Jungkook swung his legs under his usual window seat as he waited for Yoongi to come back with his white chocolate hot chocolate. It had been a week or so since the incident in the bathroom went down. Things had been great ever since. Everything pretty much went back to normal, with the addition of constant "I love you"s and kisses on cheeks and tops of heads. He didn't think that when he said he wished he could tell the two about his home life, that it would result in them sitting on the bathroom floor crying together. He felt horrible about the way things went down, that being Namjoon having a panic attack on the bathroom floor, but he wouldn't have had it any other way. He got to call the two people who mattered most in his life his.
Winter was finally beginning to roll in, meaning Jungkook's favorite specialty hot chocolates were back on the cafe menu, though Namjoon said he would make them for him whenever he wanted, and the entire place had a warm cinnamon-y scent from all the winter candles on the tables. It was getting cold enough that the brunette could cycle out his old jacket and bring in the thicker one. That beautiful thick coat. It was like a dream whenever it got cold enough that he could wear that gorgeous thing. It was a black coat made with a waterproof, insulating material that could commonly be found in those coats at Eddie Bauer and it was lined around the hood with faux fur. Jungkook could feel himself beginning to drool at the thought of pulling it out of Yoongi's guest room closet and sliding it onto his shoulders. He could already feel the velvety material against his skin.
"Hey, stop daydreaming and greet your boyfriend." Yoongi said as he flicked Jungkook's forehead, causing him to jolt back to reality.
"Ow," He muttered as he rubbed where he got flicked, "Hey, Yoonie hyung." Jungkook cringed slightly, he was told to stop with the formalities, however, it had become a habit.
"Hey, Kookie." The mint haired set a mug down onto the table, "Here's your white hot chocolate." Yoongi crossed his arms, "Do you mind waiting until I get off? It'll be like an hour maybe."
"Yeah, of course, but only if I get another one of these when I'm done with this one." Jungkook smiled at Yoongi as he took a sip of his hot chocolate.
"Alright, I'll bring you another one later."
"I'll see you later." Yoongi kissed Jungkook's cheek before walking back towards the kitchen.
"See you."
Jungkook took a sip of hot chocolate and waved at Namjoon who had stepped out of the bathroom and was on his way back to his office. He waved back and smiled while closing the office door after looking towards the café door whose bell had jingled just seconds before.
The brunette sighed and wrapped his hands around the little paper cup. Things were good. Things were good and nothing could change tha- Taehyung?
Jungkook's eyes widened. That couldn't be. No, no way. Why would Taehyung be a mail man? He was always so smart, he would've been able to find a better job that suited him so much more. He always got so stressed if he even got a B on a test, so why would he become a mail man?
His doubts were weakened as the mail man handed over a package to Seokjin, whom had stepped out of his office to retrieve said item, and gave him one of his signature boxy grins.
Jungkook hadn't seen Taehyung since the day before he dropped out of high school. The older male had hated him then. He most likely still did. He lied to him. Well, technically he did. He lied about lying, as silly as that sounds. It was moments like these where his mind was pushed back to thinking about things like that that he realized none of this could've happened. If he had been honest with the police, things would've wound up differently. He would've been taken from his parents and put in a safer environment. He would've been with Taehyung. He wouldn't be working three jobs, though he was considering quitting and finding someplace more suitable to him. He would've taken less time to recover and not so stuck in a hole he couldn't seem to climb out of.
Of course, all of what had happened did happen, and though it had hurt him so much, Jungkook was happy that it did. Without it, he wouldn't have found this café. Found things that mattered to him. Found the realization that your circumstances happen for a reason. Found his hyungs whom he loved so dearly. He had a lot to thank Taehyung for. Without him being there for the younger for as long as he did, the brunette would've given up sooner and lost himself. Taehyung saved him from ages ten to sixteen and gave him a guiding hand. However today would not be the day for an exchange of gratefulness, not unless he had to.
Jungkook pulled his hood up and looked down at the plastic lid on his hot chocolate cup. He couldn't have Taehyung notice him, but he couldn't help looking over at the older male. His hair was a milk chocolate brown with the tips dyed a soft green. His facial features hadn't changed much since high school, they were still soft and kind, much like his personality, which Jungkook knew the years wouldn't have changed. His voice was still as deep as ever and he still had that habit of picking at his pockets when he talked. He was still the Taehyung that Jungkook grew up with, meaning he was for sure going to hate him. The brunette didn't want that, he never had, but he didn't know how to repair the damage that had been done.
Seokjin, shit, Seokjin stop looking in this direction. Damnit, don't wave, what are you thinking? Jungkook sighed as he waved back, but lowered his head to the table. Unfortunately, Taehyung had already seen him and was on his way.
"Jungkook?" That deep voice asked making Jungkook lower his head just a bit more. He could hear the chair across from him being pulled out, "I know it's you."
Jungkook looked up at him.
"What happened to you?"
He had to be saying that in reference to the bruises and very visible nose splint. Jungkook shrugged in response to the question.
Taehyung wasn't smiling anymore. His lips were positioned in a straight line across his face. It made him more uneasy to be sitting there in the older's gaze which seemed to be staring straight through him.
"I'm sorry." The older said, resting his hands on the table.
Jungkook looked up at him, wide eyes and surprised.
"I think we left each other on the wrong foot." Taehyung added, "I was in my teens and I think I responded in the wrong way. It was- It was just so sudden. I didn't know what to say nor did I have any time to think. You couldn't have been lying, could you?"
Jungkook looked down at the table, biting his lip.
"Please." The tone of the older's voice made the brunette look up. Taehyung's eyes were filled with concern and longing to know what happened, "I know that those bruises weren't make up. Six years of cleaning you up, I know that those weren't make up. So why the hell did you say that they were make up?"
"I-I'm sorry, hyung." Jungkook said in a quiet tone, "I'm sorry that I lied to you and the police officers."
"Why? Why did you lie?"
"I was scared. I was scared that I'd get taken away from you and I deserved what I got at home. I deserve this stupid thing," His fingers messed with the splint on his nose, "I didn't want the police involved. I'm sorry, hyung."
"Jungkook.." Taehyung reached across the table and took one of the boy's hands, "I don't like being lied to, especially then. I'd been lied to so much that I automatically thought that you were using me. I didn't think that much farther into it, I didn't think that you'd be scared, that I'd forced all of this onto you when you said you didn't want the police involved." Taehyung looked down at their hands, "I really cared about you and I didn't want you being there any longer than you had to be. I'm sorry for leaving you alone when you needed me. I've never stopped regretting that."
"D-Don't be sorry, hyung. You gave me the strength to keep going, whether you were there or not." The brunette squeezed the older's hand tightly.
Taehyung smiled, letting a soft, warm silence fill the air before clearing his throat, "Sorry, um, how have you been?"
"I've been doing okay." He coughed lightly, trying to clear the fog in his eyes and lighten the topic like Taehyung was trying to do. "I've finally gotten away from parents, I've made some good friends," Jungkook looked over at Namjoon's office door where he had seen Yoongi slip away to a few minutes prior, "and, yeah, pretty good, I guess. How have you been?"
"I've been good. Work's been pretty tight, but that's good, I need something to keep me busy. Haven't had much time for anything else, but I do try and make time for friends. Just been overall busy, but I'm good."
Jungkook smiled, "So, a mailman, huh?"
"Yeah," Taehyung laughed, "I thought it'd be a good idea. You know, me being talkative and such. You wouldn't believe how much these local shop owners have to say when they're given the opportunity to. It pays pretty well too, so that's a plus."
"I bet. How's Sunmi?"
"Eomma? She's doing great. Keeping herself busy. She's picked up bridge of all things, bridge! Can you believe it? Of all the hobbies, she picks one of the boring ones." Taehyung let out a deep laugh, "She's still in the old house. You should stop by sometime, I know she'd love that. She's never stopped missing you."
"I'll have to do that. I've missed her a lot too."
"I feel like I've only talked about myself," Taehyung smiled, "Are you seeing anyone these days?"
Jungkook felt his face flush and Taehyung started laughing.
"Now you've gotta tell me, who's the lucky person?"
"U-Um, they're my two best friends and um, yeah.." Jungkook said, looking down at the table.
Taehyung 'ooh'ed, "Alright, tell me more. How'd you three meet?"
"H-Here, at the café. They're r-really nice and I like them a lot." Jungkook covered his face with his hands, "W-What about you, hyungie?"
"Well, I've been seeing someone on my route that's sparking my interest, so I might see if he wants to have dinner or something along those lines." Taehyung said, peering back towards the kitchen area of the café.
"Exactly." Taehyung smiled, returning his gaze to Jungkook.
Taehyung looked down at his watch, "Well, I think it's about time for me to be heading back to the route. Thank you for giving me this chance, Kookie. I'd love to stay connected if you wouldn't mind."
"Not at all." Jungkook said as he pulled out his phone and handed it over to the older male who inputted his number into the device.
The green tipped male stood up from his seat, "Thanks. I'll see you again at some point, yeah?"
Jungkook nodded.
Taehyung placed his hands on the table and leaned closer to the younger, "Please remember that none of what happened was your fault, okay? That you don't deserve any of this. I know Wonwoo wouldn't have wanted you to punish yourself or for your parents to do what they've done. Please, remember that for me and try not to blame yourself, please. Everything will be alright." Taehyung straightened up and began to walk away.
"Taehyung!" Jungkook called out after the male, making him turn around slightly, "Thank you for everything that you've done for me."
The older male smiled and turned back to the door before leaving the café and getting back into the small mail van. Jungkook watched the little truck type vehicle pull out of the parking lot through the window and sighed before smiling contentedly. None of this was his fault. None of this was his fault. None of this was his fault. He repeated those simple five words in his head, trying to let it sink in.
It had seemed so hard to believe back then, after all, he had been surrounded by negative people and the idea of that always left his head the second he stepped foot back in his childhood home, but now that he was here, with two loving, caring people who never wanted anything but good for him, who never accused him of anything or hurt him, he could feel those words now holding a greater effect. Of course, they didn't deplete all of his doubts, but he, for once, upon hearing them, flipped a switch in the back of his brain and there, the seed of that thought began to grow and slowly replace the old crop that had taken over the fields, much like kudzu. He knew that with his two boyfriends as his farmers, the crop would be flowering and spreading much faster than it would've on its own. It might take time, but it would.
"Hey, sorry that took so long, bun." Yoongi said as he sat down at the table and handed Jungkook another white hot chocolate, "As promised."
"Thanks, hyung." The brunette smiled and took a sip of the fresh hot beverage.
"No problem, Kookie." The mint haired glanced over at the office door, "Namjoon said he'll be here soon. Said something about wanting to take us somewhere." He turned his head back toward the brunette, "Was it boring out here by yourself?"
Jungkook smiled, "Nope. It was just fine. An old friend came over and sat with me, actually."
"Really? I didn't know you had any other friends besides Namjoon and I."
"Hyung." Jungkook said, drawing out the 'Hyu', "That's mean."
Yoongi laughed, "Sorry. I bet it was fun reminiscing."
Jungkook hummed, "It had been a while. I got his number." The brunette flashed a smile as he waved his phone in the air.
Yoongi smiled softly, "You seem happier than earlier."
"Made amends."
"Ah," Yoongi hummed, "That makes you feel lighter, doesn't it?"
Jungkook nodded.
"I'm really proud of you, love, that couldn't have been easy."
"Thanks, hyung."
"You know you can drop the formalities now that we're dating, right? I've been trying to tell you to drop them since ages ago."
"Okay, Yoonie." The younger smiled at the older and he returned it.
"Alright, babes, I've got some stuff planned, so we kind of need to go now to make things work." Namjoon said as he rushed over to the table, planting a kiss onto the tops of both of his boyfriends' heads.
"Where are we going?" Yoongi asked as he stood up and pushed in his chair.
"On a date." The salmon haired grinned.
"Should I be scared?" Jungkook asked, zipping his jacket up.
"Nope, it'll be fun, I promise." Namjoon said as he held the door open, "C'mon, we have to go! Get in my car, I'll drive."
And with that, the door to the café closed.
Word Count: 2601
Hello! I will be posting the first chapter of Control later tonight!
I am in week two of quarantine and have written zero words. I need more motivation. Like, need need.
Speaking of which, stay safe! Wash your hands! Maintain social distance! Please stay safe and healthy! I don't want any one of you sick. If I hear you've gotten sick, I will nag you >:(
Thank you all for reading and I'll see you next week!
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