starting point
Why did Yeosang has to be the emotionally cold one. He hated it. Hate how his own members, family, disrespect him. He wasn't in the wrong. They were. After all, all Yeosang did was to eat the chocolate muffin in the fridge. He was hungry. So why did Seonghwa got angry...he didn't know. All he knew was, he needed to be careful. He was never the one to tell his problems. Never, the nights he cried himself to sleep. Trying to stay quiet, his sobs never stopping until the sun start to rise.
"You ok?" Seonghwa would ask. The answer always the same.
"Yeah, couldn't sleep well," Yeosang would reply. Rubbing his swollen eyes that the other members fall for the 'just woke up thats why' excuse.
It was never enough though. Wooyoung, especially, noticed Yeosang's odd behavior from far. The night sleepless as he listened to his bestfriends cries everynight, not knowing what to do. It was all a mess. A big, tangled mess.
Oh, how he wanted to hold Yeosang. Hold his beloved and kiss his face until the tears stopped falling down his beautiful face. How he wanted to rub his back, whisper soothing words in his ear, tell him that everything will be ok. That he is with him. But he couldn't.
Wooyoung was a coward. He couldn't tell Yeosang, his bestfriend of years, that everything is ok. He just couldn't.
"Hey, you ok?" Was the first thing Yeosang heard that morning. He shook his head.
"I'm so fucking tired," he whispered. As he rubbed his face, he didn't miss the flas of worry crossing Wooyoungs face. In instict, Wooyoung hugged Yeosang. This was normal.
They all hugged and cuddled all the time. But this time...Yeosang felt the tender hold his bestfriend had on him. As if silently telling to hold on for a little longer. And, it did felt good. It felt good to be hugged by the most warm and soft member of the group. Yeosang nuzzled his nose in his shoulder. Taking in his lavender scent, the sweet scent made his head spin in warmth of the moment.
"Yeo?" Wooyoung asked. Pulled back and stared at his bestfriend in question. Yeosang just hummed. Eyes closed and held Wooyoungs hands. He rubbed the youngers knuckles with his thumb.
"It's ok," he whispered. Wooyoung understood that it was meant for his friend. Not him. That it's Yeosang's way of reassuring himself as if it will solve everything.
"Let's go, Hongjoong can't wait any longer. We have a long practice," Wooyoung said. He pulled Yeosang up gently, as if afraid he would crumble in pieces.
The longer they danced, the more Yeosang got drained. But, he smiled everytime Hongjoong asked him to sit down. Never let the exhaustion get to him. He was mentally exhausted. So, so tired. He didn't notice he had zoned out until a hand rested on his shoulder. He flinched, stepped back and stared at Wooyoung's face that was etched with worry.
"Sit," he said. He didn't let Yeosang say no. Rather, sat with him on the floor. Rubbed his back as the older sipped from the water bottle.
"It's ok. Relax, we can go home if you want," he muttered. Close to Yeosang's ear for only Yeosang to hear. Yeosang nodded. Absentminded as he was pulled up by the arm and our the studio. Not even protesting when Wooyoung carried their bags.
"Lay down," Wooyoung said. He helped Yeosang out of his clothes, and pulled the blanket up to his chin. "Sleep, i will be here," he muttered.
Yeosang nodded. Eyes already closed and drifted off to a rather restless sleep. He ended up awake the whole time until the others came back. As he laced a bit more, he felt a hot compress on his stomach. Under his shirt.
"Will help the stomach pain," Seonghwa whispered. He kissed Yeosang's forehead and left the room. That left, Wooyoung and Yeosang alone again. So, to help Yeosang, Wooyoung got under the blanket too. Hugging his bestfriend and rest his head on his chest. Caressing the olders hair. İt's ok. He still couldn't say it outloud though. So he went along and rubbed his back. The feeling of the hot compress also seeping in his shirt and soothing his churning stomach. He couldn't let go of Yeosang just yet. Not when his beloved was in pain.
He would never do that.
Hiii. So i got inspiration from reading the whole night and didn't get any sleep BUT hope u like it
What do u think?
What do u want to see in the next chapters?
This will be a longish one so...
Anyway have a good day!
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