chapter twenty seven
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THE GROUP WALKED DOWN A BLUE HALLWAY, ALYSSA LEADING. "this is the first spell we learned." smiled alyssa towards cassidy and lilith and while cassidy smiled lilith responded, "why would i care?"
"right. why would you." stated alyssa and jack quickly defended her, "she's trying to help-"
jack accidentally bumped into alyssa, making her drop the bowl on the ground. it shattered and jack stared down, "oh, crap. sorry."
lilith pushed jack out of the way, "we don't need magic." she continued walking a bit before stopping at a map of the building.
"that's a lot of ground to cover." remarked jack and hamish instructed, "okay alyssa and i, jack, cassidy, and lilith, that way both groups have knight and order powers and cassidy can keep lilith from ripping jacks throat out."
lilith turned to hamish, "try again." hamish sighed and quickly grabbed jack, leaving.
"no!" drew out lilith and alyssa went to object, "that's probably not the best idea."
"do not kill her. cassidy you're in charge... i can't believe i said that." ordered jack.
"i won't."
"no promises."
"i really shouldn't be in charge."
all three girls looked at each other before turning down a hall.
ALYSSA CHECKED HER PHONE WHILE THE THREE WALKED. cassidy had been holding onto liliths hand and swinging their joined hands as the three walked.
"they find him?" asked lilith and alyssa shook her head, "he just asked the same thing." lilith quickly turned away, pulling cassidy with her as they continued to walk.
"how's your archaeology program?" wondered alyssa and lilith looked at her confused, "i dropped out like a year ago." both girls quickly checked a room while cassidy wandered around looking for randall.
"how did you know i was interested in archaeology?"
alyssa paused for a small second, "you must have mentioned it when we were in freshman year." "we never took a class together." stated lilith as alyssa checked another door.
"you know, those lecture halls are so big and full of students. it's hard to keep track of everyone, you know?" excused alyssa and lilith stopped, "yeah, i do. i also know we never took a class together. i had most classes with cassidy and she knew you so she would have introduced us."
cassidy nodded in agreement as the three kept walking and alyssa went ahead, "we need to keep looking for your friend."
"that's another thing. why are you so hell-bent on helping us? you're mad at your boyfriend." accused lilith and alyssa scoffed, "he is not my boyfriend."
"you don't know randall or hamish. you may be closeish with cassidy but you sure as shit don't know me." spat lilith.
alyssa turned around and faced towards lilith, "you know, maybe i'm just a nice person, lily-bell." alyssa went to keep walking and lilith shoved her against the wall as cassidy looked at lilith in shock and wonder.
"the only person to call me lily-bell was my grandmother and i've only told cassidy about it. you want to tell me where you heard that?" threatened lilith.
"yeah i kinda wanna know too." added cassidy and alyssa looked between the girls, "not really." lilith moved her claws from alyssas neck to her stomach, "do you want me to disembowel you right here in this creepy science lab?"
"not really." replied alyssa before sighing and continuing, "you love cotton candy, but only if it's from a carnival. your mom used to pinch you on the cheeks when you were bad. you had a pet rabbit when you were ten, you found it frozen stuff after a cold night, and you never let yourself have another pet."
alyssa moved away from lilith and lilith turned to cassidy, "did you tell her all that?" cassidy shook her head, "no... not one word."
lilith scoffed and looked at alyssa, "you almost had me. how did you do that? you do some kind of magical memory scan? did you knock me out and get me to tell you all of that?"
cassidy stood by lilith as the two looked at alyssa who scoffed, "i know that because we used to be in the order together, all three of us were."
"WE ALL FOUND THE GOLD COINS TOGETHER." stated alyssa as lilith dragged cassidy away from the girl.
"we were all promoted to medicum at the same time." continued alyssa and lilith quickly stopped and turned towards alyssa, "bullshit!"
"everything okay, ladies?" questioned jack.
"we're fine."
lilith looked at hamish, "let's just find randall and get the fuck out of here." lilith quickly pulled cassidy after her as she walked down the hall.
"did you know?" whispered lilith and cassidy shook her head, "i don't know how i didn't but.. i didn't and i still don't remember any of that."
hamish quickly caught up to the two as the three walked down the hall in silence.
HAMISH HAD GOTTEN A TEXT FROM JACK SAYING THEY FOUND RANDALL AND TO LEAVE. so that's exactly what cassidy, lilith, and hamish did.
the three waited outside the building as cassidy paced around. the doors suddenly opened and randall, jack, and alyssa ran out.
when he was close enough, cassidy quickly ran up to randall and hugged him. he was quick to hug back and when she pulled away, lilith slapped him across the face.
"you asshole. don't do that again." snapped lilith and randall smiled at the girl, "missed you too, lil."
cassidy quickly followed randall as he walked away. she walked next to him, "i was worried sick you ass."
randall smiled a bit, "i'm okay, cass." cassidy nodded, "i know... just... don't go running off with any other girls again, okay?" randall nodded, "okay."
cassidy grabbed his hand in hers and squeezed it and he was quick to join their fingers together as they walked.
lilith and hamish joined the two as jack and alyssa walked together behind the group.
IT WAS NOW NIGHT AND HAMISH WAS MAKING DRINKS. he went to hand randall one who shook it off, "no thanks."
hamish looked at randall confused, "you never pass up an après-kill drink." randall was pacing around, "i'm not in the mood."
alyssa looked at hamish, "après-kill?" lilith looked at her, "you have your traditions, we have ours." randall looked at alyssa, "yeah, we have après-kill and you kill innocent people."
"that was an order-backed operation?" questioned lilith and randall looked at jack, "doing a bang-up job with your undercover work there, buddy."
"i have never even seen that guy before." responded jack and hamish quickly got between him and randall, "no ones blaming you, jack."
"hemmings went rogue. it's the only explanation." excused alyssa and randall scoffed, "of course! because the order isn't inherently evil."
alyssa looked at him, "my order would never sanction that." "right. they only torture people in a fun way." remarked lilith.
alyssa scoffed, "so, now torture bothers you?" lilith looked at her, "what's that supposed to mean?"
"you're not the least bit curious as to why you were kicked out?"
cassidy looked at alyssa, "alyssa, stop it." hamish looked between the three, "wait, you three know each other? in more ways than just groups of two with cassidy?"
jack nodded, "lilith was in the order." randall went towards lilith, "is that true? hey! is that true? are you one of them?"
cassidy looked at randall, "randall stop." lilith looked at jack and alyssa, "them?"
"randall, just dial it down a notch." bossed jack but randall yelled, "if it wasn't for us, you'd be another one of their fucking drones."
"i thought they were trying to make a difference, do something good." replied jack and alyssa looked at him, "we are!"
"i never should have made you a knight." scoffed randall. "no, you probably shouldn't have." replied jack and cassidy looked at randall, "would you stop?"
he turned to her, "stop what? telling the truth? since when are you even on our side? you've been defending the order since day one."
"only because i didn't know what they were actually doing, randall." replied cassidy and he scoffed, "did you know lilith was in the order?"
"no! i found out right when lilith did." randall shook his head, "how would you not know, cass?! you're in the fucking order!"
"can we focus? you murdered a high-ranking member tonight. they're going to be coming for you." informed alyssa and randall turned his rage to her.
"can we just kill her and get it over with already?" questioned lilith and alyssa fought back, "is that your answer for everything?"
"no one is killing anyone else tonight." bossed jack and hamish looked at him, "hey, how about you let me call the shots?"
"can you even make a decision without resorting to beer pong?" shot lilith and hamish looked at her, "i'm not resorting."
"no, you're an alcoholic." sneered randall and hamish looked at him, "i'm an alcohol aficionado."
alyssa stood up, "i'm leaving." lilith that stood up, "you're not going anywhere." cassidy also stood, "can you both just chill the fuck out?"
"you really want to do this?" asked alyssa and liliths eyes changed color, "oh, i want to do this." alyssa pulled out her knife and lilith growled before cassidy went in between them, "both of you stop acting like 2 year olds! god damn!"
lilith turned to cassidy, "that's just ember talking!" randall looked at lilith, "you turned her?!" alyssa looked at cassidy, "you're one of them?"
lilith looked at randall, "it was your idea!" cassidy looked at lilith, "recently... yeah!"
jack stood up, "edward coventry is my father!" everyone looked at him shocked. cassidy was at a loss for words as she just stared at the boy.
randall was the first to speak, "you didn't think to te is that your father... is the leader of the fucking order?"
"that's none of your business." responded jack and randall got close to his face, "i trusted you, man! you betrayed me."
"i betrayed you? you turned me into a fucking werewolf!" shouted jack and randall sneered, "that's a mistake i can fix right now!"
"randall, i think whatever hemmings did to you is still affecting you." theorized alyssa and cassidy turned to her, "help him!"
randall looked at alyssa, "you wanna know what they did to me? they opened my eyes to your fucking bullshit."
"randall." stated hamish and randall turned around, breathing heavily, before he pounced at hamish making hamish yell, "shit!"
randall tackled hamish to the ground and began trying to beat him up as everyone else ran towards the two.
hamish got the upper hand and laid on top of randall as randall squirmed underneath him. "a little help here!" snapped hamish and lilith and jack quickly went to help hold randall down while cassidy went to the front and kept his arms stuck down.
"what the hell did hemmings do to him?" asked jack and alyssa quickly responded, "the saevbacch sigil. it's amplifying his rage. we need to get it out of him before he loses control."
randall pushed cassidy forward and turned his head to growl at everyone, showing his loss of control. hamish quickly punched randall in the face, knocking him out.
alyssa ran to her kit and came back before looking at hamish, "keep him still." she went through her stuff before grabbing scissors.
alyssa turned to lilith, "sorry about dropping that whole order thing on you." "how can you stay with them, knowing what they're capable of?" asked lilith.
"same way you rationalize murdering people. maybe it's stupid, but it's the first place i felt like i could just be who i am." explained alyssa and hamish looked between the two, "are you guys seriously talking about your feelings right now?"
cassidy smacked hamish on the head, "they are multitasking!" he looked at her, "and what are you doing?"
"i'm here for support until she's done cutting him than i'm here to help get randall on the couch. you don't need four people to hold someone unconscious down." answered cassidy.
right after she said that, randall roared forward and cassidy quickly put her hands on his shoulders, keeping him down.
"now would be the time to hurry up!" snapped hamish and alyssa quickly pulled out the thing in randall making him hulk out.
his head fell on the ground as everyone looked at each other before randall groaned.
everyone but randall stood up and he looked at all them, "oh, shit. did i lose at beer pong again?" cassidy smiled a bit as jack put his hand out for randall to take.
randall took it and jack began to pull randall up as cassidy helped to lift him up before wrapping one of his arms over her shoulder.
wow another update (i might post this later so it won't make sense but i write this chapter and the last one right after each other). but anyways i hope you liked this and don't forget to vote and comment! <3
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