Wolf goes undercover and ends up running into a long-lost love Diane Foxington undercover as well....
Wolf walks into the office and he saw his boss Rambo who was a male ram, and he looks up with a smile.
''There you are Mr. Wolf.'' He replied.
''Yeah, you called me in, what do you need me to do?'' Asked Wolf sitting down.
''Well, first thank you for coming in on your day off, you are my best agent I have and the one who I know can pull this off.'' Rambo replied.
''Well, what is it?'' Asked Wolf curiously.
You are going to Saint Nobelist Church, and you are going to watch the Peacher there. There have been complaints he's running an underground traffic ring, and I want you to check so you will have a priest suit, and you will get in and see what you can find.'' Rambo replied.
''Ok but won't it be weird that I just show up?'' He asked.
''No because, the guy named Father Nolan Aspen is looking for another male recruit and there is another undercover agent from a different agency that is already in she is working as the nun in charge of hiring new recruits. She's been undercover for a couple of months and you two are going to work together to bring Father Nolan down.'' Rambo replied.
''Alright and when am I supposed to be there?'' He asked.
''In an hour and you are Father Oliver Poddleton.'' Rambo replied.
''I'm on it sir. By chance do you know who the female agent is?'' He asked.
''Nope sorry, I guess you'll find out.'' He replied.
Wolf got dressed and drove to the church when he got there, he got out straighten his suit and went inside and was greeted by a receptionist.
''Oh, hello there? What brings you here?'' She asked.
''Oliver Poddleton I was recruited here by Father Nolan.'' Wolf replied leaning over.
''Ahh yes, let me get our nun in charge.'' She replied.
Shortly a vixen came out and she looked up shocked.
''Ahh yes Father Oliver meet sister nun Winter Fox.'' The receptionist introduced them.
''Sister Winter, a pleasure.'' He replied taking her paw and smiling at her as they shook.
''Same here Father Oliver. Follow me and I will get you all set up with what you need.'' Winter replied.
''Sure thing.'' Wolf smirked as he followed her.
Once inside her office she closed the door and turned to look at Wolf.
''Wolf, what the hell are you doing here?'' She asked surprised to see him.
''I'm here undercover.... so, this is where you went.'' Wolf looked around.
''I wanted to tell you I did but I couldn't, and I know your upset with me.'' She sighed.
''It hurt when you left me, I was spending all my time wondering what I did to make you leave.'' He sighed.
She went over and hugged him. ''It was my fault, if given a chance I would do it differently.'' She sighed.
He smiles and they lean in when her phone went off and she answered it.
''Yes, Father Nolan he is here and yes, I just went over everything with him. We will be there right away.'' She replied as she hung up.
''Ok Nolan wants to meet you, now your here to be his right-hand father so, basically you and me are working together to get the kids. I bring the kids here and you make sure they make it to the vans where they are taken somewhere.'' Diane replied.
''Got it.'' Wolf replied and grabbed her hand as she turned, and he kisses her on the lips.
Diane was surprised but kissed back, her tail wagging and her heart pounding. She missed his kisses and how he held her. Wolf pulls away. ''Let's go.'' He replied.
They walked down the hallway and to an office and when they went in they saw a tiger wearing a white shirt with a black jacket suit and pants and he smiles as they came in.
''Ahh sister is this him?'' He asked.
''Yes Father Oliver Poddleton.'' Diane replied as Wolf walked forward.
''Nice to meet you Oliver now you will start off by helping sister Diane
''Yes I do.'' Wolf replied.
''Good, now you will go with the sister to get more girls and bring them back here.'' Nolan replied.
''Yes father.'' Wolf replied.
Diane lowed her head as they left.
They got into her car and she drove to a shady hotel and they got out.
''What are we doing here?'' He asked.
''Well, this is where I stay while waiting for the girls to be dropped off.'' Diane said as they went into one of the rooms.
''I see and what do you do?'' He asked.
''I call my boss and give him the lowdown.'' She replied.
''How long do we wait?'' He asked.
''An hour at most, we will get a text when he is a block away.'' She replied.
Wolf smirks and eyes her in her outfit. She was still hot, and he was turned on by how she looked.
''So, you just stay in here by yourself?'' He asked.
''Yes, I do.'' She turned and saw him staring as she bit her lip and moves over to him.
''Must be lonely.'' He replied moving closer.
''Sometimes.'' She moves towards him.
''How about we do something.'' He smirks pulling her to him as their noses touched.
''What did you have in mind?'' She asked kissing his nose.
''I was thinking something like this.'' He pulls off her hood and kisses her deeply.
She kisses back and undoes his suit jacket as her fingers trailed down his body and smirked seeing he was wearing nothing under the suit jacket, and she smirks.
''Very unprofessional.'' She teased.
''Says you.'' He grabbed her wide hips and pulls her in for a kiss.
She felt that feeling again and kisses him deeply as she felt him pull away taking off the dress and eyeing her red nude body and her breasts were still perky and perfect.
He then looks at her breasts and back to her eyes as he kisses her and walks her backwards to the bed and she sat on it.
''Wolf, I'm not sure...'' She started.
''I am, and we will finish before anyone shows up, please I want this Diane, and I can smell you want it too.'' He replied.
She smiles and yanks off his pants as his boxers went with the pants and she saw his cock and gulps and looks at his body. ''Tell me no and I will stop.'' He replied leaning over and kissing her neck.
She moans and places her hands on his shoulders pulling him on top of her. Wolf smiles feeling happy as he moved slowly from her neck and up to her lips as they had a heated make out session.
Diane pulls Wolf closer as their lips played with each other and Wolf ran his hands over her sides down to her hips and inside to her pussy and then moves his hand up her stomach to her breasts playing with them then to her hand and laced their fingers together as he pushes his cock into her pussy as she moans and kisses him with all the passion she had.
He felt her body with his thrusting slowly not wanting it to end as he missed this a lot and so did Diane as she moans and her free hand went over his body feeling him shiver.
She wraps her legs around him and he held her as he lifted her up and sat on the bed as she bounced on his cock and she wrapped her arm around him.
''Fuck yes I missed you ahh.'' She cries.
Wolf moans and looks at her. ''I'm so close Diane.''
''I want you to please, claim me over again.'' She begged as he hit her g-spot and came inside of her as she releases and they lay there panting looking up.
''Would you want to try being a couple again?'' She asked.
''I would love that Diane.'' He kisses her.
They were ready for what was to come.
Here we go enjoy!
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