~Luna’s POV~
The kids ate cookies and played in the grass. I watched the twins tease Holly, and she fought back. She’s gunna be a spit fire, her mate isn’t gunna know what to do with her. I laughed and felt someone wrap me up.
“What are you laughing about?” He asked kissing my cheek.
“Holly! Her mate is gunna have his hands full” Smiling.
“You mean like me?” Grinning.
“Ha, you have it easy” He spun me around.
“Oh you think so” Tilting his head and raising an eyebrow.
“Yup” kissing his noise. I looked back at Holly and the twins.
“Thank you” his arms tightened and kissed my forehead.
“Anything for you love” He was sweet, and I was really happy he took the Omega title off of Holly.
Nighttime came and we all cleaned up and headed back in. I was far from done, I still had a crap load of cooking to do. Sara said she’d help me. Matias had some more paperwork to take care of so him and his Beta were in his office.
“So what are we making?” Sara asked sitting on the counter.
“Well, I figured we’d do a few things.” Flipping open a note pad and tapping the top of the pen.
“Like what?” She was so cute when she was curious.
“well, like potato salad, Macaroni and cheese, steaks, corn on the cob, umm. Maybe a few cakes and pies.” I tapped the pen to my lip as I thought about more to write.
“What about a shrimp platter”
“Nice, we need to put out the chips and dip as well. And might as well cut the cheese and crackers” She nodded and we started working on the easier things. Holly came down stairs in her new yellow sweat clothes.
“Luna can I help” Leaning on the counter and taking an apple.
“Of course you can” I had already checked off the Shrimp platter for Sara to do.
“Can you cut the cheese into small squares and lay it out?”
“Sure” She finished her apple and washed her hands. In the fridge I pulled out four large roasts and started pulling the plastic off them.
‘What are those for?” She looked over from cutting the cheese.
“I was thinking pulled pork.” Sara leaned back.
“The guys will love that”
“I hope so” tossing the plastic away. Setting the oven and putting each roast on a silver tray. Grabbed a few bottles of sauce and an syringe. Once they were all covered with the sauce I slid them into the huge oven. Good thing this oven is huge or this would take me longer.
“All done” Holly said. She did a really good job, making the cheese spiral all along the plate.
“Good, we need to cover it and put it back in the fridge. Taking an extra slice and popping it into my mouth.
“Luna, is this enough?” Sara asked looking at all the peeled shrimp.
“God I hope so”
“I’m gunna smell like fish now” Huffing.
“Just take a shower, it will come out.” Shaking my head and handing her the plastic wrap.
“What’s next?” I looked over at the clock, crap its already 9:00pm
“You girls sure you don’t want to get some sleep?”
“Nah, were okay for right now” Sara looked over at Holly who nodded.
“Alright, don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Pulling out bags of apples.
“What’s this for?” Holly handed Sara two bags of apples.
“We need to make seven apple pies” there eyes bugged out of there heads.
“Yup, and that’s just the half of it.” Laughing they groaned.
“I did warn you” Pulling out another five bags. We made it fun, grabbing a large trash bag and sitting on the floor. Each got a peeler and a few bags of apples. A large bowl and we sat down.
“My mom and I use to do this” I said peeling the first apple.
“Really? What’s she like?”
“She’s really smart, and is a killer cook.” Smiling at Holly.
“Where is she?” Sara asked.
“umm well last time I talked to her she as in Maine, but she could of moved.” Putting the apple in the bowl and taking another one.
“Do you miss her?” Sara asked, she seemed a little nervous about asking.
“Yes, but she’s safe so its okay.”
We changed the topic and talked about girl things. Like how Sara’s mate was going to be drop dead gorgeous and how Holly’s mate was gunna be wrapped around her finger. Finishing the last of the apples the girls ended up passed out on a sofa to the side of the kitchen. I was surprised they lasted this long. I decided they needed to go to bed.
~Davis, Tony~
~Yes Luna~ They both said
~Are you guys done upstairs?~
~Yes we just finished~ Tony answered
~Good, could you take Holly and Sara to their room, they passed out on the sofa down here~
~Sure thing~ A few minutes later the guys walked down stairs and found the girls on the sofa. Davis picked up Holly who curled into him. Sara was carefully picked up by Tony. I nodded to them and they left. I still had to keep an eye on the roasts and make a few more things.
It was 11:00pm by the time Matias came down stairs. I was sitting on the sofa with the tv controller in hand.
“Hey, its late come to bed”
“Why not” He sat down next to me. Letting out a yawn.
“Because I still have four pies cooking and the roast are only a third of the way done”
“This is why I wanted you to have help” Huffing at me
“Its fine” Putting my head on his shoulder.
“Well I finished all the paperwork”
“Good, I’m sorry I didn’t help you”
“Don’t worry about it, next time” Grinning. My timer went off and I got up to pull the pies out.
“How much food are you making?” Following me into the kitchen.
“Well, so far I have all this” Opening the fridge. Again where is a camera when I need one.
“Damn love, that’s a lot of food.” Rubbing his neck.
“Well I wanted everyone to have at least something they liked.” Shrugging and closing the door. Matias ended up staying with me the whole night, even when I told him to go to bed.
“Its fine love” Kissing my head.
“But your tired, you keep yawning” Smirking at him.
“I’ll go to bed when you come to bed” The timer went off and I pulled the roasts out.
“Well, there done” Poking them with a folk, and watching as they fell apart.
“Now what?” Taking a piece and putting it in his mouth, I frowned at him.
“Nothing, they need to sit and rest. I’m going to cover them and go to bed.” Taking out the tin foil. Matias seemed happy I was going to bed, and helped me. With everything wrapped and only a few things left to finish, I called it a night. Yawning and stretching out, I started walking to go upstairs. Apparently walking was not what Matias wanted me to do. Without warning he picked me up and carried me the rest of the way to are room.
“My legs do work you know” wrapping my arms around his neck.
“Yea, but this way I get to be closer to you” Smiling and taking the stairs. Pushing are door open with his foot he closed it and walked me over to the bed. Sitting me down, I took my clothes off and tossed them in a hamper. My shopping bags were in a corner, where the girls and twins had left them. I was going to have to put them away, but not right now. Unclipping my bra I pulled the blankets down and climbed in. He took no time in pulling me to him. Kissing my neck and shoulder, before getting his face in the crook of my neck.
“I’m so glad your hear” He whispered, kissing me one more time.
“Me to” Holding his arm and falling asleep.
The next morning I was awake first. Ever so carefully and quietly I left Matias to sleep a little more. He looked like a big baby, with his mouth open just a little bit and his chest uncovered. I grabbed a clear pair of panties and a bra, then grabbed a bag that had a new outfit, and swim suit. Closing the bathroom door, and changing. Once finished I quietly opened the door, to find him still asleep. I left closing are door, and heading down stairs.
The girls were still asleep which didn’t surprise me. The Tv down stairs was on, but only loud enough to hear.
“Morning Luna” I heard a male voice call.
“Oh Morning Cain” He was sitting at the end of the counter eating a bowl of cereal and watching tv.
“I see you made a lot of food” Grinning.
“Yea, I added your favorite to my list.” He brightened up.
“Really, you made lemon meringue pie?”
“Sure did”
“Damn Matias is one luck SOB” Shaking his head and putting his bowl in the sink.
“Is that so” Laughing.
“Yea, I’d love to have a mate like you” Cain was stunning as far as males go. His body was solid and lean. Muscle was everywhere a girl could want it. He took care of himself, and did his hair in a light spike style. You’d think with brown eyes he wouldn’t look sexy, but they reminded me of chocolate chips and I almost wanted to eat them….almost.
“You don’t have a mate Cain?” Washing his dish.
“No, not yet. But I’m looking for her” Smiling weakly. You could tell he really wanted his other half.
“I don’t know much about pack life, but what is the age for a wolf to find there mate?” He blinked a few times.
“Well it varies, but normally around 17years old.” I nodded and started work on a few things that were left for today.
“Can I ask you something Cain?”
“Sure” Turning the tv off.
“If your mate was unwanted or broken. Would you reject her?” This took him by surprise.
“Never, she’d need me. I couldn’t just look the other way. Why?”
“I was just curios is all.” He didn’t seem convinced, but dropped it. We talked about pack life a little more and then I asked him another question.
“What do you do here?”
“I’m the fight trainer” Well I’ll be damned.
“Really?” Popping a grape in my mouth.
“Yup, I train anyone and everyone how to fight. Why?”
“Could you start training Holly for me?”
“Sure, but I don’t think she’ll do very good”
“Why’s that” Eating another grape.
“She’s super quiet, and I think she’s frightened of me” He looked down.
“Umm maybe, but she’s a little different now that Matias took the Omega roll away from her. Would you try”
“Of course.” Just then the girls walked in looking tired.
“Morning” Sara yawned and slumped in a chair at the counter, putting her head down. Holly looked just as tired, but she leaned her hand on her arm.
“Well, you to look tired” Smiling.
“How late did you stay yup Luna?” Sara asked.
“Umm Matias and I went to bed around midnight”
“Geez, how are you up before us?” She rolled her eyes. I grabbed two bowls and the milk.
“Umm, I’m not much of a sleeper. What kind of cereal?”
“Frosted flakes” Sara said
“umm, can I have the honey nut cheerios?” Cain looked up at her.
“Sure, honey” I grabbed both boxes. They ate quietly and Holly finished by drinking her milk. She washed her bowl and sat back down.
“Holly” I started
“Cain is going to start teaching you how to fight, is that okay?” She looked over at him. He had a calm face on, but she looked back at me.
“Yea, I guess that’s okay” She looked worried, maybe she was afraid of Cain.
“I’ll train with you” Sara blurted out, before I could say anything.
“Cain can you teach us together?” She asked.
“Sure, its fine with me” He looked back at Holly, who nodded.
“Great, can we start now?” Leave it to Sara.
“Sure, meet me in the gym” He said getting up and heading there before them.
“Okay, Holly lets go change.” She looked stunned, but went up stairs with Sara.
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