𝓗 2 𝓗
after having this feast in the great hall, the students were brought to their dormitories by the heads of the houses: lisa for gryffindor, jennie for slytherin, jisoo for hufflepuff, and rosé for ravenclaw.
everybody was given their rooms, where their stuff had already been brought.
hogwarts paired students by age to make bonding time easier.
"we're sharing the same room!" chenle exclaimed, opening the door on which were written in a beautiful handwriting their names.
"thank god!" jisung exclaimed, entering their new bedroom.
the room wasn't that big, but it was enough for two teenagers.
their beds were next to each other's, separated by a bedside table.
the sheets were pale yellow, with beavers embroidered.
there was a large desk opposite the beds, and a huge window.
"woah, this place is amazing..." jisung let out, admiring the view. "it's almost... magical..."
"that's the point, ji." chenle said, plopping on the bed that he had been assigned. "everything is magical here."
"yeah, you're right." jisung chuckled.
"you'll see." chenle spoke after a few seconds as jisung was still immersed with looking at the view outside. "this place is the coolest and the safest place to be."
"how can you know that?"
"mom is a wizard. she went to hogwarts. and she told me these were the best years of her life."
jising nodded, making his way towards the empty bed before sitting on it, facing his best friend.
"let's spend the best years of our lives as well then."
renjun opened the door he had just knocked on.
this was supposed to become his room for the year, and the few years to come.
he hedn't met his roommate yet, but he was about to.
"hello..." the newcomer spoke. "i'm huang renjun, your roommate."
"oh, hello!"
a tall and smiling boy walked towards the small one, shaking his hand energetically.
"i'm lucas, half blood on second year at hogwarts."
"nice to meet you. i'm a pure blood. and it's my first year." renjun replied, looking up to meet the boy's eyes.
"make yourself at home, renjun." lucas added.
the pure blood unpacked his things, placing his set of clothes in the cupboard and organizing the bedside table as he wished.
renjun picked up an animated picture out of his bag, dusting the frame off before placing it on the bedside table with a small smile.
"she's very pretty." lucas said, looking at the picture as renjun was back to organizing his stuff. "is she your girlfriend?"
renjun raised his head, finding lucas admiring the picture of his mother laughing under a tree at a rather your age.
"she's my mother." renjun replied.
"oh, my bad." lucas apologized.
"it's okay..."
renjun didn't feel like adding more details about his mother's condition, so he continued unpacking his stuff, hoping that the giant he was sharing a room with wouldn't ask for more.
"a wonderful setting, as expected from the best house." jaemin let out, looking at the gloomy corridor in which were hanging silver lamps.
"our dormitory is located under the black lake, which explains the lack of luminosity and the cold atmosphere."
jaemin turned to his left where a brunette was standing, admiring the place as much as he was.
"lee donhyuck." the brunette said with a charming smile.
"na jaemin." jaemin answered. "pure blood from the slytherin house since 8 generations."
"very pleased to meet you." donghyuck smiled.
"same here." jaemin nodded.
"you seem to know lots of things." jaemin said as both boys made their way towards the dorms.
"i learned a lot from the books." donghyuck replied. "i find this extraordinary and very interesting."
"you're right." jaemin smiled. "oh, here is my dorm."
the two boys looked at the tag on the door, their eyes widening when they read the two names.
"we're sharing a dorm." donghyuck said.
"that's great!" jaemin opened the door. "i already feel like we're going to be very good friends."
both jaemin and donghyuck unpacked their stuff, exchanging a few words while doing so.
they came to talk about quidditch and how jaemin wanted to be a seeker.
of course, donghyuck knew about it thanks to every book about hogwarts and the magical world he read.
"you could get on the team too." jaemin said.
"i'll have to try, but i'm not sure i'll be the best." donghyuck shrugged.
"have you never played quidditch?" jaemin raised a brow.
donghyuck shook his head.
"oh my god, that means you're on the same level as those lost muggles..." he chuckled.
"huh... yeah?"
"don't worry, i'll teach you." jaemin said, placing a comforting hand on donghyuck's shoulder, making the other boy smile.
jeno was standing inside what is supposed to be the gryffindor common room with a frown on his face.
he was lost, both in his mind and in real life.
"huh... excuse me?"
the raven haired turned around when he felt someone poking his shoulder.
a boy with a dark blue mop of hair and high cheekbones was standing in from of him.
"are you perhaps lee jeno?" he asked.
jeno nodded, quite taken aback by the fact this stranger knew his name.
"i'm mark lee, your roommate. i was waiting for you inside the room, but you never came."
"huh... sorry, i'm a bit lost with everything happening."
mark chuckled at the frowning boy. "it's okay, come with me, i'll show you the way."
jeno followed his supposed roommate inside a corridor until they reached a door on which was written 'mark lee' and 'lee jeno'.
"welcome." mark said, opening the door.
jeno was amazed by the immensity of their room.
it had a high ceiling from which was hanging a golden chandelier, many large windows, and red tapestries with golden embroideries on the walls.
the two beds were separated but very large, surrounded by golden curtains.
"woah..." jeno let out.
"yeah... i had the same face when i first arrived here last year." mark chuckled.
"you've been here for a year already?" jeno asked.
"i have."
"so... you know what this place is?" jeno continued.
mark raised a brow, not quite understanding jeno's question.
"like... hogwarts?"
"yeah." jeno nodded. "is it some kind of asylum for bad students?"
"huh... no." mark's frown intensified. "it's a school for wizards."
"wizards?" jeno asked feeling like the other was mocking him.
"yeah. like wands, spells, potions..." mark listed. "wizards."
"i am not a wizard. i am a human." jeno told.
"yeah, humans can be wizards too. we call them muggles. there are lots of muggles here." mark explained. "i am a half-blood. my father is a wizard, but my mother is a muggle."
"are you sure this is not an asylum?" jeno furrowed his brows.
"of course not, jeno." mark chuckled. "i'll give you a tour and explain everything tomorrow if you want."
"yeah, that would be very needed, thank you." jeno replied, nodding his head.
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