-This is such an awkward chapter, I'm so sorry-
"This seems to be going well." Yoongi said as he leaned back a bit into the couch.
"It started out a bit awkward." Jungkook said, looking up towards the stairs Namjoon went up.
"It'll be like that. How long has it been since we've sat down like this? A week? Week and a half?"
"There about. I guess you're right."
"You guess? I'm always right."
"You weren't right when it came to the age on that cheese."
"Listen, okay, it looked okay and it smelled okay."
"It did not sit in my stomach okay."
"I'm sorry, alright?"
Jungkook huffed slightly.
"I'll check the date whenever I offer you cheese from now on."
Jungkook smiled lightly, "Thank you, hyung."
Yoongi smiled, "Yeah, yeah."
"I don't know if I'll be able to trust you though."
"Of course."
Jungkook looked over towards the stairs, "He's been gone a while."
Yoongi looked down at his watch, "Ten minutes, thereabout... Don't worry though! I'm sure he's okay."
"Should we.. Should we check on him? Just to see if he's okay?"
The look of straight concern and worry on Jungkook's face showed that he wouldn't be coaxed by phrases such as "he'll be okay" or "don't worry", so the male sighed and said, "If it'll make you feel better." Yoongi stood up and added, "But I'm sure he's okay though."
"I think so too." Jungkook said, somewhat unconvincingly as he headed towards the stairs followed by Yoongi.
Jungkook walked up to the door and held his hand out to knock on the door, but hesitated, his hand hovering in front of the door.
"What's wrong?"
Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows, "I think- I think he's crying."
"What? Really?" Yoongi whispered.
Jungkook nodded and gestured for him to step forward.
Yoongi got closer and as said, he could hear sniffling from the bathroom. His heart broke as he heard Namjoon's soft cries through the door. What was making him cry like that? Who? Who could do something like that to an angel such as him?
"We have to comfort him. I can't stand hearing him like this."
"Neither can I." Jungkook whispered back.
Jungkook knocked on the door, "Hyung."
"Namjoon? Are you okay?"
There was a shuffling noise and more sniffling but no response.
"Hyung, please, are you okay?"
Yoongi bit his lip, "Can we come in, Namjoon?" Yoongi waited to hear something, anything really, but nothing came, so he placed his hand on the doorknob, "We're going to come in, okay?"
Jungkook gave him a worried look before whispering, "Are you sure we should be doing this?"
Yoongi nodded, "What if he's hurt in there? We can't just let him keep crying alone."
"Okay. Let's go in."
Yoongi turned the door handle and opened the bathroom door. Backed against the far wall of the bathroom with his head in his knees was a puffy, red faced Namjoon.
"Hyung..." Yoongi could hear Jungkook say behind him.
The younger pushed his way forward and sat down next to the salmon haired and rested his hand on the older male's arm. It seemed to startle him as he raised his head with widened eyes at the sudden touch.
"I-I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Namjoon said, his voice a bit weak.
"Why are you sorry?" Yoongi asked as he sat down on the bathroom floor.
"For c-crying when I should be down there for you. I look so disgusting, I'm sorry."
"Stop apologizing. You have nothing to apologize for." Jungkook said, rubbing his hand against the salmon haired's arm.
Namjoon sniffled and looked down at his knees.
Yoongi reached out and wiped away one of the tears that had just fallen from the younger's eye, "Why are you crying, Namjoon? What's wrong?"
Namjoon shook his head lightly.
"Please, tell us what's wrong. We want to help you."
"Hyung, we don't like it when you cry."
Namjoon shook his head, "I-I'll just be a burden."
"No. No, you could never be a burden, what's wrong?"
The salmon haired sniffled, "I-I.." He paused, most likely questioning if he should really say whatever it was that he wanted to. Yoongi placed his hand on the younger male's shoulder in an attempt to calm him down. Namjoon looked up at him and then back at the tile floor in front of him before continuing, "I th-think I might be in love and it scares me really-ly bad."
Yoongi rubbed little circles into the male's shoulder, "Why does it scare you?"
"I've had b-bad experiences with it in the past. I don't want a repeat of that. I don't want to be stu-stuck giving them half of what they deserve, because they deserve so much more."
"Namjoon-ah, I'm sure you'll be enough, way more than enough. You are one of the best people I have ever met."
"I agree with Yoongi Hyung, Hyung. You don't give yourself enough credit."
"Than why did he leave me for someone else? What was I doing wrong? If I'm so amazing, why did he run off without a word with some "friend" while he was probably drunk?" Namjoon sounded angry
Yoongi bit his lip, "Namjoon, that was someone who didn't know perfection when they saw it. They.. They were off chasing some fictional idea of it, while they had it right in front of them and if they think that cheating on someone is perfect, they're the one that is doing something wrong in life." Yoongi smiled softly at the younger, "You are perfect, Namjoon. You could never disappoint anyone, not us, not Seokjin, hell, not even your neighbor next door who likes to put pigeon statues in weird places."
Jungkook hugged onto the salmon haired's arm and finished Yoongi's thought perfectly, "You're perfect just the way you are, Hyung."
Namjoon sniffled, "Th-Thank you." He paused for a moment, "I met him in high school. He seemed so nice and he was a good friend and he asked me out so I said yes. We moved here together, he got a good job and we were able to afford this place." Namjoon eyed the bathroom walls, "H-He went out one night, to a bar, with some work colleagues and just didn't stop going out to them after. Then his old cheating buddy came back and I just lost him. He wasn't my Baekhyun anymore, he was someone entirely different. I didn't know him anymore. I didn't even know that he was going to leave when he did and I used to be able to tell when he was about to do something of that nature." Namjoon returned his focus back to his friends, "I returned home from school one day to find the apartment completely emptied of anything that belonged to him. Everything was just gone. No note, no text, no call. Nothing. He had left me and I haven't seen him since." His eyes wandered, everywhere but on the two in the bathroom with him, "Maybe it's better that way. If he had stayed, I wouldn't have met you two. I wouldn't have fallen in love with people as caring and great as you two." Namjoon's eyes widened as he realized what he had said and covered his mouth with his hand before looking down towards his knees.
"You're.. You're in love with us?" Jungkook asked, looking over at Yoongi who returned his gaze.
"I-I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Please don't leave me, I'm sorry." Namjoon said, beginning to cry once again.
"We aren't going to leave you, Namjoon, please calm down." Yoongi said.
"Please calm down, it's alright." Jungkook said, rubbing Namjoon's arm gently.
"I'm sorry. Nevermind what I said, it isn't-"
"I love.. I love you too. I love both of you too." Jungkook said, blushing slightly as he looked away from the other males.
"So do I. Very much actually." Yoongi said smiling at the other two.
"Y-You do?"
"Of course we do, Joon."
Jungkook hummed.
"But why? You deserve so much better. You're the best people I have ever met, I can't ever measure up to you. I-I can't be what you want, no less deserve."
"Hyung, you're perfect just the way you are. We love you, not some standard." Yoongi nodded to the brunette's statement.
"Why would you love a messed up person like me?"
"Namjoon, I've been scared of clocks since I was ten. Can't stand the things. Whenever I see a clock, things get all weird. Flying numbers and loud ticking weird. My Dad left my Mom and I for his secretary who was, mind you, younger than him and never came back, no less called. My Mom was hardly ever home and was constantly tired. I have never been normal, no less, less messed up."
"I-I.. I, um, I.." Jungkook started, hugging tighter on Namjoon's arm, "I.. I killed my brother when I was younger. W-Well, he died because of me. We were playing tag and I ran out in the road and there was a car. He got hit instead of me. My parents never got over losing him. Neither did I. They always held it against me and hit me for it. I-I still feel like they're going to hit me if I even say something too loud." Jungkook looked teary eyed up at Namjoon, "I think we're all a little messed up."
Namjoon took Jungkook's right hand in his, Yoongi following and taking the left one. Namjoon looked over at him and held his remaining hand out, which the mint haired took.
"I love you guys so much." Namjoon said.
"We love you too."
Word Count: 1625
Ahaha. I've never had to confess my love nor my life's problems and backstories to anyone before so personally, this is really awkward to me.
A Saturday update again, hope you all don't mind.
Thoughts on Itzy's comeback?
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