A/N: This chapter is dedicated to Gangice, who was the first to mention the old title reference last chapter (young writer days LOL) and your comments crack me up! :')
They are finally headed to Everglades! Make sure to comment lovies and vote if you enjoy it <3 to ALL my fans, thank you for the support! Its because of your comments/votes/activity that I stay motivated to write. You guys are the best!
Wolf Chase [31]
"Did you read the book?"
"Yes." Massie replied, seamlessly slipping into a lie.
Two weeks ago, not many hours after her disastrous kissing fiasco, Sebastian ever so kindly went up to her and shoved a small book into her chest. It was black, with strong golden ridges and a title she couldn't quite remember, but she knew by his quiet explanation that it had something to do with packs, alphas, and something else.
She hadn't managed to even read one page of it.
At first, it was because she'd been kind of salty (okay, very salty) about the fact that he totally hated their kiss, so that was her passive-aggressive way of getting back at him. After that, the truth was she forgot all about it. In her excitement of going to Everglades and making sure all her homework was done ahead of time, it completely slipped her mind. As a matter of fact, now that she thought about it, she had no idea where it was. Even the previous one she'd gotten from the library mysteriously disappeared, she would also be lying if she said she actually took the time to look for it.
It was a shame, really, because now they were on a three plus hour plane ride to California and she probably could knock out a good portion of it in the air. Oh well, the information in it shouldn't be too pertinent. She learned so much already just by being around them and taking note of their gestures and how they do things. What could possibly go wrong?
The only obstacle that presented itself for this trip manifested yesterday, late in the night as she was helping them pack (wereman truly sucked at folding). Keisha was the cause of the altercation: she complained about not being given the option to go, and despite her never previously consenting to an assignment before, she argued to take Massie place. Massie was more-so curious as to why she never agreed to an assignment before rather than the fact that she sought to sabotage her sort-of-but-not-really vacation.
Noah later privately told her Keisha never ventured out of Dark Falls for fear of encountering Corcorus wolves due to her past—even if there were no threat of them in some areas. It appeared Massie going sparked a rivalry in her and she was willing to override her emotions. The whole argument was squashed when Papa Saurus kindly reminded her she was still grounded, and Massie knew it was because of the time she tried to snipe her.
Now that's just beautiful. Who would have thought Keisha trying to harm her would end up being so useful? Now she got to enjoy first-class seating next to her man, who unsurprisingly forced her to take the window seat while he took the aisle one to better stretch his legs. She had a vague feeling they paid for these spacious seats because they wouldn't comfortably fit in the economy one.
It seemed Sebastian bought her lie, for there wasn't any suspicious in his eyes. "Good," he acknowledged, evidently relieved she supposedly read the thing.
Massie winced at the relief that laced his voice. Yikes, maybe she should have read the thing. She wouldn't spend too much time dwelling on that mistake though. It was too late now. Besides, how dare he ask her right when they're already on the plane and heading there.
Sebastian brought out a black, velvety box from his pocket. He paused, as though to collect himself, and then met her eyes with a steady gaze. "I told you before that in order to come we would be doing things my way. For your protection I need to ensure no Everglades werewolf is rash enough to forcibly mate you, so to do this we will enter as an engaged couple who has not yet mated."
Massie squealed and jumped in excitement. "Oh my gosh, are you like, proposing because the answer is yes!" She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a long, extended kiss on the cheek.
Sebastian sighed and looked up, as though he knew he would be in for a crazy next three days but had already accepted it. "Woman, is my head on your lap? I am not proposing. I'm merely telling you we will appear to be engaged. Traditionally, there is a period of engagement before the wedding happens and a couple is mated. We will pretend to be in such a time for the entirety of this trip."
Massie pouted. "Boo hoo, you ruined the mood Sebby," she said, loud enough for the others around them to hear. Thankfully, the whole section was bought out by the Cult.
Jordan poked his head from in front of them. "I'm assuming he's told you of his fantastic master plan," he said, laughing.
Massie clucked her tongue in disapproval. "Yes, he has." Then, wanting to annoy him, she said, "Hey, I have an idea. How about instead of me being engaged to you, I can pretend to be engaged to Jordan. I just don't want to burden you in any way, you are the one who will be speaking to them more frequently after all." She smiled sweetly, waiting for his answer.
The air tangibly became murderous as Sebastian slowly turned to face her.
Jordan gulped. "Uh, let's just keep it the way it is," he said weakly, but it was as though Sebastian never heard him, his attention was solely fixed on her.
Jordan ducked back into his seat to let her handle the consequences of her words. Meanwhile, the golden-eyed wereman closed the distance and let their foreheads meet. He pushed against her, until the back of her head hit the window and her neck was uncomfortably bending back.
"Is there anything you wish to tell me about your affections for Jordan?" His voice was low, intending for only her ears to hear. She couldn't help but feel as though she were standing on a tight-rope. Any move in either direction and she was screwed.
"I already told you Sebastian, it was only to make things easier for you." And to make him pissed off, but she wouldn't tell him that. He had a knack of ruining the mood and needed to know what that felt like.
"You think I can't handle this assignment and take care of you?" He asked dubiously.
Massie smirked. A hand on his chest pushed him back so that she wouldn't be trapped near a window. "Oh you can take care of me all right. I just doubt your ability to act 'engaged'. You freaked out when I kissed you, and now you want to pretend you're engaged? Give me a break."
"Let me worry about that. In the meantime, put this on." Though he was trying to give off the impression of indifference, she knew by his tense shoulders that showing her this had him on edge. When he threw her the box, she didn't even have to catch it, it landed perfectly in the middle of her opened hands.
Massie grasped it. For a moment, she considered not opening it and shoving it right back to him, but the ambiguous box stared at her, pulling on the strings of her curiosity to prop it open. When she finally did, her mouth dropped. Housed inside was a dazzling diamond ring. On the sides of the diamond, the band intertwined like a ribbon of shimmering metal and gave it a romantic appeal. The ring was simple, yet very elegant.
But before she did anything rash like actually put it on, she quickly closed it. Whatever material the box was made of was good, for it didn't do the snap she was expecting it to, which really sucked because she wanted to make the moment more dramatic but instead it was sub-par. Sebastian raised a questioning brow at her action. Apparently he expected her to just comply.
Massie smiled. He looked very handsome today. Not only did he happen to wear the white dress shirt she gave him, but he also recently got a haircut and a nice shape-up. His strong jaw line made her want to grab it and plant one on him again, but she would have to be smart about the way she got things.
"I have two conditions. If you want me to wear this, you have to put it on me yourself and kiss me. Otherwise I won't wear it."
He glared and her eyes glimmered with mischief. She knew what he was thinking, he was ready to say no, but she wouldn't make this easy on him. "If you don't I'll happily prance around as a single maiden. A lovely single maiden with matura."
It's wonderful how they were on the plane already, so he couldn't threaten to drag her back anymore. Sebastian ripped the box from her hands and opened it, taking out the ring and grabbing her hand. He never once looking down to see what he was doing, his eyes remained fixed on her, as though angry she dared incite him in such a way. She was surprised at the way he slid it over her finger with precision. It fit her perfectly, almost as though it were made for her.
She pushed her hair out of her face and behind her neck to see it unhindered. Suddenly, she felt him tense. "There's something I need to tell you." His eyes drifted to her exposed neck, but the purple-eyed beauty did not notice.
Massie intertwined her fingers with his. She was distracted by the view of a ring in her finger and the feel of his hands. She wanted to see how their hands would look together now that she had an engagement ring. It felt like her dreams were coming true, and yet she knew they were not. "Hm?"
"I'm... in heat right now. Since yesterday, actually." He admitted, his deep voice drew her from her musings to pay attention to what he was saying. "My alpha blood allows me to have more control than most, but you should still be careful around me."
Massie gave him one of her good-girl smiles. "Yes Sebby. Of course I'll be careful." But really, she was just plotting ways to make him go crazy. Wow, this trip just kept getting better and better.
"Don't try anything foolish," he warned, giving her a stern look.
Look at that, he was reading her better and better each day. It was as though he didn't buy anything she just said. Deciding to cut the act, Massie waggled her newly engaged finger in his face, loving every moment of this. It felt wonderful to have the upper hand. She'd deal with the consequences later, after they returned to Dark Falls. "If you want me to keep this on, I still need a kiss, and I'm not talking about one the cheek," she clarified, giving him a coy smile.
Sebastian's head came down, bumping her nose with his. "You said you would behave."
"I am behaving," she insisted. He had no idea how bad she could be if she wanted to.
"Hn." His eyes lowered to her lips and he gave her a swift peck...on the forehead.
"Not fair," she protested, her lower lip poking out. She should've known to be more specific.
Sebastian rested his head back against the plush seat and began to make it lean back. When he looked back at her, the pout remained, and he raised a hand to cup her cheek. His thumb grazed her lower lip. "You do not know what you ask," he said softly, retracting his hand and folding it over his lap. Soon, he closed his eyes.
Massie sighed. Figures he would slide his way out of this one. Next time, he won't be as lucky. Judging by the similar slouched positions and sleeping faces, the rest of the Cult had fallen to a similar fate. It was understandable they were all tired. While Massie fell asleep after packing, they all stayed awake until the wee hours of the night, making sure they had everything set and the paperwork done for an easy-going trip.
Alpha Samuel also had a long, late-night talk with the men since this was their first serious trip. It made her all the more excited and thankful that Mia allowed her to join them. The layout of the trip hadn't gone as they intended. The only flight to accommodate all of them was in the afternoon, so they were excused from school and boarded the plane around twelve o' clock.
Now asleep, Sebastian looked at peace and unguarded. She watched him with bated breath, noticing the way his chest rose and lowered steadily. When she kissed him on the day of his birthday, he had been extremely mad and agitated. It was as though she committed a heinous crime. Funnily enough, the following days he seemed to exhibit more affection, and didn't push her back as much when she was being overbearing. She was still not allowed anywhere near his room—that was made clear, but he was slightly less reserved.
Massie pressed the button to incline the seat back for added comfort. She turned the TV and settled for watching a romantic comedy. First class conveniently had free WiFi and a list of movies, more than enough to entertain her until they land the plane. Unlike them, she would be unable to slumber, no matter how much she tried.
The long movie was an excellent distractor, for after it was past mid-way, the flight attendants began to line the corridor in effort to take people's orders and prepare the food. She happily began to shake Sebastian awake.
"Wake up Sebby," she said, roughly shaking his shoulders
In moments he was awake, regarding her with half-lidded eyes. "Why did you wake me?"
"They're starting to pass out food!"
He yawned, but his posture remained languid and relaxed. Right now, he looked ever-so approachable and non-dangerous. Adorable. Like a big, cute wolf.
When the flight attendant reached them, she gave them a menu to make a selection. One of the perks of flying first class is that they wouldn't have to get the plain sandwiches served in economy. Massie easily chose the chicken alfredo pasta, she felt like eating carbs today.
Sebastian was not as quick. His amber eyes continued to survey the short, albeit diverse list of selections. Seeing her opening, the flight attendant smiled coquettishly at him and even bent down to explain the selections, as though Sebastian himself couldn't read the descriptions. But really Massie knew she just wanted to give him an excellent view of her chest. Which failed miserably, because his eyes never strayed from the paper at hand to acknowledge her. A slight nod was all he gave to indicate he even heard a word she was saying.
Regardless of his inattention, Massie was still peeved at the way the woman was offering herself to him. There was a ring on her finger now, and regardless of it being real or not he was hers until it came off. "Honey," Massie said smoothly, wrapping possessive arms around him. "What about the steak and mashed potatoes" Unlike the flight attendant, Massie wouldn't just give him a nice view, she'd press them all against his face. Sebastian peered curiously at her, clueless of her intentions, but making no move to distance away from her.
His eyes became clouded. "Um, sure." he mumbled, distracted by her adjacent assets
Massie smiled brightly at the flight attendant, who seemed to have just remembered the purple-eyed beauty was even there in the first place, even though she just took her order like forty six seconds ago. Yeah, no. No one will be forgetting she's with him. "You'll have to excuse my fiancé, he's always back-and-forth when it comes to his food." She let her fingers run through his hair, making sure the attendant saw her gleaming engagement ring.
"Ah, fiancé" she acknowledged, clearly disappointed he was more than just her friend. "Congratulations, enjoy your vacation." her voice held anything but excitement, and when she was finally off Massie sat back in her seat, feeling very satisfied.
Sebastian wouldn't stop staring at her. "What was that?"
Massie gave him a look. "She was obviously trying to make a move on you. That's why she was showing you her boobs."
"I did not notice." He blinked, evidently confused. "I noticed yours though," he said quietly, mostly to himself.
But Massie heard it. "Of course you did, that was the point Sebby." she said smugly. "Like the view?" She would be having way too much fun pretending to be his fiancé.
He looked away. "I will not answer."
That had to be one of his favorite lines with her. His best avoidance tactic. She would be getting her unanswered questions one way or another. The food arrived shortly after, and Sebastian ended up ordering seconds. The medium-sized portions were too small to satisfy his appetite. When they finished eating, he didn't go back to sleep.
Massie tried to persuade him into watching the movie with her, and he denied her as was his custom. It was too girly, too mushy, too everything. He tried to watch a different movie than her, which she firmly opposed (and maybe even threatened to kiss him if he did) to which he argued his case, that they had separate TVs anyway. Why does it matter that they watch different things? And of course it didn't have to make sense, because she was Massie and thus all her ideas were great and not easily overridden.
He surrendered to her whims, but under the condition that they chose a different selection. They settled on some action movie that aired a few months ago, and by the time it was finished the plane was finally arriving. The best perk of flying first class was the ease of exiting. They didn't have to wait for passengers ahead of them to get their things together, they didn't have to bump hips with odd strangers, they just up and left.
After going through customs, an elegantly dressed aged man held a sign that indicated he would be their chauffer to the Everglades pack. He led them to a sleek, large limo that accommodated them nicely. It was then she remembered what Jordan told her about them—that they were an extremely wealthy pack.
Massie had to hand it to Mr. Chauffer, the man had talent when it came weaving in and out through traffic. It was impressive, this was no small vehicle he was operating, yet he did it with a fluidity that mirrored an ice skater. The movements were quick but smooth, it showed her why the pack kept him around.
Slowly, their surroundings became less and less busy, the homes more secluded and larger the further they got. Then, it seemed they turned a corner in No Where Land before they began to approach a beautiful gated estate. Or should she say colossal mansion. Their home was massive, larger than the Cult's home in Dark Falls. Well, now her home too, since she was technically his fiancé now. The driver was immediately buzzed in by a standing guard, and they went up the driveway.
The only thing Massie found off was the lack of trees surrounding the estate. Perhaps she was used to the dense forests that surrounded them back home, but she assumed wolves like to be near the woods. Here, their grand estate was fenced in all around, setting them apart from any trees. Any greenery they possessed was clearly for aesthetic value only.
The driver parked directly in front of a tall, two-door entrance. As they stepped out of the limo, two butlers were ready to greet them. Apparently, they were assigned to give them rooms and tell them today's schedule.
"I see. Since you're engaged, would you like to share a room or have private ones?" The butler gave his whole attention to Sebastian, completely bypassing her. He didn't even glace in her direction to include her. It was as though the choice were never up for her to decide anyway, only he could speak.
Massie overlooked this and rather perked at the idea of sharing a room with Sebastian, it sounded exciting! She imagined how great it would be to share a bed, it would be the ideal playground to invade his space.
Amped at the prospect, Massie nodded animatedly. "Yes! Of cour—"
"Actually, no." Sebastian interrupted, maneuvering her behind him. Here she was blocked entirely from seeing the coordinator. "Since we have yet to fulfill the mating process, it would be best to sleep in separate quarters for now."
Massie huffed in indignation. He was such a spoilsport! There went her cuddling fantasies... She could only glare at his back as he continued talking with the man. Since the Cult had been here previous times before, they didn't require a tour of the home. It was only out of courtesy that the butler walked them to their rooms, as it was in the same visitor's area as before.
Her room was expectantly beside Sebastian's, and when the butler gave his farewells, she immediately left his side and went into her room. She was put off that he refused to share a room with her, feeling very much miffed. Dinner wouldn't come for another two hours, so she would take advantage of this time to settle down and rest.
Not too long after, Sebastian entered with her suitcase in tow. "I have your things."
Massie lifted her chin and looked away from him. "You can leave them right there. Goodbye." She clipped.
Sebastian dropped her suitcase, but instead of leaving he came to her instead. Since she was sitting on the bed, he had to crouch to see her at eye level. "I know you don't like this set-up, but it needs to be this way."
"Is the idea of being in a room with me really that revolting?" She brought up, aggravated.
Sebastian made move to touch her, but seemed to think better of it and retreated. "Massie, I am currently going through a moment of heat. I've already explained to you the risks associated with it. The least I need to happen between us is an accidental mating."
"What would be so bad about that? I'm a great catch," she threw.
Sebastian sighed. "It's not how I pictured things. You have no idea what you're getting into, and I refuse to choose a mate for myself in a moment of fleshly weakness," he responded, an undertone of disgust seeping into his voice.
Deciding to ignore him, Massie took off her shoes and laid down on the bed. The mattress was comfortable, and now that she was on an actual bed perhaps she could catch a quick nap. His golden eyes followed her movements, and once he saw she was indeed determined to not speak to him anymore he stood to his height.
"I'll come pick you up for dinner," he said.
His smooth voice made her want to crawl to him. But she wouldn't. Instead she made sure she laid sideways with her back to him and her face to the wall.
Massie closed her eyes in attempt to fall asleep. She heard mild shuffling, but then a pause. Suddenly, she felt a warm hand on her shoulder and lips on her cheek. He kissed her, and she was frozen in her spot, surprised he would even do such an action without her first initiating it. His nose nuzzled against her neck and she felt his cold breath as he whispered, "Just trust me."
A/N: ANDDDDD we are here! Finally at Everglades. C'mon, you didn't think them being in the same room would be that easy, did you? Don't worry, knowing me it can't stay that way for long, where's the fun in that? Hahahahaha :3
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