Chapter 10: Sick Day
Ethan's Pov
The next morning, I woke up facing Tyler with my head close to his chest. I smiled softly with a light blush dusting my cheeks and cuddled my face into him. I pulled away from his chest and realized he still had his arm loosely wrapped around my waist. I slowly moved his arm and crawled out of the bed, careful not to wake Tyler up. As I walked out of the bedroom, I noticed my hands didn't have claws anymore. Instead, they were back to normal. I curiously touched my face and ears and they were back to normal too. I smiled softly, very relieved I had changed back overnight.
I walked downstairs to the kitchen and, not to my surprise, Mark and Jack were already up. They were finishing a conversation that I didn't pay attention to while I walked in. Some coffee was already made but I decided not to have any that morning so I started to make a bowl of cereal for myself.
"Good morning Ethan," Mark said as I finished making my breakfast.
"Morning," I yawned softly. I sat down next to Jack and began to eat.
"How'd you sleep?" Jack asked.
I shrugged a reply. "Ok, I guess. That full moon last night caused me to have some sort of weird partial transformation. My energy was so drained I practically passed out after it happened."
Mark's eyes widened and he almost choked on the coffee he was drinking.
"Wait, what?!" He exclaimed. My tired brain had managed to forget that not only did Mark not know about my bite but that he was also technically the one who did it. Shit. Now more awake, I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly.
"Right...Sorry, Mark, I didn't tell you like that. You escaped the garage last night and accidentally bit me," I said. I gently slipped my shirt off of my shoulder to show the bandaged bite.
"Fuck," Mark whined. "Jack told me I escaped and that I had bitten someone before you walked in here but I didn't know I bit you!"
I slipped my shirt back up carefully and quickly tried to explain. "It's alright, Mark. Really, it was a stupid decision on my part. You were about to go for Tyler and Jack so I tackled you and you accidentally bit my shoulder."
"It's not ok though. Now you're going to be a werewolf too! The whole reason we locked me in the garage in the first place is that I never wanted any of you to go through this bullshit!"
Mark then sighed softly and ran his hand through his hair.
"I'm sorry, Ethan," he continued. "I'm just upset I attacked you guys and got you bit."
I hesitated for a second before talking again.
"It's fine. We knew it wasn't really you who did it, Mark. Besides, I'll be fine. Tyler is helping me and I'll get the hang of all of this. Eventually," I said a bit nervously. I really hoped that was true because right now it was completely terrifying. But it seemed to lighten Mark up a bit as he nodded and gave a slight smile.
"Yeah...I guess it really isn't that big of a deal. It's not too bad when you get used to it. Sorry for overreacting," he chuckled softly.
"It's alright. I'd probably freak out if I were in that situation too," I replied, smiling softly. All of us laughed softly and the room fell into a comfortable silence. I quickly finished eating my breakfast and left the kitchen. I then walked back upstairs to my room. As soon as I stepped in, I plopped down face-first onto my bed. While I was eating I had felt fine but now I was starting to feel strange like I was sick.
My stomach quickly became very nauseous and I ran to the bathroom. I immediately began to vomit the contents of my stomach into the toilet when I got into the bathroom. A few seconds later, I heard someone rush in as I stopped puking for the moment.
"Ethan, are you ok?"
It was Tyler. I slowly nodded my head in response.
"I-I think so..." I replied quietly. Tyler nodded.
"Ok, just stay there. I'll grab you some water and some medicine," he instructed. I was about to answer but I suddenly got another round of vomiting. I started to puke again while Tyler left the bathroom. I had expected to get sick today but I didn't know it would be this bad so quickly. I was already feeling like I had a really bad case of the flu with how bad my stomach was and how I felt both freezing and like I was on fire at the same time.
Tyler soon came back with said supplies as I finished vomiting. I flushed the toilet and Tyler handed the medicine and water to me. I quickly took the medicine and gulped down the glass of water. I smiled softly up at Tyler.
"Thanks, Tyler," I said shakily, my throat already becoming a bit sore.
"It's no problem, Ethan," he answered. He then handed me some toilet paper. I gratefully took it and wiped my mouth. I threw it away in the nearby trashcan before standing up. Walking to the sink, I grabbed my toothbrush and quickly brushed away the awful acidic taste in my mouth. When I was done, Tyler and I went back to his bedroom. He told me to get into his bed and I didn't really have the energy to argue.
I crawled into the bed and clutched the warm blankets close to me. What I didn't expect was the sudden feeling of a warm body next to me. I looked over at Tyler, surprised as he wrapped his arm around my waist and stomach again.
"Why are you getting into bed too?" I asked. "I don't want you to get sick too, Ty."
Tyler smiled at me and just hugged me closer.
"Relax, I'm not going to get sick. It's just transformation sickness, as Mark put it. It's not contagious," he said. I nodded and just let him hold me.
"Ok," I mumbled. Tyler chuckled softly and kissed the top of my head.
"Get some rest. You're not feeling good and you've got a long night tonight," Tyler told me. I just nodded my head and let myself slowly drift off to sleep.
Jack's Pov
Ethan was upstairs as sick as a dog while all of, except for Tyler, were downstairs. Mark and I were in the living room, Amy was in the kitchen making chicken noodle soup for Ethan and eventually, Tyler came down too and joined us.
"How's Ethan doing?" Mark asked.
"He's doing ok. It's like he caught a really bad case of the flu, but he'll feel better later. He just took some medicine and now he's taking a nap," Tyler answered. Amy walked into the living room and sat down next to Mark.
"Poor thing," she said. "I hope he'll be ok when he changes tonight."
By now, Tyler and I had filled both Mark and Amy in completely on what happened last night and how Ethan was a werewolf now. Tyler has even shown us pictures Ethan somehow accidentally took of himself after he changed last night.
"I know he'll be ok and he can handle it, but it's going to be really rough since he's going through the first, I guess full, transformation," Mark replied. Everyone stayed quiet for a while after that. I felt so bad for Ethan that he had to go through the worst parts of this first. He shouldn't have to do it, really none of us should. It took a lot of guts for him to sacrifice himself like that for Tyler and I but now he had to deal with all of this. It wasn't really fair on him and I wanted to make things right. At the very least I wanted to support and help him.
"Hey, Mark?" I asked suddenly through the silence in the room. Mark looked over to me, as well as everyone else.
"Yeah?" He answered.
"I want to be bitten."
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