Reason for a nightmare
Commander Luthor POV
Silver ribbons flickered with the pump of oxygen from the ducts. The sound of distant supply turbines near the earth's surface. The commander sometimes let the hum of distant propellers fill her mind, instead of painful memories. Hidden like a rat in that hole, miles below ground, like everyone else in the same position.
But wouldn't stop the whirlwind, even if she stuck her head in a washing machine. The spiral of memories of the most terrifying events that brought humanity to its knees. It started six years ago with the end of the Titans. Then the rain came, just a year later, opening the once small wound, tearing up hope's chest. Until finally finished the job, with the death of Lex, three years ago.
How did all this happen? She squinted her eyes, pulling at the sheets. Hell, sleep was impossible.
The commander put on her military uniform, checked her weapon, and wandered through the corridors. Time changed little underground anyway, and her friend would be awake for her. She flicked her wrist over the log reader, and the door opened into darkness, a dead-end hallway. The brunette turned on a flashlight and followed down the spiral steps to a flooded part. There was the bridge or the bottom, but only if you had the gills for the last one. She followed with water on her knees to a cavity that came out in a small garden. They had deactivated the north wing of the facility after the collapse; AFTER THE NUCLEAR BOMB IDEAI.
It was that or open the Phantom Zone.
Which, anyway, they did both. Her brother's idea, and facing the world's madness, seemed the sanest person, or what they could do. The aim was to lock her in there, or something to keep her there.
Not the first and not the second made it.
She was the devil itself. That was the most reasonable answer.
Enough, for a second head, give it a break, ok!
The brunette sat in the small green area, exhaling heavily, listening to the hurried muffled footsteps in the grass and excited barking.
"Kara," she hugged the cheerful dog. The mutt was huge, a drooling troglodyte. "Look what I brought you." She took a strip of jerky from her pocket.
The dog sat up and bowed her head, crying.
"I don't like it either, but that's what we have. Don't want? So I'll eat in front of you." The furry bite the piece of dry ox, and she devoured everything before the owner. Spending time there was the best thing Luthor could do to keep from freaking out. Caress the furry belly with the wagging tail, named after that person; the one who, perhaps, had caused more horror to her than Krugger herself.
"Commander," It came from the radio.
"Copy," answered.
"Commander, jet 6-21 requesting landing permission."
"Open it. I don't want anyone there but the three captains of the fort. I'm on my way." Finished the call. "Yeah, your mommy has arrived." She said to the furry one, who replied with her tail wagging.
The hangar had just closed the floodgates, the jet's engine hadn't even shut off, and the commander's eyes sought the agents of the ally's recovery mission. The pilot, and the...
Her heart leapt, caught in her throat.
The hero appeared wrapped in a black cloak, strange for the normal appearance of the banner of hope. But deep down, she knew that this was a disguise.
"Welcome to War Hammer Fort, Supergirl. We were waiting for your arrival. As always, the data from the fight is ready for you. And the team of experts at your disposal." Cold as it should be. The three captains said no word. They all looked like marble statues. There was nothing to be happy about. They were at war, and on the looser side.
"Commander Luthor, thank you for the reception. I will analyze the data immediately in the company of specialists, under your supervision." Said the ally of the agency.
From there, Lena could see the blonde's great effort to keep upright. Even the black cape could not deceive her eyes, which knew the super's body so well.
"I'll assemble the team myself, dismissed." Said the commander, getting rid of the captains. The second the door closed, the super bent forward, clutching her belly. And not only that, there was a crimson trail behind her, camouflaged in the jet's color. She took a step on the pale metal of the hangar, and a puddle remained in her footprint, not that she was the only one to puddle the floor. "Careful," she asked, holding the blonde's shoulders.
"I'm fine," she replied through gritted teeth.
So close, right there in front of her.
What an urge to hold her, to pull her into her arms at that moment, to never let go, but she couldn't. It wasn't the place; it wasn't the time.
It would never be.
A long time ago, the super had made clear the line that divided them.
"Fort Xerxes," Supergirl said worriedly, until she took another necktie, which placed her face in the commander's belly.
"Danvers!" said the brunette.
"Luthor!" The redhead returned. "The only thing you're going to check now is a shower. You have a dead smell that you can feel with your eyes!"
The super got up without looking at anyone and headed for the exit.
"You can use the shower in my room. Nobody will bother you there." She offered, but the super didn't seem to like the idea at all.
"I'm going to the changing rooms. I won't want to bother you by painting your room in red," she replied.
"It's not a matter of courtesy, nor a clean floor, but about tarnishing the symbol of hope." The commander kept her voice steady, though she trembled inside.
"She's right. No one else can see you like this," said Alex. "Go to the commander's room. Later I'll see these wounds. Now I'm going to the med room. I have to see that idiot's broken arm. Next time, give him a headshot, Luthor."
The redhead gone, and the fort commander was alone with Supergirl, for a wretched silence to fill the gap between them, each in its own puddle.
Later that day, Commander Luthor went to her room, thinking about the hero. Perhaps Alex's room was more correct, but the safest room of all was hers, and there she would be well guarded. After all, she was the last hero.
The last.
Good to keep this rare item well.
When she pressed the door with her wrist, and it closed behind her, the brunette heard the shower. But it had been hours since their arrival. Just now she got into the bathroom?
Who was she to say something to the last super?
She hesitated to call for her, but when she lifted the reddish heavy black cloak, Luthor kicked the bathroom door to find the last super unconscious inside the shower stall, pale steam in the air, and crimson on the floor, going down the drain.
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