Since Matias is a wolf, I didn’t need to tell him he was coming. The look I was getting was that of a shocked parents and a surprised kid.
“What?” putting the cell down.
“Seriously, is there anything you can’t do?”
“Umm no not really”
“Well have to get the guest room ready for him” Sliding the empty can to me. I tossed it away.
“Yea, and I still need to get Lindsey’s room ready.” rubbing my head.
“I’ll have a meeting tonight to let everyone know what’s going on”
“Good, Its gunna be a hell of a shock if you don’t” He laughed.
“Yea, no shit”
Finishing the chicken and mashed potatoes I had Matias call everyone for dinner. We had decided to eat in the great hall, so everyone could fit. It was also when we would talk about Shooter coming and about Lindsey. The eighty or so pack members sat around the large table, while the kids sat at a smaller table. Ray took one look at me, and bowed her head. I didn’t say anything. Lindsey walked in with a group of children and saw me.
“Mommy” She yelled, and everyone watched as she ran to me grabbing my jeans. Picking her up, I sighed. Oh boy, this isn’t good.
“Call me Luna, Lindsey”
“Yea, that’s my name” Smiling.
“Ohh” She nodded.
Just then Holly and Sara walked in, Cain’s head shot up and he sniffed the air. Holly froze her eyes locked with his.
“Mate” She whispered and looked pale. Everyone looked from her to Cain. He smiled and got up, walking to her. She backed up a few steps and turned a cute pink. She looked at me, and I nodded it was okay.
“Holly” Cain said, and she looked into his eyes. Matias tapped my shoulder.
“What the hell is going on?”
“Cain is Holly’s mate” I said not taking my eyes off of them.
“Oh” Looking over at them.
Cain stuck him hand out for her and she looked at it, like she wasn’t sure it was safe. I decided to mind link her.
~Holly, Cain wont hurt you, he’s in love with you~ Her eyes shoot to me, and then smiled. Looking back at Cain she took his hand. The relief in his eyes, was making me smile harder.
“Holly, will you be my mate?” He asked.
“Yes” Smiling at him, he picked her small frame up and kissed her. She blushed harder and everyone started cheering for them.
“Well that was unexpected.” Matias said rubbing the back of his neck. After the pack said there happy words to them, we sat down. Food covering the table and the pack males drooling.
“Alright, we have gathered hear for a reason. Besides my mate killer cooking” Winking at me, and the guys all said “Here, here”
“We have a new member, her name is Lindsey. She is about five. Her parents may have been…” He looked at me. “Missing” He said trying to make it so Lindsey didn’t cry.
“Until more information is found out, she will live hear. Please treasure her like you would are other pups. Also more guards will be posted, as of tonight.” He sighed seeing the looks of worry.
“Luna has called in a favor to a very respectable…..friend” Continuing to move things along.
“Luna would you like to explain?” He asked. Lindsey was sitting in my lap, and I put her in my chair before speaking.
“Alpha Matias is correct, I have called in a favor for are pack. In two days my father’s imperial guard will personally be coming to train are pack.” The whispers started and Jeff spoke first.
“The Monarch’s personal body guard is coming hear? To help us?”
“Yes. He is a friend of mine, and he has agreed to come.” Keeping myself composed was a lot harder then I thought it would be.
“Why?” Davis asked.
“Because, Lindsey is a small child and has gotten threw are boarders without so much as a warning. The fact that she got so close to the pack house, is anything but amazing. We needed a skilled trainer to teach us how to keep up with the demanding Rogues.”
“ So are training isn’t good enough?” A woman asked scared.
“Your training, is good but we can make it better. It would be best for everyone to learn, that way we wont have to worry about protecting anyone other then the children.” Looking at Lindsey who was already eating a biscuit.
“Is this the training you had in mind when we talked last?” Tony the Beta asked.
“No, I was merely going to help train you myself. However things have changed. I don’t want to scare any of you, but its true the rogues have gotten very close. And with a small child getting threw, it would be wise not to take this opportunity for granted” Looking around the room. Most were nodding there heads and agreeing with me. Tony seemed annoyed that he wasn’t informed before this meeting, he’s just going to have to get over it. Davis, was deep in thought while everyone else was quiet.
“You said he’d be hear in two day?” A man in the back asked.
“Yes that is correct”
“How long is he staying?” Another man asked
“That depends on you”
The room went silent, and Matias spoke.
“If there are no further questions, lets eat” Nodding for me to sit. I did so picking Lindsey up and sitting her on my lap. You really didn’t have to tell these’s guys twice to eat. Soon the mood lightened and everyone was talking about the new training, and how exciting it would be. Tony looked a little annoyed.
“Sorry Tony” I said, and his head shot up to me.
“For what?”
“You know” Answering, he nodded and gave me a smile.
“I understand” Matias nodded to him placing a hand on his shoulder.
The night was quiet, the kids watched movies while some of the adults talked. I made some coffee and put out some treats and the twins took full advantage of that. I ended up having the girls help me fix Lindsey’s new room up.
The next day I started going threw a few things. I know Shooter better then anyone. He’s not just going to walk in and say “Hi” He’s a warrior for a reason, he will test us…or mainly me. Once I found what I needed I told Matias to have everyone ready for tomorrow. They were gunna need work out clothes and good ones. Shoot hates when your late, and hates it even more when you don’t have the right gear. The rest of the day went by pretty fast. I had made everyone lunch and dinner. Letting the guys clean up, I took a hot shower, leaning my head against the wall. Letting the water slide over my body. I just hope I’m not to rusty, or Shooter is gunna have my ass. Sighing I turned the water off and dried my body. Opening the bath door, Matias was sitting on the bed.
“You look worried” He said getting up and coming to me.
“No, its just nerves.” Smiling it away. He tilted his head as if was trying to understand. Kissing his cheek and went to bed.
“Luna you got me worried. What’s going on?”
“You have to wait till tomorrow love. Just make sure everyone is ready by 8am okay” Turning my light off.
“Alright” Still looking at me even with the lights off.
Morning came, and like it was before when I lived with my father, I was up at 7am. Dressed and ready. I walked around the house and calmed myself down. Slowly pack members started making their way into the main room.
“Your up early” Davis said smiling.
“Yea” I couldn’t think right now, to much going threw my head.
“Luna you okay?” The twins asked.
“Yea” taking a deep breath and walking around some more. They looked at each other then at Matias who was half awake. The twins walked over to him.
“Alpha, what’s wrong with Luna?” Looking back at me.
“Huh, umm not sure” Rubbing his neck. It was now 8am and everyone was dressed and ready. I heard a loud car pull down the dirt road and my face peeled a smile.
“He’s hear” Sounding like a school girl who’s crush had come to get her. Running out of the house and into the front yard. The beat up old truck kicked the dirt, and made a big cloud as he pulled the truck on the lawn. Shooter stepped out of the truck holding a small green duffle bag. Slung over his shoulders, his shirtless body glistened in the sun. Shooter had a twelve pack, and all the extra’s that come with fighting. He was build for long fights and liked them that way. His black shades covered his eyes, as he scanned the pack. Ripped jeans hugged him, and black combat boots covered his feet.
Dropping the bag, it made a thud noise and pushed dust upward.
“Morning Doll face” He said in a strong voice, pushing his power around. Damn him, I hate that nickname.
“Morning Sugar plum.” Grinning as he frowned. He hated that. We stood silent and Matias was about to say something, but stopped. My black combat boots twisted a little in the dirt. My army colored pants covered my long legs, held on with a black leather belt. A black tight tank hugged me, while black finger cut gloves stretched as I flexed my hands. My hair in a high pony. He flashed an evil smile and took a step forward. I froze, Shoot was faster.
He cracked his knuckles, a sure sign he was going to attack. Popping his neck he charged at me. Matias Growled. I charged forward screaming. Are arm slammed into each other, Knees hit hard, pushing each other back down. My arms, hands moving faster then I have ever. Shoot wasn’t giving me a break cause I was his bosses daughter. To him I was just another student, one that needed to prove so much more. He spun kicking outward, I ducked sliding my leg across the dirt and trying to knock him over. He slammed the leg he struck out on my passing leg.
I wanted scream as he pushed his weight on it. Twisting my body, my other leg came up and over my head aiming for his face. He took a step back and got off my leg. I didn’t stop, bringing that leg over my head back down and twisting it to hit his side. He grabbed in and pulled me off my other foot. He made a mistake and I grabbed his ankles as he held my ankle. Turning around so my face was looking up at his, he looked down and grinning.
Oh shit!
Brining his elbow down and getting me in the side. My teeth snapped shut holding in my scream. Dropping my leg, my body hit the ground looking up at him. I wasn’t going to stop that easily. Pushing up, my legs wrapped around his neck. Pulling upward as he grabbed my thighs, coming dangerously close to grabbing my ass. Matias growled watching us fight.
Flinging my body weight around I managed to knock him off balance. He fell backwards, my head hit his stomach and I elbowed him in the gut. A low growl slipped his lips. Making me smirk. Rolling off, he sprung up and started kicking at me. I blocked then, he did a double and hit my side. Pushing it off, I charged shooting my legs and fists in a patterned then changing it up. His fist came at me, I blocked but didn’t see the one coming at my face. He made contact. Stumbling back, I caught my breath. The sun seemed brighter, and the sounds were muffled. I could hear Matias screamed.
Shaking my head, I looked at Shooter. He was smiling and almost laughing. Looking back down at the ground I took in a breath. My wolf flashed are eyes, and looked back at him. He waved his fingers at me, to come and get him. Spitting out some blood I took another step forward. Running and charging at him, he was ready to strike. I dropped sliding my legs between his and wrapping them up, before dropping a kick to his groin. He growled looking down at me.
Pushing my legs apart and back flipping he came at me. Punching and getting close to hitting me again. Ducking out and using both my fist I hit him both in the face and the gut. Spinning around him, only to back kick his lower back. Stumbling forward, he turned just his head to look at me, before spitting out some blood. I screamed a war cry and he charged me. Faster then before, arms legs, smacked into each other. Every hit he made contact I made one as well. We were evenly matched. Another three minutes and we hit each other. I caught his lip making it bleed and he got my eyebrow. Blood dropped over my eyes, and smeared my cheek.
We had paused and were still standing like we were going to fight, my hands up ready to block and strike. His legs spread apart, he smiled.
“Not bad Luna…not bad” Wiping his lip with his arm. Blood stained his tan skin. I smiled relaxing my body, this was his way of calling it a draw.
“You got faster” I said spitting out a little blood.
“Ha, maybe” His relaxed and stood straight up. His sexy smile flashed at me, and I knew it was safe. I ran over to him, jumping in his arms.
“I missed you” wrapping my arms around his neck. He hugged me, laughing.
“Missed you to, girl.” Putting me down, and rubbing my head.
“So introduce me” Sticking his hand out to the pack. Who by the way were completely baffled. As we got closer Matias grabbed my arm and pulled me to him, a low warning growl took over. His eyes were shifting a black color.
“Its okay Matias” I said touching his arm. He was so not happy.
“So this is Alpha Matias Reinhart. Pleasure is mine” Shooter said keeping his eyes on Matias’s. I really don’t need a pissing contest today. Matias warned him to back down, which he didn’t.
“That’s enough guys.” Standing in the middle of them. I felt like the stuffing to a very sexy oreo cookie.
“Shooter, Matias is my mate” I said trying to break the tension. He looked away and at me.
“Really?” Looking back at Matias. He laughed and stuck his hand out to shake his.
“Sorry man, didn’t know” Matias’s face softened looking at the hand out to him, he shook it.
“You got a hell of a woman” Shooter smiled.
“Yea I no.” Grabbing me and wrapping his arms around me.
Wow protective much. I looked up at him.
“This is the Alpha’s Beta, Anthony” I said as Tony walked up.
“Just call me Tony” Sticking his hand out to shake Shooters.
“Nice to meet you.”
“And this is Davis, Second in command” Davis stepped up and they shook.
“Where’s your combat trainer?” Shooter asked looking around.
“That would be Cain.” I answered and Cain walked up with Holly glued to his side. Shooter looked from Cain to Holly, and smiled.
“Nice to meet you” And they shook hands.
“Alright, so its gunna work like this. I am now your worst nightmare. You will train from 8 in the morning till noon. If you have any questions you can ask Luna. Don’t be late or you’ll wish you’d died. Don’t wear clothes you care about, caught I don’t” I smiled cause he gave me the same speech.
“Luna, I’m starving” He said flashing me a smile.
“You want me to make your dish don’t you?” Shaking my head and placing my hands on my hips.
“You know I do baby girl” Grinning, Matias pulled me closer to him. Shooter didn’t miss it and smiled at him.
Walking inside, Matias, Shooter, Tony and Davis sat on the stools, Cain soon walked over and had Holly in his lap.
“Your mate?” Shooter asked looking at Holly.
“Yes, I found her a day ago” He said keeping it short.
“Nice” Shooter lifted his glass, before drinking from it.
“Shooter?” I said turning around.
“You want it hot?”
“Ohh please” Grinning. I nodded and started making him a grilled cheese and tomato sandwich.
“Hear you go” Placing the melted cheesy goodness in front of him.
“Aww, How I’ve longed for one of these” I giggle as he takes his fist bite.
“Well?” I asked leaning on my elbows.
“Ha, so freaking good.” With a big smile.
“hah good I’m glad you like it”
“So, when did you two become mates?” Shooter asked taking another bite.
“umm a few months ago” Looking at Matias, who nods.
“How?” Sipping his beer.
“ha, I had to take in a day walking wolf who just so happen to be him.”
“You sound annoyed by that” Picking some tomato out of his teeth, before looking at Matias. Who rolled his eyes.
“Well, he wasn’t exactly the easiest wolf I’ve had to save.” Sending Matias a smirk, he rolled his eyes again and huffed.
“What’d he do?” Now more interested in what happened.
“Ha, what didn’t he do. He pulled the fridge door off, he walked into my house soaking wet and shook everywhere. He whined when I wouldn’t let him come into the bathroom with me. Oh he would stair at me when I was trying to sleep and if I moved he would get off the bed and stair some more, and then he…” Matias growled. Cause at this point the pack was holding back laughter.
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