He was right it was fast, which was nice I was just having a hard time getting over the pink everything. Sighing Matias is gunna have a field day when he sees me in this. Making a quick stop at the apartment and grabbing a few things I leave. Finding a gas station that’s slow and fill up before anyone I know see’s me.
“32 hours and well be in Montana” Turning the car on and getting on the highway. I kept driving and if I got tired I would sleep at a truck stop. Not wanting to get out, I would go threw the drive thru for food and drinks. Starbucks and Wendy’s have become my friends. I was only about 11 hours into this drive and its already day two. Between filling up both the car and myself, I had to sleep. It was dark out when I hit the less then 10 hour mark. I got more excited when a large blue sign with a “Welcome to Montana” was flashing past me.
“YES” Tapping on the steering wheel.
A large truck stop is where I pulled over and changed my clothes. They even had showers, which was nice. With my favorite pair of black Miss Me jeans on, and the black wolf shirt that Matias wanted to tare to pieces. I pull my jeans up so I can lace my knee high timberland boots. There just like construction boots only they are longer. Pushing the jeans back down I run a comb threw my slightly wet hair.
The shower was no where near as good as the showers at Matias’s place, but beggars can’t be choosers. I had a general idea as to where Matias’s pack was located. And after some really good digging on my part I found a few things help narrow it down. Yes I snooped threw his desk, so shoot me. Walking out of the restroom area, I could only cringe looking at the damn pink blasphemy Sam dared call a car. Sighing I flipped my shade open and slipped them over my eyes.
“Time to make some noise” Smirking. Tossing my bag into the passenger seat and hitting the gas. I was tired but my agrennella was pumping and I wouldn’t of been able to sleep if I wanted to. Following a long street, it soon stopped and became more of a dirt road.
“Cause this doesn’t look like something a wolf pack would do” Shaking my head. Time to us all the knowledge of what my father taught me. I wasn’t just going to let his pack, meet me in some cheery fashion. No, that’s not how I Luna do things. I want to see where they are on the defense scale. With Matias saying there have been rogue attacks, I might as well see where there weaknesses are. Something father had said, many packs have. Find your packs weakness, and destroy it. Lets just hope I’m not to rusty.
Hitting the gas and kicking up dust, I drove for what felt like forever, damn wolves and there long ass driveways. I swear I’m not shoveling this out when it snows. I passed I sign which I swore it said, “DANGER” great cause that’s not heartwarming. Slowing down, I could see two large gates. They were wide open and just screaming to be driven threw. A large house off to the side, with a long garage looking thing. A few smaller houses were around and a huge building to the back of the over sized house. That house was probably the pack house, and the building behind it the pack hall.
“Damn someone’s got money” I didn’t really care, money can only buy you so much before your lonely and sad all over again. Well with a good deep breath I was going to go into what I was hoping was Matias’s packs property. Its not like I wasn’t giving them a warning I was coming….I mean I’m IN A PINK CAR! I growled thinking about, shaking my head and hitting the gas.
Passing the gate and hitting a new type of road, felt like pea gravel. The closer I got the more I was noticing wolfs, well in human form. Five….no seven….nope ten. Okay so giver or take ten to fifteen were going to stand in my way. There was a round about so you could drop people off and drive around. I used this, making it so the drivers side door was closer to the pack house door. As I got closer I pulled on the E-brake and shut the car down. Pushing the door open before it came to a complete stop and yelled out a warning.
“I’m coming for your Alpha” This sent them in an uproar. I wasn’t sure if the car helped or not, they seemed a little taken back. This was not a good sign. Running past two and getting one in my way, I slammed my palm into his noise and pushed the house door open. I was going to have to smell for Matias. Which wouldn’t be easy since the whole place smelled like him. Well at lease it’s the right pack, I thought grinning as I was three men coming running down a flight of stairs. Matias would be up there.
Charging up to them, spinning out of the way of the first and kicking him in the back. I was grabbed from behind, turning around and taking the hand that held me, twisting it back and flipping him over himself. His body landed with a huge thud. The roar from the last man, made me believe he was the Beta.
“ohh goodie” I smirked and he snarled at me. Running half way up the stairs and dipping to one side, he caught me by the throat. Well this isn’t good. His piercing grin, was funny, did he really think he had me. Head butting him in the face, he stumbled backwards. Pushing off the wall and kicking him in the stomach he flipped over the railing. Whoops. Running the rest of the way up. Another one came around the corner, but it was to late. I pushed my head into his chest and flipped him over me, sending him into a few others, that were trying to make there way back up.
I reached the top step, and noticed the Beta was pissed. His eyes were fully black.
“Oh shit” Running and using my noise to locate Matias. I passed a double door and stopped. Looking at it, yup this looks like something he would use for an office. Pulling the door open and closing it just as the Beta slammed into it at full force. Thank god it was a well built door. Locking the door, I laughed and was shaking.
“Luna?” I spun around seeing Matias sitting in a large brown chair. His desk was huge and he was in total shook at my presents.
“Hi yea love” I smirked with my hands behind my back. The burst open and the Beta grabbed my throat slamming me into the wall.
“TONY, UNHAND MY MATE!” Using his Alpha power to stop Tony. I was dropped in a second, and Tony looked like someone shit in his coffee.
“Alpha?” Bowing and looking at me. A large group of pack members came running in. I slowly walked over to Matias. He growled looking at me.
“What?” Shrugging.
“Alpha?” Another one asked, looked like it could be his second.
“Lesson up, this” Glaring at me. “Is my mate” Sighing. There faces turned pale.
“Hi yea” Giggling and giving a short wave. A few slipped in to get a better look at me.
“Luna” Tony bowed.
“Please don’t do that” I smiled at him.
“Everyone out, except Tony” They did as they were told, and Tony placed the door back up.
“Alpha, I thought?” Tony started.
“Yes, Luna wasn’t suppose to be hear for another day or so.” Sitting in his chair and looking at me.
“Sorry, did I ruin some plans” Smirking.
“Yes you did. We had planned on having a party for you” He said.
“Oh well, no worries” Shrugging. He sighed and smiled at me.
“Tony this is Luna, its also her real name” Smiling, Tony looked me up and down. His eyes shifted.
“Tony, do I need to order you to quit looking at my mate like that?” Matias growled.
“Sorry Alpha” Lowering his eyes.
“Men” I snickered.
“Well I guess we should tell him” Matias started. I looked over at him a little confused and he mind linked me.
~About who you are~
I nodded, the Beta should know. Walking over to the Beta I took his hand, pulling him to a large chair.
“Don’t freak out okay?” I asked making him stand before me. He turned to Matias and nodded.
“Yes Luna” Replying. Closing my eyes I gathered my energy and pushed it threw my eyes. There deep gold and black color flashed, sending a wave of power throughout the room. The command was simple. “SIT” . I have Monarch blood, and I’m mated to an Alpha. If I was to command Matias, I could over power him. Just because my father was a higher rank, until Matias became Monarch I was higher ranking then him. The Beta’s ass slammed into the chair his eyes wide and full of fear.
“Sorry, but it was the only way to tell you” I said smiling and giving him my hand.
“You’re the Monarch daughter?” I nodded.
“Alpha, she’s really your mate?”
“Yes” Answering him. He looked back at me and was thinking about something. Matias made a throat noise and he looked away.
“Luna is different Tony, she needs to be protected on the full moon.” He started Tony stood up and walked to his desk followed by me. Standing to the side of Matias he wrapped his arm around my waist.
“Alpha? I don’t” Looking at me. Matias looked up and nodded, for me to explain.
“Most wolfs gain a shit tone of power when there is a full moon. I’m only a half breed.” Tony’s eyes about popped out of his head.
“So instead I loose all, but my ability to shift. If I’m hurt during a full moon, I could die. I turn more into a sissy human on that night” Smiling as if it wasn’t that big of a deal. You could see him thinking about everything, and trying to make the most of it.
“I trust you will keep this to yourself, till I find the right time to tell” Matias said in a cold voice.
“Yes Alpha” Nodding.
“I like him” I said looking down at Matias, he smiled.
“Thank you Luna” Smiling at me.
“So Tony, we need to work on a few things” I stating bluntly.
“Ohh?” He looked at Matias who shrugged.
“Your defense is weak, you let one woman pass threw your house. I could of killed the Alpha” Smirking and placing my hand on Matias’s head.
“Like that’s possible” He grumbled.
“Its is, and you know it” glaring at him.
“What did you have in mind, Luna?”
“Well have to talk about it late, right now I’m so hungry I could die” Holding my stomach and it growled.
“Have you eaten since you left?” Matias asked getting up.
“Fast food, and coffee” I chirp. Sighing he takes my hand.
“Come on” walking out the door. A huge group of people are at the first level. must have been waiting for me.
“Listen up” Matias yells and everyone looks up at us. The place is freaking huge. White wash walls and beautiful furniture is placed in perfect locations. Art from god knows where is displayed. Looks like half the pack is in this one room.
“This is my mate, her name is Luna” He grinned when everyone looked confused.
“Hi” I smile with a wave. They look over me, and within seconds its uproar of laughing clapping and smiled. There was one woman who looked like she was ticked off, she was faking the smile and clapping. I’ll have to keep an eye on her. Looking over everyone else. Squeezing my hand Matias walked down the stair. Everyone bowed, which bothered me. All the way in the back was a huge ass kitchen. Stainless steel everything, white marble counter tops and a over that could of fit a horse. A stone pizza oven, which made my mouth water, and a two fridges.
“Holy fudge, got enough” I say walking into the large space. A few people behind us laugh.
‘Do you like it?” He asks opening a fridge, my head turns to him.
“Do cows moo” smirking.
“Don’t be a smartass Luna” Taking a bottle of water out.
“Then don’t ask foolish questions” Sticking my tongue out.
“Alpha?” Someone called in the back.
“What are we suppose to do with the weird car out front?”
“Oh shit, forgot about that” Laughing.
“Luna, you drove?”
“No, I sprouted wings and soared threw the sky like a parrot, yes I drove” Taking out a bottle of water and some chips. He growled at me. Walking out side, Matias stopped dead in his tracks and just stared.
“Train wreck right?” I say popping a chip in my mouth.
“What is it?” Looking at me,
“Sam stole it from Barbie” Chuckling.
“You seriously drove that all the way here?”
“Yup” Popping the p. He shook his head.
“You should of called me”
“Nah, this was way more fun” leaning my head back and finishing off the chip crumbs.
“Rick, put it around back please” Matias said shaking his head again and walking back inside.
“So, what were you doing?” I asked tossing the bag in the trash.
“Paperwork for your father” He replied a little annoyed.
“Sound fun” Rolling my eyes and adding some sarcasm.
“Loads” Smiling at me and pulling me closer.
“Miss me?” I grin looking up at him.
“Very” Kissing my lips softly. His stomach growled killing the mood.
“Look who hasn’t eaten” Poking his abs. His cheeks blushed, cause I caught him.
“Want me to make you something?” I ask not waiting for an answer and head to the kitchen, which is now mine by the way.
“What did you have in mind?” Grinning and following me.
“Dunno, I’ll just let it come to me.” I saw a few faces that seemed to look hungry as well.
“Hi, I’m Sara” A beautiful young teen with blonde curls and stunning blue eyes stuck her hand out to me.
Hi, I’m Luna. And yes that’s my name” She giggled and seemed to like it.
“Are you going to cook?” She asked.
“Want some help?”
“Do you know how?” Raising an eyebrow.
“A little” Looking away
“That will do, I’ll teach you the stuff I know” She squealed which hurt my ears.
This is going to be interesting. Matias took a seat at the very long island and watched us. Sara told me where to find things, since I have no idea. A few others sat around the table and talked.
“You guys thirsty?” I ask looking at the six men sitting. They turned pale.
“We can get it Luna”
“Sit down” Shaking my head, as they went to get up.
“I asked, so just relax. Now what do you want” Opening the fridge which had just about anything you could want.
“Coke” One answered, he had red hair and brown eyes
“Me to please” The one next to him, black hair cut short and blue eyes.
“Beer for me” Taller man build like a truck and blonde hair grey eyes.
“For me as well” A huge deep voice answered. Black hair and grey eyes.
“Well have coke” Two voices said at the same time. They looked like twins. Brown hair that was a little long and brown eyes.
“Okay so two beers and four cokes, coming up” Popping the tab on the two beers and handing it to the guys. Moving on to the four glasses Sara pulled out and I filled the with coke.
“Thanks” They all said and started drinking. Matias looked at me and smiled. Guess they do like me.
“So how many am I feeding?” Looking around. Matias laughed.
“I wouldn’t do that Luna, you’ll have to cook all the time” He said finishing off his water.
“Its fine…so how many?” Looking at him.
“Make enough for an army, love”
“Done” And turned around. I think he though I would freak out, but when I didn’t he got down and hugged me.
“You don’t really have to cook you know” Whispering in my ear.
“I want to, it’s the least I can do for kicking there asses” Smiling. He chuckled and sent vibrations threw me. Ohh I miss that.
“Have it your way love”
“I will” Kissing him and sending him back to his seat. His Beta and a taller well built man walked into the kitchen. Must be his second, the one I saw before. His dark chocolate hair was stunning along with brilliant green eyes.
“Hello Luna, I’m Davis” He said sweetly and walked over to me with a hug.
“Oh Hi.” I’m not use to men hugging me, well except for Matias. Who by the way growled a little bit.
“Are you cooking?” He asked ignoring Matias.
“Yes, are you hungry?”
“I am a wolf darling” Another growl from Matias. I shot him a ‘knock it off’ look and he frowned leaning in his arm.
“Good, then I’ll make more. Have a seat” He smiled and nodded. The Beta looked at me in shook.
“What?” I asked grabbing the seven boxes of spaghetti from Sara.
“He normally doesn’t talk to anyone.” Whispering.
“Well, I’ll change that” Grinning cause no one new, I was a wolf talker. I don’t just get people to like me, I get there wolves to love me. He took a seat next to the Matias, and smiled. I opened the fridge again.
Tony, Davis drink?” Pointing to the inside. I got nods.
“Beer please”
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