This is set at the end of book 6, after Moon and Quibli confronted Icicle but before Winter went to look for her. Winter is not aware yet moon could read minds.
I hate myself thought Winter. I hate myself and I failed to save him again Hailstorm I'm sorry. Icicle, I'm sorry I failed you, I'm sorry I still believe I did the right thing. Why am I in love with moon, why does everyone hate me, how is Hailstorm alive? Why is everything so complicated?
Moon heard these thoughts in his head, and it hurt her to see how much pain he was in.
Maybe it would be better if I just left and never came back. Maybe then I wouldn't hurt anyone. But I can't leave Moon now that I know her I can never leave her how did I survive before? But she would be safer if I left. It seems no once can escape the damage I've done. Icicle, I'm sorry I failed you.
Quibli, I'm sorry I hate you for loving Moon. I know you deserve her more than I do.
Hailstorm, I'm sorry I couldn't save you.
Moon... I'm sorry I'm in love with you. It would be easier for everyone if I wasn't.
Moon couldn't take it. They were in a hallway in Jade Mountain, and she stopped dead in her tracks. She had to stop his pain, so much was being caused by her. She had never so much wished the mind reading could be reversed, and he could hear her. Because she wasn't sure she had the courage to tell him out loud she was in love with him.
"Don't be sorry." She said.
"What?!" Said Winter, looking panicked.
"Don't be sorry you're in love with me."
"How... How did you... Mind
reading... Have you heard me this whole time?" He looked so afraid like he was about to collapse. Moon wondered if she was doing the right thing.
"It's okay Winter. Because... Because... I love you too." There was a frozen moment. They stared at each other. Then, before either of them knew it, they were kissing, and Moons mind went blissfully blank. She couldn't hear anyone, no one else existed except for him. They broke apart. She heard something drop loudly to the floor behind them. She turned to see Quibli drop his scrolls and run. She started to go after him, but Winter stopped her.
"You don't need him. We can be so much together."
"I may be in love with you. But he's my friend too." Moon whispered. She took off to find Quibli.
He was sitting in his room that he shared with Winter with his eyes shut. He didn't see her enter.
"Quibli?" She said gently. She saw his wings tense but he didn't respond.
By the moons, she heard him think, why did she have to fall in love with Winter?
This king of decreased in quality as it went on sorry.
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