The girls came back down a few minutes later in sports bra’s and running shorts.
“You to look cute” Mixing the pulled pork in the dressing.
“Thanks” Sara answered and she grabbed Holly’s hand to go to the gym. I laughed shaking my head. It was another three hours, before the girls came back up. Dripping in sweat and breathing heavy.
“He’s trying to kill us” Sara said dropping on the sofa. Holly right next to her. Laughing I grabbed to powerades and tossed it to them.
“That bad huh?”
“He made up run ten miles flat, and then fifty pull ups and push ups, then do a hundred jumping jacks” She sounded tired just talking about it.
“Well you need your endurance up so you can handle the fighting part” Looking over the warming up pulled pork.
“Yea well it hurts” finishing her drink.
“Well you can go swimming now and cool off” There faces lit up. They were gone before Cain returned.
“Did you have fun?” Giggling. He looked just as tired.
“I’m surprised they didn’t quit” He said as I handed him a powerade.
“Why’s that?”
“Well my training is hard at first”
“Yea, I figured you were gunna drill them before you gave them a fighting lesson” He smiled taking a drink.
“You know how to fight?” He asked
“Sure do” Pulling the pork out.
“Love to match you” Grinning, I laughed and turned the oven off.
“You just might get to” Winking.
“He might get to what?” Matias came into the kitchen
“Fight me in a match” He blinked at the words fight me.
“You really think I’m gunna let you fight my mate?” He asked glaring at Cain.
“Knock it off Matias, I’m a big girl. And its only a match nothing deadly.” Slapping his arm, he looked back at me. Poor Cain looked like he was going to die from fright.
“Fine” Sending one more look at Cain.
“Stop warning him, or I wont tell you when we have the match” He stopped and looked quickly over at me.
“You wouldn’t?”
“I would and you know it” Eating another grape.
The conversation stopped when a group of males walked in. I knew all of them, Jeff, Rhino, Tony and the Twins.
“Morning” I said smiling.
“Morning, what is that smell?” Tony asked sniffing the air as the guys took up seats.
“Are lunch for today” Grinning and lifting the tin foil off the pulled pork. I swear there was now a river of drool in my kitchen.
“Wow look at that” Jeff leaned over, getting a better sniff.
“Behave guys, you’ll get it in a few hours” The groaned and huffed. It was short lived as the girls came back downstairs in swim suits. Sara is a cute white two piece with pink hearts, while Holly grabbed a bright yellow with silver swirls. It took the twins seconds to start whistling and getting the other guys attention. It was like someone let the dogs out.
“Damn girls” Jeff said turning around and eyeing them. Cain low growled, and I shot him a look. He was staring at Holly. Letting out a laugh, I looked at Matias who was so confused. Shaking my head I didn’t say anything. The girls walked outside and the guys heads almost snapped off trying to catch another look. Cain got up and walked outside, this only made me laugh more.
“What’s so funny?” Matias asked still not getting it.
“Nothing, I’ll tell you later” Looking out the window. He titled his head and nodded.
The party started two hours later, and the back yard was packed. I had ordered a jumpy castle for the kids to play in, and it was getting used to its fullest. The guys had helped me put al the food outside on tables, and were now eating and laughing. I left and went up stairs to change. The happy yells and screams from the pool could be heard all the way up stairs. Changing into a swim suit I bought, in the mall. I looked it over in the mirror. It was cute blue army color with shinnies all over. I had bought it cause it was different and cute, but now that it was on me. I started to feel nervous.
“Well its this or nothing” Shaking my head and adjusting my top. Instead of going threw the house, I went out the back door to are room. The stairs point towards the pool, I went without shoes.
“Holy baby Jesus, would you look at her” Jeff pulled his shades off and looked straight. A few other turned to se what he was talking about. Walking down the stairs, I was getting looked at by everyone one at this point. Matias’s eye flashed as I stepped onto the ground. It was nerve racking, I felt like I was on display. Walking over to Matias he whispered in my ear.
“When did you buy that” lightly touching my side, sending tiny whistles of pleasure.
“Yesterday” Smiling.
“Luna” Sara yelled getting out of the pool, and making it to me.
“Your stunning” She said looking me over.
“Oh, thanks” Laughing it off.
“Seriously Matias, does she have a sister?” I heard someone call, making the pack laugh.
“Close your mouth you dogs” He snapped and everyone did as they were told.
“Matias” Frowning at him.
“What, there rapping you with there eyes” Growling.
“Would you stop” Kissing him. Someone let out a whistle, sounded like a twin.
“Everyone having fun?” I asked smiling after kissing him. They all cheered and started parting again. Drinks were being made, music was playing in the background. The food was still in abundance, but a lot was eaten already. Ray was in the back hanging out with a few other pack members, her bright red two piece was cut short and left almost nothing to in vision. It suited her, the red matched her attitude. I would catch her glaring my way every once in a while. She wouldn’t make her move today, but soon she would.
The twins jumped out of the pool and walked over to me. Grinning I knew they were gunna throw me in.
“Don’t you dare” I pointed my finger at them
“Whatever are you talking about Luna?” Smirking and running to me.
“Matias” I yelled as they grabbed my arm and tossed me into the pool. He turned around just in time to see me splash. He grabbed both of them and pushed them in.
“Are you alright love?” Leaning down as I grabbed the side of the pool.
“Yea” Grabbing his pants and pulling him in. “I am now” Laughing as he popped back up.
“Ohh your in so much trouble” He still had his clothes on.
“What you gunna throw me back in?” Laughing it off. We had gotten the attention of most of the pack. Pulling out his soaked wallet and cell phone he growled looking at me. Laughing more I dove under and swam to the other side of the pool.
“Get back hear” Swimming after me.
“Yea okay!” Rolling my eyes, and getting out. He followed and I took off running threw the grass laughing.
“No, I’m sorry” Yelling out as he chased me. Everyone yelling.
“GET HER!” And laughing as he tried to catch me. I weaved throwing him off. He wasn’t going to give up, without giving him a chance to think, I dropped to the ground. He ran right past me, and stopped, but I was already up and running back.
“Not fair” Chasing me again. I laughed and slowed down, my lungs were heavy from running and laughing. Scooping me up and carrying my body back to the pool.
“No please” Wiggling.
“You had this coming” Kissing my noise before dropping me into the pool. The splash pulled off my top, and his eyes grew. Every male from the pack was hear and watching. Swimming back to the top, and gasping for air. His eyes trailed from me to the floating top. Growling he jumped into the pool, pushing me against the wall and grabbing my top. Every male looked down or away, he was guarding me.
“Its your own fault” Wiping the water off my face.
“They wont look at you” Growling low and dangerous. I laughed grabbing my top.
“Stop fussing.” Putting it back on. He tied it while making sure no one was looking.
“Good?” He asked as I fixed to the top.
“Yup, you can stop guarding me now” diving under and swimming away. Walking out of the pool I stuck my tongue out at him.
“What did I say about that?” Grinning like the dirty man he was. My tongue went back in, and I blushed.
“Who’s hungry” I said changing the topic and making everyone laugh. Matias went upstairs and changed into his trunks This time he had on deep blue ones with white tribal scrolling all over. I watched at Ray walked over to him, and flirted. My wolf growled, she didn’t like her in the least.
~Relax, she’s harmless~
~Not the point, she’s a hussy~
~True, but still harmless~ My wolf went back into my mind and watch quietly. I will let her think she’s getting away with it…for now. Sara gave me a look, and I shook my head. Cain on the other hand was watching Holly like a hawk. At one point the snapped at Nate and made him back off.
“Holly” I called and she came to me.
“Walk with me” Smiling, she nodded and we walking into the house.
“How old are you?” I asked once I knew no one could hear us.
“16” She replied.
“When is your birthday?”
“Next month, on the first” She looked puzzled.
“You don’t say” Smiling and taking out some more sodas.
“Well I think your mate already knows about you” her eyes widened.
“Really, who?” Looking out the window.
“umm, I’m not going to say right now. I don’t completely know if I’m right.”
“Ohh please Luna” She begged.
“Your gunna have to wait. But I will tell you this much. He is definitely not going to reject you” As I said this Cain walked in.
“Aww perfect timing Cain.” handing him some soda’s. He looked over at Holly. She didn’t get it. Sara yelled for her and she ran past Cain, who watched her.
“Gunna have to wait to the first of the month.” looking away. He turned to me with wide eyes.
“Don’t play stupid with me, You never said that males can find there mates before females. She’s your mate” He looked back at her then to me.
“You figured it out?” Looking down.
“Wasn’t really that hard, your protective over her.” Closing the fridge.
“Did….did you tell her?”
“No, its not my place.”
“Why not?”
“Because she deserves to be surprised just like everyone else. But I will say this much” Taking a deep breath. “You better protect her, you told me you wouldn’t reject her and I’m holding you to that” Walking outside with a few soda’s. He ran after me arms full.
“Luna” I stopped and turned around. “I would never” Giving me a serious look.
“Good, then we don’t have an issue” Smiling and walking the rest of the way to the table.
The party was a huge hit, and everyone had fun. I got help cleaning and we called it a night. There was still left over food, and I put everything in the fridge. A movie was put on for the smaller kids down the hall, while the older ones watched some action movie. I was beat and wanted a hot shower and my bed. I left and went up stairs. Inside the bath, I turned the water on and took the suit off. Hot water poured over my body and washed the pool water off.
Washing my hair and grabbing my green scrubby I washed my body. I had grabbed a pair of panties and a long night shirt. Drying off I put them on and walked out. The room was empty, walking over to the back door. I looked outside and over the back yard. It was nice hear, calming even. Reminded me of my place, back home. A warm body pressed up against me trailing kisses over my neck. His smell wrapped around me, just like his arms.
“Are you alright” He seemed worried about me.
“Yes, just thinking” Leaning into him. His face brushed across mine and I felt so safe with him.
“You smell so good” Sticking his nose in my neck , his hot breath trailing all over me.
“You like my smell?” Giggling cause it tickled.
“Yes, I love it” tuning me around. His eyes were so calm and happy.
“Why do you always look at me like that?” I asked, touching his face.
“Because I have waited a long time to find you” Picking me up and putting me on the bed he continued.
“And I don’t ever want to loose you. You mean everything to me.” brushing a wet piece of hair out of my eyes.
“Is that why your so protective?”
“Yes, I would never forgive myself if you got hurt” Pulling me to his bare chest, and laying with me. His hand rubbed my back and I could hear his heart beating. I was a lot more tired then I thought, and with the sound of his heart beat in my ear I drifted off to it. He waited a little while before getting up and taking a shower as well, then climbed back into bed and pulled me to him.
The next morning I was again up before him. I got my clothes and headed down stairs. This was becoming normal for me, I wasn’t a morning person in the least. But it was nice having people around to talk to. At least one male would be down stairs watching tv, this time it was Jeff.
“Good morning” I said breaking his vision on the screen.
“Oh good morning Luna”
“Are you hungry?”
“Very” Grinning.
“Alright, just give me a few” As I pulled out a few pans and some items from the fridge.
“You’re a really good cook” He said turning the tv off.
We talked about random things while I cooked everything from Bacon, Eggs, Toast, Pancakes and home fries. I made more then enough for the pack house, along with three pots of coffee. Pouring myself a cup, the girls came down.
“Morning ladies” Jeff said with a mouth full of pancakes.
“Geez Luna, do you ever stop cooking?” Sara was playing with me.
“Would you like me to stop” Smirking. Jeff chocked.
“Please god don’t stop” Shaking his head. The girls laughed as they made themselves a plate. Tony walked in with a pair of boxers on. Oh wow, who ever gets him for a mate will be thrilled. I had a feeling Matias wasn’t going to be to happy with his Beta walking around din just boxers. But this was his house to, so I didn’t see a problem in it.
“Hungry?” I asked him as he sat down.
“Yes” I poured him a cup of coffee and made him a plate.
“Your welcome” Sipping my coffee and leaning against the counter. Matias soon came down, in sweat pants, he looked at Tony and growled.
~Leave him alone~ I mind linked him. His eyes shot to me.
~How did you?~
~What know it would bother you? Because I’m your mate and your so darn protective. Leave him be, its his house to~
~Err, fine~ He sat down next to Tony and I made him a plate, with a cup of coffee. Happy sounds were filling the kitchen as everyone ate. Ray walked in wearing light pink Pjs and stopped a little when she saw me. She grabbed a bowl and poured herself some cereal. You would of thought I would of felt insulted, but really I didn’t give a shit. Walking over to Matias she smiled sweetly at him, taking a piece of his bacon. He frowned at her, but didn’t say anything. Turning around she shot me a look which I swear was ‘ha, fuck you’ I laughed and this only seemed to piss her off more. Was the girl really that stupid, hell I fuck the man. And you think taking a piece of bacon means you won.
Taking another piece of bacon I stuck on half in my mouth and leaned over to Matias, who without a thought took the other half in his mouth, making us kiss. This blew her mind and she stormed off. I smirked and caught Sara giggling with Holly. What started off as a good week, ran into another good week. Everything was fine.
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