And then,
Like a flash at twilight,
He saw the light
His eyes lit -up
His face beamed
His ears twitched
He had found his answer—
Lantana's POV
I almost fainted. "What do you mean? I haven't done anything,"I said sweetly, eyes wide,trying to act like a timid little girl. He laughed. "Smart move. Playing dumb. But we both know....I saw what you did,"he said, pausing for a dramatic effect. He circled me, eyeing me suspiciously ." Helping the enemy eyy. That could earn you glorious whipping at the post. Maybe I'll even be the one to punish you. Poor little thing. Too bad. You were almost pretty." I trembled. He had seen everything. Now I was doomed. I didn't know what to do next. "But..."he continued,"we could make a fair trade. You help me,and I won't say a single word about what I saw. Do we have a deal?" I took in a deep breath and thought about my options. Not that I had any. If he talked, everyone would believe him and take his word for it as he was white and I would be punished severely. I still wanted to live to see Maingi again. Thinking of him made my heart flutter. I sighed and turned to face him. " Fine. We have a deal," I said. He smiled. " Good. Meet me at midnight. Same place. Come alone and make sure no one follows you. I'll tell you the plan then."he said.
Before I could reply,we heard footsteps heading towards us. Jason appeared holding a rifle in his hands. He approached us with a questioning look on his face. "What is going on here?"he asked. "Nothing sir! We were looking around to see if there were any wounded OHMS guards around here. Right?"he said facing me. I nodded not even bothering to look at Jason. And with that,the guard gave me a nod and took his leave. I remained standing there with Jason. "Is anything the matter?"he asked looking concerned. I didn't answer him. Instead, I started heading out of the forest. Jason followed suit. "Lantana? Lantana! Please stop,"he said. "What!"I shouted,"can't a slave have any peace !" The words came out harsher than intended."I'm sorry if I annoyed you. You just seem a little shaken. Are you okay? Please tell me,"he said with a pleading tone. I couldn't help but roll my eyes. This was the least of my worries. All that boy seemed to cause was trouble. Last thing I needed now was him to find out that I helped a Mau Mau fighter. " It's none of your business!"I yelled back at him. He recoiled. I knew that yelling at your master was forbidden but I couldn't care less now. I continued walking towards the plantation. The fire had been put out. But it had done a lot of damage. On the bright side,the white settlers would go to loss but on the other hand us black slaves would have to work hard to replant the tea. But a fire of rebellion had been ignited in our hearts and it gave us hope for freedom. For an end to forced labour and land alienation. To go back to the way things were before the settlers ever set foot in our land. It made me smile a little.
Since the fire had been taken care of and the wounded soldiers had been treated, everyone started heading home quietly. Jason and I walked home silently both lost in our own thoughts. Some of my earlier excitement came back and I couldn't wait to tell Wacii about my encounter with Maingi. I also made a mental note to meet the guard at night. I felt bad for yelling at Jason and that made me wonder. I somehow felt that my feelings for Jason were a thing of the past. Maybe some things were better left that way.
Jason's POV
Lantana's words stung me. She yelled at me with a hint of bitterness. Did she hate me now? Did she no longer have feelings for me? Were they ever there in the first place? I shook those thoughts out of my head. Something had happened in the forest with that guard. He had upset her. I vowed to find out what he did. I would keep a close eye on Lantana to find out the truth. And maybe while I was on it, I'd confess my feelings for her. Maybe she felt the same way too. I sighed and walked quietly the rest of the way home.
An update after ages
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