The Beginning Of It All
Disclaimer: Only my OC belongs to me and the storyline about my OC. Twilight, True Blood & Dragon Age or any other thing I may reference (animes, pictures, etc) do not belong to me.
Fate can be a strange thing and completely unexpected, but to some it was not. Evelyn had always believed fate was unpredictable, and like the sea it could not be tamed. You just had to ride the waves of life and follow the flow of it or drown fighting against its current. So at a young age Evelyn learnt to not fight fate and just ride the wave as best as she could. Sure she knew fate was strange to some, but Evelyn had always been different.
As a little girl Evelyn had always been a bit different, some would call her strange or weird. She never cares for others opinions though so it never bothered her. To her, her childhood was magical and filled with the unbelievable. Always with her head in the clouds and her imagination running wild to the point it seemed to take a life of its own.
While other children would play games and spend time with each other at recess. Evelyn would go as far as she could in the school yard, which was pretty far with the school having a giant field in the back. She would be alone with her imagination looking to see if she could find something magical, wanting to have her own adventure to a place like Wonderland like Alice.
Even now at the age of 28, she would always sense that there was more to the world then what was known & accepted. She had always had a sixth sense that would let her know when something was going to happen, sometimes good & sometimes bad. She remembered two years ago how that sense had warned her something bad would happen, but she couldn't figure out what it was. Shrugging it off as something small and unimportant. Oh how wrong she was...
It wouldn't be until after her little brother, 25 year old Stefan, who she was renting an apartment with left for work & never showed up. Having his boss call her, his emergency contact, asking where Stefan was. Then that feeling came back ten times strong and dread pooled in her stomach. She had called his phone more times then she can remember, but all she ever got was voicemail.
Even going as far as calling her mother, who lived 30 minutes away, if she had heard from Stefan. When no one knew where her little brother was, her overprotective instinct kicked in. She had always been very protective of her brothers defending them against bullies, comforting them when children from nightmares, or just being there for them. So as she got ready to go out and look for him her phone rang.
Never in her life would she think a phone call would give her a heart attack, but when she answered that phone and heard her mother's sobs. She was sure she was having a heart attack or nightmare. When her mother told her Stefan had been in a car accident, T-Boned by a truck in his small car, and on his way to the hospital. She had never been so scared in her life thinking she would lose her little brother.
Fortunately her brother lived even when the doctors didn't think he would ever wake up. Fate seemed to be on his side, since he woke and was responsive. Even with the slight brain damage caused by the impact, he was there and alive. Though now even two years later it would seem he would never fully recover from that injury.
Stefan could no longer work because the left side of his body seemed to be weaker than the right side. He could no longer drive because his response time was too late to anything that could happen. He also seemed to have no filter & was constantly tired, but besides that Stefan was fine.
Which Evelyn was thankful for, but since he could no longer work. Stefan had to live off disability, Evelyn couldn't afford to pay for the apartment alone. So they had moved back in with their parents, where later Evelyn would quit her job around the time COVID was about to happen and become her brother's full time Caregiver. She wouldn't stress or burden her parents even more having them worry about who would care for her brother.
What was the logical thing to do, her parents' jobs paid more and could cover more bills. As well she could get certified as a Caregiver for her brother and the state would pay her for that. Not to mention Ryan, her 22 year old brother at the time (2019), was away at college. The first year was the hardest coming and going from doctors appointments to physical therapy appointments. Even now two years later (2021: Evelyn 28 going on 29, Stefan 27, Ryan 24) she still had to make sure he took his medicine & eat, but she was thankful that he was better and no longer needed the physical therapy & doctor appointments with farther apart from one another.
Though lately she has been getting that feeling again that something big is going to happen. Evelyn didn't know if it would be good or bad, all she knew was that fate was going to throw something her way. She would handle it like she always did, she would go with the flow as best she could. Hopefully it wouldn't be something like COVID, she had gained some weight because of quarantine. Asking fate to go easy on her and not have COVID end up mutating because of the vaccine & start some zombie apocalypse.
Evelyn's imagination always did seem to go a little dark now that she was older. Though she never imagined when she went to bed that fate heard her and seemed to take that as a challenge. Fate saw her soul ready to become what it was truly meant for.
That this world's myths, legends, stories and fantasies had shaped her mind into something great. That would help her in the other worlds with how creative her mind could be. That the dreams she would see at night were real and not her overactive imagination. That fate itself would allow her to be more than an observer now.
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