I ended up teaching Sara how to make Chocolate Moose cake. We made four, wow I was so going to get my baking on. Once two of the cakes were completed we started frosting them. It took about thirty minutes for guys to start flooding into the kitchen.
“What is that heavenly smell?” Nick asked taking a seat.
“Chocolate Moose cake” I replied checking on the other two in the oven.
“I hope you know you’re never leaving us.” He smiled with beautiful white teeth.
“Ha is that so?” Closing the oven.
“Yes, I wont go back to crap food ever again” getting a shiver at the thought of it. Sara and I laughed and started frosting another cake that was finally cooled.
“One more right?” She asked.
“Yup, its about done” Peeking in. I caught Nick leaning in to steal a taste of the homemade frosting. I whacked him with the wooden spoon.
“Ouww woman.”
“You wait” Pointing my weapon at him. Matias had some business to discuss with his Beta so he was out right now.
“Ohh oh is that Chocolate cake…me loves chocolate cake” Skylar says while rubbing his belly. Skylar looked to be older then some of the other guys. He had a beard and it was this interesting orange color. Don’t get me wrong, he still has a sexy vibe to him.
“Yes, but you have to wait” I heard a whine come out from both him and Nick. Such babies. Sara took out the last cake and we waited for it to cool. Opening the fridge I saw no left over’s from the dinner I made.
“What happened to the left over pasta?” Looking at them.
“Left over? Woman do you know where you are?” Skylar chuckled. Laughing, I felt a little stupid. He was right these were all werewolf’s and more were males. They eat more then a whale.
“Did everyone get some?” I was worried at least if there was left over’s someone else could eat.
“Yea. If not tuff, they should of come faster.” Nick answered eyeing the cake.
“Luna” Matias called. I looked past Nick and Skylar.
“I have your sheet” He walked over and handed me the sheet I wanted to make. Looking it over, it was perfect. It had a place for there name and what they like or don’t like, and also had a spot for anything that they couldn’t eat.
“Great thanks love” Kissing his cheek and sticking it on the fridge. Nick jumped off the chair and grabbed a pen.
“Add me to Nick” Skylar said.
“What yea want me to write?” Turning his head towards him.
“Sugar cookies and pork chops” Grinning.
I was going to be using the sheet to my advantage, in two days we were having a party, and I wanted to know what everyone liked. Flipping my cell open, I check the weather. Damn this things has a lot of apps. Looking it over it was going to be perfect the day of the party, so perfect we could get away with a pool party.
“Yes love” He had his finger on the frosting.
“First of all, don’t be a pig. And second can we do a pool party?”
“Well then cut me a piece, and sure” Licking his finger. Shaking my head I cut him a piece and handed it over.
“Sara” I turned to her, I didn’t even half to finish my sentence.
“Got it covered” Cutting the cake for the guys. I needed to make a phone call. Walking outside I sat on some patio furniture and called Sam.
“Hello?” Sam
“Hey you”
“Luna, I was just going to call you” He sounded happy.
“Miss me already” Smiling
“Always, so how is it?”
“Good, there are a lot of people hear.”
“It is a pack.”
“True, looks like I’ll be the cook from now on as well”
“Nice, you always loved to cook.”
Someone inside who sounded like Nick yelled.
“You are never leaving” Followed by a happy sound. I giggled.
“What was that?” Sam asked.
“One of the guys is eating my Chocolate moose cake”
“Ohh yea, I miss those” Making a happy sound.
“Yea well you eat the whole thing, and then get mad when you gain weight”
“Hey there freaking amazing, and I love them” Trying to defend his pig habits.
“Well its late, and I need some sleep.”
“Alright call me soon okay?”
“Sure things Sam, give my love to Marlene”
“Well do, night”
Closing the phone I walked back into the house. Two of the cakes were gone, and there were now ten people hovering in the kitchen.
“Wow, that didn’t take long” Looking around at the faces. I knew a few of them, like Nick, Skylar, Rhino, the twins and Jeff. But there were a couple others I hadn’t gotten to know.
“Luna, this is the pack Doctor.” Matias said seeing me look around.
“Nice to meet you Luna, I’m Tanya, but you can call me Doc” She was stunning, and I mean stunning. Medium length brown hair with lighter highlights framed her face. Eyes that looked like a mixture of hazel and blues, an olive skin ton and perfect pink lips.
“Nice to meet you” Smiling at her.
“This is Hunter my brother” She said looking at the tall man stuffing cake into his mouth. He blushed when he noticed everyone looking at him.
“Hi…Luna” Looking down. He was handsome to say the least, hell all the men hear were drool worthy. Hunter had green eyes and blonde hair. High cheek bones and a relaxed face.
“Hi, nice to meet you Hunter” He smiled and took another bite of cake
A whimper came from somewhere in a back room, and my ears snapped to it.
“What was that?” Looking at everyone, they seemed unfazed by it. Matias turned a weird color.
“Matias?” Pushing the conversation.
“Its Holly, she’s an omega” I growled, Omega’s were treated like shit, they did all the work and never got to do anything fun. They were considered weak and useless, even though they did everything in the pack. Pushing my way threw the small crowd I heard Matias huff and follow me. There in the corner was a young girl, a huge man had her pinned against the wall. He towered over her small frame, she looked thin and scared. I hate seeming that, its just wrong.
“HEY!” Snarling. He stopped and was going to snap at me till he got a look at who I was.
“Luna” Bowing his head. This time I wasn’t going to tell him not to bow. I was beyond pissed off.
“Holly is it?” I asked the girl, she kept her head low and her eyes down.
“Yes Luna”
“Come hear child” She slowly moved away from the man and over to my side. I pulled her close and hugged her with one arm, glaring at the man.
“Who are you?” I snapped with so much angry.
“I’m Trenton” He answered his hazel eyes keeping low, it worked with his black hair.
“Touch her again, and you ass is mine” His eyes shot up for a second, then back down again.
“She’s an Omega Luna” He pleaded, as if that was going to get him less of a death glare.
“I really don’t care if she’s a turtle, you will not touch her again. Do I make myself clear?” Thinning my eyes out more.
“Yes Luna”
“Good, now leave” He quickly moved down the hall.
“Are you hungry?” I asked her, she was stunning. Maybe not as much as she could be, but her beautiful rich chocolate hair and faded blue eyes held a lot of promise.
“Its okay” She whispered.
“Holly, I will not hurt you. Would you like something to eat” She nodded, and was shaking. Holding her close to my side I walked back into the kitchen. No one said a word. She was about fifteen years old. She should have been playing with friends and laughing. Not cowering in a damn corner. I shot Matias a ‘were gunna have a talk’ look and he lowered his gaze. He knew how I felt about shit like this, its not right. I know every pack has at least one omega, but that didn’t mean they had to. Most omega’s are taken in, or found. There like the packs bitch, its stupid.
Picking her up I sat her on the counter, she didn’t like it very much. Eyes were on her and she thought someone was going to hurt her.
“Lesson up, If I so much as see this child being abused in anyway. Your ass is mine. DO I Make myself Clear?” Looking around at the faces.
“Yes Luna” Everyone said.
“Holly, what would you like?” She was still keeping her eyes off of me. Lifting her chin, I smiled at her.
“Its okay love, I wont get mad if you look at me.” She gave a weak smile. This is going to be interesting, I can talk to her wolf and find out everything. I stared at her eyes and she kept them locked with mine. Matias low growled, apparently he didn’t like someone staring down at me, but she really wasn’t doing that. Her wolf was hurt, and she had little self confidence. It broke my heart, she was so young. At this rate her mate wouldn’t want her, that just pissed me off.
“Alright love, hear start with this okay” Handing her a piece of cake Sara had cut. Pulling the fridge door open I poured her a glass of milk. The cake was gone before I could hand her the glass.
“Was it good?” She nodded. Jeff growled at her for not answering me with words. It took a split second and I whacked him with my wooden spoon.
“Don’t” I snapped. He lowered his head. She looked at me and seemed a little confused why I was protecting her. If Matias was telling me the truth, if this was now my pack as well. Then I wasn’t going to let anyone hurt another pack member, even if there an omega.
“Do you like chicken?” I asked she smiled.
“Yes Luna”
“Wonderful” Grabbing the chicken from the fridge I added a few veggies and cooked it.
“Sara, can you get me a few wraps”
“Sure” She left for the pantry and came back with three wraps. I added the cooked chicken and veggies with some sour cream and rolled them up.
“Here” Handing her the plate. Her milk glass was empty, so I refilled it. Sara smiled at her, which made me happy. It didn’t take her to long to finish and she ever drank the rest of the milk.
~Luna we need to talk~ Matias sounded annoyed.
~Fine~ Growling, she looked a little worried, but saw I wasn’t looking at her.
“Sara, watch Holly for me. I have to take care of something.”
“Sure, Holly want to come to my room?” She was all excited. Sara seemed like the type to want to dress her up and give her a make over. Holly gave me a frightened look.
“Its alright, Sara is nice she wont hurt you.” Looking at Sara, she walked over.
“Come on” Sticking her hand out of her to take it. Holly smiled and got down. The two took off at a run to the top floor. I took one glace at Matias and saw him head up stairs as well. This should be rich.
Closing the office door behind me, he was already in his chair.
“What you did is….” He was growling and trying to find the words.
“What? Because she’s an Omega. I wont stand for it Matias” trying to keep my voice low.
“You are in a pack now, rules change” He was containing his angry well, but not well enough.
“She is a child Matias.” Getting closer to his desk.
“She’s an Omega, her job is to keep things clean and stay out of the way.
“That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. So instead of going to school and being a normal girl, you have her do your dirty work?” Raising my voice a little more.
“That’s her job in the pack Luna” he matched my tone.
“Well not anymore” Thinning my eyes out.
“You can’t change what she is”
“Like hell I can’t, from now on she’s my responsibility” He growled slamming his hands on the desk.
“Your being ridicules. She’s not one of your wolfs” The hair on the back of my neck started to rise.
“There all MY wolfs” It was like venom coming from my mouth. It had also taken him off guard, so I continued.
“Holly is no longer the packs bitch, she will live in this house and eat as much as she pleases, she will start going to school. I will not have a CHILD, doing all the work for a pack.” I was keeping it calm, but was on my lest nerve.
“You’ve gone to far Luna, you can’t come hear and start changing the pack around.” Did I just hear him right?
Did he seriously just say I CAN’T come hear and change the pack. The growl in which escaped my being was like nothing I have ever heard. My stomach was doing butterflies and I was beyond pissed now. Carefully, I kept my wolf on hold, she would not have this.
“I…Can’t…come…here…and …change…the….pack” I slowly said each word. My eyes flashed at him, and the look I was getting was of confusion.
“You have the audacity to tell me in the apartment that the pack is ours now, but when I change something you flip on me?” He watched my face, trying to figure out what I was going to do.
“You know its wrong Matias, and yet you let it happen right under your own roof. Maybe the reason the Rouges are getting threw your boarders, is because you over look the smaller things in your pack. A pack is only as smart and strong as its Alpha, and right now….you meet none of those requirements” I watched as his eyes widened and turned a shifty shade of black. I walked out closing the door behind me, I was done for the night. Hearing him yell behind the door, and a loud crash…he tossed his desk. I sighed walking down the hall to find the girls.
I knocked on a door that smelled like Sara.
“Come in” She said, opening the door. I smiled seeing she had Holly all dolled up in a pair of new jeans and a blue tank. She had taken a shower and was getting her hair done.
“You look really good Holly” Smiling.
“Thank you Luna” She had a soft voice and she was smiling. This is how she should be, not some punching bag for the pack.
“Your going to start school this year, alright” Her head turned to me.
“Really?” Her excitement frightened her a little and she lowered her eyes.
“Yes, and you have every right to be excited.
“But, the Alpha..” She trailed off.
“Pay him no mind, Alpha Matias is a stubborn man, but he’s a good man. You leave him to me” Winking at her.
“Yes Luna”
“Sara, were going to need to get her caught up, when did you stop going to school Holly?”
“About a year ago” She answered.
“That’s not to bad, you should be caught up in no time. I‘m going to have the enforcer train you as well, okay” It was normal for the enforcer of the pack to give everyone a small lesson in fighting. It insured they could protect themselves.
“Yes Luna” She seemed a little excited about that.
“Luna?” Sara finished off her hair.
“We need to get her some clothes” Grinning at me. I had a feeling Sara liked to shop.
“Very well, I need to go into town tomorrow for supplies for the party. Would you two like to come?”
“Yes Please” Sara shouted.
“Yes Luna” Holly smiled.
“Good well leave around 8am, Sara can Holly stay with you tonight?”
“Sure, I have a spare bed. We can be roomies” She gleamed.
“I never had a room before.” Holly whispered. My eyes about jumped out of my head.
“Where did you sleep?”
“In the Docs office” She looked down. Son of a bitch. I growled I was gunna kill Matias.
“Luna?” Sara looked at me.
“Sara would you…” I started.
“Yes I would love for Holly to stay with me.” Hugging the girl. Holly blushed.
“Holly are you okay with rooming with Sara?”
“Yes, I like Sara” She blushed a little harder. Sara was grinning so much my face was starting to hurt for her.
“Good, you two are now roommates. I’ll see you tomorrow.” They said good night and I walked back down the hall. No sounds were coming from Matias’s office, and I didn’t stop to check on him. Opening are bedroom door, and closing it I walked over to the bed and plugged my cell in. Taking everything off but my panties and crawling into the very comfortable bed. Geez its only been one day and I already had a fight with him. I sighed feeling stressed and lonely. Not what I had planned for my first day hear.
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