The sky through the glass covered sun roof in Namjoon's car had grown dark and glittered with thousands of little lights. Beautiful stars in the sky with the waning crescent moon hanging delicately up there like one of those umbrellas on a hook.
Namjoon was focused on the road, the car's monitors and screens giving his face a greenish blue glow. Jungkook was leaning up against the door in the back seat watching the cars pass by and the scenery around them. It was beautiful, wherever it was that Namjoon was taking them. The trees' branches hung over the road like arches, their orange and red leaves blowing softly in the wind, falling every now and then, floating down and landing in the grass alongside the road. There weren't any tall buildings or loud cars, only the occasional little house and cars passing by. The sky was so clear, undisturbed by the city pollution like Seoul, every little star shone brightly through the tree limbs. It was beautiful, truly beautiful.
"Where are you taking us, doll?" Yoongi asked, breaking the silence.
Namjoon's face flushed slightly, making the mint haired smile, "Mmm, you'll see."
"It's pretty," Jungkook mumbled, still focused on what was outside the car.
"It is." Yoongi said. "Where are we?"
"Just a few minutes north of Seoul."
The older hummed.
"Any time estimate?"
"A minute or so." Namjoon turned his left blinker on and slowly slid off the road onto a side road.
The trees thinned, revealing a stunning view of Seoul over the guard rails on the right side of the street. The road began to go up, leading onto a mountain, Bukhansan most likely. The car pulled into a parking lot after the road ended and Namjoon stopped the vehicle.
"Hiking?" Yoongi asked as Namjoon unbuckled.
"Mhm." Namjoon hummed as he climbed out of the car, Yoongi and Jungkook following shortly after, "There's this great spot that I found that I want to take you two to."
"Okay," Jungkook said quietly.
The salmon haired lead the trio into a patch of trees and onto a trail that was gently worn. The freshly fallen leaves crunched under their feet, the moon giving soft light filtering through what was left of the leaves on the trees. The path beneath them didn't seem all that used, almost like no one used it. Namjoon lifted a branch up out of the way of what seemed like the end of the trail, waving the two to go forward. Yoongi ducked to avoid the tree's limb and came out into a clear stretch of what seemed like a grassy cliff's edge. The cliff hung over Seoul, which glittered gorgeously below them and the night sky was glowing brilliantly above, every single star on display with the moon grinning next to them. It was beautiful.
"I found this place by pure luck a couple of visits ago and I knew right away that I wanted to take you two here." Namjoon said, joining his two boyfriends, taking a seat.
Jungkook took a seat to Namjoon's right and Yoongi found himself on the left. The brunette rested his head gently on the salmon haired's shoulder.
"It's so beautiful." Yoongi murmured.
Jungkook hummed in agreement.
"Just like you two, my loves."
The brunette giggled softly.
Yoongi smiled, "That's another 2500 points for you, Joonie."
"Yes!" Namjoon said, raising his fist in the air.
The trio laughed before settling into a comfortable silence, like in the car.
There seemed to be some kind of nostalgia running through the air. Everyone's minds were on past events, but in a good light. Jungkook had been more than up-beat after talking to his old childhood friend and Namjoon must have come to some epiphany as he seemed to be of free-er spirit. That was good for them. Those things that had been weighing them down were beginning to finally find themselves being less of a problem, like a weightlifter after finally being able to lift that hundred pound dumbbell. They were beginning to see that these issues, these fears, shouldn't control them, shouldn't put them into a place where they can no longer be themselves and do the things they wanted to. He was happy that they were finally seeing this. Happy that they could finally be free.
"I'm really glad that I met you two." Yoongi said, laying down and looking up at the stars.
Namjoon hummed softly in agreement.
"I'm very, very happy." Jungkook said, nuzzling into Namjoon a bit more, "Thank you, Hyungs, for everything."
"It's our pleasure, Kook, though, I should be thanking you two, too."
"So should I." Yoongi laughed, "Looks like we're all thanking each other tonight, huh?"
"I guess we are." Namjoon smiled and wrapped his arm around Jungkook before gently leaning back to look at the stars like the mint haired.
Yoongi took the salmon haired's hand in his, "You know what this reminds me of?"
"That night at the fair we had a while ago."
Namjoon hummed.
"That was the best night of my life." Jungkook said.
"You've said," Yoongi responded, "but you never told me why."
"Because," Jungkook started, "I got to be with you guys and.. and I-I think that was when I first realized that I was in love with you two." The brunette's face turned a soft pink color, "N-Not only that, but you guys saved me. I may have gotten hurt, but you saved me and I'm eternally grateful for that."
"Kookie, baby.." Yoongi reached across Namjoon to place his hand soothingly on the the younger, "We would've saved you any day."
"Of course we would. We love you so much." Namjoon added, gripping the boy tighter.
"My old friend, he knew what I went through as a kid and he said that everything will be alright and to trust that." The brunette fiddled with Yoongi's fingers, "I think with you two, I can do that."
Yoongi smiled softly at him.
Namjoon let out a breath, "I-I thought for a while that I would never be loved by anyone again. What happened in the past is still a fresh wound, but I'm learning that I can love and heal."
"I love you both so much." Yoongi said, smiling still.
Yoongi was glad the two of them had found a sense of closure with their problems. His had already come weeks ago. It had began with that little yellow watch in the jewelers shop, the one that was on his wrist, the one that Jungkook had bought for him. It didn't tick loudly, constantly droning in his ear non-stop. The numbers didn't swarm him. The sick feeling in the bottom of his stomach didn't appear. There was nothing. Nothing but a normal watch.
It had been weird at first. He didn't know what was going on. He was so used to that reaction that having nothing at all seemed just as bad. He tried to leave the watch at home, just to forget about it, but he couldn't. It always made Jungkook so happy to see him wearing it and his wrist felt so barren without it, even after one day, no, no more than a few hours with it on. There was something comforting about it, something different, something that Yoongi could in no way explain.
So he kept wearing it. He kept feeling his heart warm over Jungkook's little smile when he'd see that little yellow thing peeking out of his sleeve. He kept glancing down at it while he worked, completely unbothered. Everything seemed okay with it on.
In those few moments when he was without it, everything became how it used to be. That watch was his safety, just like Namjoon, who he had learned chipped in a bit of his own money for the watch, and Jungkook. They were there to protect him from all his fears and it hadn't taken him long to discover how much they helped him.
He no longer suffered from the constant tyranny of clocks, watches, even time itself. He was just as much a subject to it as anyone in the whole world, and they all seemed to be unafflicted, so why couldn't he? He knew now that of course people fear growing old, but they expect it, it's not something you can just put off nor fear for the rest of forever and he needed to accept that. You can't avoid it and he mustn't try. It was time to embrace his fear as part of growing up. It was far past time.
"I love you too, Yoonie." Jungkook said, holding tightly onto the older's hand.
"Love you, too, babe." Namjoon stretched an arm under the mint haired's head, "I love you, bun."
"Love you too, Joonie." The brunette hid his face into the salmon haired's side.
Yoongi laughed at the younger's reaction, "Hey, beautiful boy, why are you hiding? I want to see your gorgeous face."
Jungkook mumbled something inaudible and sunk further into Namjoon.
"C'mon, doll, let us see you." Namjoon shook the younger lightly.
Jungkook lifted his tomato red face up.
"Oh, bunny's blushing." The mint haired rested his hand on the brunette's cheek.
"That he is." Namjoon kissed the top of the younger's head, then turning to Yoongi and giving him one too. He pulled the two closer to him and held them tight, "I love you both so much. So much."
"We love you too, babe."
"We do."
Everything was great. They were all at peace underneath the shining stars. They were free of past burdens and happy, something they could only have dreamt of before. Jungkook was gaining the ability to feel free of his parent's grip on his life, beginning to forgive himself for what happened years ago. Namjoon was starting to love himself and realize that Baekhyun's actions were not because of him. Yoongi was no longer plagued by time and understood that his mother was simply doing what she had to do in life and that she would willingly do it all over again.
It was hard to believe how far they had come. Just a few months ago, they were all still hiding in the shadow of their fears, unable to overcome it and step out into the light. Perhaps it had been fate that three people who were stuck with no hope would find each other and find comfort within them. Find that peace and hope that the years and experiences had torn from them. Find love within each other.
They were together, they were happy, and most of all they were in love. A very, very happy ending, if you ask me.
Word Count: 1786
I've been putting this off all day.. I don't want this to end. I'm sorry if the ending sucks, there wasn't a way that I could do better without crying. My baby's all done. A year of work, 102,563 words written, 256 Google docs pages filled, and it's done.
I love you all so much, thank you for following me on this journey and I hope to see your name pop up on one of my other stories. (I do have a new book out that updates on Mondays hint hint)
Thank you all so very much for reading and I hope to see you really soon ❤️❤️
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