Chapter 9: Ethan Or Monster?
Quick An: The edit above is actually mine and I'm super happy to show it off. Anyone is completely free to use it for whatever they want (because ownership of a drawing or edit is crazy now). Enjoy the chapter!
Ethan's Pov
Tyler started to clean the bite on my shoulder while I tried not to panic. The rubbing alcohol he used stung a bit but my fear and anxiety seemed to be numb the pain slightly. Maybe I was just overreacting to this. I may not even be turned into a werewolf from the bite. And if I am, it couldn't be too bad...right? I mean, Mark dealt with it every day and he seemed to be ok with it. But, Mark's also been a werewolf for a while now. This was going to be completely new to me and I don't know if I can handle it. Just the thought of changing into a wolf every night terrified me.
"Hey I'm going to go get some sleep," I heard Jack suddenly say beside me, snapping out of my thoughts for a moment. "It's getting pretty late."
I nodded my head. It was getting late but I don't think I was going to be able to sleep easily tonight.
"See you guys tomorrow," Jack said. He then walked out of the room and I gave a small wave as he left.
"See ya," I said. Tyler started to bandage up my shoulder and I just stared down at the bed. I was still completely terrified. I had no clue what was going to happen to me. Tyler must've noticed my unease because he looked up at me with concern.
"Are you alright there, Ethan?" He asked.
"I don't know," I sighed. "I feel fine for now but I'm worried about being a werewolf. It might not even happen but, most likely, it is and I have no clue how to handle it."
Tyler nodded and finished wrapping up my shoulder. I experimentally rolled it back to see how much I could move it and it surprisingly didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. Instead, there was just a small ache that went down my arm all the way to my hands.
"Well, whatever happens, I'll be here for you, and so will everyone else," Tyler said. I smiled slightly.
"Thanks, Tyler," I replied. It actually helped a lot to hear that. Tyler and I sat in silence for a few moments and it was now that I remembered I had my shirt off still with Tyler right in front of me while we were alone in a room together. I quickly stopped my face from turning into a tomato and grabbed my shirt, carefully putting it back on. I noticed that my hands had started to shake slightly. I would've just chalked it up to nerves and the slight pain from my shoulder but something was off. For one it was both hands and they were hurting too much to be pain from my shoulder. I winced and furrowed my brow in confusion, looking down at them.
Nothing seemed wrong at first, besides the shaking, until I could feel something happening. I stared and watched while my nails were starting to slowly grow and point. I just about screamed as my panic rose even more. My hands shook harder and my heart rate picked up to the point I could feel it pounding against my chest.
"W-What's happening to me..?!" I stuttered. Now several different things were starting to hurt like my hands.
"Try to calm down, Ethan," Tyler said. "It looks like you're just going through a transformation."
I whined softly in pain while I felt my ears stretch and change.
"B-But that can't be...Whenever Mark first went through this he felt sick for an entire day before he actually changed..! I-I was just bit!" I said. My hands went instinctively to my head and I started to grip my hair. Tyler gently pulled my hands away from my head and held them so I wouldn't hurt myself with my new claws. It was very comforting though and I blushed lightly from the action. If it wasn't obvious already, I actually really liked Tyler just right now was not a good time to talk about it.
"Well, it is a full moon. Maybe that's what's causing this. The full moon does have more of an effect, after all," Tyler suggested. I nodded and groaned as I could feel my teeth growing and sharpening in my mouth.
"T-That makes sense..." I said. The pain suddenly intensified in my face and tears welled up in my eyes. It felt like the burning I was already feeling multiplied by ten and it was agony. I saw the tip of my nose darken to black and I instantly knew what was going to happen.
"Oh no..." I whined softly. I then felt my nose uncomfortably puff up and round out to look like a dog's. Next, a few sharp cracks sounded through the bedroom followed by white-hot pain coming from my skull while my face started to push out. I screamed and the tears that had built up quickly rolled down my face. Fortunately for me, the change was quick so it was over pretty soon. After it was done, I shakily panted while the last of my tears escaped my eyes, almost quietly sobbing.
I gently wiped my eyes with my hoodie sleeve and sniffled softly. I was extremely sore, especially in my face, and I was really tired.
"Are you ok?" Tyler asked. I slowly nodded.
"I...I think so..." I said. God, it felt so weird talking right now. Tyler nodded and glanced at his phone before looking back at me.
"Do you want to see?"
I took a few seconds to think about it.
On one hand I was curious, but on the other hand, I was scared to see what I looked like. Once again, my curiosity won and I nodded my head. Tyler nodded in response and grabbed his phone. He unlocked it and opened the camera app before handing it to me. I hesitantly raised the phone to my eye level and looked at the screen.
As soon as my face appeared, my eyes widened and an involuntary whimper came out from my throat. A fucking whimper! I blushed slightly from embarrassment but it died down quickly as I studied what I looked like. Apparently, I didn't even go through a full transformation. Instead, only parts of me were changed like some sort of partial transformation.
My ears were pointed but had no fur on them, and my canine teeth were extremely sharp and pointy, giving me fangs. I also had a very small snout, almost like a muzzle, which explained why the process was so short. I gently touched my fur-less snout with my clawed hand and whimpered again. I quickly handed Tyler his phone back and brought my knees up to my chest before burying my face carefully into them. I pulled my hood over my head and struggled a little with my ears, which made me feel worse. Tyler put his hand on my shoulder and tried to comfort me.
"Hey, it's not that bad, Ethan," he gently said. I mumbled into my knees in response.
"Tyler, I'm a monster..! I've got f-fangs and c-claws, and I'm fucking wh-whimpering and I can't control it," I exclaimed.
"I don't think that you are. Sure, you have all the stuff you just mentioned, but you're also still Ethan. And the Ethan I know isn't a 'monster.'" Tyler responded.
I sighed softly, a small huff unintentionally coming from my nose, "Well, he is now. Even though I'm not a 'monster', I definitely look like one and I technically am one since I'm a werewolf now for sure. I-I'm scared of myself with the way I look right now."
Tyler stayed quiet for a moment before he responded again, like he was thinking about something.
"Look, I don't think you look like a monster," he said. "In fact...I think you look adorable, maybe even more with your dog-like features."
Wait, what?! My entire face turned a very deep red and I looked up at Tyler in surprise, lifting my head up from my knees. He gave me a slight smile as he gently rubbed the back of his neck with a blush on his face too.
"What I'm trying to say is that...I like you, Ethan. A lot. And you shouldn't put yourself down because you're amazing! At least to me you are," he continued. I blushed deeper if possible.
"I-I like you too Tyler..." I stuttered with a shy smile. I gently took off my hood and scooted closer to Tyler.
"I'm sorry I was putting myself down...I'm just scared since all of this is new...Seeing and feeling those changes was terrifying and it's not even a full transformation," I explained.
Tyler nodded his head.
"There's no need to be sorry. It's ok to be scared about this, but I don't want to see make it terrible for yourself," he said.
"I won't," I replied. "I definitely feel a lot better about it now."
I was quiet for a second before I took a risk and slowly wrapped my arms around Tyler tightly, resting my head against his chest.
"Thanks, Tyler," I said. Tyler smiled and hugged me back just as tightly.
"You're welcome, Ethan."
We pulled away from the hug and sat there smiling at each other for a few awkward minutes before I spoke up.
"S-So...we both like each other, huh?" I nervously said. Tyler blushed a little. I couldn't say I wasn't doing the same. I probably looked like an apple right about now.
"Yeah..." he said.
"Do you...w-want to be boyfriends..?" I asked. Tyler nodded and grinned.
"After that entire revealing speech?! Of course, I do!" He chuckled softly. I laughed softly and smiled at Tyler, my new boyfriend. He smiled back and gently laced his fingers with mine. I suddenly yawned softly, which ended up coming out very dog-like. I groaned and blushed deeper with embarrassment while Tyler laughed.
"Tired?" He asked. I nodded my head in response. Tyler nodded back and shifted to where he was at the end of the bed before laying down. He gestured for me to lay down next to him and I did so. He turned the light off and gently threw a blanket over us before spooning me, gently wrapping an arm around my waist. I smiled softly and cuddled into the embrace. Tyler then gently kissed the top of my head, causing me to blush even more than I already was.
"Goodnight, Ethan," he said.
"Night, Tyler," I mumbled softly. It didn't take me very long for me to drift off into a peaceful sleep after that.
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