Chapter 12: Trapped
Ethan's Pov
I slowly opened my eyes and yawned softly. Was it morning already? No, it couldn't be. It still dark outside and I was still a wolf. I huffed softly and shakily stood up from where I was laying down. Every part of me was extremely sore from changing and it made it even harder to move than it already was trying to learn with my new body. I looked around once I stood up and realized that I wasn't in Tyler's bedroom anymore. Instead, I was in the forest and Tyler wasn't anywhere to be seen. I felt my ears pin back against my head and my tail tucked itself close to my body. I was alone and something was definitely wrong with this forest. It seemed too quiet and empty and it sent an eerie chill down my spine.
Suddenly a strong smell wafted to me and it almost made me sick. It was blood. Fresh and lots of it. I tried to follow where it was coming from and soon I was wandering through the trees in the dark. The awful coppery smell was getting stronger so I knew I was getting close. I pushed through a bush and my eyes gaze fell to something lying on the ground. I yelped and fell backward when I saw what it was. It was Mark.
His clothes were shredded and there were bites all over his arms and legs. Red scratches were littered all over his chest, face, and arms and his throat was torn open with blood still horrifically dripping from the mangled wound. Tears welled into my eyes with fear and I felt like I was going to throw up. An image of me attacking Mark and giving him all of those bites and scratches flashed before my eyes. The nightmarish scene ended right before I tore out Mark's throat with my own teeth but I couldn't get his screams of agony out of my head. I whimpered helplessly and began to cry, well, cry as best as a wolf could.
Another wave of the smell of blood hit me and I began to follow it. It wasn't very far so it only took me a couple of minutes to walk towards the source while I was shaking with fear. This time I couldn't even recognize the face of the body since it was so torn up. Tears were already falling down my face in horror but I started to cry harder when I saw the body's hair and clothes. It was Amy. Her scent was faint under all of the blood but I could recognize it. Once again images flashed through my mind of me attacking her and this time I wasn't so lucky to avoid watching myself rip her face apart. Her yells and cries for help for Mark echoed through my mind and I tried to cover my ears to block them out. Of course, my body didn't quite allow that so it was useless.
I whined softly and tried to calm myself down slightly. It would be better for me if I stopped shaking so hard so I could move away from my friends' dead remains. I started to walk when a third trail of blood smell made itself present. I didn't want to follow it. I was scared of what I'd see myself do but I knew I had to. I shakily walked to where the strong smell was coming from and braced myself for whatever was there. I came up to the body way sooner than I liked and I immediately knew who it was. Jack. This time I couldn't handle myself despite preparing myself and I ran away from Jack's corpse to vomit next to a nearby tree.
His glasses laid beside him, cracked and broken and his face was covered in scratches. I could see deeper gashes across his chest through tears in his shirt and his legs had several bites. But the part that caused me to throw up was the fact his entire stomach was slashed open and his intestines were sprawled out next to his sides. I curled myself into a ball and shut my eyes tightly, shaking. I started crying again in fear as the scene played in my head. I almost threw up another time when I saw myself tear Jack's stomach open while he sobbed in terror and pain. I was forced to watch him slowly bleed to death and see his eyes drain of life until they were blank.
The horrible flashbacks finally ended and I felt my ears twitch on top of my head. Somewhere close by a stick had snapped under an unexpected weight and a sudden voice cut through the dark forest.
"Mark...? Amy...? Jack...? Ethan...? Where are you guys...?!" It called. A pounding headache began to form suddenly and it made my mind feel heavy and clouded. I whimpered softly and tried to focus or even just think clearly. A small voice in the back of my head started to speak. Danger. Enemy. Threat. Kill. No! I love Tyler, he's not a threat or danger...I-I can't kill him! The headache grew stronger and Tyler's voice became louder. He was getting closer while he searched for our friends and I. The friends I brutally murdered.
I started to uncurl myself from the ball I was in and my arms and legs started to feel numb. I tried to move but I couldn't. Yet, I was still moving. It just wasn't me controlling it. This must be what Mark goes through when he loses control..! I heard Tyler call for us again and it sounded like he almost in the clearing. I tried to fight back against the wolf slowly taking over me but I quickly failed, being completely drained of my energy from crying and seeing the horrifying deaths of my friends. It didn't take very long before I couldn't move at all and I was stuck watching the wolf from my eyes.
Tyler stepped into the clearing on the opposite side of me. He took a look at Jack and almost immediately threw a hand over his mouth before falling onto his knees and vomiting on the forest floor. He took a few heavy breaths before slowly getting up and looking over at me.
"Eth?" He asked quietly. "What happened..?"
The wolf growled and stepped threateningly towards Tyler. Tyler raised his hands defensively and slowly took a step back away from it.
"Ethan, what are you doing..?"
I tried to stop the wolf but it was no use. I was trapped in its mind now and all I could do was watch helplessly while I sobbed.
"It's not me!! Run!" I screamed. The wolf got closer to Tyler. It was growling loudly with its bloody teeth bared. Tyler tried to back away but was eventually cornered against a tree. He looked at me pleadingly, his terror-struck eyes starting to fill with tears as he realized what was about to happen.
"Ethan, please...Don't do this..." he begged. I cried harder and the wolf crouched to prepare to lunge at him.
"It's not me, Tyler!! It's not me..." I yelled. "I'm sorry..."
The wolf barked and jumped charged towards Tyler. It lunged with its jaws open and its claws out and all I could hear was Tyler screaming.
"Ethan wake up!"
I jolted awake and scrambled until I was sitting up pressed tightly against the headboard of the bed. I was sweating and breathing heavily from adrenaline flowing through me. I looked over at Tyler and whimpered softly, tearing up. It was just a dream...
"You ok, Ethan?" Tyler asked. "You passed out and had a nightmare."
I quickly shook my head. I definitely wasn't ok after what I just saw. Tyler nodded and looked at me sympathetically.
"That's alright. It looked like a pretty bad nightmare. You were whining and crying in your sleep..." he said. He carefully reached his hand towards me and began to gently pet my head. I sighed softly and gratefully let him pet me since it was comforting.
"We can talk about it tomorrow when you change back, if that will help you feel better."
I nodded and nuzzled my head against Tyler's hand. He chuckled softly and I smiled slightly. We sat there like that quietly for a while before Tyler spoke up again.
"I'm going to go get the others. They've been waiting on us for a while and they're worried about you."
Tyler stood up and left the room before I had the chance to react. After my nightmare, I was a little hesitant to see Mark, Jack, and Amy. I knew what happened in the dream wasn't my doing and I didn't kill them but it felt so real and seemed like I did it. I decided to hide and scrambled under the bed. I heard multiple sets of footsteps come up the stairs before I saw all of them come into the bedroom. I suppressed a whine from the back of my throat and tried to crawl further under the bed. Tyler sighed softly at the door.
"Ethan it's ok...There's no reason to hide."
I huffed softly and hesitantly crawled out from under the bed. I knew that they wouldn't give up until they saw me to make sure I was fine. And maybe a little out of curiosity to what my wolf form looked like. One way or another they'd get me to show them so I might as well get it over with now. Plus, I guess it was a little reassuring to see that all of my friends were ok instead of being mangled by me. I smiled slightly at the thought and cane out from under the bed completely for them to see.
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