Not sue me..........
I slept till about noon when I heard the tv turn on. Sitting up and stretching I was so hungry. The clothes he gave me last night were on the floor, I put them on. A long white button down shirt and a pair of blue boxers. They were a little big, but it was better then walking around in a thong. Passing the bathroom I noticed my hair was a mess. Grabbing a brush and fixing it, I brushed my teeth and went to the living room.
He was sitting on the couch watching cartoons and eating a sandwich. When I stepped around the corner he about chocked on his food. Smiling I smelled the sandwich.
“That looks good” He didn’t miss a beat swallowing his food.
“You look better” getting up and attacking me with his mouth. I could so get use to this. I laughed when he finally let me go.
“What’s so funny?”
“That was cheesy.” His face flustered.
“I’m not cheesy.” I laughed a little more.
“Not you the sandwich….although now that you mention it.” Grinning, in a teasing fashion. He grabbed me wrapping me around his body and sitting back on the couch. I was sitting on his lap so I could watch tv with him. We split the sandwich and he grabbed another when we finished off the first.
“I bought you some clothes” wrapping his arms around me.
“Ohh, do I dare ask?” turning a little to see him. He smiled.
“What dirty thoughts are you thinking?” tickling my stomach.
“Hey stop that..hah oww” He stopped looking worried.
“Did I hit the wound?”
“Hehehe nope gotcha” jumping out of his lap and swaying back and forth.
“That’s not very nice, you want me to punish you for lying to an Alpha?” He just had to push the power card around. I faked a sad face and looked like I would cry.
“You’d punish me” making my lip quiver. He panicked.
“No…I ..” I burst out laughing before he could finish.
“Your so gullible.” Sticking my tongue out.
“Ohh your so getting it now!” Jumping off the couch, making me dart to the bedroom.
“You can’t catch me…remember” Adding a little more fuel to the fire. The bedroom door closed.
“You can’t run threw doors.” I was jumping up and down on the bed, smiling at him.
“What are you five?” rolling his eyes at me.
“Nope I’m this many” Holding up six fingers. His laughter was intoxicating, and I stopped jumped to watch him.
“Catch” I said running off the bed. He grabbed me.
“Don’t surprise me like that, you could of gotten hurt.” Squeezing me.
“Nope, you always catch me.” He blushed, and I kissed his noise.
“What was that for?” Blinking rapidly.
“Cause I can” His face pushed into my neck smelling me.
“Don’t ever let a Vamp touch you again. They ruin your perfect smell.” kissing my mark.
“I’m sorry” rubbing his head.
“I no” hugging me more. It dawned on me that I didn’t know a whole lot about him.
“Matias?” He grumbled and kept his face in my neck.
“What do you do for a living?” He looked at me, it was a mixture of concern, worry, and scared all rolled into one. A sign came out and he lowered me.
“About that” rubbing the back of his neck. He didn’t want to tell me.
“Matias, I have the right to know. Please tell me.” Holding on to the shirt he was wearing. He looked torn, but nodded.
“You see Luna” No sentence starting with that is ever good. He had me worried and I didn’t like the tight feeling in my chest.
“I’m like the enforcer for the Monarch” watching me closely to see how I would take it. Taking it in, it made sense he was the first one to go after the rouges. Looking back at him, I felt bad making him wait to hear my answer.
“That’s kind of…” He got more worried when I was searching for a better word to use…nope this one works. “Cool” I so wish I had a camera, he face was in utter shock.
“You think my job is cool?” I nodded.
“Yea, why wouldn’t I”
“Because I kill people, and” I stopped him.
“Matias, do you kill people who are good and kind?” He answered.
“Do you kill children?”
“Well no” Sounding annoyed I had to ask.
“So what your telling me is, you only kill the people who are evil and cause harm to others who have done no wrong?”
“Then why would I be mad. Is this why you got all pissy at my house when I set that guy on fire?” I made it sound like it was an every day thing. He nodded.
“I should of explained better, but you were to mad to lesson. That man has been harboring wolfs for a long time. He would use them in dog fights and take the pups away from there mothers as bait dogs. Sam and I have…or had been trying to get him for a while. The day you came I had just had enough. I don’t normally light things on fire or people for that matter unless you push me.” He grinned giving me a good one.
“So why’d you burn Donavon’s clothes?” Raising an eyebrow. That was easy.
“Cause he’s a total dick head, and those clothes were like from the 1970’s only pimps and wanna be gangsters wear that shit. I was doing him a favor.” Rising my noise in the air and huffing. He got a good laugh out before hugging me.
“Your to much”
“What do you mean?”
“That day he kissed you” He growled a little bit, his possessive side was really sexy. “I wanted to kill him, but that look you gave me. I didn’t know what you were thinking but you calmed me down enough. You knew he was baiting me, didn’t you?” I nodded.
“When you snapped at him I thought it was perfect, but the hot pot of coffee you poured on his lap….well that was just epic.” He started laughing again, I have never seen him laugh so much.
“Was it?” Since I didn’t stick around to find out.
“Ohh yea, you had every Alpha dieing of laughter, his face was priceless. I think your father started to laugh a little as well, though he hid it.”
His laugh shook my chest making me laugh as well. We stopped and sat on the bed talking more.
“So were is your pack?” Trying to learn more.
“Montana” My mouth dropped.
“What the hell are you doing all the way down hear?”
“I told you, looking for my mate.” Patting my head.
“But who’s in charge, and what if you got a job to do?”
“Relax, my Beta is in charge and your father would have a member for his team contact me with the job info. I would just take a plane to where I needed to be do the job and start looking again.” That made sense. I had a lot more and he noticed it.
“How about we go out and you can ask me anything you want.” Kissing my cheek, smiling back at him I nodded. Getting up and grabbing the new clothes he bought me I dropped his on the floor. His face turned red, but the didn’t dare look away.
“Why are you blushing? You’ve seen me naked before.” Pulling on the green panties.
“I’m not blushing” frowning at me, cause I caught him.
“Yes you were. Had to get me green huh” Grinning which made his face redder. Bending down to grab a bra and shirt he grinning.
“That tattoo is sexy.” Watching my legs.
“Yea I no, you said that already”
“When?” glaring like I heard someone else say it.
“When you and your wolf were talking.” clicking the bra on.
“That reminds me, how come I can’t hear you.” Flashing his eyes.
“Ohh right, you want to hear that?” Pulling the shirt over.
“Of course I do, you can hear me.” standing up.
“Okay, but she’s a bit much.” Closing my eyes and trying to open the wave link between us. I have never done this before so I don’t even know if I did it right. He looked at me and didn’t move his mouth.
~Luna say something so I can hear you~ waiting for me to answer,
~Like what?~ he smiled which means he heard me.
~ Now I can hear you, where is she?~ Asking about my wolf.
~umm sleeping maybe, you did keep us up all night~ grinning and pulling my pants on.
~Are you complaining?~
~Of course were not complaining.~ Wolf was awake. I groaned walking out of the room.
~Where are you going?~ He was enjoying this way to much.
“I’m done, lets go out.” Turning the link off before she embarrassed us more.
“Aww you turned it off” wrapping his arms around my waist.
“You can talk to her later, right now I need to talk to you.”
“Fair enough, well take my car” Grinning, his yellow sports car was a dead giveaway to cops.
“Are you sure?” Looking outside. There was still a little snow on the ground, but this car should be fine since the roads were clear.
“Yup” Grabbing his keys and heading outside. Sam must have had it dropped off before I woke up. Matias didn’t buy me shoes so heels was what I was stuck with. He flashed me a smile when I stepped out the building.
“You look hot” I looked in the glass to see my reflection. Jeans with a t-shirt and heels, what’s so hot about that? I shrugged and got in the car. We headed to the mall and ate at a small restaurant since the sandwiches were not enough for either of us. Ordering are food and munching on the popcorn that was given for free.
“So ask away” tossing a piece in his mouth.
“Ok, how big is your pack?”
“About eighty altogether”
“Holy crap is that big?” I felt so stupid asking, but he didn’t even flinch.
“Its standard”
“Is it an even number between the sexes?”
“Umm we have more males, but the females are more in charge.” Flashing me a smile.
“I like it already.”
“I knew you would”
“Who where you talking to on the phone that time?”
“What time?” stopping mind mouth full.
“When you said you found her and that you were working on it?” Blushing cause I had been ease dropping.
“Ohh that was my Beta, I was talking to” Finishing his food. I took a sip and nodded feel stupid.
“Why were you worried?” smiling. I nodded cause answering felt lamer. The waitress came and gave us are food, but she made sure to flash him a smile and put her oversized breast in his face. It annoyed the hell out of me, and I sent her a nasty glare. Matias smiled as she walked away.
“What was that about?” Staring at me.
“I don’t know what your talking about” Taking a bite of my chicken pasta.
“Do I hint some jealousy?” Cutting into his steak.
“Does it matter?” sipping my ice water.
“I was just going to say its sexy” taking another bite. We ate in silence for a few minutes till I thought of another question.
“Does your pack know about me?” He stopped before putting the folk into his mouth.
“Just the Beta, why?”
“I was just wondering.” looking back down at my plate. He took my hand squeezing it a little bit.
“There going to love you, don’t worry” He was so sweet. I nodded and ate some more. We paid are tab, or I should say he paid it. I got a death stair when I went for my wallet, and a “Your not paying, so just put it away.” I growled but lessoned. I had my own money, but he didn’t let me buy anything I wanted.
“Why do you keep paying for me, I have money you know” Holding two bags.
“Because you’re my mate, and I’m going to take care of you.” Slipping his arm around my neck and letting his hand rest dangerously close to my chest. A couple of males whistled at me and he snapped his neck to growl at them.
“What’s the growl for?” Giggling.
“Filthy vermin, need to watch themselves.” Speaking in a low tone.
“Are you worried about a few men’s whistles?” He growled thinking about it again. Making me laugh more.
“Oh I know, wanna get some ice cream?” looking up.
“Ice cream? Its freaking cold as hell out side and you want ice cream.”
“Why not?”
“Alright” Shrugging and walking with me to the ice cream store. He ended up getting some even though he didn’t know why, his was a rocky road and chocolate sprinkles while mine was a vanilla strawberry swirl and rainbow sprinkles. Walking while eating are ice cream cones, he started staring at me.
“What are you looking at now?”
“remind me never to let you eat ice cream again”
“Cause it’s a little to….erotic the way your licking that cone.” Turning red.
“Oh you mean like this” Flashing him a smile and taking another lick. His ice cream started to melt and I leaned over licking it off his fingers. Swallowing hard, and moving over to kiss me.
“You better stop that” licking my lips and removing a sprinkle or two. Laughing I finished my ice cream, he tossed the rest of his out. Matias insisted I get a new cell since I broke mine, and he even told me I had to be on his plan. I agreed cause he had that look like he wasn’t going to give in. I had two choices in phones, both were top notch. I told him I didn’t need anything crazy, but he wasn’t lessoning. I ended up getting the cheaper one, and he frowned at me.
“You could have had the other one” Growling
“Oh stop it, you should of at least let me buy my own cell.” playing with it as we walked threw the mall.
“Not a chance” Holding all the bag…all three of them. We had bought him new shoes and some more jeans and shirts. We had yet to go shopping for me. I was dreading it, I’m not a shopper I normally go to goodwill or cheap O stores for my clothes. I couldn’t see Matias letting me buy anything from there again. I sent Sam a text letting him know my new number and before I could close the cell he called me.
“Hey Sam”
“Where are you guys?”
“Really we are to” Laughing
“Yea me and Marlene, where in the mall are you?”
“We just passed Footlocker.” stopping just after the store.
“Wait there” Hanging up the cell.
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