“don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“I COME TO” Yelling at the top of my lungs.
“Okay, you come to” Rolling his eyes. I stand and wobble a little, which only makes me laugh more. Holding me up, the towel falls.
“Oops” laughing and bending over to pick it up. Matias behind me blushes.
“Hey your checking out my ass, aren’t you?” grinning cause I caught him.
“I.umm… I” looking away.
“Hahah, your blushing. Do I make you think dirty thoughts?” Giggling cause, he can’t do anything.
“Behave Luna” Shaking his head,
“I should go down like this” Looking at my nakedness.
“Like hell you will”
“Why, what’s the big deal” Rocking back and forth.
“You just can’t, now put some clothes on” Pointing to my dresser.
“Fine” Sticking my tongue out. Grabbing a thong and a skimp Bra I put it on.
“All done” Raising my hands into the air, like a big girl.
“More” Covering his face with his hands.
“You said get something so I did’s. We good now” Grinning.
“Luna, put a shirt and pants on.”
“How about I put yours on” Walking over to him and tugging on his clothes. He blushed and stuttered.
“heheh your funny when you can’t talk.” Poking his cheek.
“Ohh squishy. That’s your new name. Squishy” Poking him over and over again.
“Don’t call me that” Grabbing my finger.
“Why? You’re my squishy” Giggling cause of the way it sounded.
“God, I liked you better mad” Huffing.
“Ohh so sad to bad…heheh I made a funny” Poking him with my other finger.
“Damn it” Letting my hand go. He finally got a shirt and shirts on me.
“Pick me up” I snap raising my hands into the air.
“What? You can walk”
“DO IT!” Stomping my feet.
“Good god, alright” Giving me a piggy back ride.
“heheh, onward steed.” I say pointing to the hallway. He groans and heads down stairs.
Making down the stairs, he passes a few pack member and I wave.
“Hello, good people”
“Alpha what’s wrong with Luna?” The twin ask.
“She’s freaking higher then a kite.” Shaking his head. They bust out laughing.
“Sweet can we play with her?”
“Go for it, she’s driving me crazy and its only been four minutes. Putting me down.
“Good boy, go eat hay now” Patting his head.
“She thinks you’re a horse?” Nate asks holding back a grin.
“Just you wait, she’ll attack you next” Matias huffs and I skip to the kitchen.
“FOOD” I yell. Having the fridge open. Pulling out everything from strawberries to ice cream I start making a mess.
“LUNA” Matias yells running to me. I have chocolate sauce all over me, whip cream pouring in my mouth and strawberries scattered on the floor where I am seated.
“Want some” Pointing to the whip cream can.
“No, your worse then a toddler.”
“hahah well soon find out” I giggle
“Wait what?” Tate asks looking at Matias.
“I’m PREGO, Bitches”
“Is that true?” Jeff asks walking in.
“Yes, Luna is pregnant” Matias answers. By now a dozen or so pack members are in hear.
“Wow that’s…wow” Davis says sitting at the counter and looking down at me.
“You’ve made quite a mess” Tony laughs seeing my face, covering in ice cream.
“Its soooo good” Laughing.
“What’s wrong with her?” Sara comes around the corner.
“She high” Nate says plainly.
“What how?” Looking at Matias.
“doc gave her a pain killer, cause the baby was hurting her. And now we have this” Using his palms to point at me. I giggle and bite down on a strawberry.
“She’s lost it!” Nick says laughing.
“I never had it” Snorting as I try to laugh. A few people laugh and make comments.
“I should of left her upstairs” Growling as he took a seat.
“Bad pony” Chucking a strawberry at his head, and hitting Matias between the eyes. I burst out laughing as his face looks at me in shook.
“High or not, your in trouble now” Cleaning the strawberry off his face.
“I shall never surrender” Getting to my feet and holding the carton of strawberries. Chucking another one at him, and hitting his face.
“Damn it” Coming after me.
“Someone stop her” He yells, but everyone is to busy laughing.
“I am stealth like ninja, whaaaa” Tossing two more at him.
“Damn Luna” He ducks and a strawberry hits Nate in the head.
“Point for me” Fist pumping the air. Making my way to the living room, as a few members come out. Ray walks out and stops seeing me holding a box of strawberries.
“What are you doing?” Glaring at me.
“Aww a trusty side kick, good hear hold these” Handing her the box.
“What no” Glaring at me,
“So, you have decided to turn to the dark side, very well. I shall smite thee.” Taking a large strawberry and palming it to her forehead. She shrieks and looks at everyone, who is now rolling on the floor.
“POINT” Raising my hand and taking off outside.
“Someone stop her” Chasing after me, Matias follows me outside.
A few members were watching as Matias tried to stop me, only to be pelted with strawberries.
“Luna come hear”
“Never” Evil laughing.
“Quit throwing food at me.”
“HAHA don’t be a pansy ass” Grinning and hitting him again with a berry.
“Damn it Nate come help me” Yelling for him.
“Hell no, she already got me once.” Shaking his head.
“Sorry Alpha, your on your own” The lean against the house, with the Beta and Davis.
“HAHAH you have lost your army, now face my wrath.” Pelting him with the last of the berries before running back to the house. Grabbing the hose and turning it on, I hold the nozzle.
“Don’t you dare” He says pointing at me.
“Or else what, you have no army. You will bow or face damn nation” Grinning and laughing like a crazy person.
“I am not bowing, now put down the hose” Glaring at me.
“BOW Minion” Holding the nozzle at his face.
“Minion? Luna I swear to god, you spray me….” I fired sending water all over him. The pack started laughing, and I pointed it at them
“HAHAH on lookers beware.” Turning back to Matias and spraying him again. Everything started to get fuzzy, and the hose slowly slipped out of my fingers, hitting the ground.
“YOUR SO DEAD……..Luna?” He was shaking the water off, when he saw the hose drop from my hands.
“Shit LUNA” Running to me, before I hit the ground. Catching my head, and picking me up.
“What happened?” The twin who were now soaked came running over.
“The drug must of wore off, she’s passed out now” Sighing.
“Geez, we should of waited a few minutes and we wouldn’t go gotten wet.” Shaking the water off them selves.
“Huh, she’s such a handful” Laughing and holding me close. Walking back into the house, and dripping water everywhere he made it back to are room, and put me into clean dry clothes.
“You’ll not remember a thing, but it was fun” Kissing my cheek before changing himself.
A little after midnight, I started to wake. My head hurt, and the taste of strawberries filled my mouth. A hot body, stirred a little as I moved. Matias, was sleeping like a rock. Damn I’m hungry. I had on one of his t-shirts and a pair of yoga shorts. Fixing my hair, I left the room. Downstairs not a soul was around. I wanted comfort food, and bad. Making extra cheese macaroni, I added a little bacon and baked it. Ohh I can’t wait, hope this little bugger doesn’t make me looking I’ve been eating for two.
Sitting at the counter, I noticed a few magazine. Flipping threw them, one caught my attention. It was a baby’s room, oh crap. I totally forgot its going to need its own room. I’m calling it “it” for now, since I don’t have any names, and have no idea if it’s a girl or boy. Footsteps started making there way down the stairs, I already knew who it was.
“Can’t sleep baby?” He asked, his voice husky and not fully awake.
“No, I got a little hungry” Matias sat down next to me.
“Are you sure that’s it?” Leaning on his elbow.
“Well, no I’m scared. I don’t think I’m ready to be a mom. Hell I don’t know the first thing about kids.”
“Well you did really well with Lindsey. I think your over thinking it” Kissing my forehead.
“Maybe, but what if we have a girl, and you become the Monarch. She’ll have to marry so looser. I don’t want her to go threw what I had to” Feeling the tears welling up, because I wouldn’t wish what I had to go threw on anyone.
“Hey, shh its gunna be okay. I wouldn’t let that happen.” Pulling me into his lap.
“But, what if..”
“Luna, calm down. I told you I will take care of it. You don’t need to worry” His arms wrapped around me, and I calmed.
“You promise?”
“Yes I promise” The oven beeped letting me know my food was done. Pulling it out of the oven, Matias grinned eyeing it. Giggling I smiled back at him.
“I’ll share” Grabbing two forks and placing the bubbly cheesy goodness in the middle of us.
“You’re a great cook Luna, I’m so thankful for that” Taking a bite after blowing on it.
“Yea I bet you are” Grinning.
“So when do you want to go shopping?” He asked looking at me.
“For what?” Taking another bite.
“Baby stuff” Confused it didn’t get it.
“Oh, I dunno, maybe later today” Looking at the clock.
“Okay, I’ll go with you”
“Why because you so wanna walk around a baby store for god knows how long, or because your afraid I’ll get into a fight over booties?” Smirking while taking another mouthful.
“To be honest both.” I shook my head, and smiled.
“We need to get you a wedding dress as well” Pointing his folk at me.
“Oh geez, I’m gunna look like crap.” Flopping my head on my free hand.
“No you wont, your gorgeous. And don’t say other wise” Glaring at me.
“But being Prego and wearing a wedding dress is so freaking tacky” Sighing. He laughed and took another bite.
“You’ll work it”
“Does this mean I get to see you in a tux?” Smiling cause he turned pink.
“I suppose”
“Oh no, If I have to wear a wedding dress, you my sex god must wear a tux” Wiggling my folk at him.
“Haha fair enough. So on another note, do you remember anything from yesterday?” Raising an eyebrow.
“Umm no not really, why?”
“It nothing” Chuckling.
“Matias?” He smiled.
“Doc gave you some pain killers, cause the pup was moving around and hurting you. You went a little loopy and chucked strawberries at everyone, including me. Then grabbed the hose, and processed to stray us.” Taking a bite.
“Really, huh.” Shrugging.
“That’s it, no I’m sorry Matias for whacking you in the head with about seven berries?”
“Why would I apologize for something I don’t remember?”
“Because I remember it” Frowning in a playful mode.
“Well then get over it”
“Aww I’m hurt, I can’t believe you’d say that. And hear I thought you loved me” Sticking his nose up.
“Yea cause carrying your pup means I loath you” Rolling my eyes. His mouth dropped open, before turning into a smile.
“Okay, you got me there”
“Damn straight. Your gunna be working this little package off for a while” Rolling my finger around my stomach area. He laughed, but knew I wasn’t kidding.
“I’m sorry” I whisper. His eyes snap to me.
“For what?”
“I killed your brother, I shouldn’t of done that” Putting the folk down.
“Luna, Stefan had it coming. Besides I would pick you over him any day. You’re my family now. Besides after I saw your back, if you didn’t kill him, I would have” Growling low. I touched his arm, and he quieted.
“I love you” Leaning over and kissing him.
“That was unexpected” Grinning.
“Yea well, I’m allowed. My freaking body feels like a train ran it over.” Stretching outward.
“I bet, you were fighting a lot of rogues. I was really impressed with you fighting skills.” Finishing off the last of the food.
“Really?” Shocked.
“Yea, your good. I don’t see why you thought you couldn’t teach the pack.” Cleaning up fro me.
“Because, I go off my animal instanced and just let it come to me. You can’t teach that, it has to be learned.”
Nodding his head, he turns around to me.
“You know, we still need to disuse why you never told me you were with pup”
“Do we have to. You already know.”
“That’s not the point Luna, you kept a very important piece of information from me.” Leaning his hands against the sink.
“Matias, I’m sorry. But If I had told you, you would of never let me had any freedom You know how I feel about that.” Trying my best to get out of trouble.
“Not good enough. You are my mate, my everything. And now you have the next best thing, my pup. Don’t you think I should know? I’m having a hard time not being upset with you.” Rubbing a hand threw his hair.
“I understand, but you know I would never keep anything from you, if I didn’t think it would be okay. Plus I was scared, I mean this is really new for me. And I wanted to be completely sure before I told you, I didn’t want to get your hopes up.” Chewing on my lip. He smiled.
“I suppose that makes sense. Huh fine, I forgive you” Rolling his eyes, likes it the hardest thing he’s ever had to do.
“Good, now help me. I’m tired again.” Chuckling he picks me up and heads back up stairs.
“I just needed help out of the chair, not all the way to are room.”
“Hush up, or I’ll spank you.” Grinning. Jerk, I hate when he makes me blush. Placing me back in bed, he crawls in next to me. How I love sleeping with this man, in every aspect.
The next morning, or a few hours later. I got up, Matias was already in his office. Probably finishing off some paperwork, before we headed out. I didn’t feel like going baby shopping, but it needed to get done. Sara and Holly, wanted to come as well, so I talked Matias into letting me drive my truck. He growled about me driving while pregnant, but I put a stop to that. Maybe being Prego has its good points.
The girls were downstairs and ready to go. I could still fit in my blue jeans and take top, thank god.
“Matias, lets go…or I’m leaving without you” Twirling my keys around my finger.
“Hang on, I’m coming” Growling and running down the stairs.
“Men are so slow” Sara hissed, he glared at her.
“I was working on something, important”
“And you pup isn’t important” She snapped back, which he had no reply to.
“I’m Alpha, don’t talk to me like that” Thinking of something as we are now at the truck.
“Matias, there’s a five second rule to pulling the Alpha card out of your ass, and you are way past the time limit.” Grinning and climbing into the truck. Holly and Sara chuckled as he growled. It didn’t take to long to get to the mall, and I even got a spot close to the entrance. Thank you spirits, now I wont have to worry about him throwing a fit.
“Where to first?” He asks, looking at us girls. Still can’t believe he came.
“We should order the big items first” Holly chirps. She has a new found voice, and uses it now that she’s with Cain.
“Just what kind of big items are we talking about?” Looking worried.
“Well a crib, dresser, changing table, that kind of thing” Winking at Matias, who looked like he saw a freaking ghost.
“Honey, you didn’t have to come, you know that right?” Touching his arm. He jumped a little, probably thinking about all the stuff he was going to have to carry.
“No, I wanted to come.” Shaking it off, as the girls giggled and headed inside.
“Your so stubborn.”
“I am not” Grabbing my hand and walking inside with me.
The mall was my living nightmare, why? Oh I dunno maybe because Matias was about to kill every living soul in there. It didn’t matter who they were, he thought they were going to stab, rape, toss me over the edge or do something to me and his pup. It got so bad, that he grabbed my ring hand and started yelling at some poor fool, who looked at me.
“Okay that’s it” Snapping at him.
“What?” Looking innocent as ever.
“Sit, hear, and don’t move” Glaring at the food court table.
“But what if you need me?”
“I wont” Growling
“But what if you do?”
“Trust me I wont. Now stay” Pointing my index finger at him.
“Don’t push me Matias, your already skating on black ice with me. Now behave and stay here” Snapping once more, to get my point across. Looking at the girls, they smiled and we left him to sulk in the food court. I didn’t want to leave him, but it was unbearable with him around. I’m not a damn butterfly for pete sake. My peace and quiet lasted till I rounded the corner and he couldn’t see me anymore.
~Are you okay~ I growled and the girls looked at me. Tapping my head, they burst out laughing.
~Damn it Matias, I will call you when I need your help. Until then GET OUT OF MY HEAD!~ shutting the link off.
“I swear that man is a control freak.” Shaking my head and sighing.
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