𝓗 16 𝓗
"mark?" a sleepy jeno opened his eyes to look at his roommate. "where are you going in the middle of the night?"
"infirmary." mark replied simply.
"why would you..." jeno started, but despite his tiredness, he understood why mark had decided to go there. "you're whipped for a boy you barely know."
"shut up." mark blushed, thanking the gods that it was late at night, making the room too dark for jeno to see.
the older boy walked out of their dorm in silence, exiting the common room as well and making his way towards the infirmary.
he didn't know why he had suddenly wanted to go there and see the slytherin keeper.
he had felt the urge to go to him and maybe talk?
why hadn't he done it during the day? he had no idea either.
perhaps that he wanted to be alone with him? like, really alone?
with no one – like jaemin – to disturb them.
and that's how mark found himself opening the infirmary door, peeking through its opening to look at the bed he had brought the slytherin back to a few days before.
sadly, the bed was empty.
what was he expecting?
donghyuck wouldn't spend his whole scholarship in the infirmary.
he surely was healed, and didn't need to stay all day in bed anymore.
mark walked out of the room, quite disappointed about the absence of the younger.
he was all giddy to finally see him and have a real conversation with him.
but it seemed like the world was against him.
he climbed up the stairs, heading back towards the gryffindor common room, but stopped in his tracks when he saw light above him, on the third floor.
this was where the deathly hollows were supposed to be.
and it was forbidden to go there.
and if mark could manage to catch the person who stole them, it would give him a lot of recognition from the teachers and the director.
he didn't hesitate one second before walking to the third floor, pushing the already unlocked door open and walking inside the long corridor towards the deathly hollows room.
he pushed the door open and revealed the dark room in which the three magical objects were levitating.
wait- three?!
before mark could be shocked, he was pushed behind a wooden wardrobe, and a hand was placed over his mouth as voices could be heard approaching the room he was in.
mark glanced at the person that had saved him, his eyes widening when he realised it was the brunette he had been wanting to see.
"donghyuck?" he whispered, lowering the boy's hand.
"shh. they're coming."
a group of people entered the room, mostly teachers, accompanied by the dean, the head houses and the nurse.
"it is back?"
"are you sure it isn't a hologram?"
"i managed to grab it."
"this makes absolutely no sense."
"at least we don't need to search for the responsible anymore."
"yeah, our job is done."
"we have to make sure none of the deathly hollows leave this room anymore."
"how do we do that?"
"reinforce the spells guarding them. the doors should be locked better."
"and we need someone to guard the third floor."
"we'll set that in place starting tomorrow. for now, not a word about this to anyone."
"and we pay attention to any abnormal behaviour."
the group left the room, leaving mark and donghyuck the only persons left in the dark room.
"what are you doing here?" mark asked to the brunette. "wait, don't tell me- "
"i didn't steal it." donghyuck replied. "i was sick, remember?"
"oh, yeah." mark nodded.
"and what are you doing here, mister gryffindor?" donghyuck asked.
"my name is mark."
"yeah, whatever. why are you here?" he asked, placing his hands on his hips.
mark chuckled at the boy's cuteness. "that's surely not to place the wand back because i arrived there after you did, and the wand was already back."
"true." donghyuck nodded.
the two boys didn't speak for a few seconds, donghyuck avoiding mark's eyes that were on him the whole time.
"why are you looking at me like that...?" the younger asked, hiding his blush behind his hands.
"you're cute." mark said confidently.
now that he was standing directly in front of the slytherin boy, he had to admit that he was very cute, and that he had an adorable personality.
his brown here was slightly messed up because he had surely slept for a bit, his eyes were not fully open because of tiredness, and his flushed cheeks just made mark want to pinch them.
"t-thanks..." he mumbled. "and thank you for what you did for me..."
mark smiled sheepishly.
"thank you for bringing me back to the infirmary. and also, for preventing me to get hit by a bludger for the second time. i hope your teammates didn't bother you too much with what you did..."
mark smiled even wider as he felt the urge to ruffle the boy's hair, which he did.
"i couldn't leave you there. you worried me a lot that day. and having you being sick like that again was a no-no."
donghyuck blushed again as he wasn't used to receiving this much care and attention from a boy he barely knew – and mostly, a hot boy.
"are you going back to sleep?" mark asked.
"later maybe." donghyuck replied.
"would you like to... wander around school with me?"
donghyuck shyly nodded, making mark chuckle again at so much cuteness.
the older boy slipped his hand in one of the brunettes' ones, making donghyuck's heartbeat fasten incredibly.
"don't hesitate to tell me if something goes wrong or if you don't feel well." mark said, tightening his grip on the boy's hand and heading out of the deathly hollows room the most silently possible, with a blushing donghyuck on his heels.
"where were you?"
donghyuck gulped when he arrived in the infirmary and that jaemin was wide awake, sitting on his bed.
"h-huh..." donghyuck stuttered.
he would never admit that he had just spent the best night of his life, talking with a half-blood gryffindor who found him cute and whom he found hot. mainly because jaemin didn't like him.
"i heard the dean saying that something was up with the deathly hollows." donghyuck lied. well, technically, it wasn't a lie. it had just happened four hours ago.
"have they been stolen?" jaemin asked, now interested, as if he had completely forgotten about donghyuck being away from his bed in the middle of the night.
"no. the wand has been put back." he told.
"what? they found the stealer?"
"apparently, they didn't. the stealer must have placed it back. and the teachers decided to reinforce the spells that guard them." donghyuck explained.
jaemin nodded. "we still have a chance to find who did that before they do then."
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