"WHATTTT? WHO IS HE? AND HOW DID HE SLIP BY WITHOUT ANYONE NOTICING? Like a shadow, A WHITE SHADOW!" The crowd went into an instant uproar. Killua didn't pay attention to the commentator after that, he just looked up at the crowd. It was a unique feeling he hadn't really experienced all that often. On a smaller scale, he'd had it at heaven's arena. However that was a much smaller scale, the whole of this world was watching him right now. Including the villains... "Killua Kukuroo, a new transfer student!" Nezu hadn't asked why he'd chosen to use a different last name. He knew Kukuroo wasn't his real one, however he didn't press to know it. Most likely he realized Killua wasn't going to budge.
Killua kind of zoned out for a while, until a bunch of people started crowding around him, trying to ask him questions. "where are you from?", "what's your quirk?", "how'd you do that?", "hey do you think-" Killua just ignored them, he'd not gotten any less socially awkward. Killua was kind of distracted until Midnight announced the next game, which was apparently a cavalry battle and explained the rules. She then proceeded to explain how the point system worked. "each player has been assigned a point value based off of their performance from the obstacle course" which means mine should be the highest. This'll get pretty interesting.
Killua as of right now was a dark horse. Nobody knew his quirk, nor really his combat ability. "the point assignments go up by increments of five. For example forty second place is worth five points, and forty first is worth ten. And the point value appointed to the first place winner is...Ten million!" everyone slowly turned to look at him. Killua was munching on a chocolate robot he'd managed to smuggle in. He blinked, as if confused. "Hm? Oh, yeah good luck I guess" he said passively, finishing his chocolate robot and placing his hands behind his head. The other students got slightly irritated at his cocky statement.
Little do they know it's not actually arrogance, but confidence in my own ability. Killua could take out each and every single one with ease, just like his second hunter exam. "You have fifteen minutes to choose your partners!"
"TEAM UP WITH ME PERSON IN FIRST PLACE!" Killua blinked. "Eh?" A pink haired female with goggles hovered over on these floating boot looking things, eyes shining. "You're the one EVERYONE will be watching, all the super important companies too!" Killua tilted his head. "You're a support course student. It's not winning your after though is it, but exposure." She laughed. "You can put it that way! The name's Mei Hatsume, what do you say?" she said, holding out a hand.
She must've noticed Killua's skeptical expression because she started rambling about her 'babies' and opened a suitcase filled to the brim with gadgets. Killua hummed, sifting through it. "Interesting" he said. "So?" she asked excitedly. "Depends, do you have one that attaches a group of people together?" Mei's eyes shined. "of course I do!" she lifted out a small gadget. "this baby right here can lock onto five subjects at once and bind around them in both a comfortable and tight fashion! Perfect for rescuing-" Killua ignored her, glancing around the other students. Everyone seemed to already be in teams, however there were two that seemed to be glancing around worriedly.
One was a girl with brown hair and rosy cheeks. She glanced at the messy dark green haired boy beside her who was mumbling something. Mei grinned. "that plain looking guy is Mr. second place, and they don't seem to have a team yet" she said, subliminally trying to hint at the fact he should choose them. "well they seem to be the only ones without a team, so we have no choice" Killua made his way over. "Hey" both teenagers glanced at him, and the messy haired one's eyes widened. "I-It's you! You're the one who got first place! Man I- how did you-" Killua spoke over him. " all three of you, what are your quirks?"
Mei sighed. "mine's not that useful, I can just see a few kilometers" the girl rubbed the back of her head. "Zero gravity, I can make anything I touch lighter than a feather" he looked at the one who had yet to answer, and he started stammering nervously. "I- well-" Uraraka smiled sheepishly. "Deku's can make him hit really hard but it breaks his bones when he does it" interesting. "So your name's Kukuroo right?" Killua sighed. I forgot people here went by last names, weird. "Just call me Killua" The brown haired girl smiled. "I'm Ochaco Uraraka! And this is Izuku Midoriya" Midoriya laughed awkwardly. "I can introduce myself Uraraka-","S-Sorry!"
They kept chatting but Killua zoned them out, formulating a plan. The only issue is that I need all four of them. If it was up to me I'd just pick Mei, but that isn't the case. "So what's your plan?" Mei asked him. The other two turned expectantly at him and he hummed. "Mei's the rider" there was a moment of awkward silence. "and...?" Uraraka asked, sounding a bit concerned. Killua glanced around at the other teams. "and you'll find out the rest when the time comes. When I tell you to do something, do it. Do I make myself clear?"
934 words
To be continued...
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