“No, he’s just an Alpha, they’re a lot worse when it comes to watching and protecting their mate.” Sara said with a huge ass smile.
“Well I’ve had enough, he’s more work then the pup” We stopped into a coffee shop and picked up a few items. Next was the baby store. It was huge, considering it was in a mall.
“So what do you want to have?” Holly asks.
“To be honest, I don’t know” Shrugging.
“Really? Well if you have to pick, what would it be?”
“Umm maybe a girl”
“Wow, Matias isn’t gunna like that” Sara laughs looking over the clothes.
“Why?” Pausing for a second.
“Because Alpha’s normally want a boy, so that they can pass the Alpha title down.”
“Oh yea, how’d I forget that” Shaking it off.
“This is so cute” Holly help us a pink and white bodysuit.
“No pink, or yellow” They both dropped open their mouths.
“What?” In unison.
“You heard me, no pinks or yellow.”
“But I thought you said you wanted a girl?” Sara moved closer to me.
“I do, but she’s gunna be like me.” Grinning at the thought of another bad ass for Matias to control. I giggled.
“O” They both replied, Holly put the pink whatever back.
“Lets start with something ease” Sara suggested.
“What easy about being Prego” Rolling my eyes.
“I dunno, but hear we can pick out a car seat, although you wont need it very long” That caught my attention.
“Well I asked Doc about it before we left. She said that if you were a full.” Pausing so no one would here. “Then the baby would only be little for like a month or two. And if you were a full well…you know. Then it would be a normal baby and you would need a whole crap load of stuff. But since you’re a half, then its only going to be like three to four months and the pup will be out growing everything.” I kept quiet, trying to replay everything she had just told me.
“So, I really don’t need a whole lot. Is that what you saying.”
“Yes, maybe a few things. But the pup will be out growing everything. So there’s no point in buying just one size, you’ll need a little bit of everything. Or you’ll be hear every week.” Suddenly feeling sick, I say down in a rocking chair.
“Luna?” The asked walking to me.
“I think, I’m gunna have a panic attack” Rubbing my face.
“Want me to call Matias”
“God no, I’m better really. Don’t call him” Getting out of the chair lightening fast. Looking from one to the other, they smiled.
“Well that fixed you right up” Sara chuckled.
“Lets just get a few things, and I’ll order the rest online” rubbing my neck.
As we walked threw the store, Holly and Sara grabbed a few things here and there. We ending up with a six pack of bottles, ten different size outfits. Baby shampoo, two teething rings which I found hilarious. A box of diapers and baby bouncer that had all kinds of crazy shit for the little pup to mess with. I didn’t want a car seat or stroller, cause what’s the point, and as for a crib I knew what I wanted and would order it on line.
Making are way back to Matias, he was eating a sub and looking depressed. When he saw me, he lit up like a Christmas tree.
“Your done?” Looking at the small amount of bags I had.
“No, were leaving these with you.” He nodded and looked me over, probably looking for marks.
“I’m fine, would you stop it” Rolling my eyes.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to come?” He was begging, anyone could see that.
“You are allowed to come, on one condition” Holding my finger up.
“Okay…” Looking worried.
“You will not, make a spectacle of me or the girls. And you will not growl, bark, snarl, or grab my ring finger to yell at anyone.”
“That’s more then one thing” Huffing.
“Take it or leave it” Folding my arms.
“Fine, I’ll behave.” Crossing his heart.
“Good Alpha, now hurry up” Looking at his half eaten sub, which was making my mouth water.
“Here, I’m full” Handing it to me.
“Are you sure”
“Yea you haven’t eaten yet, and I don’t like that” Frowning at me. I nodded and took the sub.
“You girls hungry?” Turning around to see they were already inline for food.
“Okay, never mind” Sitting down. Matias was busy looking threw the bags.
“What’s all this?” Pointing to a few clothing items.
“Outfits” Threw a full mouth.
“But they’re only like a dozen” Giving me a ‘what the hell’ look.
“We don’t need a whole lot, the pup will out grow it all before its wears half of it.”
“Okay, but why are they all neutral colors?” He was right, I had picked blacks, whites, greens and blues with a few purples and oranges.
“Because I didn’t want pink or yellow.” Finishing the last bite as the girls were busy eating pizza.
“I’m lost” Leaning on the table.
“She wants the girl to be a badass, like her” Holly grinned before taking another bite of pizza.
“A badass? Wait are we having a girl?” His eyes were bugging out.
“I dunno, but if we do she’s gunna be like me” Smiling.
“Oh god” Sara started laughing.
“Think you can handle two Alpha?” She asked sipping her soda.
“Hell I can’t even handle one, never mind two.” Glaring at me.
“What, I’m not that bad” Shrugging.
“Yea…okay….says the woman who chucked strawberries at my freaking head” Pointing to his face.
“Learn to duck” He rolled his eyes, and the girls laughed…well Sara was laughing till she froze.
“Sara?” Looking her over. Her eyes had frozen and she was stiffer then a board. Her eyes were looking past Matias, so I followed them. Standing a few feet away was a tall good looking guy. His eyes locked onto her blue ones.
“Well someone found her mate” Smiling.
“Go Sara” Holly nudged her.
“I can’t….I’m scared” She was shaking lightly.
“Why, your perfect” Trying to easy her mind.
“But what if he doesn’t like me?” Biting on her lip.
“What’s not to like, your stunning, now go on.” Looking back over at him. He was wearing a white t with a purple zip up vest. Blue jeans which had seen better days and his black hair was a mess. I couldn’t see what color his eyes were, because they kept shifting. Rubbing his neck, I noticed a weird looking grass wrap. Something was off, I don’t think its to look cool. He took a few steps forward, but froze. HE could smell Matias and looked down.
“Sara, he knows Matias is an Alpha, your gunna have to meet him halfway” She nodded and got up. Moving around the table we watched.
“Something off about the boy” Matias growled.
“He’s a loner” I answer. His eyes shot to me.
“A loner, a wolf without a pack. That’s why he’s dressed like that. See the grass wrap, he probably got hurt.” Watching the two of them. She was shy which was cute, cause she’s very out going. Finally she took his hand and made him come to see us.
“Alpha, Luna this is Max. Max this is my Alpha Matias and his mate Luna…which is also her real name. And this is my best friend Holly” Looking at us.
“Hi” He blushed and looked like he was ready to piss himself. Matias wasn’t glaring, but wasn’t smiling either.
“You’re a loner wolf, is that right?” Getting straight to the point. He went pale, before nodding.
“Well not anymore” Smiling.
“Really Luna?” Sara about screamed.
“He’s your mate, and since he doesn’t have a pack of his own he can join ours. Right Matias?” Nudging him.
“Huh! Oh right. We’d be happy to have you” Grinning like a fool.
“Thank you” He smiled more when Sara kissed his cheek.
“Relax Max, Sara will help you. And if you need anything just ask. Okay”
“Yes Luna.”
“Are you hungry?” He was a little thin.
“I’m okay” You could practically see him drooling over the food.
“Sara get the boy some food, he’s to thin.” Grinning, she nodded and pulled him to the buffet and started getting him everything.
“Okay, are you done Holly?”
“Yes” Wiping her mouth.
“Alright, well let Sara and Max learn about each other. And they can catch up with us later.” Matias was still seated when I got up with Holly.
“Unless you want me to go alone Matias” I knew what he was doing, he still didn’t like Max yet.
“Huh, No I’m coming.” Getting up and grabbing the bags.
“You better be nice to the boy, or you’ll answer to me.” Poking his rock hard chest. Sara came back holding Max’s hand and food, before Matias could say anything.
“You two eat and talk, well be around. So take your time” Sara mouth the words ‘thank you’ and smiled.
Walking around the mall a little more, we grab a few more things and find Sara and her new mate Max.
“Hey you two…have fun?” Winking at Sara, who just about turned a bright red color. We talked for a few minutes before Max whipped Sara behind him and started growling like a mad dog.
“Max?” I asked, as Matias turned evil.
“Watch your growling pup” He snapped venom at Max.
“Max what’s wrong?” Sara asked tugging at his shirt.
“Rogues!” Was all he could manage. His hate was spewing out of his lips, as he guarded her like a the devil himself was standing in front of him.
“Rogues?” I asked turning my head around to see what he was looking at. Without warning Matias pushed me behind him and had Holly between me and Max. Sure enough two pretty but skinny looking females were frozen in there tracks. Growling low and dangerously Matias, whispered a threat.
“Get off my land” I know they heard, cause their faces lowered in respect.
“Were sorry, we mean no threat” Both were a stunning light blonde, with erotic blue eyes. One a little bigger then the other was who spoke.
“What are you doing here?” Was all he managed to say before glaring at them harder.
“We are hungry, and were trying to find some scraps.” My heart broke, no one should go without food.
“Matias” Touching his arm, I felt him calm.
“No Luna” Holding me behind his back. Damn Alpha, I swear.
“I don’t need your protection from starving she-wolves.” Pushing away from him and heading there way. He took no time in mind linking me.
~Luna get back here now!~
~Matias, grow up. Look at them, I doubt they will do anything to me~
~Luna your not a wolf talker anymore, you can’t save them all~ Snapping his words.
I froze a few feet from them, and turned my head around. His eyes searching my face as I snapped out a few words.
~I will always be a wolf talker. And I will always save my wolves~ Thinning my eyes out, he backed down just a little. I live my mate, but sometimes he needs a good glare to set him straight. Turning back to the girls, they looked ready to bolt.
“Its okay, I’m not going to hurt you” Giving them the best sweet smile I could muster. The talker one didn’t budge, however it was becoming apparent they were sisters, and maybe even twins.
“We don’t want any trouble, please well just leave” She said trying to keep her eyes off mine.
“That’s not necessary, we have plenty of room in are pack. Your welcome to live with us, I’m a hell of a cook. Just ask my stubborn Alpha mate” Throwing my thumb to a pissy Matias. They eyed him for a second, and looked at each other.
“We don’t want to impose”
“Your not. I’m offering to give you a good home. No one will hurt you, and He’s not as scary as you may think.” Grinning. The smaller one smiled, it was pretty. She tugged on her sisters sleeve and nodded. You could tell she had been getting the most food, bet her sister was starving just to make sure she got the most.
“Umm, My sister and I would be honored.” Lowering her head further.
“Please, call me Luna, oh and its my real name to” Chuckling cause they now looked like they were going to piss themselves.
“It’s a pleasure Luna, I’m Tanya and this is my twin sister, Rebecca.” Pointing to the smaller one.
“Its nice to meet you. Holly, Sara, Max and lover boy come hear please” Turning to my small group. Matias grumbled but started are way. When he got to us, his arms wrapped protectively around my waist.
“Girls, this is Sara and her new Mate Max, and this cutie is Holly. And you already know my Mate, Matias.” Rubbing the side of his face. He purred a little and pushed his head into my neck.
“Hello” The both chimed.
“Guys this is Tanya and her twin sister Rebecca” pointing to each of the girls. Everyone said hello.
“Okay so now that that’s out of the way, lets go home” Leaning into my ear, Matias whispered so no one else could hear.
“This is why we don’t come to the mall, you keep bringing home strays” I chuckled, and turned to face him.
“You know how I am, if you don’t like it. The pup and I will leave” His eyes widened and he paled a little.
“Never” Growling and pushing his lips to mind. Pulling away I looked at him.
“Then be the best mate in the world and allow them into are pack.” Smiling, he grumbled and nodded his head.
“Tanya, Rebecca you are welcomed to my Pack.” They nodded and smiled at each other.
“Such a good Alpha” Kissing his cheek, and making him blush. A few giggles and we headed home. Entering the parking lot, a deep blue Ford Escape came peeling next to my truck. Cain was out and growling like a mad man.
“What’s going on” Roaring and looking like hell on wheels.
“Relax Cain.” I answered as he pulled Holly closer to him. She must have been scared and he felt it. Male wolfs are so protective its almost overbearing. His eyes looked at mine, only to snap at the twins.
“Rogues” Growling and pushing Holly behind him.
“Enough, Cain. There not Rogues anymore” using a little power to stop him. His eyes softened and he looked closer at them.
“Forgive me” Bowing his head. The girls were shaking and looked ready to flee.
“Girls this is Cain, he’s Holly’s mate and are fight trainer. Her fear of you when she first saw you must of triggered Cain’s protectiveness and he thought you were a threat.” They nodded and stood very still.
“Cain, this is Tanya and her twin Rebecca, they will be living with us from now on. Please don’t hurt them” Grinning.
“Yes, Luna. Sorry ladies. I’m a little protective of my mate” Hugging Holly. His eyes looked into hers as she smiled up at him, further calming his wolf. Then like he was shocked he looked at Max, titling his head.
“Who’s he?” Pointing at Max who was guarding Sara.
“Oh, sorry this is Max, Sara’s mate” Smiling. Cain’s mouth fell open.
“How many new wolves are you bring home?” Snickering.
“Tell me about it” Matias huffed, and I smacked his shoulder making him jump a little.
“That’s enough. Cain would you take Max and Sara with you, And I’m guessing Holly as well.” Chuckling he rolled his eyes, as if I’d have to ask.
“Sure, come on you two” Walking back to his Escape.
“Tanya and Rebecca you’ll ride with me and Matias” They nodded and we all got into are cars. The drive home was quiet…to quiet. Pulling in front of the house, we all got out. Cain and his group were already there and heading inside. They’re was a flood of pack members walking to the main room in front of the door. Guess Matias informed them. As we walked inside, the twins Nate and Tate looked over the twins. Then is something magical happened, Jeff and Nick froze.
Watching, the guys moved the Twins out of the way and walked over to the girls.
“Mate” They both chimed, making everyone look back and forth. Turns out Jeff was mated to Tanya and Nick with Rebecca. Holy crap, I’m like the mate finder. I giggled at my stupid brain comment as the now three new mated couples were all but fucking each other.
“Hey get a room” Nate snapped, getting annoyed.
“Oh stop it, you’ll find your mate soon” Rubbing his head. He huffed and headed for the kitchen.
“You girls hungry?” I called, knowing far to well they new I was talking to them.
“Yes please” Wow they even have manors. Maybe my group of ruff men, will learn something. Making something fast and filling, I opened a new box of pasta. With more then half the packs mouths full with my cooking, I call it a day and head upstairs. There really is no need for me to into the girls, their mates will do that for me. I am finding it hard to believe I just helped find three pack members their mates. Shit how many more did I need to do. Laughing a little, I stop thinking I would probably sound crazy.
I should probably find the twins their mates next. Poor Nate, he looked so heart broken when the two twin females weren’t for one of him. Needing a shower to feel more alive, I strip tossing my clothes into the hamper. Walking in the bathroom and turning the nozzle to have all the shower heads turn on, God I love this thing.
“Luna?” Matias calls.
“Shower!” Calling back and stepping into the shower as he enters the bathroom.
“Everything alright?” I head him sigh and sit down.
“Yes, why?” Letting the warm water cover me.
“You just left without saying anything, I thought you might be sick” Poor baby, he has no idea what to do with me.
“No, just wanted to shower” Grabbing my scrubby and my favorite bottle of kiwi and mint body wash. A long pause has me wondering if he left. Looking out the top of the glass I see him still sitting on the sink, looking rather puzzled.
“What’s wrong?” Going back to my shower for my shampoo.
“Nothing” I can smell the lie.
“Are you really going to lie to your mate?” Adding a hint of sadness in my voice to make him feel bad.
“No…I …sorry” huffing and trying to get his words right.
“I’m worried about you, your doing to much around here.”
Shaking my head, even though he cant see me. I groan.
“Matias, I swear you over think everything. Why are you worried now? Because I found more pack members and their mates or because I’m carrying your pup and that’s got your fur in knots?” He doesn’t answer right away, and I already know the answer.
“A little of both.” Huffing at him, he knows I’m not pleased.
“Get over it”
“No, Luna I wont. You’re my mate its my job to take care of you. But you keep fighting me, how can I be a strong provider if your always taking the reins from me.” My mouth makes and ‘O’ form.
So were talking about me having the twins join the pack, and him not being able to protect me. I see shattered ego and all.
I know what I have to do, his pride is hurt and that would be my fault. Opening the glass door, I stand wet and naked before him. I watch as his eyes shifted into an array of colors. His lips get moisten by a sexy drag of his tongue. Those changing eyes shifted over my body, and slowly drag making contact with mine. This is way to easy.
“Matias” I whine in a slightly sexy voice.
“Yea” He breaths out, trying to keep his voice steady.
“Your not mad at me….are you” Biting my lower lip, and looking as pathetic as possible. His overwhelming urge to hold me, has him standing up faster then a cheetah after a bunny.
“No” Dragging the word out. “I just want you to let me protect you more” Leave it to an Alpha to want to protect little ol me. I smile cutely and sway my hips back and forth, calling him to come closer to me. He does so, but watches my every move, as if I’ll shatter into tiny little pieces. The sexual tension between us is burning hotter then a jet fueled rocket. I really want him, but he’ll pull the ‘we shouldn’t because of the pup’ and for me that’s not a good enough reason for him not to fuck the living hell out of me.
His breath is slightly minty with a hint of my pasta. Both of are lips are so close its, just enough to tease us.
“Matias” Whispering , and leaving the smell of my mint breath, trailing threw his nose.
“Yes love.” Leaning a little closer.
“I want you” Three little words and he’s pushed his mouth into mine. Maybe he wont say no, and I can get my sex god back. But without fail, he pulls away and smiles.
“Maybe after the pup is here.” Damn it all to hell. Doesn’t he understand. Doc said it was fine, is he seriously refusing me. The worry on my face, is running wild. And thoughts that I’ve turn undesirable start to manifest in my head. My blood boils, I hate thinking I’m less then what I really am. He’s making me second guess myself.
“You don’t want me?” Holding myself together as much as possible. Wide eyes, look at me like I’ve finally lost my freaking mind.
“I never said that” Touching my cheek.
“But you…you wont” I can’t finish the sentence.
“I don’t want to hurt you, or the pup” I want to laugh in his face, like he could hurt me. And as far as the pup goes, I think it will be just fine. Its got to be my hormones going crazy, cause I have never felt this weird before. Its like I don’t have control over my own body or thoughts. I knew this would happen if we had a pup to soon, I just new it. I Must have been glaring at him, cause his look starts to be come more and more nervous.
“Fine” It sounds like venom, and I see him jump a little. Closing the door I finish washing my hair, and turn it off. Grabbing a towel and leaving him in the bath. My clothes are all I am thinking about, and he slowly comes out of the bathroom.
“Luna” Almost a whisper. I pay him no mind. There is no way in hell, I ever wanted to end up like this. I know it has a little to do with the hormones raging within me, but still that hurt. You’d think he would be excited I was asking for him. But no, he’s to damn worried about everything to consider what I want. Finishing with my clothes, I head back down stairs and get into a conversation with a few members. I don’t need him if he doesn’t need me. He does follow me, but sits quietly watching my every move. If he thinks I’m going to give him anything ….he’s going to be waiting a long freaking time. Shooter is still hear, and starts to speak up.
“I’ll be leaving in the morning” I turn to him.
“Yea, your pack is better then before, and with the rogue thing a little less of a threat, I trust you’ll be fine.” His smile is earth shattering.
“You’ll be missed” Smiling back, and getting an even better smile out of him. He has to know I don’t hate him, we just had a very large road block. The talk picks up and everyone seems to be enjoying themselves….well except Matias. His eyes haven’t left me alone since we left the shower. Part of me is happy he’s paying us so much attention, while my other half is pissed off. I hate having mixed feelings. Yawning he frowns at me, and gives me the ‘you should go to bed’ look. Rolling my eyes, I ignore him. This only bothers him more.
A few members are outside, messing around in the pool. The only light is from the back porch, and the moon. Smiling as I see Holly push Cain into the pool. Walking outside as, he follows.
“Luna come in” Holly yells as she cannon balls in. Laughing she always makes me smile. Cain picks her up, and lays a kiss on her cute cheek. I had put on a pair of shorts and tank, I know he’ll tell me not to. So I just that, I jump in clothes and all.
I caught his face as I swim upside down under the crystal clear water. My clothes fully soaks, and hugging my body tight. His eyes shift and I watch him fight the urge to take me.
Come on big boy, how long you gunna fight this….
Coming to the conclusion, I’m gunna have to tease him to the fullest. I can so do that. Grinning like a fool.
Coming back up, the water shining off my face and dripping beads off my eyelashes. Floating on my back and watching as he tried to get closer to whatever side I was closest to.
“Luna” Growling.
“Yes” Closing my eyes, and smiling.
“Get out of the pool” I could see his frown and the way he was pissed.
“Nope” Popping my ‘p’ His steady growl had Cain and Holly looking worried.
“Luna I’m not playing around”
“Well I am” kicking the water with my feet and getting him a little wet. Swimming a little closer to the shallow end, I flip under and do a handstand, pulling my legs apart. I have to hold back a giggle under the water, his face should be priceless. Brining my legs back and placing them firmly on the floor, I look over at him.
Up priceless.
His jaw looks like a cartoon character and his face looks the strawberry I hit him with.
“You should come in, it might cool you off” Grinning, as he snapped his jaw shut, and looked away. The repeating of his tapping foot, is making me sense his is having a hard time. Good serves him right….denying me….moron.
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