𝓗 8 𝓗
"and 10 points scored by ravenclaw!"
the whole stadium roared as the ravenclaw chasers high-fived.
they were 15minutes into the ravenclaw-slytherin quidditch match of the day.
half of the school was present, watching carefully as the quaffle passed from chaser to chaser, and as the beaters threw bludgers around. the golden snitch hadn't made its appearance yet. that is why the two seekers were flying around, looking for the little ball.
jaemin noticed the chinese seeker levitating high in the sky, above the pitch, and out of reach from the bludgers.
the raven-haired flew to him, a wide smirk plastered on his face.
"hello cutie." he said, scaring renjun.
"god, you scared me." the chinese replied, readjusting his googles on his head.
"i hope you won't be too sad when your team will lose."
the chinese diverted his attention to the slytherin, his breath itching at the sight.
jaemin was sitting on his broom sick, his black hair messily flying around because of the wind, and his hand often combing the strands back.
damn, seeker jaemin was hot.
"too mesmerized by the looks, cutie?" jaemin grinned when he noticed the other seeker staring for too long.
"i wasn't." renjun denied. "and don't call me that."
"why not?" jaemin approached him into the air. "you're cute."
renjun tried to ignore the sudden heat coming to his cheeks as he was complimented.
"we're on a game at the moment." renjun coughed. "there's no time to flirt."
"it's always the time to flirt, cutie."
renjun glared at the other boy before diverting his eyes back on the field to analyse the match.
renjun smirked as one of his teammates scored another goal.
"10 new points for ravenclaw! score: 20-0 for ravenclaw!"
he looked at jaemin once again.
"you should train more. 20-0. that's a shame for the na son." renjun teased.
"well, you still need to score 14 times to make sure we'll lose. let me remind you i'll be the one to catch the golden snitch." jaemin tackled back immediately.
before he could answer, renjun noticed a small golden object flying just behind jaemin.
he kept his eyes on it, not needing a second more to understand that this was the ball he needed to catch.
"watch me proving you wrong." renjun muttered before bolting away, surprising jaemin.
the raven-haired looked around, noticing his fellow seeker flying full-speed behind the golden snitch. he didn't waste a second to follow them at an inhumane speed.
"30 points for ravenclaw!"
jaemin cursed in his head as the opposite team scored 10points once again.
donghyuck always stopped the ball at trainings. why would he let three quaffles pass through the loops in such an important match?
jaemin didn't get the time to think about an answer as he found himself dodging a bludger last second.
renjun was still close behind the golden snitch, his arm held out to grab the ball and end the match. but this wasn't possible. not in jaemin's position.
slytherin would win.
seeing renjun flying right above the bleachers, jaemin bolted in his direction, aiming for the chinese seeker instead of the golden snitch.
renjun was too close from it.
jaemin had to do something about it.
that is why the boy collided full force with the chinese boy, taking him off-guard and making him lose control of his broom. renjun's figure fell in the air, landing a second after in the middle of the gryffindor bleachers, right in the crowd.
"how will you prove me wrong now...?" jaemin smirked, his eyes diverting to the golden snitch before flying behind it.
jeno was peacefully sitting in the bleachers, next to dozens of other students. mark was by his side, clapping loudly.
jeno wasn't really paying attention to the game.
he didn't really care about it actually.
he just wanted slytherin to lose – which seem to start the good way because the current score was 30-0.
anyway, he wasn't that interested.
and so, he was the last one to lift his head when the whole bleacher started screaming because of something falling from the sky.
jeno immediately held his arms out, catching the figure that was falling from the sky easily.
the boy had his eyes shut close, and he was trembling from stress, also clutching to jeno when he landed into his arms.
the gryffindor looked at the boy in his arms, raising an eyebrow.
the boy slowly opened his eyes, placing his googles on his forehead before acknowledging his position and getting to his feet in a few seconds.
"i'm sorry!" he squeaked.
"it's okay." jeno replied. "but... how...?"
"i'm the ravenclaw seeker. and na fucking jaemin made me fall."
before jeno could answer, a loud beep resonated through the stadium.
"the golden snitch has been caught! final score: 150-30 for slytherin!"
renjun let out a curse in his native language as jeno rolled his eyes.
"sorry, i need to find my broom again." renjun spoke once the cheering crowd had died down a bit.
"i didn't get your name." jeno said, catching the boy's wrist. "i'm lee jeno, by the way."
"i'm huang renjun." the chinese replied. "nice to meet you."
"same for you." jeno smiled brightly at the cute short boy.
"and thank you very much for saving me." renjun waved at him.
"oh, it's huh... normal? i guess?"
renjun chuckled at his panicked state.
"see you around."
"good job, jaemin!"
"well done!"
"you did good there, na!"
jaemin thanked his teammates when he landed on the ground, high-fiving them on his way. he was looking for his best friend, but he was nowhere to be seen.
"oh, jaemin!" his coach stopped him. "very good game!" he added.
"thanks coach."
"you caught it quickly despite the wind, and that's not the easiest task."
"yeah, thank you." jaemin smiled. "huh... coach? do you know where donghyuck is?"
"donghyuck?" he asked for confirmation, to which jaemin nodded. "he was hit by a bludger 5 minutes into the match. he should be at the infirmary at the moment."
jaemin's eyes widened at the sudden revealation.
his best friend had been hit by a bludger, and he had had to go to the nurse, and jaemin hadn't even noticed it?
this explained why ravenclaws kept scoring goals.
"thanks coach, i'll go check on him!"
jaemin ran to the nurse, opening the door quite violently before making his way to the bed donghyuck was lying on.
"is he okay?" he asked the nurse that was standing a few meters away from him.
"he was hit on the shoulder, but fell on the head." she explained. "nothing's broken, but he might feel dizzy for a few days. he'll wake up soon, don't worry."
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