugh shook me, kissing my head again.
“Yes, I’m sorry” I wiggled more and kissed his cheek.
“Don’t apologize you are Alpha” His eyes widen
“Your are perfect” pushing his lips to mine.
Getting off of him, my legs hit the floor shaking like a new born baby deer. He laughed, holding me.
“Don’t laugh” Glaring my thinning eyes.
“You look so helpless” Smirking, cause he caused this.
I made myself pull it together and I gracefully walked to a dresser and pull out a pair of white panties and bra. I got a whistle and a bright lit smile.
“Bring that sexy ass over hear” Using his finger to pull me back. I rolled my eyes and clipped my bra, walking back to him.
“Yes” lowering my body over his. His face came to meet mine with a lustful kiss.
“Better” Pulling away and smacking my ass, making me jump. Grabbing a shirt and pulling it over my head I walked back into the kitchen with his eyes glued to my ass, till he couldn’t see me anymore.
“You want some?”
“Yes please” He called, sounding like he was putting clothes on. I cooked the whole carton of eggs two packets of bacon. Made some toast and smeared button over it. Placing two plates on the table and grabbing folks along with two large glasses of milk.
“Coming” He walked out looking sexy as hell. Black jeans, with a white button shirt that was left open. He grinned when he caught me staring.
“Like what you see?” I blushed and looked away. He laughed and started eating.
“Don’t get cocky” Sitting down.
“Why not?” Still smiling.
“Cause why?” He wasn’t going to let this go.
“Never mind” Shaking my head.
“You know its not nice to keep things from your mate” eyeing as he ate.
“But I’m not keeping anything worth value from you” Smiling innocently.
He stopped eating and stared at me, with intense eyes.
“Luna, everything is of worth when it comes to you.” My heart skipped. So much so I started choking on my bacon. He rubbed my back and handed me a drink.
“Am I gunna have to teach you how to swallow?” A hint a humor in his voice. My face went pale, that could be taken some many ways. I ignored the screaming in my head, and just shook it.
“No, I’m good” It was noon by the time we cleaned up and figured we’d just stay in. Nothing else to do, so we rented a movie and had some popcorn. It was nice sitting with him and just watching tv, specially since his was so damn hug. Half way threw he got a phone call from him Beta. I watched as he got up and took it in his office. I knew he was leaving so I could finish the movie with having to hear him talk over it, but I still wanted to know. Standing very quietly outside his office door, I lessoned threw the jar door.
“Yes, I’ll be flying in.” Sigh “No I haven’t gotten around to telling her yet.” There was a pause.
“It’s a 9am flight, I’ll be at the Airport on Tuesday.” I covered my mouth, Tuesday was tomorrow. I felt like crying, I could hear him as he got closer so I pretended I was going to the bathroom. I smiled as I flicked the light on. With the door closed, I looked down at the sink. For the life of me I was not going to cry. I started to run all kinds of crazy shit threw my head.
Was he just going to leave in the morning with a note or just not tell me?
Was he gunna tell me tonight?
Why didn’t he say anything before we fucked his brain.
God damn it…my head hurts
Popping two Advil and taking a drink of water I took long deep breaths. Looking in the mirror, I was not going to give him a thing. You don’t just do that to someone, I have feelings to and they can get hurt. Walking out of the bathroom he was back sitting on the couch. A huge smile spread across his face when he saw me, it only stung more.
Sitting down he wrapped the blanket around us, and pulled me closer to him. I was seething mad, but kept calm. The best thing about being a half breed you can calm yourself down faster. He looked at me, and I pretended to be watching the movie.
“Yea” Not looking at him.
“Is everything alright?”
“Yea why?” jack ass…..jack ass…….total jack ass.
“You seem annoyed” I shrugged.
“I’m not” Smiling. I could kill him…..okay maybe not kill.
“Are you telling me the truth?”
“Of course, but your missing the best part.” Popping a piece of popcorn in my mouth. He didn’t seem completely convinced but let it alone. I am not a spiteful person at heart, but I don’t like not knowing things. It can get you into a lot of trouble if you don’t know all the details. The movie ended and I got up putting the empty bowl on the counter. I went straight for the shower. Locking the door. I wanted to be alone. I took one look at the hug tub and decided I wanted one. Filling it and dropping a bubble bomb that smelled like honey and sugar cookies I climbed in.
Thank god for baths, I felt the rush of tension go away. Not that I wasn’t still angry, I was freaking was. My wolf started talking.
~Why is mate leaving us so soon?~
~Because mate is a jack ass, and can’t tell us first thing when he finds out he has to leave earlier.~ I ground my teeth.
~He’ll be back won the?~ She sounded worried. Probably cause I was worried.
~ I don’t know, be quiet now and let me relax in my bath.~ Tuning her out and sinking lower.
30 minutes later I was out and dry. A large Sun yellow towel wrapped around me. He was back in his office again, and I left him there. Grabbing underwear and a t shirt. Twisting my hair into a bun I got into bed. I wasn’t in the mood for anything now, just sleep. He walked in as I was shutting the light off.
“Going to bed?” Looking worried at me.
“Yea I’m really tired” Freaking lie.
“Ohh” His face seemed saddened. “Luna” He started
“Yea” keeping my eyes closed.
“I have to leave tomorrow. Are pack is still having problems and the Beta is worried.” I kept quiet, thinking of something to say.
“Ohh, well you should take care of that then.” I didn’t even care if this looked mean, he had no right to just wait till the last damn minute to tell me. The one thing about being mated was being able to feel your mates emotions. He’s was clearly hurt.
“Your okay with that?” Trying to get more out of me.
“You need to take care of it, there’s really nothing I can say to change that.” Wiggling in deeper. I wanted this conversation to end. After a little while he came to bed, in just his boxers.
Wrapping his arms around me, I could feel myself loosing its edge. I really wanted to cry, it wasn’t fair. I contained my tears and fell asleep instead.
The next morning I awoke, with a note on his pillow. I sat up shaking as I opened it. Feelling my body loosing control I read the note.
Good morning Beautiful,
I love you, I am sorry I didn’t tell you sooner that I had to leave. It was sudden and I wanted to see you smile longer. I kissed you bye this morning, but you were sound asleep and didn’t want to wake you. I had planned on taking you to dinner, but your were tired. There is a present on your nightstand. I hope you like it.
Love Always you Matias. Xoxo
I turned to the night stand seeing a long black velvet box. I took it and put the letter in my lap while opening the box. I gasped at the beautiful diamond bracelet. My wolf shifted are eyes and looked at it with me, sitting the his bed we cried. Are tears dropped on the letter. Curling into a ball I let myself feel something other then happiness.
O.o what do you think so far?
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