Chapter 5: Reality
Mark's Pov
My skin felt like it was set on fire as I struggled to breathe, my teeth and nails already beginning to point. How could this be happening again? It was just a stupid dream! Ethan and Tyler looked over at me with concern.
"Mark, are you alright...?" Ethan asked. I didn't answer and instead looked over to Amy. Worry and fear was written all over her face. It was clear she had thought the same thing I did until now when the video she watched was happening all over again.
All of a sudden my eyes snapped shut as the pain intensified through my whole body. I wrapped my arms around my torso tightly and curled in on myself with a groan. Sweat began to bead on my face while I fell off of the couch and onto the floor, still tucked into a ball. All around me, I could hear Tyler, Ethan, and Amy all getting up and rushing over.
"Mark!" Tyler exclaimed. Everyone hovered around me in concern and I could sense it even with my eyes forced shut from the pain. Screw it. Screw all of this. Fighting it just seemed to cause more pain, my bones beginning to crack and pop with the changes. So, why fight? I decided to let go instead. I stopped fighting the changes happening and let it happen.
I screamed loudly as everything seemed to change at once. Everything down to the paws and tail happened faster and seemingly with less pain since it was so quick. I was fully transformed a few minutes later, on the verge of passing out again. Panting slightly, I opened my eyes and looked up at the others. Ethan and Tyler were just staring with shock, confusion, and slight horror. Amy was definitely calmer than them but was still a little freaked out as she sat down next to me and began to gently pet my head as I whined softly.
"What...the...fuck..?" Ethan mumbled quietly.
"'re a werewolf...?" Tyler asked. Amy and I nodded in response. Ethan's eyes widened further but he relaxed a bit almost immediately after with a nervous smile.
"A-At least it's a reasonable explanation," Ethan said. I smiled slightly, my tail swaying a little. Tyler gently shrugged.
"I'll go with it. It works for the crazy bullshit we just saw and I guess it's kinda cool when you stop to think about it too."
Ethan and Amy nodded in agreement. I looked between the three of them and realized what good friends (and girlfriend) I had. I was extremely lucky to have them back me up and support me right now when I don't have a fucking clue of what's happening right now.
After a few moments of calm silence, Ethan spoke up again.
" did this happen...?" he said, gently rubbing the back of his neck. My eyes widened slightly. I didn't know. I definitely wasn't bitten or else I'd have some type of scar. How the hell is this happening then?
"Well, he wasn't bitten or attacked so that's off the list...A mad scientist maybe?" Tyler suggested. I gently shook my head. I wasn't captured and science didn't really seem to be the source of this.
"A curse?" Amy said. Tyler shrugged his shoulders.
"That seems like the only plausible option left..." he sighed. I mean, it did make sense the more I thought about it. There's bound to be a few super haters when you're a youtuber. I guess it'd be possible that one would be magic and somehow curse me. But the question is who did it, how, and if I can get back to normal... I looked up at Amy, Ethan, and Tyler again.
"Ok, if it is that, how was Mark cursed?" Ethan asked. Tyler hummed softly in thought while Amy stayed quiet.
"Maybe whoever did this sent the curse into Mark's fan mail. Like with an object or a letter." Tyler said. Amy nodded and looked down at me.
"Did you get anything strange in the mail?" she asked. I thought about it and nothing could really come to my mind. I don't remember getting any weird letters or anything like that. Since I couldn't talk, I simply shook my head 'no' as a response.
Amy sighed softly and Ethan ran a hand through his hair. Tyler just frowned and stayed quiet. I huffed quietly through my nose and laid my head down on my paws. God this was weird. Suddenly, Ethan widened his eyes.
"Wait, what about that game you got in your fan mail last week?" he said. I lifted my head back up with my eyes slightly wide. That could be it. The game was made by a fan too so it seemed to be our answer for now. The three of them smiled a little.
"Alright," Tyler exclaimed, "so we can just track down the game developer and call them in the morning!" Ethan and Amy nodded. I smiled, well, the best I could as a wolf and my tail started to wag slowly again. Amy gave a small giggle and gently threaded her fingers through the fur on top of my head, petting me. She then looked at Ethan and Tyler again.
"What do we do until tomorrow then?"
Tyler shrugged his shoulders.
"We could stay up with Mark for a while," he said. That sounded nice. It wasn't too late, only being around ten thirty at night, and I kinda want the company. Everything was weird as hell and confusing, so it was very comforting just to have them with me. Amy and Ethan both nodded in agreement.
Ethan walked back over to the couch and sat down. Tyler joined him a few seconds later and then Amy. Successfully this time, I jumped up and joined them. We all sat there in silence for a while. Tyler calmly scrolled through his phone, Ethan was playing the video game we were playing before, and Amy was playing with him. I curled up into a ball and watched them contently. What was there to do when you're basically a dog? I couldn't think of anything so I laid there.
Not a lot happened for the rest of the night. Eventually, we got tired from late time at night and went to bed. The next morning, I woke up to see that I turned back at some point while I was sleeping. I smiled tiredly, happy to be myself again. The only problem was that I didn't have any clothes on, with the exception of my shirt from yesterday, so I had to get out of bed.
My clothes don't rip to shreds or even tear for that matter when I change like in cheesy werewolf movies. Instead, everything below the waist slips off and my shirt stays since my size doesn't really change. I quietly got out of bed, careful not to wake Amy who was still sleeping on her side of the bed. I walked over to my dresser, grabbed some pajamas, and put them on.
Since I was already up and awake, I might as well go downstairs and have coffee. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. I then put on a pot of coffee and waited, yawning softly. Tyler soon came down and smiled at me.
"Morning Mark," he yawned.
"Morning," I said. "I'm making coffee if you want any." Tyler nodded and grabbed a mug.
The coffee was ready a few minutes later and we both made our cups. Tyler quietly sipped his.
"So, you're back to normal now?" he asked. I nodded.
"Yeah...I guess I change back at some point during the night. I just wake up and I'm human again."
"Makes as much sense for this situation as it can...I'm just glad that you did change back."
I nodded and smiled softly, taking a sip of coffee.
"Me too. Yesterday morning I thought it was a weird fever dream or something when I woke up."
Tyler nodded and I drank another gulp of my coffee. There was a comfortable silence for a while. We both finished our drinks and put the mugs in the sink. Tyler looked over at me.
"Are you ready to call that game developer and figure out this curse thing today?" he asked. I gently shook my head.
"As ready as I'll ever be, I guess," I answered.
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