chapter thirty seven
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CASSIDY STOOD NEXT TO LILITH GETTING READY TO WORK ON THE MEMORY POTION. she poured a bit of green liquid before smiling at cassidy and the two heard the door open and close.
"i thought you were out hunting." spoke lilith and randall nodded to himself, "yeah, jacks description wasn't much help, so, i thought i'd see if you two needed anything."
lilith shook her head a bit, "uh... probably not a good idea, in case the order finds us all together here. cassie and i've got our alibi down."
cassidy smiled at randall, "we were both confused on a different incantation and both our tutors where busy so we asked the other to help."
randall shrugged, "i made sure i wasn't followed." lilith continued to go through the ingredients they had, "but if someone comes to check on us..."
"we'd hear them long before they got here." stated randall and cassidy shrugged, "he's got a point." lilith gave her a look, "you're on my side."
lilith gave cassidy a knowing look making them girl sigh, "randall, i know why you came here." he pointed forward, "to help with that potion."
cassidy spoke at the same time, "to pick up where things left off." randall nodded, "okay, yes, but only if you're cool with it. i mean, cass, we've held hands already."
cassidy gave lilith an apologetic look, who just shrugged, before she grabbed randall's hand and pulled him into a more private area of the house.
randall smiled, "this is not where i expected this to go." cassidy smiled a bit, "yeah and it's not gonna go the way you think it will now."
randall frowned, "cass i like you a lot and i know you like me too. the order came in here and tore us all apart. i mean, they took our stuff, our home, our lives. and now hamish wants to stay?"
cassidy sighed, "he wants to stay and take their stuff. and i think he might be right. we can learn a lot from them. and besides, magic saved him."
"yeah after it almost killed him, and jack, and lilith, and me, and probably you at a time i don't know." explained randall and cassidy grabbed his hand, "you were right that i really like you, but what if now isn't the right time for this? we've already got a random murderer on our hands and the order... how much more can we take?"
randall grabbed her other hand and faced cassidy towards him, "the order took out memories to try and change us. it kind of feels like they're succeeding, and yet, i still know exactly what i feel for you and i know that it is true. no amount of memory wiping is going to change that."
cassidy smiled a bit, "you really think it can work?" randall laughed, "dumb and dumber does need a part two when it comes to us, id love to see how the story plays out."
cassidy chuckled, "you're totally dumber." randall gasped before nodding, "oh yeah, totally."
he put his hand on her cheek before leaning towards the slightly shorter girl and connecting their lips. cassidy smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck before pulling away.
"okay now you need to go find a girl with a phone while i help lilith before she hurts me." bossed cassidy making randall nod and quickly kiss her again before hurrying towards the front door.
cassidy smiled to herself as she walked back towards the bar lilith was working at. lilith looked at her best friend with a small smirk, "good talk?"
cassidy nudged lilith a bit with a small laugh, "shut up and let's save our memories."
"GUYS, SOMETHINGS HAPPENING." stated jack from behind the bar. randall came running up, "ooh, shiny." he grabbed the cauldron making cassidy laugh and lilith stand, "hey, you got the cauldron already."
jack nodded, "yeah, i made a deal with alyssa. she gives us the cauldron, and we hunt down the tourist." cassidy groaned, "so i still have to help hunt this bitch down? i thought i got out of that job!"
ignoring cassidys pouting, hamish spoke up, "smart. now we have an alibi." hamish shooed jack away from behind the bar as jack spoke up again, "yeah, great. uh, look, i got to tell you guys something."
randall sat on the couch messing with the cauldron, "what's so great about an acherons cauldron anyway?" he put the cauldron on his head as jack tried again, "guys."
"according to legend, it's been carried to the afterlife and sterilized in the river acheron, making it the purest surface possible for creating potions." explained hamish as lilith took the cauldron from randall's head.
cassidy sighed, "how am i supposed to contribute to the group if you all know stuff now? it used to be my job to explain things." randall smiled at the girl before pulling her down next to him on the couch.
jack tried once again, "yeah, guys, look. I-"
lilith smiled at hamish, "someone's been studying. and cassie you're new job can be to continue giving comments we only sometimes need."
cassidy gasped in offense, "my comments are always needed!" hamish smiled, yet again choosing to ignore cassidy, "what did i tell you? we have to take advantage of this opportunity."
"guys, will you shut up and listen to me?" screamed jack, throwing everyone back a bit from the sudden burst of emotion.
"wow. midnights extra bitchy today." commented lilith making cassidy laugh as jack shook his head, "no, it's not midnight, not anymore. all right, alyssa took me down to this giant vault. all of our shit is down there, including our lockers. silverback was there, and i tried to take him."
randall, jokingly, questioned, "so now you have two hides in you?" jack looked at him dead serious, "yeah, i do."
randall looked at jack surprised, "oh, shit, i was kidding. dude, you totally have to transform. what if you become some kick-ass, two-headed war-wolf?"
hamish sat down, "were-lock." lilith shook her head, "they're both sexist." jack paced, "i don't know. i don't know. i was back in the collective unconscious, and professor clarke said that these two hides are killing me."
"did he say transforming was a bad idea?" questioned lilith and randall gave jack a questioning look making the boy sigh, "no."
hamish shrugged, "so give it a shot" cassidy nodded, "yeah don't be a pussy."
the four of them began chanting do it at jack over and over until he finally chose to do it, before falling to the floor unconscious.
cassidy frowned, "balls." the four stood up and waited till jack woke up again, randall thinking he was dead.
jack began to stir after a bit and hamish nodded, "see? told you. he's not dead." randall sighed, "but no transformation."
lilith bent down towards jack, "too bad. a two-headed werewolf would have been sick." jack groaned, "guys, i gotta figure out a way to ditch one of these hides."
lilith pulled at a knife, "easy." jack quickly clarified, "without actually dying." lilith frowned, "well, if you want to be finicky about it."
hamish smiled, "we'll figure something out. in the meantime... we hunt."
hi i haven't updated in a bit! i lost my wanting to write this book for a little bit but i'm back and excited to write some more chapters!
i thought it was cute to put randall and cassidy together instead of doing more will they won't they because i honestly want to write more couple stuff with them!
let me know all your thoughts and don't forget to vote and comment! <3
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