A Night of Surprises
Wolf and Diane at Prom...
''Hurry up Diane our dates are almost here.'' Jessie a black female panther said as she sprays perfume on herself.
''I'm coming.'' Diane called out and she came out in a pretty blue strapless dress.
'' Diane called out and she came out in a pretty v cut blue strapless dress.
Jessie looks over at Diane and smiles. ''You look so beautiful; Nolan is going to be all over you.''
''Hehe thanks. I picked it out with him in mind.'' Diane said as she sprayed perfume on herself, and they went down as they heard the doorbell ring.
Diane went to the door and opened it and smiles seeing Justin a black panther and her handsome tiger Nolan all dressed up.
''Hey gorgeous.'' He grins and pulls her in for a kiss as Justin went past him and to Jessie.
Diane kisses back and giggles as Nolan picked her up.
The couples left as they got into Nolan's car and took off.
''Ok guys let's do this.'' Mason Wolf shouted waiting for his friends.
Snake, Shark, Webs, and Pirahna came out as they all hopped into Wolf's car.
''So, no date for prom?'' Asked Snake.
''No, besides I feel like something is going to happen and I'm going to be there to help the poor girl who gets dumped.'' Wolf said.
''That's sort of mean.'' Webs said.
''True but come on there is always one girl who gets hurt at these things.'' Wolf said.
''Say it buddy!'' Snake laughed.
They arrived at the school and got out as Wolf was dressed in a white dress shirt and blue suit jacket and blue dress pants as they go in.
Diane and her friends were inside, and they were all dancing together. Nolan pulls Diane close as they dance and have a blast and showing off.
Wolf and his pals walked in, and he saw Diane the most popular vixen in school was a whiz at school and half of the guys were after her, but Nolan was a football player and had a rep for sleeping around.
''Looks like your girl is having a blast.'' Snake nudged.
Wolf looked at Snake. ''She isn't my girl; we have bio class together besides I could do way better then her.''
''Oh? We all know you like Diane, I've seen the way you look at her in the hall and how sometimes your wo will playfully flirt.'' Shark said patting Wolf on the back as another vixen came over.
''Hey Shark.'' She smirks wearing a skintight short dress.
''Hey Pheobe.'' Shark grinned,
''Want to dance with me?'' She asked.
''Damn right.'' Shark smiles as he followed the vixen and Snake went off to mingle.
Wolf went to get a drink and he heard the song was over and he saw Diane and Nolan leave the floor.
While Wolf was getting a drink, Diane had gone over to get one as well and bumped into him.
''Hey Wolf.'' She smiled.
''Hey, Diane looking good out there.'' He greeted pouring a drink.
''Thanks! You should get out there and dance.'' She smiles.
''Yeah? Maybe if I had someone to dance with.'' He shrugged jokingly.
''Ok, you know I'm a little disappointed I was hoping you were going to ask me to dance.'' She fixed his tie biting her lip and turning around.
''As long as I don't get punched in the face.'' He joked and went to the dance floor as the song Bad Romance came on and they started dancing.
Both showing off their moves and laughing as the rest watch and join in. Wolf had to admit he was having fun, and he loved the way her body moved as they danced.
Diane couldn't believe how well Wolf danced, sure it was a bit off, but it was so much fun, and she didn't care who was watching at the end Wolf twirled her around and pulls her up in a spin as he spun around as well.
Snake and the others were watching them dance. At the end Wolf lifts her up in the air as they stare at each other.
''You're an excellent dance partner.'' She smiles complimented.
''And you're a beautiful dancer.'' He said as he dips her, and they stare at each other.
Diane was starting to feel something as she looked at Wolf, had he always looked that handsome?
Wolf brought her up as they stepped away.
Later Diane was looking for Nolan, she was walking around and went out of the gym and went to the bathroom as she walks in, she stops, and her eyes widen as she felt tears in her eyes. There was Nolan on top of Jessica, and she was moaning as he was groping her.
They looked up and Nolan's eyes widened. ''Diane...''
''No, stay there we are done!'' She growls as she turns and takes off her heels running through the crowd to the backdoors and Wolf had stepped out for a smoke break when he saw the doors open and outran Diane who was crying and wiping her eyes.
He was concerned and followed her. She went to the back of the schools where they had lunch and slid against the wall on the ground crying.
Wolf saw this and felt bad for her as he went over. ''Diane?'' He said.
She looked up and wiped her eyes. ''Hey Wolf.''
''What happened?'' He asked having an idea but wanted to hear it from her.
''Nolan was in the bathroom fucking my best friend, Jessica.'' She said quietly as fresh tears fell.
Wolf slid next to her and pulled her in a side hug. ''I'm sorry, but I'm not surprised.''
She looked at him. ''I knew he flirted with girls, but I didn't think he would do that.'' She sighed.
''He's a jerk who doesn't deserve you. You deserve someone who cares about you and loves you for you. Prom is the worst night to break up.'' He said holding her hand.
''It is and with my best friend.'' She sighed and started crying.
''He's not worth your tears.'' Wolf said as he places a finger under her chin to make her look at him.
''You're way better off.'' He said wiping her tears.
Diane smiled at him, and he stood up and held his hand as she took it, and he helped her up. ''I think you're the most beautiful vixen ever and you'll do great things and meet more and better animals then Nolan.'' He said.
She smiles touched and she hugs him as he hugged back. ''Well can't have you missing prom so will you go finish your prom with me?'' Asked Wolf.
Diane nodded happy and kisses his cheek. ''Yes.''
Wolf held her hand as they went back in and the song Perfect came on and Wolf and Diane went to the floor and did a slow dance as he held her close as they dance.
Diane leaned into him as his paws went to her waist and hers around his shoulders as they dance.
Wolf and Diane were smiling as they danced together. Diane felt happy and Wolf was a good dancer, and they were swaying and having a blast.
The wolf pulls her in for a hug and sings quietly a bit to the song and the vixen felt her heart soar. It was a dream of hers to have her boyfriend sing to her during the slow dance and Wolf was fulfilling that dream.
''You look so beautiful Diane.'' He whispered in her ear, and she giggles he felt his pants tighten a bit.
'Get a grip Wolf your only here for her' he told himself.
Before she knew it she was roughly yanked away and saw Nolan in front of her as he shoved Wolf back.
''Hey, paws off my girlfriend!'' Nolan growls at Wolf.
Wolf frowns and was very upset and shoved Nolan back. ''It's only a dance beside shouldn't you be with that Jessica slut?'' Asked Wolf.
The others were watching.
Nolan growled and lifted Wolf off the ground by his shirt. ''Diane is my girlfriend and I don't want you anywhere near her nerd.'' The tiger growled.
Diane got in between them and shoved Nolan back as she helped Wolf up. ''We are done Nolan.''
''Diane babe please... I wasn't thinking it just happened. Jessica thought that her boyfriend was cheating on her, and I went to comfort her.'' Nolan said explaining.
''Oh yeah, because feeling her up is totally a way to comfort a friend.'' Diane snapped.
''Come on hon. Let's get back to dancing.'' Nolan said holding out his hand.
''No! I was dancing with my prom date now move.'' Diane growls.
Nolan was upset the security came over and escorted him out and Jessica followed.
''You ok Wolf?'' Asked Diane helping him up.
''Yeah, I am thanks.'' He smiled and looked at her as the others got back to dancing.
''Good.'' She smiled.
''So, what's next on your prom list?'' He asked.
Diane blushes and pulls him out with her as they go the back, and she kisses him as he kisses back pulling her close.
''This is when we have sex.'' She whispers.
Wolf gulped and smiled as he pulls down her dress and undoes her bra as he kisses her, and she kisses back undoing his suit and pants as he pulls down his boxers and presses her against the wall.
Diane had her tongue slip in his mouth as he pins her to the wall and grabbed her legs wrapping them around his waist as they make out and his paws explored her body feeling her breasts as he pushes into her.
Diane grips him and moans as her arm went around his shoulder and the other explored his body. He wasn't buff by any means, but he was lean, and firm and she loved it. She grinds against his cock as she lets go of his mouth and pants.
Wolf took this moment to kiss and lightly bite her neck as his hands grope her body and his cock pushes into her pussy as his tail wags listening to her moans.
Diane moans and kisses the top of his head and wraps her legs tighter around him as her back hits the wall.
''Mmm ahhh r-right there~'' She moans.
Wolf continues to thrust holding the sexy vixen in his arms and his free paw went to her butt groping her.
Both moans and enjoys the feeling of each other and after a couple minutes Wolf felt himself close as he came all over in her and they wildly start making out and Diane felt her fur stick up and she relaxed as he places her down and she felt her legs almost give out but Wolf held her.
''You ok?'' He asked.
''Yes, and I got to say woah.'' She giggles.
''Was it bad?'' He asked looking at her..
''No, it was wonderful... Way better then Nolan.'' She smiled gushing.
''Well, glad I could help.'' He said.
She smiles and they went to continue prom and sure enough Diane got crowned Prom Queen while at the last moment the Prom King was Wolf much to everyone surprise.
Later that night. Pheobe offered the guys a ride home and Wolf took Diane to her place they sat in the car.
''Thank you again.'' Diane said.
He looked at her. ''For what?''
''For making my prom a special one... and being there when I needed you.'' She said laying her head on his shoulder.
''You're welcome.'' He smiled. ''It was a night of surprises.'' He said.
''Yes, it was... Say Wolf do you want to go to a hotel and stay the night together?'' She asked.
Wolf was surprised and blushed. ''Isn't that for boyfriends and girlfriends?''
''Most of the time but if you want, we can be boyfriend and girlfriend.'' She blushes.
He smiled. ''Alright let go.'' He leans in and kisses her.
She kisses back as they spend the evening together.
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