Being Young Again Part 2
-Evelyn's Thoughts-
Fate Personified Speaking
~Elven Language~
*Foreign Languages*
(Just easier this way then trying to find the translation in the foreign language since sometimes translators aren't accurate & I don't wish to upset someone who is fluent by messing it up and it be complete nonsense.)
Disclaimer: Only my OC belongs to me and the storyline about my OC. Twilight, True Blood & Dragon Age or any other thing I may reference (animes, pictures, etc) do not belong to me.
3rd Person POV:
As Charlie and Renee Swan walked in coming closer to the hospital bed. Evelyn could only stare at them. -This all feels so surreal, but I know that this is really happening. That Twilight and True Blood are real here and are now part of my reality.-
Renee squealed as she saw the adorable baby in her sister in-laws' arms, bringing Evelyn out of her musing. "She is so adorable! What name did you end up picking for her?" Renee asked the new parents excitedly.
Chuckling at his sister in-laws antics John spoke up. "We decided on each picking a name for her. I picked Arabella. While Elsa picked Evelyn." John puffed up with pride. Elsa giggled at her husband. The fact it has not even been a full day yet and he was already such a proud daddy to their baby girl. "Her name is Evelyn Arabella Lavellan." Elsa said happily without looking away from her baby girl.
"That's a beautiful name for a beautiful baby girl." Renee said cheerfully. -Wow the book wasn't kidding when it said Renee is free spirited and care free. She is practically like a kid on a sugar high with all that bouncing. No wonder Bella acted so old, she had to be the grown up with Renee.- Evelyn looked at Renee a bit warily. Afraid Renee would probably drop her if she held her.
"Elsa, is she suppose to be so tiny and pink and squishy looking?" Charlie awkwardly asked his sister causing all the other adults to either laugh or giggle at the awkward man. "She is a new born baby Charlie. They all look tiny and pink and squishy." Elsa sarcastically told her big brother.
Laughing again Elsa grabbed her brother with her free arm and pulled him to her. "Would you like to hold your niece and goddaughter Charlie?" Elsa asked her brother sweetly.
Charlie looked like a deer caught in headlights and panicked a little. "I don't know if I should hold her. She is so tiny I don't want to accidentally hurt her." Charlie said lamely. Shaking her head at her brother Elsa pulled him closer. Moving Charlie's arms around with one hand. Till they were placed in the proper position to hold a baby and place Evelyn in his arms."You will be fine now, come here. Ok now this is how you hold her. Place your hand here to support her head. Good, see you are doing just fine." Elsa said encouragingly to Charlie.
Evelyn looked up at Charlie and wanted to ease his nerves. So she had given him a toothless smile while letting out a giggle. Stretching her tiny baby arms up, placing her hands where she could reach on Charlie's face. Once again going through the process of seeing someone's life. While Charlie looked down at her in awe.
"Wow that's amazing." Elsa happily said, looking at her brother holding her daughter. "What's amazing?" Charlie said distractedly while gazing at his niece's unique and beautiful lavender-amber flecked eyes.
"That's the first time Evelyn has giggle or smiled." John said with a little jealousy in his voice. Pouting that his daughter hadn't giggled or smiled at him first. Laughing and shaking her head at her husband's obvious jealousy. Elsa pulled her husband from his seat to her hospital bed and embraced him. "Well he is her godfather so why would she not?" Elsa giggled at her husband pout pecking his lips.
Then Charlie finally seems to come to reality. "Godfather? You made me her Godfather?" Charlie coughed out trying to hide the emotion in his voice unsuccessfully. "Of course I would, you're my big brother and I know you would look after her like you have me. I also know you would make a great father someday Charlie." Elsa told her brother with a bright smile.
Seeing the emotional state the siblings were in Renee took little Evelyn from Charlie's arms and surprisingly held her with great care. Charlie got up and hugged his sister gratefully. Happy his little sister trusted him with her daughter's life. Promise himself that he would always take care of his goddaughter like if she was his own.
"Of course with having decided that Charlie is Evelyn's godfather. We couldn't think of anyone better to be her godmother, than you Renee." Elsa said after hugging Charlie. Making Renee excitedly look up at her. "Really?!" Renee asked them with a childish happiness.
John got up to get his daughter so Renee wouldn't accidentally shake her while bouncing up and down happily. "Really, we couldn't think of anyone else." John told Renee teasingly as he held his baby girl. Renee stopped mid bounce and scowled playfully at John knowing he was only joking with her.
"What are you trying to say John? I will make a great godmother to Evelyn. In fact I'm going to be a great mom one day soon. Since Evelyn will be a big cousin soon." Renee said rubbing the small barely noticeable baby bump she had. -Awesome I'm older than Bella. Which means I can boss her around in the future using the "I'm older" card- Evelyn tried to give an evil cackle while rubbing her hands together, but being a baby it came out a giggle. Causing all the adults to smile at her cuteness.
Everything was quiet for a moment after that until a happy squeal was heard. "I'm going to be an Auntie!" Elsa screamed happily, clapping her hands together. Charlie had a happy horror struck face. "I'm going to be a father?!" Charlie exclaimed. Renee nodded her head at them all smiling. That was all it took for Charlie to give them all a big smile and fall back passing out.
It had been a bit over a year since then. Evelyn had gotten to spend more time with her new parents and loves them dearly. They are wonderful and loving parents. Though her father especially became overprotective of her after the first full moon after her birth. When the teal sigil of the Goddess Nyx appeared behind her right ear. Letting her father know she was the goddess reborn.
Her mother knew as well, but she was always protective of Evelyn. For no matter who Evelyn was goddess or no, she was still her daughter.
Charlie and Renee visited often to spend time with their precious goddaughter. It also made great practice for them to be ready to have their baby. Evelyn always laughed watching them try to change her diaper.
Then when she finally got to meet Bella when she was born. She could understand what Charlie meant when she was born. Bella was pink and squishy. Though to her surprise Renee only came up with the name Isabella because of her middle name Arabella. Renee had wanted them to have something similar in name as cousins.
Now her parents and her were on their way home from visiting the Swans. They lived just between Forks and La Push. Evelyn had found this ironic when she first found out. It was no man's land and would be perfectly between the Cullens and the Pack in the future.
It was very late with barely any traffic on the highway ride home. Evelyn's stomach had started churning on the ride home. She felt like something bad was going to happen, but decided to ignore it thinking she was just imagining it. Not knowing after tonight she would learn to always trust her gut.
Out of nowhere a pair of headlights came at them hard and fast. A man had passed out drunk at the wheel of his large truck into the family's small car.
While this was all happening John and Elsa knew there was no way to stop the car from ramming into them straight forward. All they could think about was to protect their one year old daughter. John uses his elven magic to throw up his strongest barrier around his daughter. While Elsa used her abilities to control the elements to wrap her daughter in a sphere of them to protect her.
Though Evelyn's parents were successful in protecting her. They did not have enough time to protect themselves as well. For once they had finished doing what they had to do to make sure she survived. The truck had impacted their car going over 65 miles per hour head on. Killing them both on impact.
Charlie having been just promoted to Chief of Police in Forks was first on the scene. Not believing what was before his eyes. Having not to long ago say his goodbyes to them before he left to work the night shift.
Running to the car that held his sister and her family. Praying to God that this was just a horrible nightmare and he would wake up soon. As he reached the car Charlie cried out in agony seeing the crushed and unmoving forms of his sister and one of his closest friends.
Then a baby's wailing cry rang out and Charlie turned fast. Not all hope was lost. His goddaughter was alive and he made sure it stayed that way. Turning to the back seat Charlie was amazed to see a sphere of what looked like clay chunks of dirt with a blue shine to it where he knew Evelyn's car seat was.
Charlie had always known his sister was special. Then later learning with her that she was adopted and a faerie. Who knew such things exist, but nonetheless he loved Elsa for she was his little sister. Ironically enough she had fallen in love and married an elf. Charlie at that moment knew that Elsa and John had given their lives up to save their daughter.
After that horrible night Charlie and Renee had taken Evelyn in. Promising to her parents that they would watch over her for them and love her as if she were their own daughter.
Even though Charlie and Renee both love Isabella and Evelyn very much. Their marriage was falling apart and not even their love for their girls could stop it. Charlie was always working being the Chief of Police and Renee was tired of Forks.
When Charlie had shown Renee he wouldn't move from his hometown for her. Renee was finally done, packed up her things and that of the girls. Leaving Forks behind and divorcing Charlie. Staying at her Aunt Adele Stackhouse's home till she could get back up on her own two feet.
Evelyn almost wanted to laugh and cry when she found out she was related to Sookie Stackhouse at the age of four. (Sookie is only 4 years older than Evelyn and Bella. Since she was born on May 24, 1983.) Turns out Renee's mom is Adele's sister. So Evelyn was related to Sookie through marriage/adopted family and by blood from her Grandfather Niall's side.
Though she was thankful like Bella, Sookie couldn't read her thoughts either. Unless she projected her thoughts specifically to her and found she could speak to both her cousins through telepathy. Since Evelyn had learned at a young age that like how she could learn about others' lives through touch, like Aro could, she could do the same with Bella. Though she didn't know why she could when others couldn't.
Sookie, Evelyn, and Bella had grown close living together for two years. Even though Sookie was the oldest, it was Evelyn that took charge. She was the mother bear and her cousins were her cubs.
Evelyn had started to "learn" things from Adele so she had an explanation to why she could do things she could do like sewing, knitting, cooking, and more. Also thanks to her abilities she was able to learn new things faster. Just by going into town with Adele when she did her shopping. Greeting those she met with a hand shake she would see their lives and learn what they know.
By meeting a jeweler she was able to make herself elf-ear shaped coverings that hid and protected her elven ears embedded with her magic so as she grew they would grow with her. Making others believe it was a fashion choice instead of a physical trait.
Also in the two years that Evelyn had lived with the Stackhouses. She had gained more of her memories as Vhenan which caused her to have more control over her abilities and the ones she gained through others.
First thing she did once she had control of her abilities was place her sigil on all her family, embedded it with her magic to protect her family from the supernatural. Though she made it a bit different so only supernatural beings could see it.
Even going as far as teleporting herself at the dead of night to Forks. Placing her sigil on Charlie and those she befriended in La Push growing up for protection as they slept.
When eventually Renee decided it was time for them to go. Dragging Bella and Evelyn with her on her hippie-ish way from state to state. It was Evelyn that made sure they were taken care of. Becoming the 'mom' of their little family. Evelyn would balances Renee's check book to make sure they have money for bills and food.
Evelyn made sure that Bella wouldn't grow up too fast and have a childhood. Since she already had one herself before. She would do all the cooking and cleaning for them. Evelyn also made sure she was always there for Bella. Which made Bella see her as her sister & mother figure.
With the little money she had got for some birthdays, odd jobs she did for the neighbors, and even spending money, Adele would give her while shopping, that she had saved. She had opened herself an account, which wasn't hard Renee would sign anything she gave her without paying close attention thinking it was either for school or balancing her check books. Yes, Renee was so scattered-brain and free spirited she left her niece to handle it when she had seen Evelyn could.
After opening her bank account Evelyn had invested her money in the stock market in companies she knew would thrive. Making herself pretty wealthy in a short amount of time and always investing more to make more. Which made it so Evelyn and Bella would want or need for nothing.
Making it so in the future money wasn't something Bella would freak out about. Since they would never need to count every penny to make sure they survived. That Renee's hobbies of the month wouldn't affect them economically. When those hobbies came Evelyn made sure every time that they would be something useful for them all later in life. Things like self defense, cooking classes, etc.
She would also do more at night as well. Since she didn't need more than two hours of sleep every night. Evelyn had wished she could shift like Mystique from X-Men one night so she could move around more in public easily. Then she did and would shift into her older form of Vhenan.
Going at night to where her heart called her to be. Teleporting herself there then back home before anyone could tell she was even gone.
This caused her to be known within the supernatural world. Making a name for herself over the years. Everyone believed her to be some kind of angel. With how her elven fae feathered wings were tattooed to her back. The top of the wings being white with silver & gold feathers scattered randomly around and the tips looked to have been dipped in black ink. They blended well together with an ombré look with the fading gray feathers between the white and black.
To all in the supernatural world she was known as The Angel. Everyone wanted to be on Evelyn's good side. For she was kind and protective of her allies. To her allies she was The Guardian Angel, but those who had made enemies of themselves would get to know her darker side. Her dangerous side that would bring death to all against her was The Angel of Death sending their very souls to the afterlife.
As the years passed by Evelyn could see the changes she had already caused for the better. Bella wasn't as accident prone as the stories now, thankfully. Though she was still a little clumsy. Bella also had more confidence in herself. Bella would stand up for herself and what she believed in.
Now finally as both Bella and Evelyn are seventeen and with Renee being remarried to Phil. It was finally going to really start the beginning of Twilight. Evelyn wondered what would be different from the story she knew back as Evelyn Johnson. How Twilight was in actual reality, but most of all. How would Evelyn change it by being there?
-Watch out Twilight verse. Evelyn Lavellan is coming...-
Alright, the ball is finally starting to roll. Twilight finally starts in next chapter 😆
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