~Matias POV~
~Luna?~ She sounds scared
~I….I love you~
~What’s wrong?~ Now I’m worried
~The car its……I’m sorry~ She cuts me off and I scream for her, no reply. I a lot further a head of her. In my rear view I watch as he back tire flies off into the dark woods. Her car shakes violently and I watch in horror as my love is flipped around repeating this vicious cycle only god know how many times. My feet hit the break. Getting out, and running to her, my legs feel weak. I’m not running as fast as I normal do. I can smell blood, she’s hurt. What if she’s dead, no don’t think that.
The light from a street lamp is all I have to go off of. The car is in pieces, she upside down. Glass is everywhere.
“Lunaaaaa” She can’t hear me, she’s not responding. Something wrong her fear just picked up again, why…why would she be.
~No, Matias stay away~ she‘s crying
~Luna I’m coming~ Please don’t…..
~No, stay away. Please~ She keeps begging me, why….why doesn’t she want me to come for her.
~Luna I’m coming, I’m going to get you out of there, just hold on.~ I try to comfort her
~No Matias, its to late. I love you.~ Its not to late, Her eyes close and the car cracks. My eyes grow wider as I watch the sliver death trap engulf the love of my life. The heat is so much I can’t get close, dropping to my knees and grabbing my head
“LUNNNAAAAA” Screaming for her.
My beautiful mate, no this can’t be happening to me. Why, why after all this time is she taken away from me. She was…no is perfect. Everything I could ever want.
“LUNAAA, COME BACK” I can’t stop myself, my fist start pounding the ground, as if it will make her come back. Some semi’s and cars stop calling the police, what good will that do now. She gone, taken away from me. Forever.
~Luna’s POV~
It feels like I’m having one of those out of body experiences. I can see everything, hear everything but no one can see or hear me. Matias look like shit, I wish I could comfort him.
“Luna” He whispers
“Luna” A little louder, poor Matias, he just can’t take it
“LUNA” Screaming at me
My body jumps. Opening my eyes
“You alright babe?” Looking around I see I feel asleep on the couch.
“Matias?” Wetting my mouth, with the glass of water he handed me.
“You were having a nightmare” Looking at him, I drop the glass.
Matias left a few hours later, once he new I was alright. I took a cold shower, needing to wake my ass up. Stepping out my cell phone rang.
“Hi, were from the moving company”
“Oh yes”
“were here, and there’s no one home”
“Oh I’ll be right there sorry about that.”
“No worries”
Crap Need to get dressed now. Running to the closest and changing into some jeans and a blue shirt. Pulling my cowboy boots up and grabbing my keys and wallet.
You know when you get scared of something cause you had a super real dream, yea that’s me. I’m glaring at my truck and I almost feel like having a conversation with it….almost. Getting in cause I really don’t have time for this, I head over to my old house. Sure enough a huge moving truck is sitting there waiting. Two guys get out and wait for me.
“Hello” Shaking there hands.
“Okay so anything labeled Luna, is going. The furniture stays”
“Wow that’s it?” They look like they were suppose to clear out a pent house or something.
“Yup, sorry. My umm husband is a overly worried about me.” Smiling cause what the hell am I suppose to call him. I can’t say my mate, unless I’m from Australia and the last time I check I wasn’t. They load the few boxes I have and drive away. I’m guessing the young male is either out hunting or just plain out. Leaving I head over to Sam’s to check on things. They said they would be back in a week, or so. Sam just grinned at that, such a dork. Checking everything, it looked fine so I left.
I spent the next two or three days, doing nothing….and I mean nothing. I was so bored I started using the gym in the building. Which worked out, I lost all the extra weight from the wedding. On day Five I watched seven movies, worked off all the popcorn and then went to get a good cup of coffee. Sitting outside of the coffee shop I watched nothing in particular.
“Hey you” I heard a female voice. Looking up and taking my shades off I was looking at Jane.
“Hey girl”
“How you been?”
“Good you?”
“Good, so what happened after your wild night?” She took a seat.
“Ohh, yea that. Thanks by the way” Rolling my eyes,
“Sam showed Matias the video, and I still here about it” Shaking my head.
“You were letting loose, so what” She huffed and waved her hand at me.
“Well, on the plus side he’s my mate now” Moving my shirt.
“No shit, good for you”
“Thanks” Sipping my coffee.
“So what are you still doing here?”
“Waiting for the honeymooners to get back”
“Aww, yes, that was a really good wedding” She flashed a smile at me.
“Thanks, was a hell of a lot of work”
“Was Marlene a bitch?”
“No, I had more problems with the florists then with her.”
“Huh, go figure”
We chatted about what I did at the club and how I beat up biker guys. She asked if I wanted to hang out tonight.
“No, I’ll pass. I don’t need anymore crazy nights with you for a while” Grinning.
“Suit yourself. I’ll see you around girl”
“Bye Jane” I sat a while longer and watched a few birds hope around on the street corner.
“God I’m so bored” Rubbing my face and trying to do something besides sleep and eat. Groaning I tossed the empty coffee container away. My cell rang.
“Huh” Looking at the number, it didn’t look like anyone I knew.
“Luna” It was Sam
“Sam, how are you?”
“Were good, what are you doing?”
“Nothing….absolutely nothing.”
“That bored?”
“You have no freaking idea”
“Well good news, were coming home”
“What! Why?”
“It’s a long story”
“Well hell I haven’t anything to do” He laughed
“Well I’ll tell you in about seven hours”
“Yup, see you later”
“bye Sam”
The phone shut, sighing I left and headed home. Playing Rihanna Diamonds. Pulling into a parking spot and locking the truck. I went to are place and dropped the keys. Taking a long soak in the tub, making sure I didn’t fall asleep and drown, Matias would flip. I laughed thinking of him yelling at me. Shaking my head and getting out. I dried off, and left the towel in the bathroom.
It was weird I could walk around this house completely naked and have not a single care. Pulling the covers off the bed, I crawled in. Time would go by faster with some sleep. My body must have been over tired cause it crashed as soon as it hit the pillow. My cell woke me from a sound sleep, the bright light it was admitting was increasingly annoying.
“Hello” half wake and sounding like I have a hang over.
“Matias?” Rubbing my eyes.
“Did I wake you?”
“Yea, its fine”
“I’m sorry, go back to bed love”
“No, I’m already awake. What time is it?”
“8:45pm where you are”
“Ohh” yawning and making myself get up.
“You sure you don’t want to go back to bed?”
“Yes, please stop asking. What’s up?”
“Wanted to see how your doing. Haven’t had time to talk to you”
“Yea I know” Opening the fridge and pulling out the juice.
“Sorry, the rouge problem has increased.” Sighing.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean for it to come out bitchy. I’ve just been bored out of my mind” Leaning against the counter.
“Yea, I wish I had that problem.” I could feel his anxiety threw the phone.
“You wanna talk about it, might make you feel better?”
“I already feel better”
“How?” Turning my head slightly as if he said something weird.
“I’m talking to you, that always makes me feel better”
Wow….where’s he get these’s lines from.
“Your sweet, you can tell me though. I will lesson”
“I know you will. There really isn’t much to talk about. I think someone is leaking information. There getting threw my boarders a lot easier then they should be.” Another sigh.
“Who would leak info?”
“Not sure, its just a guess though.”
“What about a family member?”
“Do you have any siblings?” The phone went silent. I think I just hit a nerve.
“Yes” He growled.
“Okay, not a good subject” tapping my finger on the counter.
“It’s a story for a different time”
“Fair enough” no sense in pissing him off.
I decided a different topic would be better.
“I’ll be there in a few days” Sounding cheerful
“I can’t wait” He sounded a lot better.
“Is that so?” giggling
“Ohh its very so”
Talking a little more, before we hung up I sent Sam a text.
Luna: Are you back yet?
Sam: yup, come over if you like
Luna: Aren’t you tired?
Sam: No, we slept on the plane and were still on Britain time
Luna: okay be there soon
Sam: Great
Through clothes on and grabbing what I needed I left for Sam’s. Pulling into there driveway and shutting the truck off, I walked in like I owned the place.
“Hey Luna, coffee?” Marlene asked.
“Yes please” Putting my keys and phone down.
“Hey” Sam came out of the bedroom, and gave me a hug.
“So why are you back so soon?” Sitting at there table. They looked from one another. I don’t like the look of this.
“We liked Britain, but missed it hear.” Sam answered
“Why do I get the feeling your lying” Folding my arms as Marlene put a cup of coffee in front of me.
“Ohh Geez Sam just tell her” Slapping his arm.
“Fine. Luna we felt bad leaving you hear all by yourself.”
“You came back because of me?” I about screamed.
“Well yea” Sam said as Marlene stood behind him, handing him a cup of tea.
“Wh…wha…what for?”
“Cause your family. And we can always go back” She replied. I groaned, putting my head on the table.
“You guys, you should of stayed and had a good time.” Shaking my head, with it still on the table.
“To be honest, it was a little dull” Marlene giggled.
“We couldn’t find a thing, we wanted to do”
“Okay I know your lying” Adding the sugar and cream to my coffee.
“Well it doesn’t matter now does it” Sam grinned, taking a sip of his tea. I rolled my eyes and drank.
“So are you going to go see Matias now?” Marlene asked.
“I knew it! You two are just a like” glaring at them.
“What we want you to be happy. Were glad we came home early.” She said and Sam nodded.
“Oh sure make me feel even worse” Huffing
“Well you are going aren’t you?” Sam raised an eyebrow.
“Yea, I was thinking of surprising him.”
“Well your truck will never make it.” Laughing at me,
“What’s wrong with my truck?” I love that thing.
“Its old, and hates the highway. It’s fine as a back yard driver. But it will die if you put it on the highway.” Snickering at me.
“Well then what do I do with it?”
“Give it to the male at your place, he’ll love it” Raising the cup to his lips.
“I guess, might as well. But what do I drive?”
“I’ll get you a car, don’t worry”
“Sam do me a favor”
“What’s that, make sure its not a silver Nissan” He looked puzzled.
“Please just trust me” No way in hell am I going to relive my dream for real. They shrugged and we talked more about Britain and what it was like. They told funny stories about how they got lost and caught in a rain storm and dancing in a fountain and got in trouble. Said they even got there picture taken with the cop who yelled at them. I ended up spending the night cause I didn’t feel like going home.
The next morning Sam was making coffee and Marlene was cooking. I walked out of there spare bedroom in a love plaid shirt Sam let me borrow.
“Morning girl” He said kissing my cheek.
“Morning” Letting out a yawn.
“You sleep okay?” She asked me.
“Yea, thanks” Taking a cup of coffee from Sam.
“Well, I have good news” He said taking a cup for himself.
“Oh, do tell” Sipping the hot inviting drink.
“I got you a car”
“That was fast” Looking at him, as he sat at the table with me.
“Its how I roll.”
“Sam that’s not a good thing….all the time” Looking at Marlene who was blushing.
“Wait, no not like that. Your dirty in the morning.” I laughed, if he only new.
Getting dressed we head outside
“So where is this mystery car. Does it hover?” Making the zooom sound with my mouth.
“Hahaa very freaking funny. We have to go pick it up”
“Really” Rubbing my chin. “How very interesting” He laughs as we all pile into the black truck. it’s a good 30min drive before we pull into an old look junk yard.
“Seriously Sam” Looking around at the dead cars, for long ago.
“Relax” Pulling threw the mess and into a huge open space, with a large metal barn like thing. Parking the truck we get out.
Okay so the key is…” Sam starts. “Oh right” Lifting the welcome mat at the door.
“Yea cause that’s not a dead give away” Shaking my head. Sam goes in and has me and Marlene wait outside. Something roars to life in the barn and the sliding door open upward. Sam drivers out….in a pink car…….YES PINK!
My mouth drops open, as he parks it and gets out.
“Well” Proud of himself.
“Did you steal it from wanna be Barbie?”
It wasn’t just pink it was like rocker girl pink with black trim. It was sleek and sexy BUT PINK. I stared not knowing what to do with it.
“Come on its not that bad” He starts.
“Sam its pink” Looking back at it. “Yup still pink” Marlene is dying of laugher.
“Now I know why you wanted to come” I point at her.
“So what its pink, big deal” Shrugging it off…I could hit him,
“Sam, its not just pink, Its like really pink. I mean hell I said no silver, but there are like a hundred other color choices to pick from.” It like a train wreck I can’t even look away.
“Its fast” He says holding the keys to my face. I growl.
“It FUCKING PINK” Grabbing the keys and getting in. Just as I start yelling Sam closes the door.
“FUCK ME, ITS PINK IN HERE TO” Screaming. Marlene is on the ground holding her stomach. I start her up and roll the window down.
“I hate you, just so were clear.” He rolls his eyes and I drive off.
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