𝓗 14 𝓗
"i can play, jaemin, i swear!" donghyuck whined as his best friend tried convincing their coach not to let the brunette play.
"donghyuck, you were throwing up this morning." jaemin looked at him sternly. "i can't let you fly 15 meters above the ground, with meanies trying to harm you."
"i have to play!"
"it's too dangerous."
the coach rolled his eyes next to the two boys. he just wanted his team to win, he didn't really mind if donghyuck would play or not.
"you know what? deal with this on your own." he said. "but if he doesn't play, make sure to find a replacement for him."
the coach left the two boys alone to have a chat with the chasers.
jaemin was wide-eyed, and donghyuck smirked.
"i play." donghyuck said.
"no." jaemin retorted immediately. "i'll find a replacement."
"who? we need the three chasers, we need the two beaters, and we obviously need you as the seeker."donghyuck listed.
"we'll find someone else, who's not from the team."
donghyuck snapped his fingers in front of jaemin's eyes.
"hello? earth to jaemin? i don't know if you realised it, but the match starts in four minutes, which means that you won't be able to find anyone." donghyuck told.
"shut up!" jaemin tsked.
jaemin thought for a few seconds as donghyuck looked at him intensely.
he wanted to play. he was sure he would be able to play.
he already felt way better than the days before.
"we'll find a solution." jaemin said.
"jaemin, be realist. either i play, either we give up."
jaemin glared at his best friend.
"there's no way we give up. i'm never going to give the muggle this pleasure." he spat, making donghyuck roll his eyes.
jaemin had discovered a few days before that jeno was part of the quidditch team, and that his post was chaser.
jaemin being jaemin, he told himself that losing a match against a muggle would be a shame for him. and so, he decided that he would win this match, no matter what.
"there's only one solution left then..." donghyuck said, his smirk widening.
"i hate it, but you're right..."
"jeno you take right, mark you take left!"
the two chasers nodded before flying full speed behind the slytherin player that was holding the quaffle.
the three gryffindor chasers circled him, hoping for him to get scared and deconcentrate, but the slytherin didn't pay attention to them and shot the ball backwards to another slytherin chaser.
this one flew easily towards the gryffindor loops, scoring a goal.
"10 more points for slytherin. current score: 30-20 for slytherin." the speaker exclaimed as the crowd screamed.
mark sighed, flying back towards the centre of the stadium where the quaffle would be put in play. he waited for the other players to get in place too, dodging a bludger on his way.
mark gave a guick glance to the slytherin keeper, who seemed to have his head in the stars.
the brunette was holding tight to his broomstick, as if he was afraid to fall.
mark immediately diverted his attention on the quaffle which had been thrown up in the air.
he agilely caught it, flying away as soon as possible, the other players on his heels.
he could see the beaters trying to aim for him with the bludgers, but he got through them skilfully. he ended passing the ball to jeno who wasn't surrounded by slytherin players.
jeno found himself in front of the loops, with the quaffle, and so, he took his opportunity and shoot the ball.
unfortunately, donghyuck stopped it and threw it to one of his teammates.
jeno let out a disappointed sigh.
"as expected from a mugblood!" a voice said above him.
jeno lifted his eyes, seeing the annoying slytherin sitting on his broom with the smuggest expression ever.
"seriously, fuck- "
jeno didn't get the time to finish his sentence, he got interrupted by their team captain who was asking for his help in defence.
and so, he flew towards them, not forgetting to give jaemin the finger before disappearing from his sight.
the quaffle travelled across the quidditch pitch at a high speed, often passing through the loops, making the crowd applaud loudly.
gryffindor had finally managed to take the lead, but slytherins were persistent and willing to win this game.
mark wiped the sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand as he glanced at the slytherin keeper.
he had done that a lot during the game.
let's say that he was worried for the boy. he had witnessed him fainting in the bathroom after throwing up a few days before, and he still seemed to be uneasy this high above the ground on a broomstick.
mark was quite close to him at the moment. his team was attacking, and jeno was the one dodging the slytherins with the quaffle. mark was a few meters away from the loops, there to score a goal if jeno threw him the quaffle.
donghyuck was holding his broomstick firmly as his eyes were concentrated on the quaffle.
he looked cute in mark's eyes.
his head was tilted up slightly so that he could see the ball, passing from hand to hand under his bangs.
he looked so soft and innocent.
the quaffle landed in his hands, and mark's eyes – that were on donghyuck – met his chocolate orbs.
mark woke up from his trance, pulling his arm back and aiming for the closest loop.
however, he didn't shoot.
something caught his eye.
it was a ball. a rather small one. and it was threatening to hit donghyuck. and it flew at quite a high speed.
mark didn't need five seconds to understand that it was a bludger, and that it would hit donghyuck and hurt him if he didn't do anything.
and so, mark did what he thought was right.
his arm threw the quaffle, but not in the direction of the loop to score a point. he threw the quaffle full force in the trajectory of the bludger.
and he did well, because the quaffle hit the bludger and prevented it from touching donghyuck.
a smile appeared on mark's face as he managed to keep the brunette safe, but when he looked towards his teammates, he gulped seeing their astonished faces as the slytherins caught the quaffle and flew towards the other part of the pitch.
"oh shit." mark mumbled, realising that he had probably missed an opportunity of making his team win, and this, to save his opponent – well, his cute and adorable opponent.
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