It had been about four weeks, Matias had a me learning everyone’s name and getting to know the area. I of course had to go with either him or one of his men. God that man, he really needs to relax. It was about noon when he started hearing what sounded like gun shots an screaming.
“Son of a bitch” Matias jumped off the stool in the kitchen and stared yelling for his men.
“What’s going on?” I asked as Nate ran by.
“Wolf Killers” He yelled grabbing one of the smaller kids and bringing them to a safe spot in the house. Sara and Holly were all but in tears.
“Girls go up stairs” I said and they took off running. I was right behind them, and running into are room. Pulling open my closet and walking in. Grabbing a shot gun and a hand gun, slipping it behind my back. Running down the stairs and outside. Matias had seven men with him lined up. Four large trucks filled with men with guns were screaming and making a circle in are font yard. It was like watching some damn wild west movie. The trucks came to a stop, lining up and riving there engines like they were gunna run us over.
Walking up I stepped next to Matias, who growled
“Get back in the house Luna” Not looking at me.
“Yea, cause I see that happening” The shot gun over my shoulder.
He was about to yell at me when one of the men started yelling at us.
“God damn wolfs, get off this property” Oh this is rich. Remember when I said there are people out there who hate are kind, well hear they are. They just as bad as the KKK, if nor worse. Armed with rifles and shot guns, they can easily wound us. There to stupid to know what silver is. We can’t afford any of are guys hit, and wounded. We have a rouge problem to deal with, and these assholes are just an nu sense.
“What seems to be the problem fella’s” Stepping away from Matias. Growling and whispering for me to get back, I kept walking forward.
“You heard me, get off this property.” Waving his gun.
“Why, we own this property. If anything your trust passing.” tapping the gun on my shoulder.
“Your nothing but scum and mutts. You’ll ruin this world with your flea bitten curse”
“Wow Flea bitten curse. That’s a new one. How about this, I’m gunna count to ten and if your yellow belly dick sucking ass aren’t off my land I’m gunna turn your ass into one of us” Pulling the shot gun down and racking it. You’ll never forget the sound of a shot gun when the round hit’s the chamber, A few men look at what I guess is there leader. I can hear there heart beats moving faster. Smell there sweat and taste there fears. There nothing, I didn’t stay alive this long because I was untrained.
“Woman I will kill you” Pointing his gun at me.
“Make my day” pointing my shot gun at him. Matias growled from behind me, along with his men. The engines roared and shook there trucks. Were not suppose to hurt humans, but when they threaten are lives with trucks and guns, we have rights to. My father would understand and would help us. People like them don’t deserve the same kind of kindness we give everyone else.
It felt like a life time holding that gun at him, he was shaking but only a little bit. I’m a hell of a shooter, and I don’t’ get rusty. He took a shot and I fired at the same time. Are bullets wrapped around each other, falling to the ground.
“FIRST WARNING” Racking the gun again. He looked sick, as he looked to his men.
“SECOND WARNING” Firing into the truck windshield and covering the car in bullets.
“NEXT ONE IS A KILL SHOT! GET OFF MY LAND” Holding the gun. Flashing my eyes and making myself as freaking scary as possible. Two of the drivers were at there breaking point and took off. I let a scary grin slide on my face, which only sent the mans heart rate threw the roof. He banged his hand on the truck and the last of them left. Keeping my hand on the trigger till they left.
“PUSSYS” Holding the gun over my shoulder and turning around. Walking back and handing the shot gun to Matias.
“Who’s hungry” There eyes followed me all the way to the house. Tony walked over to Matias, along with Davis.
“Remind me never to piss her off” Davis said slapping Tony on the back and walking towards the house. I was already in the kitchen making food for them, when they all came in at once. A few were laughing while Matias and his Beta looked pissed.
“LUNA!” He screamed while breathing heavy.
“Yes” Turning around.
“You could of gotten yourself killed” His men stepped away from him, and became quiet.
“Is that why your mad?” Taking a sip of soda.
“YES, why else would I be mad?” Growling.
“Matias, I wasn’t about to sit around and tuck tail. You know me better then that” Putting the can down.
“This isn’t anything like your place. The rules are different hear” Snarling.
“No there not, its just different morons” Walking out and into the main area.
“They could of killed you”
“And they could of easily killed any of them” Looking at the men.
“YOU ARE THE LUNA” Making a nasty sound
“So what, my life is more valuable”
“You are the reason I left, to make are pack complete. Without you its pointless for us to live.”
“So without mean your pack has no meaning, is that what your saying.” Raising my voice.
“Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying. Every pack needs a Luna to make it whole.”
“GROW UP MATIAS, A pack can survive without a Luna. You just want to keep me locked up, for safe keeping. I am not a porcelain doll, you can’t play with me when you feel its safe enough to take me out of my damn glass case.” Snarling back.
“I Can do as I please, I am the ALPHA, YOU WOULD DO GOOD TO REMEMBER THAT!” His voice carried through out the halls, as he pushed his Alpha power around.
“OH BIG MISTAKE” Flashing my eyes there deep color, a wave of power belonging to my father flashed threw the whole house, eye looked down and every stepped back. We stood silent, him fighting the urge to look away. I was still a higher rank then him, even if he was my mate and Alpha I still have my fathers blood running threw me. If he could use his Alpha power on me then I should get the same right.
“Back down, Matias” Growling. I knew what I was asking, and it was very dangerous. He could reject me for doing this, or he could just simple wait till a full moon and kill me. He wasn’t backing down, and I may have a lot of pride but I’m also not the one who would loose everything. I hate using power that shouldn’t be used. I lowered my power and relaxed, it left only his Alpha power. And I looked away. He growled and took a step to me, I kept my eyes low and turned around. I wanted out, this was more then I could handle. My wolf was pissed we backed down, and she was all about screaming to come out.
Running for the back door, I swung it open and left. Running past the pool and hitting the grass as I shifted. My paws reaching for longer strides.
“LUNA” Screaming out the front door. Faster running into the trees and weaving away. I needed to think about this, I had made a very stupid choice and was going to have to deal with it, but not right now. Now I was going to run, run until I couldn’t run or breath any longer. The wind wiping my face, and tree branches reaching to pull me in. Deer were caught off guard and darted with tails high into the air.
My stupid temper got the better of me, I wanted to protect my new family. To watch them find there mates and live happy lives. I wasn’t about to let some stupid men with wolf problems destroy what I had worked so hard to find. When you finally find something worth living for, your life seems meaningless. You’ll do anything to protect the one thing you love. I understand why he’s mad, but does he understand me. Faster I ran, my feet hitting the soil even harder. Gliding over a fallen tree and into a puddle. My coat splashed with mud.
The cracking sound of thunder over head, as the rain slowly started to jump off the leaves and hit the ground. Soon it was pouring, as I ran. Thunder roared threw the trees making them shake, a bolt of lightening cracked and twisted threw the ever darkening sky. I reached the flower meadow and howled, shifting as I did so screaming in the end. My body soaked and covered in mud. I was cold and naked, but I was so mad with myself I didn’t care. Another crack and roar of thunder, shook the flower.
The rain quickened and threatened to take me away. Dropping to my knees and grabbing the earth with my fingers. I lessoned to the sound of what my heart must felt like. Cracking and banging, the ground shaking and trembling from the sky. My feet and hands were tired from running, and we laid down surrounded my flowers. The rain sliding over are body, my hair soaked and dirty from the run, now lay intertwined with the flowers. My eyes closed as I lessoned to the rain, and wind as it picked up. Blowing the leaves and tossing the flowers around me.
“Luna!” I heard him, but I didn’t want to get up. He yelled again, this time his voice closer.
“Luna” Yelling again. Moving I curled up, and lay still. I could hear his foot prints, the echoed threw the ground.
“Luna” He touched my skin, its warmth made me realize just how cold I really was. A heavy jacket was draped over me, as he lifted me up. Shaking because of the differences in temperature, I opened my eyes. He stared at me, his face wet and pale. He looked like shit, and that was saying something.
“Luna” Pulling me closer to him, burring my face in his chest I closed my eyes. He walked the whole way back, never saying a word. I knew when we reached the house, the sudden smell of wolves and warmth over took me. He had gone in the back way to are room. Hearing his feet on the bath tile and the sound of the tub being filled. Sitting on the floor and holding me, he removed the jacket. His shorts were soaked and sticking to me.
“Love” He whispered wanting me to open my eyes. Slowly I looked at him, he didn’t look mad. If anything it was worry that flashed across his face.
“I’m sorry” Croaking out, my throat was sore and pained.
“Shhh, its okay” Turning the water off and standing back up, he managed to take his shorts off and put us both into a hot tub. The water over took every square inch of us. It made me shiver and grab him more.
“Please don’t ever do that again. I can‘t loose you” Pushing his head to mine. My arms wrapped around his neck, pulling me up closer to his lips.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t want anyone to get hurt” Putting my face in the crook of his neck.
“Luna its are job to protect as mates. How am I suppose to do that, if you keep hell raising.” I made a sorry attempted to chuckle. This is the kind of man I have, even when he’s angry or worried he tries to make it better by saying something like this.
“Who’s going to protect you” Looking at him. He smiled moving a piece of hair out of my face.
“No one if you keep risking your life” poking are noises together.
“I didn’t mean to use….it” Looking away.
“Yea, I keep forgetting your higher ranking then me. Don’t get use to it” Smirking and lifting my eyes to his.
“You’ll have to lesson to me sooner or later.” Kissing me, and holding me closer.
He didn’t stop kissing me, sliding his hands over my body. He was ruff with me, as if this was my punishment for defying his orders. Once we were warm, picking me back up and pulling the lug. The sound of rushing water running down the drain, filled are room. He waited no time in tossing me on the bed, pointing his finger at me.
“Stay put” Growling. What the hell was going on. He stepped into the hall yelling for Sara. She came running.
“Yes Alpha?”
“You are in charge of dinner, Luna will not be coming down” He turned around and closed the door before she could answer. Locking his door and moving over to the back door, doing the same. I watched trying to finger out what he was going to do.
“You are in so much trouble.” I wonder if Sara is shitting herself after seeing him naked. He didn’t seem to care, moving over to me.
“Come hear” Pointing a few feet away from the bed. Oh crap, he’s on a power trip now. His eyes flashed, giving me a warning. Damn it. I got off the bed and walked over. His eyes watching me walk. Standing still I kept my eyes off of him, even though I new he was glaring at me. The low rumble that slipped his lips, made me shake. He was pissed, and I had no idea what he was going to do.
“YOU will stay in this house for one week.” My eyes shot to his.
“What!” Searching his face.
“YOU WILL NOT LEAVE THIS HOUSE” raising his voice. I took a step back, but he grabbed my arm, pulling me back where I was.
“You…you can’t do that” Pulling on my arm.
“I can and I just did” Barring his teeth at me.
“Matias!” My mouth open in surprise.
“Don’t even try it Luna, you are not leaving this house for one week. Do I make myself clear?” Growling and flashing his eyes again.
“You…you..” I tried to talk, but my mouth was being difficult.
“Your going to learn, this is our house but I am the Alpha. My rules are above all, your lucky this is all I’m doing to you.” His Alpha power flooded the room, making my knees weak. My wolf growled, she wasn’t liking this. There really wasn’t anything I could do. I nodded my head, and looked away. He retracted his power and looked me over. I felt his lust, seeming me wet and naked. If he thinks he’s getting any for a week, he’s got another thing coming. Moving away from him, he grabbed me arm. Pulling me in for a kiss, I turned my head away. The shock of me turning away, angered him.
“Kiss me” Making me look at him. I looked away, slipping out of his grasp. Grabbing clothes and walking into the bathroom, locking the door. He could keep me hear, but he couldn’t get my affection for it. Call me childish, I don’t care. You don’t ground me to the house and expect me to fuck you afterwards, I’m not easy. He grabbed clothes and slammed the bedroom door open and closed.
For the next three days, I didn’t touch him, nor did I speak to him. I cooked the meals for the pack, and talked with Sara and Holly. But as soon as he wound enter the room, I would shut up or walk away. He tried several times to get me near him, but I walked away. Ray seemed thrilled with the fact I wasn’t talking to Matias, and she took full advantage of it. She should of known better, his temper was on high. His mate wasn’t talking to him, or giving him any. She got yelled at twice by him, and ran out of the room in tears. Not like I felt sorry for her, she should of known better.
Just to piss him off more, I wouldn’t serve him his dinner I would leave it on the counter and walk away. He finally cornered me in the bathroom.
“Talk to me” Blocking my only way out. I growled, feeling trapped.
“Your not leaving till we talk” I turned around and sat on the tub. I didn’t have anything to do, or any place to go so what did I care. He continued to beg me, but to no result did he get anywhere. This only made things worse, his temper got the better of him.
“Fine, you don’t want to talk to me. Then you wont talk to anyone. You can stay in this room for the remaining days” Slamming the door. He stormed out of are bedroom, and I sat quietly. I’m stubborn and hard headed, or at least that’s what Father and Sam say.
I had four more days of this, and I kept to myself. Once in a while Sara would sneak a mind link to me, but I wouldn’t answer her. Most of it was in update on what Ray was doing. Matias would work late and return to are room. Only to find the bathroom door locked and my pillow and blanket missing. He screamed threw the door the first night. But gave up. I knew he wasn’t sleeping good, just by the sound of the bed moving. I had made a small nest in the tub and was comfy. If I needed to be warmer I shifted and slept in wolf form.
Another two days past, he knocked on the door.
“Luna dinner” He had been bringing me my food, but I refused to eat any of it. He had tried leaving it for me to whenever I wanted it, but he found it cold and untouched.
“Luna you have to eat” Rubbing his hand threw his hair. Knocking on the door again.
“Luna please” He sounded more worried then the last two times.
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