Being Young Again Part 1
-Evelyn's Thoughts-
Fate Personified Speaking
~Elven Language~
*Foreign Languages*
(Just easier this way then trying to find the translation in the foreign language since sometimes translators aren't accurate & I don't wish to upset someone who is fluent by messing it up and it be complete nonsense.)
Disclaimer: Only my OC belongs to me and the storyline about my OC. Twilight, True Blood & Dragon Age or any other thing I may reference (animes, pictures, etc) do not belong to me.
3rd Person POV:
Experiencing being a baby again and actually remembering it was strange for Evelyn. Being handed over to her new father was a new experience to say the least for her. -I feel like this is what a dwarf would feel like being picked up by a giant.-
"I can't believe we are parents. I never thought this day would come." said John Lavellan holding his tiny baby girl. He could see the elven side of his family in his daughter and feel magic within her as well.
He was born in this world, but his family came from another. His parents had fled their world after the goddess they served, willingly, had disappeared. His family was from Clan Lavellan and they had heard tales of the Goddess Nyx. That she was the Goddess of Hope & Aspirations and she desired freedom for all the elven people.
(Clan Lavellan is a Dalish Clan in Thedas. The Dalish are nomadic elves that seek to recover, inherit and preserve the knowledge and sacred treasures of the fallen elven kingdoms such as Arlathan. They lead nomadic lives, wandering throughout Thedas. Their clans date back to the independent kingdom of the Dales, which is an elven kingdom built after the fall of Arlathan when the Veil was placed. The Dalish themselves are their descendants. Many Keepers are descended from the nobility who governed the Dales. The Dalish are considered to have the "purest" blood from the time of Arlathan. They still revere the elven gods and in a ritual to commemorate reaching adulthood each member of a tribe will have the symbol of their chosen god's vallaslin placed on their faces, not knowing the true meaning behind them being the mark of a slave for that god. After losing most of this knowledge with the fall of Arlathan. Most of their knowledge is passed down Keeper to Keeper by word of mouth or the little they are able to translate from elven ruins and artifacts. Clan Lavellan in my story will be a noble house from Arlathan that served under the Goddess Nyx.)
Where the other gods would mark the people with their vallaslin to enslave them, she would not. Instead of vallaslin those that willingly served her and were under her protection wore her sigil of a crescent moon. Embedded with her magic and placed behind the right ear. She made her sigil especially to protect the elven people from being marked as slaves.
For the vallaslin did not only mark the elf that wore it as a slave, but the god the mark belonged to could force their will on to them. Making them no better than puppets and those that tried to resist would suffer unimaginable pain through the vallaslin placed upon their faces.
Clan Lavellan had always believed in freedom for all. So they had gone to the Goddess Nyx and joined her in aiding the Slave Rebellion. For she inspired all to reach their dreams of freedom and to many she was hope itself.
Though what made her stand out even more than the other gods, besides having no vallaslin forced upon her followers. That surprised many was that she too had worn her sigil as well saying she would not have another do something she wasn't willing to do herself. Though the crescent moon she wore behind her right ear was teal. So those who have never seen her before could identify her easily.
John remembered how his parents would tell him tales growing up of Arlathan and the beloved Goddess his clan served. How his parents worked directly under her and had fought for freedom by her side.
That his parents even aided her in searching the eluvians in the Crossroads to find safe havens for the elven people. When word got out that Mythal was slain by the other gods they knew she would head to the Crossroads.
Not knowing which she would have taken they had chosen one that was unexplored and ended up on Earth. When they could not sense their Goddess there and turned to leave through the eluvian it was no longer there. As they realized they could not return home they made a life for themselves on Earth and eventually had him many years later.
Once he became of age himself, he had gotten the sigil of the Goddess Nyx tattoo on himself. To honor the Goddess and as a reminder of where his family came from. One day he would tell the little bundle in his arms the same tales his parents told him as she grows older.
Evelyn watched her new father hold her. -I wish I could know right now everything I can about my new father and family.- Reaching out her baby hand above to her father's cheek with this thought in mind.
Just like that, as if a genie had granted her wish with a touch to her fathers cheek. She had seen his very life flash before her eyes. Every memory, thought and feeling he had ever had laid before her.
Her father, John, was elven. Memories as Vhenan slowly came back to her, she had recalled his parents and the events they had told him through bedtime stories. She was reborn in this world as a member of Clan Lavellan.
"John I would like to hold our daughter too." The tired voice of her new mother, Elsa, brought Evelyn back to the present. As John handed their daughter to his lovely wife.
As Evelyn looked on to her new parents she tilted her a head a little in amazement. -Wow my new parents look sort of like my old parents, but not at the same time. How strange, but then again I'm an Elven Fae being reborn a second time so...-
Then the most embarrassing thing happened. Elsa opened her hospital gown and placed Evelyn's face next to her breast. -Even though I knew this would happen with me being a baby again, doesn't mean I have to like it.- It weirded Evelyn out and her adult mind found it gross, but without her permission. Her new born baby body automatically responded and her mouth latched on to her mother's nipple.
Even though breastfeeding would get rid of Evelyn's sudden hunger she found the whole experience weird. -This feels oddly natural... Then again I'm a newborn baby and this is what newborns have as food. At least the milk doesn't taste bad, but the sooner I can have real food the better.- Once Evelyn was full she pulled away. Then her mother cover herself up and burped her.
Laying back in her mother's arms Evelyn leaned closer to her mother's warmth. -Might as well be comfortable if I'm going to have to be held all the time and mom is nice and warm too.- Evelyn snuggled into her mother.
"She's beautiful John. She has so many features from both of our sides of the family." Elsa smiled down at her little girl. "Yes, she does Honey. She has little baby elven ears from my side of the family and is beautiful just like her Fae mommy." John teased his wife at the end.
"She will only be part Fae John. We don't know if she will show Fae genes as well." Elsa huffed and rolled her eyes at her husband. Though feeling the power coming off their daughter. She knew with or without Fae abilities their daughter would be a part of the supernatural world.
"Elsa love, look at our little Evelyn. She is so unique and beautiful, her eyes are like pale amethysts with flecks of amber in the center." John told his wife while caressing the small tuftof hair his little Evelyn had.
"Her hair is such a crystal clear silver-white that it reflects colors of the rainbow and not to mention her cute little elven ears. Our daughter radiates beauty that is so captivating there is no way she won't be Fae." John told his wife with a gentle voice.
Elsa looked fondly down at her baby and knew her husband was right. "Your right Love. She has a bit of both Fae and Elven in her. Though she probably got her unique coloring from someone down one of our family's lines." Elsa said happy while her little girl held her finger.
As Evelyn held her mother's finger she had seen her mother's life. Just as she had seen her father's. Her mother was a Fae and royalty at that, daughter of King Niall Brigant. When her mother was only a babe herself at the age of six. (Remember Fae from True Blood age a lot slower than humans. So a faerie at the age of six probably looked like a baby of one or two years old.) She had been taken from the Fae Realm to Earth. The Royal family had been attacked and a loyal servant, Elsa's nursemaid, had been with her at the time.
In an attempt to save their ward's life after suffering an almost fatal blow, meant from the babe. Had taken her to Earth and left her on the doorstep of the Swan family. With only a note with Elsa's name and date of birth saying she was left there for her own good.
Being raised by the Swan's as their own, gaining a new mother, father, and even an older brother named Charlie. Growing up not knowing she was adopted and only in recent years learning she is Fae. Though she didn't know who her family was or how she got to Earth. That's when Evelyn realized where she was.
-ARE YOU FOR REAL?!?! I somehow ended up in a crossover of True Blood and Twilight! With a bit of Dragon Age thrown in because my new father is an elf that parents came from Thedas! My new mom is the lost daughter of the Faerie King and adopted sister to the Charlie Swan.... Am I some OC in someone's fan fiction?!- Evelyn was a bit overwhelmed with her newest discovery, but tried to keep come not to worry her parents.
"Yes, this is where your new life will begin. Where both True Blood and Twilight exist. I was hoping having your new father be someone that connects you to your life as Vhenan would comfort you. As well as having a Fae mother to explain why you are an Elven Fae. Though you are not the same type of faerie as her. Since I made it to where you would be reborn in your original form. Even though you will have to start as a babe you will eventually be physically as you once were as Vhenan. Calm Little One, for you are not alone. For you will have your new family and you will always have me, my friend." Fate spoke soothingly to Evelyn within her mind.
-Fate?! How are you here?! Wait... Can anyone else hear you?- Evelyn worried Fate was somehow speaking out loud, but after looking at her parents. Seeing them act normal like nothing was said and cooing at her had her relax a bit.
"No, only you can hear me remember Vhenan. I only came after I felt your slight panic to comfort you. Now I must go, call for me if you need me." Fate said as his presence in Evelyn's mind faded away.
Evelyn calmed after Fate's little talk and realized how much her friend cared for her. He let her go to her first rebirth to heal and now he made sure she would be comfortable in her new life.
While Evelyn thought of these things looking up to her new parents faces. Someone had knocked on her mother's hospital room door. -That can't be the doctor or a nurse since they had just left not too long ago. So who could that be at the door?-
John got up from his seat next to his two girls and opened the door revealing Charlie Swan and his wife Renee. -Wow they look so much like the movie version of them. They look so young too and where is Charlie's mustache?! I'm not used to seeing him without his mustache.- Evelyn looked at them wide eyed with curiosity from her mother's arms.
I'm going to be splitting her childhood into two chapters. After that will start the beginning of Twilight.
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