~NOOOO, Don’t hurt him~ Growling within myself, I tried pulling her back.
Grabbing my head, and taking a step back. My wolf and I fought for the right to be in charge. She screamed and hit the earth with are knees.
“Luna?” Matias took a step forward, to be roared at. He stopped and looked down at me. My wolf took over once again, and stood up. Licking her lips and looking at his neck. He noticed and pulled his shirt collar back.
“Go a head” He said turning his neck to the side, and letting her get a better look. Pausing, as she looked at his face, she advanced. Smelling him and licking his neck, he low growled. Her eyes turned to him, before she bit his neck. Drawing blood, he stood still, and let her bite harder. Pulling her mouth away from his neck, covered in blood. Turning to face her, he smiled.
“If that’s what you wanted Love, you needn’t ask. I love you, all of you.” Reaching up and touching are cheek. His warmth filled her heart, and slowly my eyes resurfaced. She had marked him, a mark yet unknown because of the blood. Blinking a few times, I looked into Matias’s eyes.
“How?” I asked chocking on the metal bloody taste.
“She just wanted, the same as me. To belong to someone and for someone to belong to her.” Rubbing his thumb over my cheek. The energy I had, was gone, and my eyes fluttered close. His voice trailed off, hearing my name being called.
~Matias’s POV~
She was a thing of beauty, deadly yes, but beautiful. Her fighting skills are remarkable. Never hesitating, never looking for a way out. This is what I wanted to fight like, but I could never reach the level she was at. She was soaked in blood, none I could see was her own. Fighting with my brother, yes I wanted him dead. He took her from me, but as she fought him I grew worried. I did still love my brother, but it looked like fate wanted me to pick. My brother or my love…….it was easy I wanted my love no matter what. I watched her rip his heart out, and smile at him.
Her twisted grin as she licked it, still beating in her hand. He dropped, looking up at her. The blood exploded all over her stunning face. My brother’s last breath, taken from my mate. Shooter kept yelling to chain her, never. She’s not evil, just hurt. Her wolf wants to be loved, to know what it feels like to own something of her very own. Being locked up in Luna’s mind, never being allowed to be a wolf. I could relate to her, she had too be kept quiet. To behave and never act out, there but not.
She looked worried, like she thought I would get rid of her. Didn’t she know, I was never going to leave. Her wolf was part of her, I wouldn’t dissert for just because she was a little wild. Its her wildness, that makes me feel alive. Taking a step to her, Shooter yelled out. I pushed his words out, standing next to the woman I love. Licking her lips and blazing red eyes, looked threw me.
Taking off the chains, I wondered why she had them on, in the first place. Just what had my brother done to her. Asking her if it was “Better?” But she never answered me. I don’t think her wolf known’s how to speak with a human tongue. Her eyes brightened before she screamed and roared out. Grabbing her head, I was worried. What was going on? Her wolf came back, and looked at my neck. She wanted it, more then anything. If she was to kill me, I would gladly let her be the one to do it. But I had a hunch she just wanted to mark me. Its not common, for both mates to be marked, but if this is what she wanted. I would give it to her, pulling my shirt collar out of the way.
“Go ahead” Giving her the green light. Her eyes flashed, licking her lips and stepping forward. Smelling me, her ho breath as her fangs extended and pushed into my flesh. Growling lightly, is this what she felt. She pushed harder, but I staid in place. Her fangs pulled out, dripping in blood licking it off. Talking softly to her, I wanted to touch her. Soft skin under my fingers, she softened and her eyes slowly returned to the normal stunning green.
“How?” She asked cracking her voice. Her eyes said she was worried and scared, but she stood tall and wouldn’t to move. I answered her, and a few seconds she started to black out. I yelled for her, but she fell. Grabbing her before her body touched the ground, the white shirt she wore that smelled of Stefan and blood, caught my eye. The back was stained with blood, lifting it I growled at the whip lashes covering her entire back. Good thing Stefan was already dead, or his head would have been on a stick.
Carefully picking her limp body, and walking to the pack. They stared scared of their Luna, not that I’m surprised. Shooter looked at her as I passed him, and headed to the car. Placing her in the passenger seat and buckling her up. Closing the door and moving to the drivers side.
“Clean it up” I yell not looking back at them. Starting the car up and taking her home….where she belongs.
Pulling into the driveway, and getting out. She’s still knocked out, caring her into the house. The Doc ready to patch my little mate up. Doc looks like she has something to say, but doesn’t. A few hours later most of the pack has returned. A few injured and the dead are to buried for their families. Waiting out in the hall for the Doc, to tell me how she’s doing. The door opens and Doc closes it behind her.
“Well?” I asked standing up.
“She’s sleeping, I gave her a pain killer, and cleaned her back. Those were some nasty looking mark” She tightened her hold on the clip board.
“Yes, I believe its from a bull whip.” Growling. She nodded her head.
“You can see her if you like?” Smiling, since she already knew the answer. Going in side, Doc took up another room and was helped by Hunter who was taking care of the others. Luna, was sound asleep and looked calm. The only blood on her was sticking to her ring. Taking it off I cleaned it, before placing it back on her finger.
She was going to be pissed, when she woke up. I grinned thinking she was such a handful.
It was sad seeing her like this, like before at her father’s place. Four bags of blood, hung above her and dripped slowly into a tub to her pale body. Two saline drips as well. She looked so weak and fragile, I should of never left. It will be my fault if she doesn’t pull threw. But why so many blood bags, she should only need two, three tops. Doc walked back in and I just had to ask.
“Yes Alpha?” Fixing her glasses.
“Why does she have so many blood bags?” Her face looked down.
“Well, she’s lost a lot of blood, from the whip lashes, and I wasn’t suppose to say anything but….” She paused looking at Luna.
“TELL ME!” I ordered using my power. She bowed her head.
“Before you left Luna came to me, she’s sick” My blood felt like it ran cold.
“Sick? What kind of sick?” Looking back at Luna.
“Its not fatal, but it doesn’t help with the way she is now” She was avoiding the question, I’m guessing Luna told her not to tell. And as of right now, Luna is technically higher then me. Doc will never tell me.
“Very well, see to it she gets whatever she needs. And if you need anything just order it.” Taking Luna’s hand and moving closer to her.
“Yes Alpha” Nodding before grabbing a file and walking out.
“Why didn’t you tell me? I would of stayed” Kissing her hand. Alpha’s weren’t suppose to cry, we needed to stay strong. But how on earth was I going to do that without her. Rubbing her hand on my face, I shed a few tears. I slept in the room with her, my head laying on the bed next to her stomach.
Its been two days, and nothing. No movement so change in breathing….just nothing. Doc says she’s just resting, but she hasn’t stirred at all. I’m getting more and more annoyed. My pack hasn’t seen me, and I haven’t eaten a thing. Its not helping my mood, that’s for sure. I’m about to scream, when her finger twitches.
“DOC” I scream looking at her. The doc runs in, looking over us.
“What’s wrong?”
“Her finger…it moved.” She nodded and pulls out a small flashlight and shines it into her eyes. Her finger twitches again.
“There” I say looking at her finger.
“Get….That…Damn….light…off…me” Luna growls. The doc moves the light away and looks at me.
“Luna!” I whisper.
“Yea” her eyes slowly start to open.
“Oh thank god” Taking a deep breath.
“Where am I?” She asks trying to sit up.
“Lay down, your in Docs office.” Trying to keep her down, she pushes past me.
“I want to sit” Growling. Yup she’s not happy. Her eyes blink cause of the brightness, and she looks around.
“Get out!” She says glaring at me.
“What? Why?” I don’t get it, why is she telling me to go.
“Just get out” Snapping. To say I’m hurt is an understatement. She’s never talked to me like this….okay well once but we weren’t mates yet. I leave, and she holds her glare at me. Closing the door, I can hear her whispering to the Doc.
~Luna’s POV~
I didn’t want him to know, he has to leave. I felt horrible as his face looked torn. I’m sure he’s stayed hear with me, but I need to check on the pup. I was hit in the stomach, and letting Matias know I was with pup, and still fought would make him crazy. Once he left I whispered to the doc, I know Matias he’d be listening outside the door.
“I was kicked, in the stomach” I tell her, she nodded and grabs a few things. Pulling the sheets off my and lifting the shirt I had on. Cold jelly hits my stomach, and my swore muscles tighten.
“Well?” I whisper.
“Looks okay, you have what’s call an inner pregnancy.” I blink, cause I don’t have a clue what she’s talking about. Chuckling she moves the machine away and cleans off my stomach.
“Its when the pup is more inside you, so you really never get a baby bump.” I nod.
“When?” knowing she’d understand.
“Umm maybe a mouth or two. Your half wolf, so if should be between the standard time for human and wolf.”
“Crap, so I got like what, three more to go?”
“Maybe, maybe less” Shrugging. I groan.
“Are you going to tell him?” She asks.
“Umm I dunno”
“Well I told him you were sick” She turns a little pale.
“Because he wanted to know why you had so many blood bags.” I look at the bags.
“Its fine” hell I was surprised she didn’t tell him. Moving so my feet dangled over the bed, I went to stand.
“Wow, easy Luna. You’ve lost a lot of blood.”
“Yea well I can’t just lay hear.” Grabbing her shoulder.
“Want me to get him?”
“No need…..MATIAS” I screamed moving my head around hers. The door burst open, he looked like he was ready to kill someone.
“Luna what’s wrong?” Running to me,
“Good god man, just help me” Shaking my head.
“You need to rest” Taking over for the Doc.
“Would you quit fussing, I’m hungry and want a shower.”
“I’ll get you some food, and a shower can wait.”
“Ohh so now a shower can wait” Rolling my eyes.
“I…ummm” Looking away.
“And your cooking sucks.” Gripping his arm as we headed out the door.
“Its not that bad”
“You wouldn’t even eat it” Glaring at him. He nods and leaves it alone, taking me to are room. Entering he walks me over to the bath.
“If you take a shower, I’m going in with you.”
“I’ll take a bath” Looking away. I can feel his eyes, and his sadness. Its not that I don’t want to shower with him, its I don’t want him to see anything.
“I’ll start the water for you” Sitting me on the bed. The water starts, and he’s grabbing a few things. My stomach starts to turn, and I can feel it coming up. As he walks out, I somehow manage to run in and close the door before reaching the toilet. I never got a chance to lock it, so I wasn’t half surprised when he opened it.
“Luna?” I so must look like a drunk chick right now. Spitting into the bowl, and wiping my mouth I flush it. Getting back up and brushing my teeth, only to shut the water off from the tub.
“Luna what’s wrong with you?” I can hear the worry and its killing me. I really am going to have to tell him. Sighing I rub my face, before looking at him.
“Sit” I say pointing to the thrown in which I spill my guts. He raises an eyebrow.
“For gods sake, shit your ass down. Or I wont tell you” Huffing. He finally sits down. Another deep breath and I close my eyes.
“Okay, when I tell you, you need to be calm. And I don’t want you doing anything stupid. And don’t bubble wrap me.” Opening my eyes. He’s completely lost.
“Your scaring me Luna” His hands on his knees.
“Yea well, your about to shit yourself” Running my neck.
“I’m three months in” Looking away from him.
“Three months in? in to what?” I roll my eyes, dumber then a block of wood I swear.
“Matias, Think about it” Looking at him. He’s thinking, clearly cause I se smoke pouring out of his ears. He’s starting to get annoyed, I can smell it.
“Oh my god, really. You have been fucking me like crazy and you can’t figure out what 3 months in means?” Folding my arms.
“Wait…are….wait your pregnant?” Jumping up.
“That’s what 3 months in means” Shaking my head.
“Is it mine?” My hand slaps my face.
“No, its fucking Casper the ghosts. Yes it’s YOURS” He goes from red, to pale to green, in three seconds.
“I told you to sit” Shaking my head. He grabs the sink and leans over.
“So your Prego?”
“If that’s what you want to call it yes”
“When did you…”
“Find out? Two days before you left” His eyes lock onto mine.
“You knew before I left”
“I just said that” Huffing.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He’s growling.
“Because of this?” Pointing to his whole being.
“You can’t keep something like this from me”
“Well obviously I can. And did”
“Luna, what if you gotten killed or hurt. How…” He chocked.
“Stop it, geez.” Rubbing my neck. “Matias look, I’m freaked out enough okay. So can I take a bath and well talk more after I eat.” Taking my shirt off, I can see him looking at my stomach.
“Where?” He asks getting up and looking at me.
“Doc, says its an inside baby. So I wont really get a bump, like you normally see.” Shrugging cause really I don’t get it. Slipping my body into the bath, and sighing. He’s staring at me.
“Seriously, are you gunna watch me like a hawk?”
“Seems I have to, or I’m the last to know” He’s pissed. Shifting my weight, I face him.
“Matias, I’m sorry but I …owww” Gripping the tub.
“What’s wrong?” wow his attitude just changed.
“Lil bugger just kicked me” A grin is now planted on his face.
“That’s what you get for not telling your Alpha”
“Oh shut up, if you two gang up on me I swear..oowwwowo” I scream almost breaking the tub.
“Now I’m worried. I’m getting Doc” He leaves before I can stop him. Seconds later Doc and him are back.
“Luna?” She asks
“It was a kick, but now, it awww ooww” Little shit is doing summer salts on my spleen.
“Okay, we need her out of there” Doc looks at Matias. He nods and pulls the plug on the water, then picks me up. Doc puts a towel over me, and we walk to the bed.
“What’s wrong with her?” He asks completely ignoring the fact I’m right hear.
“I think the pup is moving to get more run. Its pain full” I cute her off.
“No shit”
“But, I can give her a pain killer, it wont hurt the pup.” Leaving and coming back with a needle. It hurt like hell, but soon the pain from the pup doing whatever the hell it was doing went away.
“Puffy cloud” I giggled reaching for what I thought was a cloud.
“Doc, what’s she saying?” Matias snapped his fingers in front of my face.
“She’s just a little high right, now” Chuckling.
“Ohh this is gunna be epic” Grinning and looking at me.
“Ohhh pretty” Poking Matias nose.
“Doc can we make sure to have this on stock” laughing as I continued to say random things.
“Sure, Alpha” She soon left.
“Luna?” He whispers. I giggle.
“That be my name captain” in a pirate voice. Chuckling he sits next to me.
“Are we feeling better?”
“Ohh very, me, myself and I are stupendous” waving my hands in the air.
“Good, are you hungry?”
“We are very hungry, and we would like ice cream.” I said in a child’s voice.
“What if we don’t have any”
“Then I hope you can drive, mother fucker, cause we want ice cream” He nods and gets up.
“Where are you going?” Grabbing his shirt.
“To get you ice cream”
“I come to” Getting up, as the room spins.
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