Tie The Lines
I was once straight...
Like a sidewalk in the evening sky.
My roads were sanitary...
My concrete was solid...
I could hold the weight of anything...
I could smile beyond the structures...
But all it took was one day...
One day...
When a storm presents the gale of Zeus...
Thrusting catastrophes at its fingertips...
Sealing my lips...
Blow after blow to my domain...
My road was never the same...
After that day...
After my contortion...
Roses would never grow on my yellow strips...
Diamonds no longer walked in silence...
The air no longer inhaled my swinging memories...
The mirror was shattered...
The pieces smell of rotten meat...
I wonder if the edges were meant to be sticky...
Curvaceous hollows pointing towards my shadow...
Crushing my inner angels...
But I know this pain all too well...
Realizing the damage wasn't that bad...
Realizing that I was still durable...
Realizing that my cracks and scars were symbols...
Symbols of my existence that no one else has...
The symbolic approval of life...
So while you laugh at the curves I present...
The enormous potholes that shake your foundation...
The concrete that has been separated by mother nature...
I will be the path that shows the agony of existence, yet the tale of life...
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