A/N: Heavy SebMass up-ahead.
Wolf Chase [32]
Massie woke up to a powerful knock on her wooden door. The suddenness made her jump off the bed, her heart thrumming in an accelerated rhythm. Her footsteps were uneven as she ambled to the door, still drowsy from sleep. She was about to unlock it when she realized she didn't know who it was, much less have a peek-hole through which to check.
"Who is it?" She asked, her voice came out muddled and confused. Who on earth would be knocking on her door at two in the morning?
"It's me. Open the door."
Massie pulled the door open, and half-lidded eyes regarded her supposed fiancé. The view before her woke her up better than any alarm clock could, she stepped back in shock. A large, ugly gnash ran diagonally down his left arm. It looked like a pair of claws had injured him. It was bright and red, letting her know it was recent. She frantically assessed him from head-to-toe, looking for any more injuries. To her great relief he otherwise remained unscathed.
"What happe-"
"No questions. Take your things and bring them to my room."
Confused, she obeyed him and grabbed her rolling suit case. It was a good thing she'd been too tired to make herself at home and take things out.
When she stepped in to the hall, she gasped at the unconscious figure of a man near her door. It was Ryder. His mouth lolled open and blood was gushing down his nose. One of his arms were bent in an unnatural position and there was a huge gash on his abdomen. His face was swollen, and he was sure to have a horrendous bruise when he woke up. If she thought Sebastian was injured, his man was beaten to a bloody pulp.
She looked at Sebastian, but he merely gave her one his not-now looks and she wisely scampered to his room. Now was not the right time to ask for explanations.
"I'll be back. Lock the door." The door closed with a silent thud and Massie went to do as she was told. She couldn't help pressing her ear against the wood to listen. The noise of someone being hauled over and taken to another place was heard.
She pulled away, stunned at the recent turn of events. She easily deducted those two had fought, and judging by the fact that Ryder was sprawled right near her door, it's obvious he was attempting to do something in the general area—like trying to get into her room.
Massie expelled a whoosh of air. Her earlier experience with him in the hallway showed her how slimy a man he was, but she didn't expect him to be so determined as to try to get her room in the middle of the night. How lucky of her to have Sebastian looking out for her, she wondered how he was even able to detect Ryder's intentions from his room next door. He was such a knight in shining armor that she couldn't wait for him to get back.
Mind full of mischief, she reopened her suitcase. Was it bad that she was secretly thankful of Ryder's attempt? He was disgusting, but his actions got her where she wanted to be, just not the way she expected it to. She pulled out her previous revealing two piece and settled into them, shivering as she exchanged her sweats and baggy shirt for the shorts and miniscule shirt. Sebastian was going to be so annoyed, she could feel it already. But that didn't matter: an annoyed Sebby is a cute Sebby. How evil of her.
During the time her supposed spouse was away, Massie settled under the covers. It was just as freezing in this room as it was in hers. She decided that no matter what she would make him kiss her tonight. If his actions were any indication, he wanted one too, he was just being bull-headed and stubborn. A little closeness and he would surely lose his control.
The gentle knock on her door made her more excited than she should be, especially amid recent events. She should be concerned. She should be afraid and mortified at what could have happened, but she couldn't find it in her to respond that way.
"Sebby?" Her hand poised on the locked door, not yet granting entry.
"Yes." His deep voice resonated through the door, ensuring her it was him. It made her heart lurch with anticipation, and a sudden wave of self-consciousness settled over her. Should she change back?
And miss out on the fun? I think not.
With a spark of determination she opened the door wide. She noticed two things off the bat. One, the previous injury on his arm seemed to have supernaturally healed at a pace to where now it was an imperceptible scar. And two Sebastian looked like he was about to lose his mind, and not in a good way.
His eyes were startled as he gazed at her, eying her from head to toe. She had a vague feeling he wanted to stop but couldn't. How satisfying, it's about time she left him speechless. It was a shame that his open admiration of her was short live, for in seconds he growled in anger and grabbed her arm, slamming the door shut in his wake. She heard the resounding click as he locked it.
Massie would have made a joke about how that door would be defenseless against people like him, and would only prohibit respectful people from entering, but she figured right now was not a good time for jokes.
"Have you lost your mind woman?! Why are you wearing this!" He scolded. "Go change your clothes."
She crossed her arms. "No, I can wear what I want." Her tone sounded petulant and defiant, but she didn't care. He liked what she was wearing, she saw it in his eyes earlier. She refused to change it just because it made him feel uncomfortable.
"You were wearing sweatpants before!"
"Well I changed my mind. These shorts were calling my name, so there. Besides, it's clear you want some this." She said smugly, grabbing a hold of his hand.
"I don't want some of anything." He denied. His eyes betrayed him as they coursed over her again, full of wonder and restrained want. He cleared his throat and looked up, suddenly finding the ceiling to be an amazing piece of structure, even though it was painted a basic white.
Massie snorted. He was in such denial that it was ridiculous. Just wait until she managed to get him into bed, let's see how much he won't want this. "Really, wanna bet?" She sassed.
Sebastian ignored her and closed his eyes. He seemed to be focused on something, gathering his bearings. Then, when he opened his eyes again she saw determination. He pulled a large T-shirt from his pile of folded clothes—clothes that she folded might she add—and forced it over her head.
His top was so large that it not only swallowed her entire torso, but reached past her shorts. But then again, they were not covering much to begin with anyway. Oops. Sorry not sorry.
Massie groaned, she had been expecting him to finally go wild on her. Why did he have to be so controlled? It was getting annoying and now she might have to go to Plan B in order to get a kiss.
"The thought of him even seeing you in this," he muttered, faraway in thought as he clenched his jaw, and Massie realized his head was on the idea of Ryder catching her in the outfit. "He was in heat, if he managed to go in there I know he would have..."
"As you recall I wasn't wearing this when I was in my room. I only just changed now," she reminded, hoping to pull him away from his musings. It had him deeply troubled and she wanted to ease his thoughts. What she did learn now is that Ryder had been in heat, which explained his rash reaction in trying to get to her. "Come on, lets go to sleep."
Massie shut off the lights, leaving the room illuminated by the full moon glowing brightly from outside. She started gearing his rigid form to bed, but right as they reached the edge he took control and stopped her.
"I'm laying out some ground rules first."
"Ugh, stop trying to control everything all the time and just relax," she griped. "You're taking things overboard."
Even in the darkness, his eyes glowed with indignation. "Overboard? A man just tried to enter your room while you were in your most vulnerable state. I had my senses on all night because I don't trust them. This man was in heat, and I am too. Heat drives people to do foolish things."
Massie rolled her eyes. Here he goes again with that talk of him being in heat and yadda yadda. "So what, with you I fail see a difference. It's not like you've exactly tried to break though my door."
"That doesn't mean I haven't wanted to."
His voice was so low that Massie missed it, too infuriated by his resistance of her that she wanted to pull her hair out. "If we don't go to bed right now without any of your useless ground rules I will go back to my room," she threatened.
She knew she was wrong to say that, it was impulsive and totally undermined everything he had just done for her, but before she could blurt out an apology and let him have his way, with one finger he pushed her on the bed, making her topple backwards on the mattress. Massie looked up at him, but all she saw were the hard edges of his jaw. He was looking elsewhere.
"I'm taking a cold shower. Stay on the left side."
He stalked to the bathroom in a huff of frustration. Massie crawled to her side of the bed, she really wished her strong personality could take a hike right now while Sebastian relaxed from his upheaval, but she couldn't stop the feeling of wanting him to admit he wanted her. If he could just say it she wouldn't feel so riled up to prove it to him, and even now as much as she tried to calm her mind and think about peaceful sleep it remained awake. Waiting for him. Ready to show him to his face how much he did like her. One way or another, he would be finding out tonight.
When he reached the bed it was fifteen minutes later and she could smell the soap he used. He carefully laid down on the right side of the bed, ensuring not one part of his body touched her in any way.
She remembered the look in his eyes earlier. She only wanted one kiss. Massie touched his arm. "Sebastian..."
"Get your hands off me." He ordered, his words laced with ice. If it had been any other person they would have frozen in fear.
But it wasn't, it was Massie. And quite frankly, she was used to getting a stir out of him. "Why are you resisting," she argued, allowing her hands to travel to his chest.
Though she did do this for a reaction and to be petty, a huge part of it was because she craved to feel him, to have contact with him. His rippling muscles only motivated her as her fingers slide over them.
Suddenly, her hands we ripped from his chest and held in mid-air. His grip was ironclad, allowing no mobility from her. "I'm telling you to stop." His face was one of no-nonsense, and for a moment Massie felt remorse mixed with a tinge of shame at having pushed him past his limits. Why was he rejecting her?
"Fine." She spat. Feeling spiteful, she aimed to kick him so that he would release her, but under blankets she missed her mark and instead her leg slid between his sweat pants.
In the space of seconds the hold on her wrist was gone and she was pulled against him, the heat of his body radiating to her every pore. Massie's coiled muscles immediately relaxed in his warmth, being this close to him made her feel oddly at ease. To her amazement, she felt his hands hold her tightly against him as his head buried in the crook of her neck. She heard him smell her, and then felt his teeth lightly graze the area. Her spine stiffened at the feel of his sharp canines, a surprised tingle running up her back.
"I warned you to stop touching me. You should have listened." He said lowly, his voice rough.
One of his hands clasped her waist, while another explored the expanse of her thigh. Massie blushed, being with him like this felt very intimate and close. She relished the feel of his calloused hands as they trailer over her smooth skin.
Warm, soft kisses were delicately laid on her neck, causing her to shiver. And then, her cheeks were the ones receiving this soft treatment, before finally his lips meet with hers in a searing kiss. His lips moved against her, prodding feverishly to give him entrance. She opened and their tongues moved in synch with each other. She felt his deep desire, the yearning he had for her. Massie felt him shift. He cupped her thighs and encircled them around him, bringing them even closer. She felt him rumble beneath her at the closeness, it's like he couldn't get enough of her.
His fingers threaded beneath the large t-shirt that covered her, exploring the bare skin of her stomach and rising steadily higher. Massie felt her breath hitch. She had only wanted a kiss and this was moving along very deep very fast. For a moment, she hesitated. This was the furthest she had ever gone with a man despite her wild nature. But then, she remembered who she was with, and forced herself to relax. It was Sebastian. With him she was safe.
Everything felt absolutely perfect, until she was just as quickly released and thrown to the other side of the bed. Massie yelped, completely thrown off by the change of events. She gaped at his form, who's previously darkened eyes were now aglow with a furious fire that threatened to burn her into char. At the moment, she felt shocked, like a bucket of cold water was poured all over her.
"What the heck was that! You ruined the moment!"
"You're getting your own bed in this room. I'll be asking the man for an additional one tomorrow morning. As of tonight, I'm sleeping on the floor." His words felt like a sharp knife cutting through her.
To further prove his point, Sebastian picked up his pillow and threw it harshly on the floor.
Massie huffed, feeling like he was acting overly dramatic. "You don't even have a blanket, you'll freeze!"
"Worry about yourself." He hissed, glaring.
"You might as well admit you like me. I get it, I'm clearly un-resistible although I must say you're acting ridiculous."
He grit his teeth as he laid down on the hard floor, purposely facing away from her. The muscles of his back were tense and she could imagine him mentally fuming. Seeing him so uncomfortable and bare on the cold floor made her feel bad for her actions. She hadn't meant for their night to end like this at all.
"Sebastian, I'm sorry." She said softly.
He scoffed, disbelieving of her apology. Massie clenched her fists, why did he always try to make her feel like she's the one who made a mistake. Indignant, she hissed, "You know what, it isn't as if you weren't responding. No one forced your tongue down my throat a few seconds ago."
Sebastian shook his head, growing irritated. "Your apology holds no value, does it? Do you ever think about what I want? You're so caught up in a moment that you don't see the bigger picture."
"Right, right," she drawled sarcastically, "How stupid of me to want a moment with you. It's not like you even want me. God forbid you accidentally mark me and have the rest of your life attached to me. No, definitely not you."
Sebastian sat up, looking as if he were about to pull his hair out. "Woman, why must you add things to my words. Not once did I say I was averse to mating with you."
"Yeah, your enthusiasm clearly shows. Every time a man wants me he totally separates himself and sleeps on the floor."
His eyes flashed with restrained anger. "Don't do that."
"Don't do what, say the truth," she retorted, grabbing a pillow and throwing it at him in a fury.
He easily caught it, his tone turning acid. "No, don't think for a second that I didn't notice the hesitation you had."
Massie balked. Is that was this was all about? "So I was a little nervous, shoot me."
He shook his head. His eyes were on the floor as a sharp canine poked through his lips. "That's the difference between you and I, Massie. You like to be a tease, and I would even say you enjoy touching me, but unlike you I will actually finish what I start. I will never do things mid-way. And I don't believe you truly want to go all the way with me."
Massie could only gape at him in astonishment. Her? HER?! He had to be kidding. Had to be. Massie was ready to slam him with a new one to remind him that if anything, out of the two of them she was the transparent one about her feelings, but she wisely avoided that, knowing it would make this situation worse.
"Tell me, what would you have done if you had marked me by accident tonight, hmm?" Her voice was hard, but inwardly she was crumbling. She slammed her head against the pillow, willing her body to sleep. She wasn't expecting an answer, she just said it stab him.
Even with her eyes closed she could feel his honeyed orbs boring into her, her heart hammering wildly against her chest. How did he do this to her without her evening looking at him?
"Even in heat, nothing I do is by accident."
She heard him retract to the ground and softly lay down. Her insides moved in a whirl of emotions. Anger, sadness, fury, love. They fought against each other and left her very discomfited. She wanted nothing more than to be with him, but there he was, on the floor upset because he sensed her 'hesitate' and took that to mean she didn't truly want him. He was so hot and cold. Very black and white.
With their emotions so inflamed there was no way for them to reach a middle ground of understanding. At least not now. She forced herself to think of other things, concentrating on her breathing.
Breath in. Out. Breathe in. Out.
Her rapid pulse began to decrease, and slowly her body relaxed.
At some point throughout the night, as Massie's body finally began surrendering to sleep, she felt a warm pair of arms wrap around her torso and her back pressed flush against a strong chest. She knew it was him, but in that hazy mist of awake and sleep, she almost wondered if she was dreaming.
"You said you were sleeping on the floor," she whispered.
"I did."
"Then why don't you let go of me," she asked, and almost regretting it, because this felt blissfully good and she could see herself easily getting lost in his closeness and touch.
A warm brush of air tickled her ear as he sighed, it was one of defeat. "I can't."
"Nooooo, she wasn't readyyyy" *kevin hart voice*
A/N: why can't there just be understanding 😭😭 I can't with these two. LOL HOPE YOU ENJOYED ❤️ comment & vote
Idek how I posted a chapter in less than a week, I just wrote a lot today. Posted a new story too. Guess my muse is still active. Much love to you all!
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