Chapter 5: Karma
Rain's pov
I stood there with my jaw dropped to the floor. The handsome man that I embarrassed myself in front of is the brother of this angelic presence that tried helping me out today? Could my day possibly get any weirder? I cleared my throat. "yes, uh hi. I didn't formally introduce myself correctly earlier. I'm sorry about that." He bowed. "it's quite alright madam. No need to apologize. It's a pleasure to meet you."
The dude has good formality, he's buff, and he looks like he could buy a 15,000 dollar champagne bottle. I'm cheap plastic compared to this dude. Holy shit what if I was made in China? Jaime quickly snapped me out of my thought process by tapping me on the shoulder.
"Are you alright rain?" He looked concerned. God if only he knew what I truly was. I gave him a small smile. "yeah I'm okay. Let's sit down." The three of us sat down and chatted while we ate lunch. "so uh. Is kiddo your only sibling?" He laughed. "oh god no. I have 15 siblings" I choked. 15 siblings?! How many fucking kids could his mom birth?!
"Oh my God are you okay?!" Jaime patted my back while kiddo calmly ate his food. "Uh. Yeah I'm alright. I just can't believe you have that many siblings. Doesn't it get crowded?" He chuckled. "sometimes. But we always find a way to work around the hard parts. We are a family after all. Right kiddo?" The strong brute man simply grunted and nodded.
While Jaime kept talking I began to think, what would it be like to have a sibling? Are they as loving and caring as they proclaim in the stories? Are they always there for you? Well it must be nice to have someone to talk to other than yourself. I wish I had a sibling- hell I wish I had a family to call my own. I just want a friend. Is that too much to ask for?
My thoughts were soon interrupted by the loud sound of the bell going off. It was time to head back to class. Jaime, kiddo, and I all said our goodbyes and parted ways. So far my day has been going good. That was until I accidentally slammed myself into someone. My first instinct was to apologize like it was no big deal, but I felt as though I was prey into the eyes of the person that was starring down at me.
"Watch where you're going asshat." The girl responded coldly. The girl looked very lean, she had brown eyes, black hair, and she wore a bloody red scarf. Who in their right mind would wear a scarf in the middle of summer? See the thing about me is I don't let anyone step on me. I stand up for myself no matter the cost. I don't give a damn about who it is. That was until now.
The girls eyes were dilated, it was almost similar to a tiger looking down at it's prey. Her face had a few bruises. Someone beat her up maybe? Who would want to do that though? Were they asking for a death wish?
I stood up, trying so hard not to let my pride get the best of me. "I wouldn't have bumped into you if your dumbass didn't cover up most the hallway" a crowd started to gather and everyone gasped at my choice of words. I'm fucking dead.
It was so fast. She grabbed me by the throat and slammed me against the lockers, our faces inches apart. "now listen. I've had a really fucked up day and i don't need some pipsqueak thinking they can get the best of me. You're just like every other fake person in this God damn school. Now get the hell out of my way, or there will be blood the next time I see you." She let go of my neck and started to walk off. "the names karma by the way." I held my throat as people cleared a path for karma to walk through.
Who was that? She had the speed that was faster than any light, the power of a thousand cars, and the thick rough voice of warm black coffee. I stood there while people started to clear the halls and head to class. My eyes were wide and my mouth was slightly open. My heart was racing as my breathing had quickened. "karma" the name rolled off my lips like warm slick venom.
Karma's pov
As I cleared through the halls of the crowd that had build up, I pulled my scarf up to my mouth. So much for trying not to draw attention to myself. Who the hell was that just now? I guess it doesn't matter. I'm sure their just like everyone else in this fucked up school. Plus I have more important things to worry about.
I looked down at my palm to see it bleeding. You can't hold back karma. You're the world's deadliest and scariest thing. So if that's what they see, then I'll show them what they want.
I walked into my class and sat down at my desk. Like always I didn't pay attention to what the teacher had to say. I picked up my pencil and started to draw endless doodles on a piece of paper. As I kept drawing I winced as the injury on my hand grazed the pencil. Those damn coyotes gave me hell this morning.
~ 1 hour earlier ~
Three men stood beside me as I tried getting to lunch. "can I help you?" They just laughed and tackled me to the ground. I yelled. "what's the big fucking idea!?" One of the boys got up and left his two other boys to hold me down.
"Do you happen to know where your families fortune is karma?" I growled. So that's what this is about. "I don't fucking know. My family abandoned me." He smirked. "oh sweet little karma. We'll get you to talk, I promise" both of his boys turned into coyotes and started to growl and bite near my body. I quickly pulled out a knife and slashed at both of their faces. That action itself was able to buy me a little time but as soon as I got up, one coyote was able to bite my right hand. I cried and threw the coyote across the wall. It was no use though, they were all able to surround me in the end.
"Enough play time karma." The dude in front of me grabbed me by the throat and punched me. He then proceeded to kneed me in the gut and was able to land a small cut on my shoulder with the blade he had on him. "karma. Such an intimidating name. The name itself means how you treat a person, that same treatment will go back to you. Yet I feel no fear" the bastard had a sick smirk to his face.
"Oh Leroy" a low and dark voice called from behind the shadows. The man instantly froze up and his coyote friends started to whimper as well. "h-hey man! Good seeing you.." the man behind the shadows creeped up on the men and spoke in a thick voice.
"What have I told you about touching what's mine? Hm?" The man from the shadows replied. I scoffed. I'm not some fucking toy. "she was yours?! Oh I had no idea! Please! Forgive my selfishness!" Leroy had moved aside and called his coyote buddies with him. Before Leroy could leave though, the man grabbed him by the shoulder. "if I see your rotten face ever again near this girl I will fucking murder you. Got it?" The man had a psychotic smirk. Leroy nodded quickly. The man let him go and Leroy took off running.
The man walked up to me and I was finally able to capture what he looks like. He was very tall, I'd say he's about 6'2. He wore a black vest with a white long sleeve shirt under along with a red bow tie. He wore black pants and black shoes. His eyes were black and his pupils were red. Last but not least, his hair was red but with black tips at his bangs.
"You alright kid?" I rolled my eyes. "I'm not fucking 10. Don't look down on me just because you saved me hotshot." He smirked and laughed softly. "I'm sorry. Caleb." My body froze. This bastard knew..? "Who the hell are you?!" He looked at me sternly and started to walk off. "don't fucking ignore me! Tell me who you are!"
He kept walking and spoke softly. "I go by a lot of names, but people call me-"
~ present tense ~
"Control freak" the name rolled right off my tongue. I gotta say I hate that I liked it.
*violently trying to get my life together* FUCKKKKK! Hope you enjoyed by the way. ~akaweirdgirl 💘
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