chapter forty three
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THE GROUP MADE THEIR WAY BACK DOWN INTO THE VAULT, BUT THIS TIME WITH THEIR OWN VERSION OF THE NECKLACE. cassidy felt like her anxiety was radiating off of her as they stopped right before the words inscribed on the arch.
"so, who wants to do the honors?" randall questioned, holding the necklace up. cassidy kept her eyes away from him as she grabbed onto liliths hand for comfort. lilith was quick to squeeze cassidys hand in her own as hamish sighed. "okay. here we go."
randall dropped the necklace into hamish's hand and the older boy quickly put it around his neck. before hamish could go in, randall turned to jack. "didn't you say something about... holding hands?"
jack, getting the point, nodded. "as we pass under the inscription, we have to." cassidy looked over at the boys. "i told you all that the first time and no one listened. this is why the groups number one rule should be listen to cassidy because when we don't shit goes down."
lilith moved close so only cassidy could hear her. "i listened, don't worry." cassidy smiled gratefully before looking next to herself at hamish who had stuck his hand down for the girl.
cassidy put her hand in his as the boys all connected hands. lilith squeezed cassidys hand tighter and when the blonde looked to her friend, lilith quickly spoke. "it's not cause i'm scared."
randall nodded. "yeah. it's protocol." hamish quickly agreed. "exactly. protocol. nothing else." cassidy bit her lip. "i mean i know i'm nervous."
jack turned to his friends. "it's gonna work, you guys. magic heist." everyone quickly responded with magic heist before they walked in together very slowly.
HAMISH'S DRINK SLAMMED DOWN HARD ON THE TABLE, CAUSING HIM TO FLINCH. it didn't work and now this time instead of near randall, cassidy let jack sit between the two.
she had seen the fear once more. she knew it would happen again, but this time, she spoke to her fear more than just the parental one.
she spoke to the one with lilith and randall. listened as they told her how she's the reason neither was ever happy, because she was always in their way of being together. she had tried to block it out, but even covering her ears didn't stop the noise from getting through.
cassidy had made the choice to sit farther from randall when he had touched her hand and all she wanted to do was hold it to her chest. she knew it wasn't his fault, but she couldn't get some words out of her head and needed some time to come back to reality.
"anyone got a plan C?" jack questioned, causing both randall and hamish to put their heads down on the table, hard.
cassidy looked down at her hands and watched as they shook. she tried to will them to stop, but, the more she thought about stopping them the more they uncontrollably continued.
she didn't like this feeling. the one where all she could do was think of the things she was terrified would happen.
the more cassidy thought, the more she knew. she didn't want her parents to hate her. she had always wanted them to be proud, even normal and loving. she wanted to be able to call her mom on bad days and talk about it instead of locking sabrina out of their room so she could cry.
she wanted to be able to have lunch with her dad and hear about how his day had been. instead of anytime they spoke being terrified of the look he'd give her.
she wanted them to love her, and the part that made her fear even worse was she didn't think even in reality they did.
but for randall and lilith it was different. she knew that fear was irrational. that they both cared for her and would never leave, but for some odd reason hearing those words come from their mouths (even their fake ones) hit far harder than she had expected.
so she just sat there, semi listening to everyone else talk as she stared down at her shaking hands absentmindedly.
THE NEXT DAY CASSIDY SAT AT THE BLADE & CHALICE DRINKING COFFEE AFTER JACK HAD TEXTED THE GROUP TO MEET THERE. she had been feeling a bit better, so, she had taken her seat by randall. and for him, he was just happy when he grabbed her hand she didn't flinch.
lilith smiled at her friend. "i see you're trying the hot stuff this morning cassie." cassidy laughed a bit. "i guess this morning the hot stuff was perfect."
a sudden slam of a book right next to cassidy caused the girl to jump before her glare fell onto jack. he ignored the look as he was too excited for what was to come. "demons. we summon a demon to do our heist. there are hundreds of them to choose from. they all do different things. found the perfect one."
he opened the book and flipped to the correct page. "it's name is zecchia. it's a baron demon, and it steals whatever the summoner desires."
"isn't there demon blowback? wont we have to do something for it?" lilith questioned. jack shook his head and quickly sat down next to cassidy. "no, that's the beauty of it. okay? we call them, they show up, we pay the toll, and they do our bidding. it's all about following the protocol perfectly. i read half a dozen books, and it's the one basic rule."
hamish put his hand down on the table with a smile. "i'm in." lilith nodded. "me too."
"nope." randall spoke, shaking his head. "no, thanks. no way. not a demon. not ever." he counted on his fingers. "quintuple negative."
"you wanted a new plan, here it is." jack responded. randall looked to his friend. "you're talking full-on order magic here. that doesn't make you nervous?"
"says the guy who wanted to be a war-wolf." lilith replied. hamish quickly corrected her. "uh, were-lock."
"randall, this does not make us converts. it's just a means to an end." jack tried to reason but randall quickly rebutted. "if we do this, the end is us totally absorbed into the order."
"what we saw in the fear corridor were nightmares, not prophecies." hamish softly spoke. "are you sure? demons are in hell." randall responded.
"i'm pretty sure hell is a judeo-christian concept applied to scare people." lilith chuckled. randall flailed his arms a bit in annoyance. "demons are from wherever they're from for a reason. we shouldn't try to draw them into our.... wherever."
"well, look, yesterday you were all "whatever it takes," and today, you're all "no demon," so make up your mind." jack sighed, tired of the back and forth.
randall looked at him upset. "you weren't the one with a sabnock sigil stuck in your neck. it's a hard "no" for me." randall pushed his chair away as he stood up. "should be for you, too."
he quickly left and jack turned to cassidy. "are you in?" cassidy bit her lip. "no, i'm not. guys this isn't a good idea. every year the order does a ritual to keep demons out. if they want them to stay where they are so bad, so should we."
jack scoffed. "of course you'd agree with randall." cassidy glared at jack. "i only agree with him when he's right. trust me, i tell him when he's wrong all the time but with this you guys are acting so stupid just to get back at the order. it's a bad idea and i'm out."
cassidy quickly stood up and grabbed her things before making her way towards the door. "fine then! suit yourself!" she heard jack shout from where he was sitting before she quickly left.
cassidy looked around to see randall sitting at a bench with his head in his hands. she made her way over slowly before taking a seat by the boy and placing a hand on his back.
"hi. did they send you you here to tell me why i'm wrong and should go through with it?" randall questioned, looking at the blonde.
cassidy shook her head. "no, i agree with you. demon summoning is a shit idea that shouldn't happen." randall smiled a bit as he changed his positioning to lay his head on her shoulder.
"i just don't want to lose you all to the order... it's like they almost kill us all but suddenly everyone forgets all about that and wants to join in." randall expressed. cassidy sighed, rubbing his lower back with her hand.
"you won't lose us. they're all just excited to do a magic heist and use magic. the glam of it all will run out eventually, just give them time." cassidy reassured. randall chuckled a bit. "i'm guessing the glam wore off for you a while ago?"
cassidy smiled. "yeah just a bit." randall suddenly lifted his head and looked at cassidy. "why don't you want to tell me what you saw? i totally get privacy but... i don't know it's stupid nevermind."
cassidy shook her head. "no it's not, i'm sorry. i guess i was just half embarrassed and half still freaked out. first i saw my parents and just had to hear them talk about how much they hated me which sucked... and then i had to see you and lilith together telling me that getting me out of the picture was the best choice you guys ever made because you could finally be happy. i don't know, it was silly but it's there."
randall took all the information in before pulling cassidy into him. she was quick to respond by wrapping her arms around his waist and letting out a breath.
"you know, lilith is cool and all but... i'd rather sit here with you then make out with her. she's like my sister, so making out would be weird." spoke randall, causing cassidy to laugh. she looked up at him with a smile which he quickly returned. "i'm into you, cass. and that's not gonna change."
RANDALL AND CASSIDY HAD GONE OFF THEIR OWN WAYS. randall wanted some milk, and cassidy wanted some quiet. her first idea was to just walk around campus and look around. she had realized she didn't do that much anymore.
her next idea was the wolfs den, expecting the other three to still be out drinking and talking about demons. she got to the back door right before hearing someone call her name and turning around to see randall.
"oh hey-" cassidy couldn't finish as randall tugged her into the house and pulled her behind him as he ran until they were in the main room.
"guys! dont do this! alyssa and i were discussing demon summonings, and-" randall explained as he continued to drag cassidy after him while he blew out candles.
"dude you told her?" bellowed jack, completely blindsided. "i didn't tell her, per se. the topic just came up. my point is, even the order doesn't summon demons." randall finished.
"yeah i told them that but look where we are now." cassidy stated as she took her hand back from being dragged and looked around at the floor.
"because they learned their lesson."
everyone turned fast at the new voice and cassidys hand flew to her mouth when she saw an actual demon standing on the staircase.
"unlike you noobs." finished the demon, or zecchia cassidy assumed. "so, first of all, thanks for nothing. back in this shithole."
jack looked up at zecchia. "wait, you've been here before?"
"this realm, dummy. your little patch of paradise. the only thing that redeems this dumb is the alcohol. so, second of all, give me." no one made a movement so zecchia continued. "it's part of the price. come on. give me."
"you are zecchia, our... our thief demon, right?" jack questioned. zecchia put her hands up to show herself off. "in the flesh. cause that's the only way i can survive down here."
"don't you mean up here?" hamish questioned quickly. zecchia glared at hamish. "so fucking arrogant."
"how do we know shes who she says she is?" randall questioned and cassidy put her hand on her head, shaking her head at how dumb her friends could be.
"did you seriously just ask the demon to prove herself?" cassidy questioned. zecchia moved her hand and a second later cassidy felt something missing.
she quickly checked in her pants to see her underwear was no longer there. hamish's eyes widened. "it appears i am now flying commando."
lilith looked into her own pants before looking up with a smile. "she's good." cassidy looked forward again to see zecchia sniffing all of their combined underwear.
"so, you want me to rob the order, huh? that's a big request. expensive." zecchia slowly spoke. cassidy shook her head. "no thank you, we do not need to use demon magic to rob the order. you may be super cool, but this is a bad idea."
zecchia winked towards cassidy before turning her attention back to lilith as lilith ignored what cassidy had just said. "we should go all-in and add the reliquary."
"obliviscere!" hamish suddenly yelled. cassidy jumped away from him a bit at the sudden scream before looking towards her older friend in confusion.
he let out a breath. "there's a protocol when dealing with demons. asking for anything additional breaks the contract. obliviscere cancels the ask."
zecchia glared at hamish. "spoilsport."
"so if i were to ask for anything, it would break the contract and you'd go back?" cassidy questioned, the spark of an idea in her mind. "obliviscere." jack quickly stated, making sure nothing cassidy had said goes with what she wanted.
zecchia rolled her eyes at jack before looking at cassidy. "yes, it would. it seems to me that's what you want... i like this one."
"okay so is asking her to go back from where she came from additional?" randall questioned. "obliviscere." jack once again had to state. he looked between the two. "stop trying to ruin this, both of you." hamish and jack high fived as cassidy crossed her arms over her chest.
"fine. whatever. zecchia would like to go home, so let's get with your program."
lilith quickly questioned. "would it be breaking the contract if we waited until tomorrow to wrap up some business?" jack looked to lilith. "business like what? you want to clear out our lockers, write one last piece of graffiti on the washroom wall?"
lilith looked back at him. "this might be the end of our fake lives, but not all of our feelings are fake." jack shrugged. "well, i'm good to go. i don't need any goodbyes. couldn't care less."
"so that's what denial looks like." zecchia spoke. lilith looked back at the demon. "so can we?" hamish looked down at his demon book before looking back up with a smile. "she can't go back to her realm till our request is satisfied."
cassidy shook her head. "that's just cruel." zecchia glared at hamish. "fine. standing by. keeping these." sue held up the underwear before disappearing.
"okay. we can find another way to do this, okay? it's not too late, right, guys? guys!" groaned randall as he watched jack, lilith, and hamish walk out. cassidy waited for the boy and took his hand when the two had to follow their idiot friends out.
heyyy i wrote two chapters in a day so i'm feeling pretty cool right now hahahha
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