“Matias can I tell you something?” He nodded without another word.
“You never needed to ask, because you already had my heart. I gave it to you a long time ago, way before you had challenged Donavon. If you had asked me to run away with you….I would have” I was graced with eyes that were overwhelmed and full of emotion. Love, lust, kindness, happiness, joy, protection.
“Its just not possible” He whispers. I tilt my head, cause I have no idea what he’s talking about.
“How can one woman get anymore perfect. Its like you won my wolf and I all over again. I have never met anyone like you before. Your loving, strong, smart, beautiful, and talented, witty, blunt and loyal as all hell. How, how can you still make me speechless?” Leaning down to kiss me before I had time to answer. His large hands holding me, to him. The sparks and warm feeling covering my face, I smiled and nipped his lip.
“I love you” He whispers into my lips.
“I love you to” whispering back. His wolf purrs and so does mine. A shiver runs down my back, and this time it wasn’t from him. Before I have a chance to do anything, he drapes his blazer over my shoulders.
Smiling at him we start walking back to the car. His arm wraps around my waist as I lean my head on the side of his chest.
To say I feel complete, would be wrong. I feel more then complete. Matias has helped me threw so much, I wanted to repay his kindness. I know I’m not the easiest person to be with, I’m stubborn and hard headed. But I am trying to make things better, I want his…are pack to be great. I don’t want anyone to get hurt, I feel a need to protect the things I love the most.
I will protect this pack, even if it costs me my life. They are family and I protect my family. Matias has fixed my broken heart, and brought me out of the shadows I have been running from, but I still feel darkness in my wolf. She is still not fully healed, and this worries me. His wolf has cured more then what I thought he could, but will she return back to normal…..or will I share the fake of so many others.
The car door opens and I return to the present smiling at the one man I hold so very close to my heart. Please Spirits let me be with him…just a little longer.
The drive back was quiet, Matias held my hand and kissed it every so often. I broke the silence when I just had to know.
“Why do you want to marry me?” He looks over, with a smile.
“Because, the more ways I can make you mine that better. I want everyone to know your taken, and that I am the luckiest man in the world.” It came out like he had been thinking about this for a long time. He didn’t even bat an eyelash. Laughing a little I nodded.
“I thought so”
“Wedding are expensive even if you have a small one”
“Like I don’t have the money” Huffing it off.
“Well now I don’t feel so bad about buying my truck” Shaking my head.
“Yea I have been meaning to ask you about that”
“Oh?” Smirking at him, cause its taken him this long to ask.
“Why did you get a truck?”
“Because I miss my old truck”
“You could have had anything you wanted”
“And I wanted a truck”
“Ha, fair enough. So did you use my card to buy it?” His eyes shifted towards me then back to the road.
“Well of course, my mate never lets me pay for anything.” Clicking my tongue off the roof of my mouth. He laughed.
“As well he shouldn’t. So you gunna tell me how much the damage was?”
“Nope” Popping my P
“And why not?”
“Cause, you’ll just have to wait for the bill. But I will say this. I got it cheaper then the asking price” Smiling, cause I really did.
“That’s my Luna, never settles for just anything” Kissing my hand as we hit are dirt road.
“Only idiots pay the sticker price.”
“Well I guess your going to have to take over the car buying around hear” Laughing.
“Please don’t tell you all of you just pay the sticker price?” Looking worried.
“Okay, then I wont”
“Oh my god, seriously?” Shaking my head and pinching my nose with my fingers.
“What? Its not like we don’t have it”
“Not the point, tomorrow I’m looking over the books” Huffing and sending me a glare.
“Yes Ma’ma” Laughing. If he thinks I’m kidding its gunna be a hell of a wake up call.
Pulling the car over to the garage and parking it, he got out and opened my door. Picking me up, since my shoes were still off. Closing the door with his leg, and walking to the house. Placing me on the deck and opening the door. Everyone cheered and popped party poppers.
“What the hell?” Looking around with my eyes bigger then my stomach.
“I told them you said yes” He laughed, kissing my cheek.
“Yeah Luna” Sara ran over and hugged me.
“Geez, this is so embarrassing.” Looking down, cause my face was turning red.
“Aww come on Luna, it’s a good thing” Jeff said popping a popper over my head. The colorful stings dangling off my curls and over my shoulders.
“How long have they known?” I asked turning to Matias.
“A few days” Shrugging.
“Un-freaking believable” Laughing and brushing some of the stuff off me.
“Are you mad?” He asked in a whisper.
“No, just a little surprised” Kissing him. Catching me off guard he picked me up.
“Well if you’ll excuse us, I’m taking my bride to be upstairs.” Winking at everyone.
“Oh my god” covering my face, as they whistled and laughed. He walked up the stairs and chuckled at my red face.
Opening are door and closing it, he let me stand. I started to undress, when he grabbed my hand. Looking at him, he shook his head. Carefully he took off my earrings and bracelet. Placing them on a dresser, then walked back and slowly started pulling the zipper down my back, following it with warm kisses.
Biting my lip, as he continued till the dress zipper stopped at my lower back. Sliding his hands on my waist and pushing the dress off. Letting it fall to the floor, my green lace boy shirts hugged my ass. Gliding his finger up and down the back of my legs, sending sparks. My knees felt like they were going to let go any second. His hands slid up, and under the lace holding my ass with both hands. Turning to the side and twisting his fingers around the lace, making it tight around my hips.
A low moan slipped my lips, and I felt him grin. Slowly lowering his hands, so the lace slipped downward. They dropped between the dress. His shirt was tossed to the corner, and I felt hot all over again. His warm body slid up mine, as he reached my neck.
“Tonight you will wear nothing, but that ring” He whispers sending hot sparks all over me. He was gentle when he turned me around. My hair down with small ringlets framing my face. He twisted one around his finger, before smelling me. Light finger tips touched every inch of my body. Blushing he smiled, kissing under my eyes.
“You are what perfection is” I bit my lip again, looking away.
“Never look away from me” Moving my head back to him.
“You, over doing it” I whisper.
“Not possible love” Kissing my lips, to the fullest.
His large hands picked me up, caring me to the bed. Laying my body down, without breaking the kiss. If anything he asked for more. The taste of him, filled my mouth. Wolf begged for more, she loved him…but nearly as much as I did. It was common for your wolf to fall for your mate first. But in this case, it was me who was falling harder for him. He never stopped, not once. Lightly touching my everywhere, looking for a place he hadn’t graced yet. Giving me tingles all over, the cold air from the room mixed with his body heat. It was a confusing mix, and one my body didn’t know what to do with. My skin would heat up, only to have Goosebumps next.
Moving his lips, and continuing to kiss every inch. I would jolt every so many kisses, and arch my back when he hit a spot. Feeling his smile on my body, only made it much sexier. He wasn’t teasing me, just showing me how much he loved me. Kissing my tattoo, and moving my legs apart to kiss further down. His eyes flashed when he saw how tense I got.
“Worried?” He whispered in between kisses.
“No” Practically chocking out.
“Are you sure?” Moving closer to my middle. I swallowed, cause he was started to get very close. His slow movements were driving me crazy.
Oh for the love of god, just go there already. Biting my lip and almost making it bleed.
For kicks he stopped, just before touching me. I froze……oh this isn’t good. Blowing cool air from his lips, I practically jumped.
“Bastard” I whispered, leaning my head back.
“Oh I’m sorry love, is this what you wanted?” Slipping his tongue between my thighs. I let out a over sized moan, and heard him send one back. When he was threw with what he called his “dessert” I was blessed with another two hours of him making me feel more in tune with my body. He was gentle and sweet, it was more like love making then ruff sex in the shower. Just as good, it sent a different kind of pleasure throughout my body. We were both breathing a little fast, at the end and he pulled the covers over us. Before pulling my body to his.
As if he was afraid I would run away, and never return. His arms cradled me, and kept me feeling safe. The love he had for me wrapped tighter then his arms, threatened to swallow my very soul. Closing my eyes, I felt his kiss on my head before he drifted off. This man has given me more then enough, I would lay my life down for him. He wouldn’t have to ask, I would just do it. With that thought I drifted into the same comfortable sleep his was already in.
My dreams were more like flash backs, as I recalled the day he showed up at my house. All attitude and no bite. The day he ripped the fridge door off with his wolf teeth. Sitting on the door its self and looking at me, his tail swishing back and forth like an evil cat. My comment was “Awesome now it will be easier to get to things” Taking a sip of my coffee. His defying growl, before he left in a rage.
The first day he shifted, he looked stunning. All man and completely naked. It was hard not to look at him, he was beautiful and full of himself. I had thought many times, a man like will never fall for someone like me. The real me, the one with all the problems. Watching as he kissed me in front of Luke, breaking my heart when he spit it out. Making me so mad, I left my own house and hit him in the face.
When he came and got me, slapping my ass and telling me to hush up. Caring me threw the snow and clinging to me, as if I would break if he let me go. He had softened the day he saw my wolf. I remember that day the best, when his eyes settled on my white fur. Hearing his heart beat racing, and reading him like an open book. The eyes are the way to the soul, they tell you everything you need to know. His eyes were screaming, protect, love, treasure, mate. I had been vulnerable and wanted to hid away.
His protectiveness had only increased at his place. As if he knew I was more delicate then anyone really knew about. I watched as he beat the daylights out of a Vampire, and screamed I was his mate. Hearing him say it out loud and repeat it over and over. Saying I was his, and only his mate. Why I had thought, why would anyone want me…I was broken. But he had wanted me, so much he didn’t ask me if he could mark me. Its said when you find your mate, you just know it. Some say the words “mate” out loud while others, quietly acknowledge it. Matias had been looking for me, searching everywhere.
Only to be dropped at my place as a rescue. Thinking he was lost or unwanted, he was neither. He had a goal, a target in mind. Fate has a funny way, of giving you want you need and what you want. Sometimes you wait longer for the better things, I know…I’ve waited to feel this loved and treasured for a long time.
Mornings are not my forte, however this morning I was feeling rather good. I let Matias sleep in a little longer, he’s really cute when he’s sleeping. The stunning bright ring caught my attention, and I held it up. Geez my little 1k ring design would have been good enough, but this bugger goes and gets a 3k. Shaking my head I smile, he would of said its wasn’t enough. Tossing on some yoga pants and a sports bra along with my white over tank, I took my sneakers and quietly closed the door.
I figured since I was already up, I would make breakfast for the pack. I feel bad for not making them dinner, however I can see where they would be okay with it. An hour later I had made a crap load of bacon, egg and cheese sandwiches. I made enough so that if someone wanted two or even three there would still be plenty. Taking one I headed outside, my training would be more my style. My meadow was were I was headed, and I took my time while eating.
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