The next day, Ryan felt exhausted. He ended up staying at Bryce's house until midnight, the two laughing and talking as they sat around and played games. It was nice. Ryan had a lot of fun, and he learned a lot about Bryce.
For example, Bryce had four cats. Ellie, Dusty, Shiba, and Taquito. He also had Luke's cat now, which made five.
He also learned that Bryce could sing very nicely, and that he played soccer and sometimes went jogging in the mornings. His favorite video game was basically any Zelda game, and his favorite food was ice cream.
Ryan had tried to mention that, you know, ice cream isn't considered a food, but Bryce wasn't having any of it.
Unfortunately, their fun time together had come to an end, and now Ryan was stuck going to Jonathan's house to make sure he didn't do anything stupid while angry. It wasn't that he had to do it, it was more along the lines of 'Ryan didn't trust Jonathan to be careful on his own.'
So when he pulled up, at 11:30 on a Saturday morning, Ryan was legitimately baffled when Jonathan walked out and hugged Ryan, with no context at all. Just straight up hugged him.
"Uh.. Del? What's the hug for?" Ryan hugged back awkwardly, trying his best to relax.
"I felt bad for yesterday. I shouldn't have blown up like that. Especially with Bryce- Oh, oh god, I have to go apologize to Bryce!" Jonathan suddenly pulls away, giving Ryan a worried look. "Is Bryce okay? He's a bit sensitive, and I really shouldn't have been such a dick to him yesterday, did you check up on him too?"
Ryan shrugged. "He seemed okay when I left, I mean, he wasn't heartbroken that you yelled at him or anything."
Jonathan nods, then grins at Ryan, patting the top of his head. "You're so short, Ohm. I like that. You're a good short friend."
Ryan huffed, then began to walk to his car. "You're fine! I don't know why I was worried in the first place!"
"Awh, was Ohmie worried about me? You're such a sweet boyfriend, Ohm!" Jon cackles to himself, then blows a kiss to Ryan. "I love you too, okay, Ryan? You remember that!"
Ryan rolls his eyes, a smile finding its way onto his face as he waves goodbye and begins to drive away. As he made his way home, Ryan couldn't help but feel nervous.
For reasons he couldn't quite explain, there was a sense of dread forming in the pit of Ryan's stomach. Something felt wrong, something was off, there was something happening that Ryan didn't know about.
He pushed the feeling away, though, and forced himself to continue his day like nothing was wrong.
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