“What’s your Beta’s name?”
“Anthony, but we all call him Tony”
“What else should I know?”
“Umm, we hold meetings so you’ll have to attend most of them.”
“Will you be there?”
“Of course” AS if I had just asked an obvious question.
“Are there kids in your pack?”
“A few, the ages range” He shifted his weight.
“Do you have any” Stupid question
“Of course not” Growling.
“It was just a question, chill”
“Well do you?”
“Well I have Timmy and john and Linda” Laughing. He growled at me.
“Luna!” Snapping.
“No I don’t have any. Your really snappy today.” Turning around to look at him.
“I don’t like hearing that” Looking away from me.
“Matias, I was a virgin when I met you, so how would I have been able to have kids?” My question had a point, and his face softened.
“Sorry. It just got the better of me.” Wrapping his arms around me.
“Its fine, I was just joking”
“Well do you want them?” He asked. He didn’t even have to clarify what he was asking about. I just knew, and my body froze.
“Well, maybe. I never gave it must thought to tell you the truth.” Which it was.
“Would you consider it?”
“Are you asking for pups?”
“Maybe” Raising an eyebrow.
“Well you’ll have to wait a little longer.” Smiling. He kissed my ear and leaned on me.
“I’ll wait as long as you want” whispering. It sent shivers down my spine, and I giggled. The dark sky made the bright lights of the city sparkle like stars. It was peaceful and I loved having him so close to me. I knew he’d have to go back again, but I wasn’t going to let that bother me.
We headed home once we started to feel the cold air. It was nice in the apartment and we decided that sleep was needed for both of us. Matias hadn’t been sleeping good either since he left. So for once instead of tearing clothes off each other, we curled into bed and cuddled.
The next morning I was awake before him. And carefully removed his muscled arm from my body. I had a tone of work to do, before I lost my train of thought. Closing the bedroom door, I let him sleep in, no sense in him getting up with me. With a stack of papers, and notes on the coffee table I sat down cell in hand.
“Now or never” I said sighing and dialing the new florists number.
“Hello, this is Sara’s Florist how can I help you.”
“Yes, I spoke to John, and he said you might be able to help me” Tapping the pen on the note pan.
“Ohh yes I know John, what can I do for you?”
“Well I have a wedding and the bride wants orange sweet peas” I bit my bottom lip.
“Okay, you know there really not in season yet?”
“Yes I am aware of that, I have a dozen from John and about fifty from Linda’s florist. But I need at lease fifty more.”
“Is Linda your florist for the wedding?”
“Yes ma’ma”
“Well, I think I can get half of what you need” I sighed but its better then nothing.
“I’ll take whatever you can get.”
“Okay I’ll have them sent to Linda’s. What’s the name under?”
“Marlene, but only call me. The bride has enough to worry about” She laughed.
“Sure thing.” I gave her my cell number and hung up. My head hit the back of the couch.
“Fuck me!” I said closing my eyes.
“Well If you insist” Matias was leaning against the wall just a few feet from me.
“How long have you been there?” Snapping my neck forward and pinching a nerve. I rubbed it.
“Long enough” Pushing off and walking to me. I nodded, cause he probably knew why I was stressed out now.
“Wanna talk about it?” Looking at me, he seemed worried I wouldn’t want to.
“I need at lease fifty more of these flowers, but every florist I call says the same thing. There not really in season and we can only get a few. So now I have three totally different florist shops, far apart from one another trying to piece together these damn flowers.” Tossing the pen on the pad and pushing my face into my hands.
“Wow….okay.” He looked at my notes.
“This sucks” muffling my voice with my hands.
“Why don’t you just call the dealer?” I lifted my head.
“The what?” Looking stupid,
“You know, the person the florists buy there flowers from. I think its called a dealer” Shrugging his shoulders. My eyes got bigger.
“You’re a freaking genius” Jumping on him and pushing my lips to his.
“Wow, I like this side of you” Grinning as he lay flat on the couch.
“I bet” Kissing him again, before grabbing my cell and calling Lind’s florist. I talked to her while I paced the floor, getting the numbers of her suppliers. Once off the phone with her I called the first one, he couldn’t get them so I moved on. The second one was so nice she went threw everything and found out she could get me the whole total for the wedding. I stared screaming and jumping up and down. Matias had gone to the bathroom, but came running out guarding me like I was on fire.
“What’s wrong, are you hurt” Growling and looking around the room. I laughed and held my closed phone.
“I’m fine, I just finished the deal for the flowers. And was so excited.” He looked annoyed.
“That’s why you screamed?” glaring at me.
“Yea, why?”
“You almost gave me a heart attack. Shit” he sat on the couch.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you” Giggling cause it was a little funny.
“Your gunna be the death of me Luna” holding his heart and calming down.
“Am not, you just think about danger all the time.” shaking my head and going into the kitchen.
“Gee I wonder why?” rocking his head back to see me.
“Its not my fault, your just to on edge.” Laughing as I drank from the juice carton.
“You can use a glass you know” Getting up.
“Why, are you afraid you might get cooties from me?” He stared at me as I licked the top of the container. His head shook and an evil smile slipped over his perfect lips.
“No, I just think its unbecoming of a Luna to drink out of the carton.”
“Well, I’m not a Luna right now, so phhh” Sticking my tongue out.
“Better put that back in your mouth…unless you want me to put it to work” My tongue snapped back in my mouth and I glared at him.
“Fine….what are we doing today?” Twisting the cap back on and placing it in the fridge.
“What would you like to do?” resting his ass against the counter.
“ummm not sure, I’m pretty much done with wedding stuff, unless someone calls me. So we could go to the Aquarium” He gave me a funny look.
“The Aquarium. You mean to look at fish and things?”
“That is what an Aquarium is”
“I guess, well go look at some fish” He didn’t seem really excited about it, but I couldn’t think of anything else.
We got ready and left for the Aquarium, Matias drove. He paid for us to get in, even thought I tried. It was huge, and only a few people were hear, so we got to look at everything up close. We saw polar bears, whales, penguins which I was just about jumping for joy over.
“You like those little flightless things?” He glared at them.
“Yes, and stop death glaring at them. There cute” Looking back at them.
“But they can’t even fly”
“But they waddle, and I love it.” I watched them jump from one rock to the next. I squealed when they popped out of the water and slid across the face ice floor.
“Really?” He said looking at me.
“Oh stop being a downer” Taking his hand and walking to another part. We checked out the seals, and dolphins. Which he said looked funny as well. Stopping at a seal lion and looking over the edge it did a weird bark, and Matias jumped back.
I laughed.
“See that’s what happened when you don’t lesson to your Luna” Grinning.
“What the hell kind of sound was that?”
“A bark, I guess” Shrugging.
“Freaking weird” Walking away. I ran after him.
“Have you ever been to an Aquarium before?”
“No not really, to busy” Buying a drink. He got me one as well, but picked out the one with the penguin topper. Heading inside we got to look at smaller tanks, filled with colorful fish and all kinds of crabs, lobsters, clams and jellyfish.
“Now that looks good enough to eat” He said pointing at the tank full of lobsters. There was one that was as large as me.
“Ohh he would be taste” Matias was drooling on the glass.
“Would you stop, your freaking it out.”
“Good, cause if I catch it I’m eating it” I shook my head. Moving into an open area I looked at a few things. Matias had moved to a larger tank that looked empty. He stood with his back to it, when I turned around I started laughing.
“What’s so funny?” Glaring at me. I couldn’t speak so I pointed. He frowned and looked behind him, to find a playful seal lion blowing bubbles at him.
“Little bastard” Glaring at it. It spun around and cocked its head to the side. I laughed hard, when Matias growled at him. It stuck its tongue out as he barred his teeth.
“That’s it, he’s a dead man” I burst out laughing as Matias was trying to find away to kill the seal.
“Matias he’s just playing.” Walking over and pulling his arm.
“He’s gunna play with my fist in a minute” Glaring at the seal.
“Watch” I said making him sit down. I walked over to the glass, and moved my hand around, and the seal followed. Running down the length of the tank and back again moving my hand so he would follow. Tilting my head to one side he copied me, then I waved and he did the same. Sticking my tongue out he also did.
“See, he’s just playing” smiling. Turning around he looked at me with huge brown glossy eyes. I started spinning in a circle and he watched for a few minutes before doing the same. Jumping up, made him jump out of the water and back down again. Matias seemed to calm down, now that he realized it wasn’t a threat.
“Fine, but he’s still a pain.”
“Ohh stop it” walking away as a few kids started playing with the seal. We walked around and looked at stingrays and sharks. I caught sight of something cool swimming slowly around a large oval tank.
“Stand hear” I said pulling his to the tank.
“Why?” Raising an eyebrow at me.
“Just cause” Pulling out my cell, and clicking the camera part. I just new he was gunna freak.
“Umm what’s that?” Pointing just as the fish started to swim buy. He turned slowly.
“What’s wha….aaaa what the hell?” Snap my camera got it. I laughed and held my stomach as he followed the fish around the tank come back to me.
“What is that?” His face was priceless, and I could hardly breath.
“Its…. Its..” I was squeaking in air.
“Would you stop laughing, that things is creepy.” Looking at me, as I calmed myself down.
“Its called a mola mola fish.” I answered pulling him around the tank.
“Weird ass name to” Watching it glide threw the water.
“They get a lot bigger to” He snapped his head at me. The one we were looking at was already bigger then us.
“Are you messing with me?”
“No, they get much bigger. See” Pointing to the information card. He read it and his eyes grew.
“No way” Looking back at the fish. It was cute seeing him like this, you know with his guard down.
“So was this a bad idea?” I asked as we looked around a little more.
“No, it was a good idea” Kissing my head. Before we left I walked into the gift store. They had a lot of cool looking things, most of which were over priced. I found a cute set of Pj’s I just had to have. Paying for them I walked back out side.
“So what did you get?” He asked after ordering are food from the Penguin café.
“Pj’s” I replied sitting the bag down in the chair next to me. He looked at me and just shook his head.
“What?” Biting into my burger.
“I’m going to assume there far from sexy”
“Why would you say that?”
“Cause this place is more for children then adults” He side eating his French fries.
“Well I thought they were cute, so I got them” Taking a drink.
“That’s fine” he had a twinkle in his eye. I smirked and kept eating. It was fun hanging out with him, he was always reminding why I loved him. The car ride how was quiet, but nice.
“So what do you want fro dinner?” He asked
“Umm I don’t know. I could cook?” I said, he looked over at me.
“Yea, I need to get a few things, but I don’t mind”
“Done” He said and turned down another road.
“Well that was a fast response” Laughing.
“Well I haven’t had a home cooked meal in a while, and you’re a great cook.” I blushed, cause I didn’t think my cooking was all that great.
“Umm thanks” Smiling to myself. He took my hand and kissed it. Pulling into the food store I walked in holding his hand and picked up a small basket, which he took from me.
“I can carry it” I said looking defeated.
“Nope.” Rolling my eyes I let it go. I grabbed the things I wanted and a few things I really didn’t need…like ice cream and he paid….of course. It made me smile, cause when we first met and went food shopping he didn’t do anything. He was cold and heartless. I not only had to cook, clean and buy everything I also had to load and unload it into the car. This time it seemed to be the other way around, well except for him cooking of course.
I started making dinner, when we got home cause it would take a while to finish. He put everything away and stood behind me.
“You can go watch Tv, I’m fine” Smiling as I finished chopping the asparagus.
“Are you sure?” He almost looked like he wanted to stay.
“Go on” Pushing him out.
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